LOGAN: LITERATURE AND LAWS OF LEARNING Quad-L Database July 2003 IJRAR.Waag,W.L. et al - - - - '71. Sucrose concen and approach - - - PSc24: 26 IBRARTcap_Trng w/H2O or sucrose--shock in GB--approach re sucrose>H2O Waa,WL'71e AARD Wada,H. et al - - - - - '88 Toluene on avoid/time-estimation - PAb 7012 ZMxCx.Wada,T. - - - - - - - - '22. Hunger--Its relation to acty - - - Arc57: 5 ZZxCxHMXe_Sensation of hunger correl w/periodic stomach contractions Wad,T.'22- ZZxCxHMXe_Contractions correl w/incr salivatn, bodily mvmt, dreaming Wad,T.'22- ZZxCxHMXe_Contractions correl w/incr strength of grip, I.Q. scores Wad,T.'22- ZZxCxHMXe_Concl: W/animals/humans, hunger-->whole-body tension-->acty Wad,T.'22- SAr+L.Waddell,D. et al - - - '55. Place/response lrng in young - - - JCP48:375 SPr+L-boa_Place lrng > R lrng w/young O and extramaze cues - - - - - Wad,D.'55e OKR Waddell,T.R. et al - - - '72. Sched interactions in 2nd-order FI L&M 3: 91 RRMNP.Wade,M. - - - - - - - - '47 Sedatives on delay-R w/prefrontal NPh10: 57 RLMNPOtDH_Perf delayed-R w/Nembutal after bilat frontal lobectomy - - Wad,M.'47- EMR Wade,S.E.SFMaier - - - - '86. Housing/stressor on acq - - - - - L&M17:287 CSRTH.Wagener,J.W. - - - - - - '70. Thermal CS - - - - - - - - - - - - JCP72:366 CERTH-byc_Infrared incr in nose temp not effective S for classcond - Wag,JW'70- CE byc_Above heat S was nonaversive, but lite/tone were effective Wag,JW'70- OKR Wagman, William - - - - '63 NaCl dep and reinf - - - - - - - - PhD Clmba OMR Wagman,W. - - - - - - - '63 Sodium chloride dep/reinf - - - - Sc 40:403 IkRT Wagman,W.Allen - - - - - '64. Cond pos reinf based on shock term PSc 1:363 OSRRC Wagman,W.Scheuer - - - - '64. Lapping beh as-f reinf sched - - - PSc 1:221 ----- ----- IKRAR.Wagner, Allan R. - - - - '59 Acq/extn as-f Amt/%(reinf)(Spence) PhD UIowa IMRAR.Wagner,A.R. - - - - - - '59. Reinf/nonreinf in frustration - - JEx57:130 IDRARHomf_FE devel gradual w/init PRF trng, sudden w/shift CRF-->PRF Wag.AR'59- IKRAR.Wagner,A.R. - - - - - - '61. Amt/percent(reinf) on cond/extn - JEx62:234 IERARHafa_Speed(IR) w/PRF > CRF near start, PRF < CRF near goal - - - Wag,AR'61- IE afa_Attrib above decr in Speed(IR) near goal to antic frustratn Wag,AR'61- IbRARHbki_R/Extn after CRF w/largesmall after PRF Wag,AR'61- IMRDR.Wagner,A.R. - - - - - - '63. Sodium amytal and PRF - - - - - - JEx65:474 IERDRHafa_Speed(IR) w/PRF < CRF w/daily ip sodium amytal - - - - - - Wag,AR'63- FMR J Wagner,A.R. - - - - - - '63. Cond frustration as lrnd drive - - JEx66:142 IMR Wagner,A.R. - - - - - - '63 Overtrng and frustration - - - - - PRp13:717 IZXXE.Wagner,A.R. - - - - - - '66. Frustration and punishment (Haber) Holt-R-W IDXXEXomf_Sim effects pain/nonreinf favor sim th (eg fear/frustratn) Wag,AR'66- IMR Wagner,A.R. - - - - - - '69. Frustrative nonreward (Campbell) - A-C-C CD Wagner,A.R. - - - - - - '69. Incidental S and discrim (Gilbert) Academic CAXXX.Wagner,A.R. - - - - - - '69. Modified continuity theory - - - - PLM 3: 1 CEXXX-bsz_Modified Continuity Theory - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wag,AR'69- CE bsz_Th: No incr/decr in assn if S-complex signal reinf/nonreinf Wag,AR'69- CEBxBSbsa_Hi P(CR) to CRF S1 compounded w/PRF S2 compounded w/CRF S3 Wag,AR'69- CSR1e.Wagner,A.R. - - - - - - '69. S validity/selection (Mackintosh) Dalhousie CER1e-bsa_CER to S2-alone after Pair(S1S2,US) =w/w/out Mix w/US-alone Wag,AR'69- CE bsz_Change in S1 signal value w/reinf of S1S2 is-f S1S2 value Wag,AR'69- CE bsz_Hard to explain S-selection in classcond w/attn as reinf R Wag,AR'69- CAXXX.Wagner,A.R. - - - - - - '71. Elementary assns (Kendler) - - - - A-C-C CAXXX-azA_"Saturation" anal: Min/max values of assoc value S can acq Wag,AR'71- CA azA_"Variable-reinf" anal: Reinf value of US is-f(if-signalled) Wag,AR'71- CA azA_Unbounded assn value anal implies blocking/supernormal cond Wag,AR'71- CA azA_May also imply incr-w/nonreinf and decr-w/reinf in compound Wag,AR'71- CSBxB.Wagner,A.R. - - - - - - '76 Priming in STM (Tighe) - - - - - - LEA CEBxB-bCp_CS-US assn in LTM is-f(Amt(CS-US rehearsal in STM)) - - - - Wag,AR'76- CE bCp_Greater STM rehearsal of surprising vs expected US Wag,AR'76- CE bCp_After diff-cond, greater cond to Sx w/Pair(Sx/S-,US) vs S+ Wag,AR'76- CeBxB-bAd_After diff-cond/cond Sx, greater extn re Sx w/(Sx/S+,no-US) Wag,AR'76- CSXXX.Wagner,A.R. - - - - - - '78 Expectancy/priming in STM (Hulse) LEA CGXXX-baz_Active elements from LTM define limited-capacity STM - - - Wag,AR'78- CG baz_Element active if self-generated by S or retrieval-by-assoc Wag,AR'78- CG baz_Concur rehearsal of elements in STM incr P(assoc-formation) Wag,AR'78- CG baz_P(rehearsal) less if element already active in STM (primed) Wag,AR'78- ZZXXXXmZH_STM=Active LTM elements; P(assn) is-f(rehearsal in STM) - - Wag,AR'78- CSXXX.Wagner,A.R. - - - - - - '79 Habituation/memory (Dickinson) - - LEA CGXXX-baz_Reviews role of habituation/priming on classcond - - - - - Wag,AR'79- CG baz_Evidence for transient self-generated priming/depressn proc Wag,AR'79- CZAXX.Wagner,A.R. - - - - - - '81 SOP: Automatic Memory Proc (Spear) LEA ZZAXX-cXT_SOP Theory (Standard Operating Procedures in Memory) - - - Wag,AR'81- ZZ cXT_Memory viewed as sets of S nodes interconnected via assn - Wag,AR'81- ZZ cXT_S-nodes have elements; origin of S-nodes unspecified Wag,AR'81- ZZ cXT_Elements in inactive-I, primary-A1 or sec-S2 active state Wag,AR'81- ZZ cXT_Activate I elements to A1 by S-event, decay to A2 then to I Wag,AR'81- ZZ cXT_Proportion of elements activated incr-f(S-inten) Wag,AR'81- ZZ cXT_Decay actually displacement due to limited A1/A2 capacity Wag,AR'81- ZZ cXT_R = weighted-f(proportion of elements in A1/A2) from all S Wag,AR'81- ZZ cXT_(Note: Elements in A2 may lead to same/diff R as A1) Wag,AR'81- ZZ cXT_Activate I elements to A2 (not to A1) by assoc S event Wag,AR'81- ZZ cXT_Assoc lrng (excit) is-f proportion of S1/S2 elements in A1 Wag,AR'81- ZZ cXT_Assoc lrng (inhib) is-f propor S1 elements in A1, S2 in A2 Wag,AR'81- ZZ cXT_Net effect is excit-inhib integrated over trial, path indep Wag,AR'81- ZZ cXT_Implies cond decr-incr in UR to US as-f(USI/R-meas) Wag,AR'81- ZZ cXT_Implies max cond w/simult Pair(S,US), inhib>excit w/backwrd Wag,AR'81- ZZ cXT_Above for 1-tr w/punctate S; max w/intermed pos ISI w/delay Wag,AR'81- ZZ cXT_Implies neg-accel acq/extn curves of S-US assoc strength Wag,AR'81- CD Wagner,A.R.Larew - - - - '85. Opponent proc and inhib (Miller) - LEA SLHVC.Wagner,A.R.FALogan - - - '63. Choice beh and distrib of reinf - AmJ76:480 SbHVCOaps_W/5 Rs, decr in P(R) w/decr P(Reinf) is-f distrib reinf - - Wag,AR'63+ Sb aps_Eg decr less if reinf distrib among other Rs vs concen on 1 Wag,AR'63+ DE Wagner,A.R.NEMiller - - '62 Choice beh and extn - - - - - - - PRc12:105 FS Wagner,A.R.Pfautz - - - '78. Bowed serial-position in habituatn ALB 6:395 CI Wagner,A.R.Rescorla - - '72. Inhib in cond (Boakes) - - - - - - Academic CABxB.Wagner,A.R.Terry - - - - '75. Backward cond to surprising US - - ALB 3:370 CABxB-aiB_Some backward cond if precede US w/diff-cond S- - - - - - - Wag,AR'75+ ILRAR Wagner,A.R.Thomas - - - '66. Savings in reward mag shifts - - - PSc 4: 13 CEDAS.Wagner,A.R. et al - - - '64. Reinf history and extn - - - - - - JCP58:354 CcDAS-bpb_PREE over trials w/in session, but not between sessions - - Wag,AR'64e CaDAS-blu_R/Extn incr-f(USI) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wag,AR'64e IM Wagner,A.R. et al - - - '66. Yeast ribonecleic acid on lrng - - PSc 4: 33 AA Wagner,A.R. et al - - - '66 Transfer--brain extract (Carlton) Rutger CERVE.Wagner,A.R. et al - - - '67. Extn of cond fear - - - - - - - - JCP63:160 CcRVE-bpb_No PREE of cond fear as measured by startle R - - - - - - - Wag,AR'67e Cc bpb_PREE of CER only when fear cond is in operant sit Wag,AR'67e CRDNO.Wagner,A.R. et al - - - '67. Cond w/elec stim of motor cortex - JCP64:191 CBD -aqr_Evidence that CR is preparatory to noxious ESB US - - - - - Wag,AR'67e CSxxx.Wagner,A.R. et al - - - '68. S selection in discrim lrng - - - JEx76:171 CExxx-bsa_Lo P(CR) to PRF S compounded w/CRF S - - - - - - - - - - - Wag,AR'68e CABxB.Wagner,A.R. et al - - - '73. Rehearsal in animal cond - - - - - JEx97:407 CABxB-axa_Effect of Pair(S,US) decr by post-trial exper, decr-f(time) Wag,AR'73e CA axa_Above effect if exper is a changed Pair(S2,US2)/(S2,no-US) Wag,AR'73e ----- ----- AA Wagner, Mervyn K. - - - '60 Restrict UR on lrng - - - - - - - PhD LSU ----- ----- AAD F Wahlsten, Douglas L. - - '69 Compare classical/avoid trng - - - PhD UCIrv 1ADAF Wahlsten,D.L. - - - - - '72. Class/avcond trng (Black) - - - - A-C-C 1XD F Wahlsten,D.L.Cole - - - '72. Classcond/avcond (Black) - - - - - A-C-C AAR Wahlsten,D.Sharp - - - - '69. Handling during ITI on shuttle av JCP67:252 IkR Wahlsten,D. et al - - - '67. S assoc w/escape from shock - - - PSc 8:283 AAR B Wahlsten,D. et al - - - '68. Handling during ITI on bar avoid - JCP65:170 ----- ----- FAREC.Wahlstrom,G. - - - - - - '88 Ethanol exposure on vol drinking - PAb 32176 FQREC-gx3_ALC exposure (iv or choice) incr ALC intake - - - - - - - - Wah,G.'88- CUDAS.Waistler,H.E.Ost - - - - '65. Salivary classcond - - - - - - - - JCP60:256 CEDAS-alu_UR incr-f(USI), CR incr-decr-f(USI) w/acid concentration US Wai,HE'65+ ODh Waite,W.W.Osborne - - - '72. Sustained beh contrast in child - EAB18:113 FASEA.Wakeley,H.G.O'Sullivan - '69 Drug effects on explor beh - - - - PSc16: 27 FLSEA-te2_d-AMPH decr explor acty - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wak,HG'69+ FAPCO.Wakita,M. et al - - - - '94 Hoarding beh w/restricted food - - BPr31:167 FBPCOHaaI_1 O acq hoarding in closed econ w/limited time to earn food Wak,M.'94e CA Walasek,G.Zielinski - - '87 Cond enhancement/suppression - - - ANE47: 1 OSPVP Wald,B.A.Dukich - - - - '78. ObR as-f redundant S and time - - ALB 6:380 DSMVC Walden, Elizabeth L. - - '84 Seriation of length jdgmt (Thomas) PhD U Ga OGH Walder, Leopold O. - - - '54 Incidental cue on S/Genz - - - - - PhD UIowa OGH Walder,L.O. - - - - - - '61. Incidental cue on S/Genz - - - - - JEx61:178 ----- ----- DLH Walk, Richard D. - - - - '51 Concept form in discrim (Solomon) PhD Harvd DLHVL.Walk,R.D. - - - - - - - '52. Discrim reversal on lrng - - - - - JEx44:410 DBHVL-anc_Acq discrim decr by small amt pretrng w/reversed cues - - - Wal,RD'52- SSRTP.Walk,R.D. - - - - - - - '60. S change w/dark/lite-reared rats - JCP53:609 SPRTPObos_After visual expose W/B arms, pref changed arm w/W/W or B/B Wal,RD'60- SP bos_Note: Above pref re S-change w/both lite/dark-rearing Wal,RD'60- DSh Walk,R.D.Saltz - - - - - '65. Varying N/pos/neg S - - - - - - - PSc 2: 95 DVRVL.Walk,R.D.Walters - - - - '73. Visual dep on depth discrm - - - - JCP85:559 DNRVL nCd_Decr in depth discrim lrng w/dark-rearing, w/recovery - - - Wal,RD'73+ DpR Walk,R.D. et al - - - - '58. Prolonged exposure to single S - - JCP51:483 DpR Walk,R.D. et al - - - - '59. Prolonged exposure to cutouts - - JCP52:519 ----- ----- IS Walkenbach, John - - - - '79 Interaction in S-control - - - - - PhD UMont IARAR.Walkenbach,J. et al - - '78. N-length shift and contrast - - - BPS11: 83 IbRARHapa No contrast effect w/shift in N-length during PRF trng - - Wal,J.'78e IARAR.Walker,B.E.ELWalker - - '64 Lrng/extn/relrng w/segmented alley PRc14:507 IPRARUbtz_No goal gradient w/1-min delay in each of 6 alleyi segments Wal,BE'64+ IP btz_Attrib goal gradient to manner of handling in/out of alley Wal,BE'64+ OCPxx.Walker,D. - - - - - - - '73 Transfer of CER - - - - - - - - - PhD KanS OpPxx-apa_Pair(key-S,shock) w/OpR base facil diff-opcond w/tone/noise Wal,D.'73- OAP Walker,D.J.Branch - - - '96. Signaled delays & efcts of cocaine EAB65:375 OAP Walker,D.J.Branch - - - '98. Trng hist & stim generalization - EAB70:139 FRTEO.Walker,D.L.Gregory - - - '85 Alcohol on aggressive beh - - - - PRp56:275 FLTEO-te1_ALC to dominant O decr fighting; no effect on submissive - Wal.DL'85+ FPTEO-wER_ALC to dominant O decr fighting; no effect on submissive - Wal,DL'85+ AAO Walker,D.R. - - - - - - '66. Memory transfer in planarians - - PSc 5:357 AAO Walker,D.R.Milton - - - '66. Memory transfer vs sensitization - PSc 5:293 AAREJ.Walker,D.W.Freund - - - '71 Avcond after prolonged alcohol - - PhB 7:773 ANREJ-to1_Impaired acq of shuttle ARi 2-wk after 6-mo forced ALC - - Wal,DW'71+ AAREJ.Walker,D.W.Hunter - - - '74 Prolonged alcohol consumption - - PBB 2: 63 ANREJ-to2_No effect retention shuttle ARi of post-trng chronic ALC - Wal,DW'74+ SRREP.Walker,D.W.Hunter - - - '80 STM impairment w/chronic ALC - - - PAb 9309 SOREP-to1_2-mo after 5-mo chronic forced ALC, decr in altern perf - - Wal,DW'80+ FASEN.Walker,D.W.Zornetzer - - '74 Alcohol w/drawal and EEG - - - - - PAb 4813 FQSEN-gV3_W/drawal after 6-d ALC-->tremor/ataxia and abnormal EEG - - Wal,DW'74+ ----- ----- DMR Walker, Edward L. - - - '48 Vernier acuity and discrim - - - - PhD Stnfd SMRTL.Walker,E.L. - - - - - - '48 Drive specificity and lrng - - - - JEx38: 39 SbRTL1aps_After trng w/food in longer path to H2O reinf w/H2O dep, Wal,EL'48- Sb aps_ no pref or facil of lrng path to food w/food dep - - - - Wal,EL'48- OERCP.Walker,E.L. - - - - - - '48 Variability in extn - - - - - - - JCP41:432 ObRCPHbbo_R/Extn in small/restricted > larger exper context - - - - - Wal,EL'48- IMRM Walker,E.L. - - - - - - '51 R tend w/strong irrel drive - - - JCP44:596 SRRTA.Walker,E.L. - - - - - - '56. Course of reaction decr - - - - - JCP49:167 SPRTATbor_Signif altern tend up to 90-min ITI, esp if reinf - - - - - Wal,EL'56- ZZXXX Walker,E.L. - - - - - - '57 Learning - - - - - - - - - - - - - ARv 8:113 ZZXXX.Walker,E.L. - - - - - - '58. Action decr and lrng - - - - - - - PRv65:129 ZZXXXXZXc_Treats R-inhib/S-satiatn as pos related to lrng/consolidatn Wal.EL'58- ZMXXX Walker,E.L. - - - - - - '64 Complexity--Motiv/choice (Jones) - U Nebr ZZXXX.Walker,E.L. - - - - - - '68 Cond + instru lrng - - - - - - - - B-Cole ZZXXX-ZZT_Conditioning and Instrumental Learning Wal,EL'68- CKH Walker,E.L. - - - - - - '69. Reinf-"The 1 ring" (Tapp) - - - - Academic CADAx.Walker,E.L.Kellogg - - - '39. Cond respiration and cond flexion JC 27:393 CPDAx-bax_Acq/recond faster, extn slower for respiration than flexion Wal,EL,39+ IMRT Walker,E.L.Motoyoshi - - '62. Amt(reward) on memory traces - - - JCP55: 32 IXR Walker,E.L.Paradise - - '58. Pos correl--action decr + lrng - - JEx56: 45 FMRFE Walker,E.L.Walker - - - '64 R to S complexity - - - - - - - - PRc14:489 SMRY Walker,E.L. et al - - - '50 Acq R to food w/water dep - - - - JEx40:161 SRR+P.Walker,E.L. et al - - - '55. Stim/place/resp lrng - - - - - - - JCP48: 19 SPR+P-bos_Greatest altern re S (B/W), some re place, little re R - - Wal,EL'55e SPR+P-boz_Concludes that rel import of S/place/R can be exper manip - Wal,EL'55e SAR+P.Walker,E.L. et al - - - '55. Exposure to stim/place w/out R - - JCP48: 24 SPR+P-bos_No effect of pre-exposure to B/W S on later altern re B/W - Wal,EL'55e SRR+P.Walker,E.L. et al - - - '55. R inten/discriminability - - - - - JCP48: 80 SPR+P-bor_Tend for R-altern to decr w/incr in R-effort - - - - - - - Wal,EL'55e FMR Walker,E.L. et al - - - '64 Estrus/S-change on skin resist - - PRc14: 25 ----- ----- CSHAB.Walker, Evelyn G. - - - '57 Classcond as-f(CSI/UISI) (Grice) - PhD U Ill CXHAB.Walker,E.G. - - - - - - '60. Classcond as-f(CSI/USI) - - - - - JEx59:303 CEHAB-bIG_P(CR) incr-f CSI w/combination of hi/lo S and US - - - - - Wal,EG'60- EERSR.Walker,J. et al - - - - '74. Social interaction on self-pun beh BPS 4:423 EbRSRScap R/Extn incr w/shock in alley (not in SB or GB) - - - - - - Wal,J.'74e Eb cap Above self-pun beh decr w/presence of another O, esp naïve Wal,J.'74e SAR Walker,J.A.Olton - - - - '79. Role of R/Reward in memory - - - - L&M10: 73 ODPVK Walker,J.K. - - - - - - '68. Bisection of spatial interval - - EAB11: 99 OSRAB.Walker,K.C. - - - - - - '42 Transfer discrim S to diff R - - - JEx31:312 OARABHaIa_After diffcond alley IR re tone, tone incr Rate(lever OpR) Wal,KC'42- RSRDC Walker, Timothy S. - - - '70 Motiv re ALC consumption - - - - - PhD U Ga FARCO Wall,A. et al - - - - - '90. Place cond w/d-AMPH - - - - - - - ALB18:393 ODRIB Wall, A. Martin - - - - '65. Discrete-trial anal of FI discrim JCP60: 70 IDR B Wall,A.M.Goodrich - - - '64. Diff resp to reinf/nonreinf - - - PSc 1:193 CSHLG.Wall,H.W.Guthrie - - - - '59 R to subceived S - - - - - - - - - JGn60:205 CEHLG-bel_Pair(word,shock)--Observe CR to flashed word w/out ident - Wal,HW'59+ AEF O.Wallace,J.Scobie - - - - '77. Avoid extn in goldfish - - - - - - L&M 8: 18 ACF OSnII_W/goldfish, maint shuttle ARi during extn w/Pair(CS,shock) Wal,J.'77+ AC nII_Note: Decr ARi perf w/CS or shock alone Wal,J.'77+ DSRxP Wallace,J. et al - - - - '80. S-modeality and STM - - - - - - - ALB 8: 10 CAHEO.Wallace,J.C. - - - - - - '50 Cond reflex trtmt of alcoholism - PAb 251 CAHEO-hl3_Cond reflex trtmt useful adjunct to therapy for alcoholism Wal,JC'50- CRF Wallace, Julia E. - - - '77 Altern in aversive paradigm - - - PhD NYBin ORHCU.Wallace,M.Dei - - - - - '81 Sched-induced beh - - - - - - - - PhB27:027 OPHCUHbip_Fail to observe drinking w/FT food after weight loss - - - Wal,M.'81+ IKRAR.Wallace,R.B. - - - - - - '70 Cond reinf in runway - - - - - - - JGn83: 87 ICRARHbSK_Re pref in T-maze, persist sec reinf of alley GB w/PRF >CRF Wal,RB'70- FRRGO.Wallace, Richard J. - - '74 Char of hoarding beh - - - - - - - PhD U Ore FRRCO.Wallace,R.J. - - - - - - '78 Hoarding inedible objects - - - - BBi23:409 FPRCOOaHU_Hoard inedible objects, esp if novel and can gnaw apart - - Wal,RJ'78- FRROO.Wallace,R.J. - - - - - - '79. Hoarding as-f(novelty/partibility) ALB 7:549 FPROOOaHU_Hoarding incr-f(novelty and partibility of objects) - - - - Wal,RJ'79- FRRGO.Wallace,R.J. - - - - - - '98. H2O retrieval: Beh ad deduction - IJC11:145 FPRGOTbeE_W/no H2O dep, hoard dry > wet cotton - - - - - - - - - - - Wal,RJ'98- FP beE_After above, H2O dep --> immed shift to 100% hoard wet Wal,RJ'98- FP beE_Note: Gradual acq pref for wet w/H2O dep w/out pre-expose Wal,RJ'98- IKRAR Wallace, Robert B. - - - '66 Assess cond reinf - - - - - - - - PhD Bostn ZGX Wallach,M.A. - - - - - - '58. On psych similarity - - - - - - - PRv65:103 ----- ----- OM Waller, Marcus B. - - - '59 S variables related to dep - - - - PhD U NC OM D Waller,M.B. - - - - - - '61. Chronic chlorpromazine on mult beh EAB 4:351 OM D Waller,M.B.Morse - - - - '63. Pentobarbital on FR reinf - - - - EAB 6:125 OM D Waller,M.B.Waller - - - '62. Chlorpromazine on mult sched w/aR EAB 5:259 ASDT Waller,M.B.Waller - - - '63. Unavoid shock on mult sched - - - EAB 6: 29 DMSWL.Waller,M.B. et al - - - '60 Water maze for drive/lrng - - - - PRp 7: 99 DLSWLOmma_Speed decr-f(temperature in H2O maze) w/no effect on errors Wal,MB'60e OKREP.Waller,M.B. et al - - - '84 Intragastric self-infusion of ALC Sc 25: 78 OFREP-gL3_Strain diff in maint OpR w/reinf = self-intragastric ALC - Wal,MB'84e FAREC.Waller,M.B. et al - - - '82 Induce dependence on ethanol - - - PBB16:501 FQREC-gt3_W/ALC-pref O, ALC intake vs H2O incr over days, w/w/draw - Wal,MB'82e ----- ----- DKRx Waller, T. Gary - - - - '67 Amt(Reinf) on discrim - - - - - - PhD Vbilt DKR Waller,T.G. - - - - - - '68. Mag(reward) on discrim - - - - - - JCP66:122 DSR Waller,T.G. - - - - - - '70. Irrel cues on acq/transfer - - - - JCP73:477 SKRTP Waller,T.G. - - - - - - '70. Variable reward and choice beh - - L&M 1:276 DSRVL.Waller,T.G. - - - - - - '70. Overtrng on extradimen shift - - - PSc21:172 DbRVLHaad_Overtrng w/stripes facil transfer to shape S, not width - - Wal,TG'70- DKRxL Waller,T.G. - - - - - - '71. Percent reward on compound cue - - L&M 2:376 IK Waller,T.G. - - - - - - '73. Effect of reward consistency - - - JCP83:120 DLRxL.Waller,T.G. - - - - - - '73. Overtrng on transfer - - - - - - - ALB 1: 65 DbRxLHaqs_Extended trng w/visual discrim facil transfer to spatial - Wal,TG'73- Db aqs_Note: In above, orig visual cues not present in transfer - Wal,TG'73- DGRxL Waller,T.G. - - - - - - '74. Constant/variable irrel cues - - - ALB 2: 29 ----- ----- AA E Wallgren,H.Savolainen - '63 Alcohol on cond avoid R - - - - - PAb 00000 FAR Wallick, Marie T. - - - '91 Dietary pre-exposure (Deutsch) - - PhD UCSD OLP Walls, Russell E. - - - '70 PRF on reversal lrng - - - - - - - PhD U NC SARD Walovitch,R.C. et al - - '87 Co-dergocrine/glucose on maze perf PBB26: 95 FRRCC.Walsh,L.L. - - - - - - - '80. Diff in intake w/16 strains - - - JCP94:775 FPRCC1aXW_Large strain diff in H2O intake during 24-hr food dep - - - Wal,LL'80- ZMRXA Walsh,R.N.Cummins - - - '76. Critical review of open-field test PBl83:482 DAA Walsh,T.J.Chrobak - - - '91. Models of Alzheimer's (Dachowski) LEA FA E Walter,M.B. et al - - - '84 Self-infusion of ethanol - - - - - Sc 25: 78 CSR1O.Walter,T.A.Riccio - - - '83 Overshadow in morphine tolerance - BNS97:658 CER1O-gda_Loud tone overshadow lite in cond MORPH analgesic tolerance Wal,TA'83+ CAOGO.Walters,E.G. et al - - - '81 Assoc lrng in Aplysia - - - - - - Sc 11:504 CLOGO-nAY_Cond mollusk head/siphon w/drawal w/Pair(shrimp-S,shock) - Wal,EG'81e IJ Walters, Gary C. - - - - '62 Prior aversive S on conflict - - - PhD NYBuf IPRT Walters,G.C. - - - - - - '63 Preshock exper on conflict - - - - CJP17:412 IPRT Walters,G.C. - - - - - - '63 Long-term effect of aversive S - - Sc 42: 70 FP Walters,G.C.Glazer - - - '71. Punish of instinctive beh - - - - JCP75:331 OJR Walters,G.C.Herring - - '78. Punish licking/lever-pressing - - ABP 4:170 AMOEJ.Walters,G.D.Abel - - - - '73. Marijuana on avcond w/gerbil (Abel MSS Info ALOEJ-te2_Marijuana facil acq, decr Lat(shuttle ARi) w/gerbil - - - - Wal,GD'73+ SSRML Walthall, Wilson J. - - '48 Surroundings on lrng - - - - - - - PhD UTxAu SSRML.Walthall,W.J. - - - - - '48 Surroundings on maze lrng - - - - JCP41:438 SERMLHbCa_Acq w/symmetrical dome environ < heterogeneous visual cues Wal,WJ'48- SE bCa_Above affects difficulty of culs and transposition Wal,WJ'48- SSRfL.Walton,A. - - - - - - - '30. Visual cues in maze - - - - - - - JGt38: 50 SbRfL-aqs_Learn maze w/black-white cues at choice points, w/varied R Wal,A.'30- Sb aqs_If change to fixed R after above, do not learn R sequence Wal,A.'30- SRDCL.Walton,A.C. - - - - - - '15 Diverting S on delayed reaction - AnB 5:259 SGDCLHhrH_Longer delayed-R perf w/2 alternatives > 4 - - - - - - - - Wal,AC'15- CSHLO Walton,D.R. - - - - - - '68 Sentence structure on attitude - - PhD Fla S FAREC.Walton,N.Y. et al - - - '78 Learned safety/tolerance on ALC - PPm57:263 FQREC-gt3_ALC intake incr after devel tolerance w/forced ALC - - - - Wal,NY'78e FQREC-gx3_ALC intake incr if drain stomach contents during drinking - Wal,NY'78e DSRVP.Walton, William E. - - - '31 Color vision/pref - - - - - - - - PhD UNebr DSRVP.Walton,W.E. - - - - - - '33 Color vision/pref - - - - - - - - JC 15:373 DERVPUbaa_Discrim re color w/equated inten - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wal,WE'33- DAxVL.Walton,W.E. - - - - - - '36 Color discrim - - - - - - - - - - JGt48:221 DExVLUbaa_Some form of color reaction in dog/cat/rat re discrim - - - Wal,WE'36- DVRVP.Walton,W.E.Bornemeier - '39 Color discrim - - - - - - - - - - JC 28:417 DERVPUbaa_Discrim red/green, red/yellow, not blue/green, green/yellow Wal,WE'39+ AD Waltz, George B. - - - - '69 Choice avoid lrng - - - - - - - - PhD Lehi ORR Wanchisen,B.A. et al - - '98. Lasting effects of DRL - - - - - - L&M29:220 FRRCA.Wang,G.H. - - - - - - - '23 Acty and oestrous cycle - - - - - CPM 2: 6 FPRCAObXa_Correl peak run acty in female w/oestrous cycle - - - - - - Wan,GH'23- IERXX Wang,M. - - - - - - - - '66 Transfer of PREE - - - - - - - - - APT 8: 49 RRHOO.Wann,J.P.Nimmo-Smith - - '90 Timing in handwriting - - - - - - QJE42:105 RPHOOOpdR_Temporal pattern not invariant as-f(size/speed of writing) Wan,JP'90+ IJRCP.Wansley,R.A.Holloway - - '76. Oscillations in passive avoid perf L&M 7:296 IBRCPScaP_Perf 1-tr pun IR oscillate w/peaks at 15-min/12-24-36-hr - Wan,RA'76+ ORNUL Ward,E.F. - - - - - - - '83. Teaching sign language: Historical EAB40:341 CGBX .Ward,J.P.Yehle - - - - - '70. Cross-modal reversal - - - - - - - PSc21:261 CrBx -baD_Transfer diff-cond re rate of intermit visual/auditory S - War,JP'70+ Cr baD_Transfer observed w/reversal of diff-cond in other modality War,JP'70+ DGO Ward,J.P. et al - - - - '70. Cross-modal transfer w/bushbaby - JCP73: 74 ADOx .Ward,J.P. et al - - - - '76. Cross-modal transfer of rate discr JCP90:520 AbOx cqc_Transfer lite flash-rate diffcond to click-rate (bushbaby) War,JP'76e Ab cqc_Same transfer w/posterior intersensory neocortical lesions War,JP'76e IDR Ward, Joseph S. - - - - '62 Frustrative factors--discr (Amsel) PhD Tulan OKMN Ward, Otis B. - - - - - '68 Hypothal self-stim in marmoset - - PhD Tulan AER J.Ward, Wendy D. - - - - - '77 Variation in R-prevention - - - - PAb 525 AbR JSbCf_No effect of R-preventn (5-min CS) in diff context on extn War,WD'77- ----- ----- SARML.Warden, Carl J. - - - - '22 Distrib of practice - - - - - - - PhD U Chi SARML.Warden,C.J. - - - - - - '23 Order of elim culs-de-sac - - - - JEx 6:192 SPRMLHbqs_Order elim errors not-f(serial position), is-f(difficulty) War,CJ'23- SARML.Warden,C.J. - - - - - - '23 Distribution of practice - - - - - CPM 1: 64 SBRMLHbha_Acq incr-decr-f(ITI) w/optimum at 12-hr - - - - - - - - - - War,CJ'23- SAHML.Warden,C.J. - - - - - - '24 Primacy/recency in stylus maze - - JEx 7: 98 SPHMLObqs_End positions (primacy/recency) lrnd first in stylus maze - War,CJ'24- SPHMLObqr_Right hand enter left-side culs; left hand right-side culs War,CJ'24- SAHML Warden,C.J. - - - - - - '24 Modes of attack in stylus maze - - JEx 7:243 SSRML.Warden,C.J. - - - - - - '25 Prelim feeding - - - - - - - - - - JC 5:365 SGRMLHndF_Preexpose to maze w/food facil acq; attrib to decr fear - - War,CJ'25- SARML Warden,C.J. - - - - - - '26 Norms of mastery in maze lrng - - JC 6:159 ZMROP.Warden,C.J. (Ed) - - - - '31 Animal motiv - - - - - - - - - - - Columbia ZZROPxMXe_Review of research w/Columbia obstruction (grid) method - - War,CJ'31- ZZ MXe_W/male: thirst . hunger > sex > exploratory drives War,CJ'31- ZZ MXe_W/female: maternal > thirst > hunger > sex > exploratory War,CJ'31- FMRSR.Warden,C.J. - - - - - - '32. Rel strength of primary drives - - JGt41: 16 ZZRSRxMXe_Rank drive (maternal/thirst/hunger/sex/explor) w/cross grid War,CJ'32- ZZAXX.Warden,C.J. - - - - - - '33. The animal mind - - - - - - - - - JGt43: 49 ZZAXXXZXc_Animal inner life forever hidden; mind/conscious meaningles War,CJ'33- RAM Warden,C.J. - - - - - - '40 Ability to use tools - - - - - - - NYA 2:109 DARVL.Warden,C.J.Aylesworth - '27. Rel value of reward/punish - - - - JC 7:117 DBRVL-cap_Reward + punish > only punish > only reward in discrim lrng War,CJ'27+ RAhOO.Warden,C.J.Cohen - - - - '31. Incentives in schoolroom - - - - - JGt39:320 RBhOOOaAK_Re math perf, praise/game/party incr accuracy, not speed - War,CJ/31+ SAAML.Warden,C.J.Cummings - - '29 Primacy/recency in animal lrng - - JGt36:240 SPAMLHbqs_Concl no consistent order of elim errors re serial position War,CJ'29+ SKRYL.Warden,C.J.Diamond - - - '31 Delayed punish - - - - - - - - - - JGt39:455 SsRYL-caS_4-sec delayed punish less effective in reversal than immed War,CJ'31+ SSRML.Warden,C.J.Fox - - - - - '31. Gen orientation in maze lrng - - - JGt39:469 SPRMLHbaz_Evidence of gen spatial orient in maze lrng - - - - - - - - War,CJ'31+ RAMOO.Warden,C.J.Galt - - - - '41. Instrumentation on mult platform - Psy11: 3 RPRMOHbtH_Cebus > rhesus re use mult tools to obtain reinf - - - - - War,CJ'41+ SARML.Warden,C.J.Hamilton - - '29 Length of maze on fixation - - - - JGt36:229 SBRMLHaxa_W/uniform pattern in linear maze, acq longer > shorter - - War,CJ'29+ RAMOO.Warden,C.J.Jackson - - - '35. Imitative beh in rhesus - - - - - JGt46:103 FEMOOHqHi_Evidence of imitation re manip knob/latch R-chain w/rhesus War,CJ'35+ FMMSR.Warden,C.J.Jackson - - - '35. Hunger drive in rhesus - - - - - - JGt46:126 ZZMSRHMXe_Drive incr-f(food dep) re cross grid w/rhesus - - - - - - - War,CJ'35+ FPMSRHbEa_T&E acty in prob box, not imitation, incr-f(food dep) War,CJ'35+ SARML.Warden,C.J.Lubow - - - - '42. Perf w/out reward on retention - - JGt60:321 SbRMLHbbs_Concl: Removal of reward-->decr perf, not on memory - - - - War,CJ'42+ IMR .Warden,C.J.Nissen - - - '28 Obstruction meth of meas drives - JC 8:325 ILR -naa_Obstructn w/shock valid meas of drive-incentive re N/cross War,CJ'28+ SAoML.Warden,C.J.Riess - - - - '41. Mazes of diff length for chick - - Psy11:411 SBoMLHaxa_W/chicks, N/trials-to-crit incr-f(N/choice points) - - - - War,CJ'41+ SB axa_Re above: Difficulty per unit decr-f(N/choice points) War,CJ'41+ DSOVP.Warden,C.J.Rowley - - - '29 Discrim absolute/rel brightness - JC 9:317 DLOVPUnAY_Acq discrim absolute brightness re lighter/darker w/doves - War,CJ'29+ DSOVL.Warden,C.J.Winslow - - - '31. Discrim rel/absolute size in doves JGt34:328 DEOVLObaa_W/doves, very slow acq intermed size re larger/smaller - - War,CJ'31+ DVMOL.Warden,C.J. et al - - - '40. Patterned string prob - - - - - - JGt56:283 RPMOLHhlH_Acq patterned string prob by spider > cebus > rhesus - - - War,CJ'40e RAMOO.Warden,C.J. et al - - - '40 Instrumentation in cebus/rhesus - JGt56:297 RPMOOHbtH_W/R=use rakes to get longer rakes to get food, cebus>rhesus War,CJ'40e RAMSP.Warden,C.J. et al - - - '40 Imitative beh - - - - - - - - - - JGt56:311 FEMSPOqHi_Hi rate of immed imitation w/chain-pull, knob, latch R - - War,CJ'40e IMRM Warden,C.J. et al - - - '42 Artificial changes in brain - - - Sc 95:414 IMM Warden,C.J. et al - - - '42 Frontal lobe extirpation on beh - JC 34:141 ----- ----- ODP Wardlaw,G.R.Davison - - '74. Pref for FI as-f initial link - - EAB21:331 CSR Ward-Robinson,J.GHall - '96. Backward sensory precond - - - - - ABP22:395 R Ward-Robinson,J.Hall - - '98. Backward sensory preconditioning - QJE51:349 R Ward-Robinson,J.Hall - - '99. Acquired equivalence - - - - - - - QJE52:335 R Ward-Robinson,J. et al - '98. Context & w/in-event lrng - - - - ALB26:225 ODOV Ware, Carolyn B. - - - - '71 Striate cortex in tree shrew - - - PhD Duke FRRSC Ware, Robert - - - - - - '66 Sexual exper/stim w/male O - - - - PhD UColo IKRSR Ware,R. - - - - - - - - '68 Diff reinf values of sex R - - - - JCP65:461 ----- ----- FMRSC.Warner, Lucien H. - - - '27 Sex beh re obstruction meth - - - PhD Clmba FMRSC.Warner,L.H. - - - - - - '27 Study sex beh w/obstruction meth - CPM 4: 22 FQRSC-dfR_Sex acty more re external S for male, internal S for female War,LH'27- IMRTO.Warner,L.H. - - - - - - '28 Thirst beh w/obstruction meth - - JGt35:178 ILRTO-mma_Thirst incr-f(dep) to 24 hr, then decr; > hunger >> sex - - War,LH'28- ZMRCA.Warner,L.H. - - - - - - '28 Hunger beh re obstruction meth - - JC 8:273 ZZXXXXMXe_Re obstruction, hunger incr-decr-f(0/a/2/3/4/6/8-d dep) - - War,LH'28- ZZ MXe_Max w/females at 1-d = max for males at 4-d War,LH'28- ARRAJ.Warner,L.H. - - - - - - '32. Assn span of white rat - - - - - - JGt41: 57 ABRAF-cia_Antic AR only w/ITI < 30-sec; ARi qual diff from ER - - - - War,LH'32- AARAJ.Warner,L.H. - - - - - - '32 Search for the 'cond R' - - - - - JGt41: 91 ABRAJ-cZA_Rejects S-substitution because ARi qual diff from ER - - - War,LH'32- ----- ----- OARCP.Warren,A.B.Brown - - - - '43. Cond OR phenomena - - - - - - - - JGn28:181 OLRCPHnsC_W/2-5-yr olds, acq/extn w/CRF/FI sim to rats - - - - - - - War,AB'43+ XVH B Warren,A.B.Grant - - - - '55 Rel of diff-cond to MMPI - - - - - JEx49: 23 IAR Warren,D.A. et al - - - '85. Lrnd helplessness re R-reinf indep ABP11'576 SMRWL.Warren,D.A. et al - - - '91 Inescapable shock on spatial lrng PBi19:127 SNRMLOnd _Water-maze lrng not-f prior inescapable shock exposure - - War,DA'91e ZZXXX.Warren,H.C. - - - - - - '19 Classification of phenomena - - - PRv26:197 ZZXXXXRXm_Classification of human behavior: - - - - - - - - - - - - - War,HC'19- ZZ RXm_(1) Reflexes (2) Instincts (nutritive/reproductive) War,HC'19- ZZ RXm_(3) Instinctive tendencies (imitation/play/curiosity) War,HC'19- ZZ RXm_(4) Emotions (5) Dispositions (defensive/social) War,HC'19- 1ARTW Warren,J.A.Bolles - - - '67. Test contiguity interp of avcond - JCP64:179 AAFSL.Warren,J.L. et al - - - '75. Group trng w/goldfish - - - - - - JCP89:933 AEFSL qap_ARi acq facil w/group trng, transfer to indiv testing - - - War,JL'75e ----- ----- DSMV Warren, John M. - - - - '53 Discrim visual patterns - - - - - PhD UWisc DSMV Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '53. Area/arrangement of pattern - - - JCP46:231 DSMV Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '53. Geometric regularity of forms - - JCP46:237 DSMV .Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '53. Additivity of cues w/pattern Ss - JCP45:484 DEMV -bea_Color best cue for discrim, form+size > form or size alone War,JM'53- DSMVC.Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '54. Perceptual dominance - - - - - - - JCP47:290 DeMVC-bes_Decr perf if decr N/rel cues (color/form/shape), w/relrng - War,JM'54- De bes_Interp: Monkeys learn all rel cues, w/percep dominance - - War,JM'54- DSMV .Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '54 Anal of formation of discrim - - - AmJ67:517 DeMV -bes_Choice not-perfect-f(N/prior reinf/nonreinf) w/mult discrim War,JM'54- DAMJL.Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '54 N/reinf on reversal - - - - - - - AmJ67:720 DDMJL-sae_Little effect of N/reinf of S- pretrng on later discrim - - War,JR'54- DSMWL.Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '56 S variables in object discrim - - JGt88: 77 DEMWL-bea_Form=color as cue, w/area/elevation important only if diff War,JM'56- ZZXML.Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '59 Phylogeny of maze lrng - - - - - - PAb 753 ZZXML-sZb Trace maze lrng ability annelid-to-insect + fish-to-mammal War,JM'59- FMMGP Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '58 Satiation on food pref - - - - - - JGt93: 33 DSM Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '59. Object/position discrim - - - - - JCP52: 92 DSC Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '59. S perseveration in discrim lrng - JCP52: 99 DS Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '59. Transfer relations in discrim lrng JCP52:336 DLM Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '60. Food/nonfood signs in reversal - - JEx60:263 DLFV Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '60. Reversal lrng in paradise fish - - JCP53:376 DLC Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '60. Oddity lrng set - - - - - - - - - JCP53:433 DSMX Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '60 Sign-differentiated object discrim JGt96:365 DLC Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '60 Discrim reversal lrng - - - - - - JGt97:317 DVCxx.Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '61 Indiv diff in discrim lrng - - - - JGt98: 89 DLCxxHnAv_Object discrim < position, w/consistent indiv diff in perf War,JM'61- DHCxxHhHe_Indiv diff in double altern not correl w/discrim lrng - - - War,JM'61- DSM Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '64. Additivity of cues in discrim lrng JCP58:124 DLX Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '66. Reversal lrng and lrng sets - - - JCP61:421 SAC Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '67. Double altern lrng - - - - - - - - JCP64:161 SQC hbH_Altern War,JM'67- DLcVL Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '75. Overtrng/extn/reversal w/kittens - ALB 3:340 DSCVL.Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '76. Irrel cues and shape discrim - - - ALB 4: 22 DECVL bSc_No effect of irrel size/brightness cues on shape discrim - War,JM'76- DVSVL.Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '82 Age and brightness discrim - - - - DPB15: 9 DLSVLTnAC_Acq incr-decr-f(75/225/375/525-d age) - - - - - - - - - - - War,JM'82- SAS Warren,J.M. - - - - - - '88 Appetitive lrng by old mice - - - PAb 410 DMC Warren,J.M.Akert - - - - '60. Impaired lrng w/thalamic lesions - JCP53:207 DACVL.Warren,J.M.Baron - - - - '56 Simult/successive discrim - - - - JGt89: 61 DBCVL-aaD_More errors during acq of successive than simult discrim - War,JM'56+ DLCxL.Warren,J.M.Baron - - - - '56. Lrng sets - - - - - - - - - - - - JCP49:227 DbCxL-aaX_Object/position discrim lrng sets w/cats < monkeys - - - - War,JM'56+ DKC Warren J.M.Bech - - - - '66. Visual P-lrng - - - - - - - - - - JCP61:316 DGM Warren,J.M.Brookshire - '59. S/Genz and discrim lrng - - - - - JEx58:348 DMM Warren,J.M.Hall - - - - '56 Motiv/Freq(reinf) on discrim - - - JGt88:245 DVM Warren,J.M.Harlow - - - '52 Discrim lrng by normal/brain oper JGt81: 45 DVM Warren,J.M.Harlow - - - '52. Prolong postop recovery on discrim JCP45:119 DGC Warren,J.M.Kimball - - - '59. Transfer relations in discrim lrng JCP52:336 DGC Warren,J.M.McGonigle - - '69. Diff/nondiff reinf on S/Genz - - - JCP69:709 DS Warren,J.M.McGonigle - - '69 Attention/discrim lrng (Gilbert) - Academic DKC P Warren,J.M.Sinha - - - - '57 Diff reinf on size pref - - - - - PMS 7: 17 DVX Warren,J.M.Warren - - - '59 Interspecies diff in lrng - - - - PMS 9:346 DLX Warren,J.M.Warren - - - '62 Reversal by horse/raccoon - - - - JGt00:215 SLC Warren,J.M.Warren - - - '67. Spatial reversal lrng by kitten - JCP63:523 DSM Warren,J.M.Warren - - - '69. 2-cue discrim lrng - - - - - - - - JCP69:688 DLMxC.Warren,J.M.Warren - - - '73. Pretrng and reversal lrng - - - - ALB 1: 51 DbMxChaqs_Extradimensional shift not-f extended trng or reversal trng War,JM'73+ DMMxx.Warren,J.M. et al - - - '57 Function of assn cortex - - - - - AnB 5:131 DlMxxOtNd_Ablation assn areas decr discrim reversal, not original acq War,JM'57e DLMXXOtDH_No effect of ablation assn areas on double altern - - - - - War,JM'57e RLMNPOtDH_Ablatn assn cortex decr delayed-R w/varied delay intervals War,JM'47e SLOYL.Warren,J.M. et al - - - '60. Reversal lrng by chicks - - - - - JCP53:371 SsOYLHbaT_W/chicks, overtrng retard reversal lrng, independent of age War,JM'60e SsOYLHbaR_W/chicks, reversal lrng incr w/N/reversals - - - - - - - - War,JM'60e SEOYLHbaa_W/chicks, acq facil w/added brightness cues - - - - - - - - War,JM'60e SLOYLHnAC_W/chicks, errors decr-f(3 to 53 days age) - - - - - - - - - War,JM'60e SMCML.Warren,J.M. et al - - - '61. Umweg lrng w/prestriate lesions - JCP54:629 SLCMLHtNs_Prestriate lsns decr lrng/relrng, not retention prior lrng War,JM'61e DVSxx.Warren,J.M. et al - - - '82 Environ enrichment w/old O - - - - DPB15: 13 DNSxxUnCa_Enriched environ w/old O facil incidental, not discrim lrng War,JM'82e ----- ----- RPHVP.Warren,N. - - - - - - - '36 Over-compensation in typing errors JEd27:467 RPHVPOteo_Attrib transpositions to over-compensation - - - - - - - - War,N.'36- RPHVPOteo_Eg Nonpreferred B4 preferred hand; little-used finger 1st - War,N.'36- FSPSP.Warriner,C.C. et al - - '63 Mate selection as-f(early exper) - AnB11:221 FQPSPOdfR Mate choice is-f(early exper w/parent color) only w/male - War,CC'63e DSx Washburn, David A. - - - '91 S-mvmt effect on attn (Putney) - - PhD GaSt RAMOO.Washburn,D.A. - - - - - '92. Human factors w/nonhumans - - - - IJC 5:191 FAMOOHaaI_W/24-hr access, N/computer-task tr/day not-f(ambient noise) Was,DA'92- RBxOOOaaa_Acq computer task to shoot at predictably-moving target - - Was,DA'92- RB aaa_Monkey slightly < human as predictor-operator re above task Was,DA'92- DSM Washburn,D.A. - - - - - '93. S-movement effect - - - - - - - - ABP19:380 DSMVP.Washburn,D.A. - - - - - '94. Stroop-like effects - - - - - - - PSc 5:375 DeMVPHbea_Pretrng w/figures 0/1/2/3 correspond to N/pellets reinf - - Was,DA'94- De bea_Trng w/reinf choice larger N/letters in array Was,DA'94- De bea_Facil/interference in tests w/figures (eg: 3 2's vs 6 1's) Was,DA'94- De bea_Attrib above Stroop-like effect to strength of assns Was,DA'94- OKM Washburn,D.A. - - - - - '97. Motiv value of video reinf - - - - L&M28:510 DAM Washburn,D.A. et al - - '91. Perceived control on perf - - - - ABP17:123 ----- ----- Washburn, Margaret F. 1894 Ubeer den einfluss von assn - - - PhD Cornl SSRML.Washburn,M.F. - - - - - '08 The animal mind - - - - - - - - - PBl 5:345 SERMLHbaz_Animal might have used a lost sense had it possessed it - - Was,MF'08- RRXXX.Washburn,M.F. - - - - - '16 Mvmt and mental imagery - - - - - H-Mifflin RPXXXXpdF_Fdbk S by actual perf of mvmt nec for next mvmt - - - - - - Was,MF'16- RP pdF_Actual mvmt can be greatly reduced, implicit tentative mvmt Was,MF'16- SMSML Washburn,M.F. - - - - - '26 Hunger/run-speed in maze lrng - - JC 6:181 ZZAXX Washburn,M.F. - - - - - '26 The animal mind - - - - - - - - - Macmillan ZZXXX Washburn,M.F. - - - - - '26 Gestalt psych and motor psych - - AmJ37:516 SRRML.Washburn,M.F.Ebersbach - '30 Initial pathway on orientation - - AmJ42:413 SPRMLHbar_Goal orient facil w/initial path toward goal - - - - - - - Was,MF'30+ SSSML.Washburn,M.F. et al - - '30 Effect of food at goal - - - - - - AmJ42:414 SBSMLHacA_Acq not-f presence of food (milk) at goal during run - - - Was,MF'30e SMSMP.Washburn,M.F. et al - - '31 Hunger/acty drives in maze - - - - JC 12:421 SLSMPHmma_Re effect of dep, disting O w/hunger D > acty D, v/versa - Was,MF'31e ----- ----- OCPVP.Wasserman, Edward A. - - '72 AuSh: Beh as-f predict S (Hearst) PhD Ind U OCPVP.Wasserman,E.A. - - - - - '73. Redundant contextual S on AuSh - - ALB 1:198 OAPVPHaIs_P(AuSh R) is-f cue localization (keylite vs context S) - - Was,EA'73- YCO Wasserman,E.A. - - - - - '73 Classcond w/heat reinf on pecking Sc 81:875 CDP Wasserman,E.A. - - - - - '74. S-reinf predictiveness on discrim JEx03:284 ORP Wasserman,E.A. - - - - - '77. W/in-tr patterns of key pecking - EAB28:213 CRDVx.Wasserman,E.A. - - - - - '78 Motor/secretory beh in cond - - - PJB13:182 CPDVx-bar_Pair(lited-panel,food)--Cond salivatn, app-no-contact panel Was,EA'78- ZZXXX Wasserman,E.A. - - - - - '89. Temporal contig in Pavlovian cond AmP44:550 DSHOP.Wasserman,E.A. - - - - - '90. Attribution of causality to S - - PSc 1:298 DBHOPOaxz_P(attrib causality to PRF S1) decr-f(correl S1S2 w/reinf) - Was,EA'90- DBHOPOaxz_Note: David Hume (1789) rules of assn--> S selection Was,EA'90- ZZAXX.Wasserman,E.A. - - - - - '93. Gen understanding of cog in beh - PSc 4:156 ZZAXXXZXc_Comparative cognition: commonality of process - - - - - - - Was,EA'93- ZZAXXXZXc_Eg categorization, covariation detection in pigeon/human Was,EA'93- ZZAXX.Wasserman,E.A. - - - - - '97. Animal cog: Past/present/future - ABP23:123 ZZAXXXZXc_Animal cog rooted in philosophy of mind, theory of evolutn Was,EA'97- ZZAXXXZXc_Above orientation lost in developing a "learning theory" Was,EA'97- ZZAXXXZXc_Must regain focus on animal mind, comparative cognition Was,EA'97- ZZAXXXZXc_Forge connections w/neuroscience/developmental/cog science Was,EA'97- ZZAXXXZXc_Cultivate interest/support of general public Was,EA'97- H Wasserman,E.A.Berglan - '98. Revaluation of causal judgmnt - - QJE51:121 ISRAR.Wasserman,E.A.Jensen - - '70 S in pseudo-extn - - - - - - - - - Sc 66:307 IbRARHbbi_Speed(IR) decr in alley re odor after extn of other rats - Was,EA'70+ OAP Wasserman,E.A.Lucas - - '84. Magazine-R conting on S-directed R L&M15:156 OAP Wasserman,E.A.McCracken '74. Disrupt AuSh w/food-tray illum - - EAB22: 39 YCP K Wasserman,E.A.Molina - - '75. Unpaired lite/food on autoshaping ABP 1: 30 YCP Wasserman,E.A. et al - - '74. Appetitive contin on app/w/drawal JCP86:616 YCO Wasserman,E.A. et al - - '75. Autoshaping w/heat reinf - - - - - ABP 1:158 OAOCP Wasserman,E.A. et al - - '77. (Un)/paired S/USS on autoshaping - L&M 8:467 YCPVP Wasserman,E.A. et al - - '78. Assn of CS during serial cond - - ALB 6: 52 DAPVP Wasserman,E.A. et al - - '82. Signaled retention interval on STM ALB10:330 OKH Wasserman,E.A. et al - - '83. Percept of causal relations - - - L&M14:406 DA Wasserman,E.A. et al - - '87. Discrim/mem of dimensn/value info L&M18: 34 OSP Wasserman,E.A. et al - - '88. Conceptual beh - - - - - - - - - - ABP14:235 OSHUP.Wasserman,E.A. et al - - '88. DRL and RR sched - - - - - - - - - BPS26:319 OFHUPOart_W/DRL sched, incr in long IRTs w/incr in N/distant other-Rs Was,EA'88e CS Wasserman,E.A. et al - - '90. Cell info to judgment of conting - LMC16:509 DSP Wasserman,E.A. et al - - '95. Same-diff concept w/complex S - - ABP21:248 DSP Wasserman,E.A. et al - - '96. Recog of depth-rotated S - - - - - ABP22:205 ----- ----- IShxO.Wasserman, Michelle D. - "00 Compound contextual S on memory - PhD StJon IghxOO _After trng w/move-mobile IR w/visual/auditory S, retention Was,MD"00- Ig _ re elements hi after 1-day, only re compound after 5-d Was,MD"00- IDMVA Watanabe,M. - - - - - - '86 Prefrontal acty w/delayed discrim BrR382: 1 IDMVA Watanabe,M. - - - - - - '86 Prefrontal acty w/delayed discrim BrR382:15 DSPVP.Watanabe,S. - - - - - - '88. Visual prototype lrng - - - - - - ALB16:147 DEPVPHbaa_Fail to acq prototype shape w/trng w/distorted samples - - Wat,S.'88- OMPEP.Watanabe, Shigeru - - - '90 Isodirectional cond w/AMPH - - - - PBB36:157 CAPEPHha3_Diffcond w/context lite re presession d-AMPH w/Mult FR/VI - Wat,S.'90- CA ha3_After above, druglike effect of lite on Rate(OpR) Wat,S.'90- CA ha3_Note: Above obtain only if emit OpR during drug trng Wat,S.'90- ODPVP.Watanabe,S.Furuya - - - '97. Avian visual cog - - - - - - - - - IJP10:111 OePVPHbAd_After feature-pos trng w/feature = head or body of pigeon, Wat,S.'97+ Oe bAd_ OpR to whole pigeon = only head or only body - - - - - - Wat,S.'97+ OpPVPHaaa_Diffcond re hand mvmts of 2 words in sign language - - - - Wat,S.'97+ Op aaa_Note: Above not genz to different person making signs Wat,S.'97+ OSP e Watanabe,S.Ono - - - - - '86 "Empathic" R: Pain R of other O - BPr13:269 DGPVL.Watanabe,S.Weis - - - - '84 Lack of interocular transfer - - - BBR12: 65 DePVLHbyl_No interocular genz after monocular acq spatial R re color Wat,S.'84+ DSPVL.Watanabe,S, et al - - - '84 Superior binocular discrim - - - - PhV21:837 DLPCLHnaa_Binocular > monocular discrim lrng, incr-f(difficulty) - - Wat,S.'84e OAP Watanabe,S. et al - - - '95. Discrim b/n Monet & Picasso - - - EAB63:165 AK Waters, Robert M. - - - '72 Sequence/mag of relief - - - - - - PhD Purdu ----- ----- RAH Waters, Rolland H. - - - '28 Tuition on ideational lrng - - - - PhD U Chi ZZXXX.Waters,R.H. - - - - - - '34. Law of effect as lrng prin - - - - PBl31:408 ZZXXXXCZK_Disting Law of Effect not Affect; former needs elab re rate Wat,RH'34- SRRMP.Waters,R.H. - - - - - - '37 Wall-seeking tendency - - - - - - Psy 4: 23 SPRMPHbqr_Ident errors re wall-seeking tendency - - - - - - - - - - - Wat,RH'37- SRxML.Waters,R.H. - - - - - - '37. Prin of least effort in lrng - - - JGn16: 3 SBxML-axa_W/rats/humans, no consistent pref for path w/fewest turns - Wat,RH'37- SIRML.Waters,R.H.Vitale - - - '45 Interpolated lrng and retro-inhib JC 38:119 SDRMLHtta_No retroactive inhib as-f interpolated maze B4 relrng maze Wat,RH'45+ ZZXXX.Waters,R.H. et al (Eds)- '60 Prin of comparative psych - - - - McG-Hill ZZXXX-ZZT_Prin of Comparative Psych Wat,RH'60e ----- ----- IERAR Waters,W.Knott - - - - - '70. Frustration and genz PREE - - - - PSc20: 61 SSR Wathen,C.N.WARoberts - - '94. Multiple-pattern lrng - - - - - - ALB22:155 CRRTO.Watkins,L.R. et al - - - '82 Classcond shock-induced analgesia BrR43:119 CPRTO-bYc_Pair(grid-floor,shock)--Cond analgesia re tailflick inhib - Wat,LR'82e CP bYc_Above CR decr by systemic naloxone B4 S Wat,LR'82e ----- ----- DVrN Watson, John B. - - - - '03 Psychic devel re nervous system - PhD U Chi SSRfL.Watson,J.B. - - - - - - '07 Role of kinesthetic sense in maze PMg 8: 2 SERfL-baz_After lrng, good maze perf w/out vision/hearing/smell/touch Wat,JB'07- SBRfL-aZA_Favors propriocep basis of maze lrng - - - - - - - - - - - Wat,JB'07- RAMOL.Watson,J.B. - - - - - - '08 Imitation in monkeys - - - - - - - PBl 5:169 RGMOLOqoH_Fail to observe imitation of manipulation problem - - - - - Wat,JB'08- ZZXXX.Watson,J.B. - - - - - - '13 Psych as behaviourist view it - - PRv20:158 ZZXXXXZXc_Psych is natural science, goal is prediction/control of beh Wat,JB'13- ZZ ZXc_Laws of animal beh important regardless of generalizability Wat,JB'13- ZZ ZXc_Consciousness is not the object of investigation without Wat,JB'13- ZZ ZXc_ neglecting the essential problems of introspective psych Wat,JB'13- XZXXX Watson,J.B. - - - - - - '14 Behavior--Intro to compar psych - HR+W ZZXXX.Watson,J.B. - - - - - - '16 Cond-reflex in psych - - - - - - - PRv23: 89 ZZXXXXZXc_Pref cond-reflex vs introspection, esp cond motor reflex - Wat,JB'16- ZZXXX-cXe_Classcond useful to meas sensory acuity (also memory) - - - Wat,JB'16- CpXXX-aaz_Use diff-cond w/any organism to study any sensory system - Wat,JB'16- ZMhXX.Watson,J.B. - - - - - - '19 Schematic outline of the emotions PRv26:165 ZZhXXXRXe_Disting instincts vs emotions in infancy: fear/rage/love - Wat,JB'19- ZZ RXe_Infants can form cond emotional reactions to situations Wat,JB'19- ZZHXX.Watson,J.B. - - - - - - '20 Thinking as language mech - - - - BJP11: 87 ZZHXXXaZH_Thinking is T&E of laryngeal and substitute muscular acty - Wat,JB'20- ZZHXX Watson,J.B. - - - - - - '24 Unverbalized in human beh - - - - PRv31:273 ZZXXX.Watson,J.B. - - - - - - '24 Organization in thinking - - - - - PRv31'339 ZZXXXXaZH_Thinking chiefly subvocal talking, may incl manual/viscera Wat,JB"24- ZZXXX.Watson,J.B. - - - - - - '27 Behaviorist looks at instincts - - PAb 2165 ZZXXXXRXc_Denies existence of instincts or inherited indiv diff - - - Wat,JB'27- ZZ RXc_So-called instincts/indiv diff due to sim/diff environ Wat,JB'27- CAhOE.Watson,J.B.Rayner - - - '20 Cond emot R - - - - - - - - - - - JEx 3: 1 CAhOE-acA_Pair(rat,noise)--Cond neg emot beh to rat w/child 11-mo age Wat,JB'20+ ----- ----- OEOCP.Watson,J.S.Livesay - - - '81 R/Extn w/2 races of parrot - - - - AuJ33:243 ObOCPHbbo_R/Extn after FR10 reinf w/arid-area parrot > temperate area Wat,JS'81+ AA Waugh, Nancy A. C. - - - '56 Repeated reinf/extn - - - - - - - PhD Rdclf OKREP.Wauquier,A. et al - - - '74 Morphine on reinf ESB - - - - - - PPm37:303 OLREP-te2_sc MORPH elim OpR w/ESB reinf, reversed w/naloxone - - - - Wau,A.'74e FVROP.Wax,T.M.Goodrick - - - - '75 Vol exposure to lite as-f(age) - - DvB 8:297 FQROPOaaL_Young spend more time in dark, 5 vs 26 m - - - - - - - - - Wax,TM'75+ DMPV Waxler, Morris - - - - - '78 Impaired discrim w/visual lsn - - PhD U Md CIF Waxman, Howard M. - - - '79 Pavlovian inhib w/goldfish - - - - PhD BMawr Wayner, Matthew J. - - - '53 NaCl/hydration on spinal reflex - PhD U Ill IMRNR.Wayner,M.J.Emmers - - - '59. Thirst-dep trace hypo - - - - - - JCP52:112 IbRNRTbmi_R/Extn incr-f(0-4 hr delay after sc NaCl B4 test) - - - - - Way,MJ'59+ Ib bmi_Note: No effect on need of above delay re H2O intake Way,MJ'59+ FAREC.Wayner,M.J.Fraley - - - '72 Incr intake w/periodic w/drawal - PhB 9:463 FQREC-gx3_Periodic w/drawal any mildly aversive S-->Incr intake (ALC) Way,MJ'72+ SRWTP.Wayner,M.J.Zellner - - - '58. Suprapharyngeal ganglion on altern JCP51:282 SPWTPObor_Spon altern incr-f(disscriminable brightness cues at choice Way,MJ'58+ FAREC.Wayner,M.J. et al - - - '72 Consumption of alcohol - - - - - - PhB 8:345 FQREC-gx3_Gradual incr in ALC intake w/prolonged periodic exposure - Way,MJ'72e FAREC.Wayner,M.J. et al - - - '73 THC/Alcohol on adjunctive beh - - PhB10:109 FQREC-ga3_Adjunctive THC/ALC w/FI ESB reinf w/out food/H2O dep - - - Way,MJ'73e ----- ----- OKXXX Wearden, John H. - - - - '83. Under/over-matching as deviations EAB40:332 DSH Wearden,J.H. - - - - - - '95. Categorical scaling of duration - ABP21:318 OK Wearden,J.H.Clark - - - '88. IRT reinfw/aperiodic reinf sched - ABP14:200 ZZA_ Wearden,J.H.Doherty - - '95. Connectionist model of timing - - ABP21: 99 DSH Wearden,J.H. et al - - - '96. Temporal genz w/long S durations - ABP23:502 H Wearden,J.H. et al - - - '98. Auditory/visual duration judgments QJE51: 97 ----- ----- FMR A Weasner,M.H. et al - - - '60. Acty changes w/food reinf - - - - JCP53:470 ORP Weatherly, Jeffrey N. - '96 W/in sessn change in R (McSweeney) PhD WashS ORP Weatherly,J.N. et al - - '95. W/in-session pattern of R - - - - L&M26:421 OAR Weatherly,J.N. et al - - '96. W/in session response patterns - - EAB66:205 ODP Weatherly,J.N. et al - - '97. Beh contrast w/percentage reinf - L&M28:368 SMRML.Weaver,H.E.Stone - - - - '28 Blind/normal rat in maze lrng - - JGt35:157 SERML-baa_Blind = normal rats in mult-T-maze lrng - - - - - - - - - - Wea,HE'28+ P Weaver,J.E. et al - - - '99. Present/absent sample matching - - ALB27:288 DLR Weaver, Lelon A. - - - - '57 Lrng sets w/rats - - - - - - - - - PhD Purdu DLR Weaver,L.A.Michels - - - '61 Meth factors in lrng sets - - - - AnB 9: 4 CSRCE.Weaver,M.S.Gordon - - - '88 Contextual S in blocking - - - - - Pb 16: 59 CERCE-bso_Decr blocking if change context B4 compound trng - - - - - Wea,MS'88+ CE bso_Decr blocking if present context alone B4 compound trng Wea,MS'88+ DAOVP.Weavers,R. et al - - - - '98. Reinf efficacy in DMTS - - - - - - EAB69: 77 DEOVPHaDK_W/hens, ICDD decr more w/delay B4 reinf than B4 choice - - Wea,R.'98e OMSEP.Webb,D.Levine - - - - - '78 Caffeine on DRL perf - - - - - - - PBB 9: 7 OLSEPHte2_W/nose-poke OpR w/DRL, caffeine decr IRTs, less w/OpR fdbk Web,D.'78+ SGRMP.Webb,L.W. - - - - - - - '17 Retroactive inhib - - - - - - - - PMg24: 3 SeRMPHbea_Pos transfer maze-1-->maze-2 neg correl w/retro inhib 2-->1 Web,LW'17- ----- ----- IMROO.Webb, Wilse B. - - - - - '48 Beh as-f(irrel drive) - - - - - - PhD UIowa IMROO.Webb,W.B. - - - - - - - '49 Motiv aspects of irrel drive - - - JEx39: 1 IbROOHbmi_After trng w/food dep, R/Extn incr-f(H2O dep) w/out hunger Web,WB'49- Ib bmi_Note: Max of above perf only about 17% R/Extn w/food dep Web,WB'49- DSRVP.Webb,W.B. - - - - - - - '50 Relational/specific S discrim lrng JCP43: 70 DeRVPHbes_After B/W discrim trng, Lat(R) w/S+ vs S+ < S- vs S- - - - Web,WB'50- SARVL.Webb,W.B. - - - - - - - '51 Place/resp lrng as discrim beh - - JCP44:263 SPRVLHboa_After trng position R w/diff lite cue, obtain place choice Web,WB'51- SP boa_After trng position R w/equal lite cue, obtain R choice - - Web,WB'51- ZZXXX.Webb,W.B. - - - - - - - '52. R in absence of acq motive - - - - PRv59: 54 ZZXXXXMXc_Reject functional autonomy and irrel D for R w/out orig D - Web,WB'52- ZZ MXc_Attrib R w/out orig D to lrnd D or redintegration Web,WB'52- DSRIL.Webb,W.B. - - - - - - - '55 Drive S as cue - - - - - - - - - - PRp 1:287 DERIL1baz_Concl some but limited role of hunger/thirst as cues - - - Web,WB'55- FM Webb,W.B. - - - - - - - '57. Antecedents of sleep - - - - - - - JEx53:162 FM Webb,W.B. - - - - - - - '61 Overview of sleep as exper var - - Sc 34:421 FMR Webb,W.B. - - - - - - - '62. Prolonged sleep dep - - - - - - - JCP55:791 AAXXX Webb,W.B. - - - - - - - '89 Wm McDougall's Lamarckian exper - PRc39:159 FM Webb,W.B.Ades - - - - - '64 Barometric pressure on sleep - - - Sc 43:263 FM Webb,W.B.Agnew - - - - - '62 Sleep-dep and exhaustion - - - - - Sc 36:122 RM Webb,W.B.Agnew - - - - - '64 R efficiency after arrousal - - - PMS18:183 FM Webb,W.B.Agnew - - - - - '66 First night effects - - - - - - - PPh 2:263 FM Webb,W.B.Agnew - - - - - '66. Sleep during early morning - - - - PSc 6: FMR Webb,W.B.Goodman - - - - '58 Irrel drive w/out rel drive - - - PRp 4:235 FMH Webb,W.B.Kersey - - - - '67 Recall of dreams - - - - - - - - - PMS24:627 FAHxx.Webb,W.B.CMLevy - - - - '82 Age and sleep dep - - - - - - - - PPh29:272 FPHxxObms_2-nights sleep dep decr perf w/40-49 > 18-22-yr age - - - - Web,WB'82+ DLRxL.Webb,W.B.Nolan - - - - - '53. Cues for discrim as reinf - - - - JCP46:180 DeRxLHbes_After lrng B/W discrim, acq T-maze facil w/GB same S+/S- - Web,WB'53+ FMH Webb,W.B.Stone - - - - - '63 Sleep of college adults - - - - - PMS16:162 FMH Webb,W.B. et al - - - - '66 Sleep electroencephalogram - - - - ECL / 84 FMH Webb,W.B. et al - - - - '67 Sleep in middle-age males - - - - ECL /168 FMH Webb,W.B. et al - - - - '67 Stage 4 and 1-REM sleep dep - - - PMS24:851 ----- ----- ORP Webbe,F.M. et al - - - - '74. Induced attack during mult sched - EAB22:197 FRR Weber, Anita L. - - - - '75 Lite/food period on acty (NAdler) PhD UPenn CUHVB.Weber,H.Wendt - - - - - '42 Classcond w/various cond of reinf JEx30:114 CEHVB-aeu_Airpuff better than loud sound as US - - - - - - - - - - - Web,H.'42+ CE aeu_Simult airpuff and loud sound better than either alone Web,H.'42+ DLH Weber,R.J. - - - - - - - '65. Lrng set as-f(age) - - - - - - - - PSc 3:153 AAG Webster,C.D.Rabedeau - - '64. Intersession interval on avcond - PSc 1: 73 AAG Webster,C.D. et al - - - '65. Intersession facil of avcond - - - PSc 3:291 DGCVL Webster, Ikuko H. - - - '74 Cue salience on shift - - - - - - PhD PennS ASMSE Wechkin,S. et al - - - - '64. Shock to conspecific as aversive S PSc 1: 47 AVM Wedekind, Carl E. - - - '60 Hemicerebrectomy on acq/extn - - - PhD UPitt AAR Wedeking,P.W. - - - - - '67. Avoid in dual, 1-way shuttle - - - PSc 8: 33 CRHAP.Wedell,C.H. et al - - - '40. Attempt to cond pupillary R - - - JEx27:517 CPHAP-bYp_Fail to cond pupillary R w/Pair(sub/supraliminal S,lite) - Wed,CH'40e CVSCE.Weeber,E.J. et al - - - "00 Beta isoform in fear cond - - - - NSc20:906 CLSCESnbC_Deficit in cued/context fear cond w/PKC beta knock-out O - Wee,EJ'00e OKREP.Weeks, James R. - - - - '62 Exper morphine addiction - - - - - Sc 38:143 OFREP-gJ3_iv self-admin MORPH decr-f(dose) w/rapid satiation - - - - Wee,JR'62- ORREP.Weeks,J.R.Collins - - - '78 FR/TO on self-admin of morphine - PBB 9:703 OFREP-gJ3_Rate self-inject MORPH w/CRF>FR, w/no effect post-reinf TO Wee,JR'78+ OKREC.Weeks,J.R.Collins - - - '79 Self-admin of morphine - - - - - - PPm65:171 OFREC-gJ3_Re self-admin, infer reinf prop of MORPH w/out dependence - Wee,JR'79+ IMRAR.Weems,L.B.ELWalker - - - '64 Alteration re S/gentling/isolation PRc14:515 ILRARTnaa_Speed(IR) not-f adult single/pair housing or handling - - - Wee,LB'64+ DGMV Wegener,J.G. - - - - - - '65. Cross-modal transfer i - - - - - - JCP59:450 CUHAH.Wegner,H.Zeaman - - - - '58. US duration on cardiac CR - - - - PRv65:238 CEHAH-aju_Mag(HR CR) not-f shock US duration - - - - - - - - - - - - Weg,H.'58+ DR Wehling,H.E.Prokasy - - '62 Acq of observing R - - - - - - - - PRp10:399 B Weidemann,G. et al - - - '99. Temporal specificity in patterning ALB27: 99 ARr Weihmuller,F.B.ACCollier '90 Age-dependent beh on retention - - DPB23:265 CDB1B.Weikart,C.L.Berger - - - '86 Hippocampal lesns disrupt reversal BBR22: 85 CpB1B-nNc_Hippocampal lesion decr reversal, not tone-lite diff-cond - Wei,CL'86+ OA Weil, Jeffrey L. - - - - '80 T(D) duration/placement - - - - - PhD CUNY ZZXXX Weimer,W.B.Palmero - - - '74 Cog and symbolic proc - - - - - - LEA OERN .Weinberg,H.Andrew - - - '66 R/Extn w/cond cortical S - - - - - PhB 1:205 AVRCJ.Weinberg,J.SLevine - - - '77 Early handling on active avoid - - DPB10:161 ANRCJSnCa_No effect of early handling on ARi acq, decr corticosterone Wei,J.'77+ ORR Weinberg, Michael - - - '84 P(Reinf) of switching - - - - - - PhD Templ AE Weinberger, Norman M. - '61 Detainment in CS on extn - - - - - PhD WRsrv AER Weinberger,N.M. - - - - '65. Detainment on extn - - - - - - - - JCP60:135 CMRAe.Weinberger,N.M. et al - '84 Epinephrine incr cond w/anesthesia Sc 23:605 CLRAe-naa_Pair(S,shock) w/anesthesia--CER if epinephrine during trng Wei,NM'84e CL naa_In above, epinephrine did not alter sleep, re HR/reflexes Wei,NM'84e AVSCR.Weinberger,S.B. et al - '92 Avcond w/3 inbred strains - - - - PAb 34113 ALSCRSnbC_Acq/perf ARi w/DBA/2J strain > C57BL/6J/C3eH/HeJ strains - Wei,SB'92- ZM Weiner,B. - - - - - - - '76 Motiv from cog perspective (Estes) LEA ----- ----- ORHDO Weiner, Harold - - - - - '60 Signals and AMPH on observer R - - PhD U Md OAHCP.Weiner,H. - - - - - - - '64. R cost and FR perf - - - - - - - - EAB 7: 79 OEHCP.Weiner,H. - - - - - - - '64. R/Extn as-f(R-cost after FI) - - - EAB 7:333 ObHCPOcbo_Decr R/Extn after FI reinf if OpR-->cost re decr pts - - - Wei,H.'64- OSHIK.Weiner,H. - - - - - - - '64. Cond history and FI perf - - - - - EAB 7:383 OBHIK-acA_R/rate on FI-10 sec hi if prior FR and lo if prior DRL - - Wei,H.'64- OSHI Weiner,H. - - - - - - - '65 R-cost effects on FI perf - - - - PRp17:659 OSHIK.Weiner,H. - - - - - - - '69. Controlling FI perf - - - - - - - EAB12:349 OBHIK-acA_Not all O show postreinf pause and low R/rate on FI - - - - Wei,H.'69- OB acA_R/rate on FI lower if subtract points for each R Wei,H.'69- OB acA_R/rate on FI lower if prior DRL history Wei,H.'69- OPH Weiner,H. - - - - - - - '69. Cond history on escape/avoid beh - EAB12:039 OMH Weiner,H. - - - - - - - '70. Instructional control during extn EAB13:391 OAHCU.Weiner,H. - - - - - - - '82 Operant beh after R-omission - - - PRc32:409 ObHCUOaaa_Rate(OpR) w/FR decr w/prior R-omission trng - - - - - - - - Wei,H.'82- Ob aaa_Above prior trng incl reinf of no-OpR, DRL, punishment Wei,H.'82- ----- ----- DLREL.Weiner,I.Feldon - - - - '86 Amphetamin on reversal/nonreversal PPm89:355 DLREL-te2_After brightness discrim, nonreversal (position) > reversal Wei,I.'86+ DL te2_Re above, d-AMPH facil reversal, no effect on nonreversal Wei,I.'86+ CSRD .Weiner,I.Feldon - - - - '87 Facil latent inhib w/haloperidol - PPm91:248 CGRD -bac_Latent inhib re S-pre-exposure facil w/haloperidol - - - - Wei,I.'87+ IERER.Weiner,I. et al - - - - '85 Abolition of PREE w/amphetamine - PPm86:318 ILRERHte2_No PREE if trng at 1/tr/day w/AMPH, w/w/out AMPH in extn - Wei,I.'85e DLREL.Weiner,I. et al - - - - '86 Amphetamine and the ORE - - - - - PBB24:539 DLREL-te2_d-AMPH facil reversal at crit, decr reversal w/overtrng - - Wei,I.'86e ILRER.Weiner,I. et al - - - - '86 Amphetamine on partial-pun effect PPm88:119 ILRERHte2_W/CRF food, partial pun incr R/Pun, not-f(AMPH) - - - - - - Wei,I.'86e DAREL.Weiner,I. et al - - - - '86 Amphetamine on brightness discrim PBB25:939 DLREL-te2_d-AMPH in acq facil acq/reversal; some facil in reversal - Wei,I.'86e IERER.Weiner,I. et al - - - - '87 Amphetamine on PREE - - - - - - - PBB27:205 ILRERHte2_Elim PREE w/amphetamine on non-reinf tr during acq - - - - Wei,I.'87e CSREe.Weiner,I. et al - - - - '87 Latent inhib w/chronic di-amphetam PPm91:345 CLREe-te2_Latent inhib elim w/1.5, not w/6/mg/kg dose d-AMPH - - - - Wei,I.'87e CVRAe.Weiner,I. et al - - - - '87 Early handling and latent inhib - DPB20:233 CLRAe-ngC_Infant handling decr adult CER, w/latent inhib is-f(gender) Wei,I.'87e DLREL.Weiner,I. et al - - - - '87 Discrim transfer w/amphetamine - - PPm93:261 DLREL-te2_d-AMPH facil transfer B/W-->shapes, esp w/change in S- - - Wei,I.'87e IM Weiner,I. et al - - - - '87. Handling effects on PREE/punish - QJE39:245 ----- ----- ZRXfX Weiner,N. - - - - - - - '48 Cybernetics - - - - - - - - - - - Wiley FARNO Weingarten, Harvey P. - '79 Hypothal lsn on acid secretion - - PhD Yale CMR1C.Weingarten,H.P. - - - - '83 CS elicited feeding in sated O - - Sc 20:431 CLR1C-mma_Pair(S,food) w/dep--S elicit eating w/satiation - - - - - - Wei,HP'83- FRRUC.Weingarten,H.P. - - - - '85 Meal initiation w/lrnd cue - - - - PAb 21944 FPRUCHaFF_After Pair(S,food) w/dep, S initiate eating w/satiation - - Wei,HP'85- ZMXXC.Weingarten,H.P. - - - - '90 Lrng, homeostatis/ control feeding APA ZZXXCHCZK_Anal of lrng as critical to analyze control of food intake Wei,HP'90- FCRGC.Weingarten,H.Kulikovsky '89 Taste-to-consequence w/sham feed - PhB45:471 FPRGC-aZF_Incr intake w/sham feeding attrib to taste-consequence cond Wei,H.'89+ FARCC.Weingarten,H.P.GMMartin '89 Mech of cond meal initiation - - - PhB45:735 FKPRCCHaXF_Cues cond to food elicit eating re activate appetitive sys Wei,HP'89+ CRRCO.Weingarten,H.P.Powley - '81 Cond cephalic phase gastric R - - PhB27:217 CPRCO-bYV_Cephalic phase gastric secretion CR w/Pair(context,food) - Wei,HP'81+ CAHEL.Weingartner,H. et al - - '76. Alcohol state-dependent lrng - - - HLM 2: 83 CLHEV-nml_ALC state-dependent lrng greater w/lo-imagery free recall - Wei,H.'76e DMMD Weiner,R.Harlow - - - - '52 Nembutal on lrng perf - - - - - - JGn46: 43 FR Weininger, Otto - - - - '55 Early exper on stress - - - - - - PhD Trnto FMR Weininger,O. - - - - - - '53 Early handling on mortality - - - CJP 7:111 FMRS Weininger,O. - - - - - - '53. Dominance on accumulating acty - - JCP46:200 FpR Weininger,O. - - - - - - '56. Early exper in beh/growth - - - - JCP49: 1 FMR Weininger,O. et al - - - '54 Gentling and weight gain - - - - - CJP 8:147 DSMVP.Weinstein, Benjamin - - '42 Symbolic beh: color categorizing - PhD UWisc DEMVPOhAH_Acq color categorizing re MTS and sorting problems - - - - Wei,B.'42- DSxVL.Weinstein,B. - - - - - - '41. Matching-to-sample--monkey/child - JC 31:195 DExVLxbaz_DMTS requires prin of sameness w/S/Genz to novel Ss - - - - Wei,B.'41- DE baz_Also exchange app/avoid re same S w/non-spatial delayed R Wei,B.'41- DLxVLxnsC_DMTS w/rhesus = young child w/limited language ability Wei,B.'41- ORR Weinstein, Donald J. - - '73 R-reinf dissociation - - - - - - - PhD WRsrv IKHOO Weinstein, Lawrence - - '72. Neg incentive contrast w/PRF/CRF - JEx94:210 OKRUP.Weinstein,L. - - - - - - '77. Pos contrast as-f mag reward incr BPS 9:233 ObRUPHaka_Pos contrast w/incr from .01 to 1% concen, not w/05-->1% - Wei,L.'77- IKHUU.Weinstein,L. - - - - - - '82 Pos contrast as-f(happiness) - - - BPS19: 97 IbHUUUaka_Pos contrast re incr Amt(Reinf) w/happy > nonhappy O - - - Wei,L.'82- ZMHEC Weinstein,R.M. - - - - - '79 Motives for marijuana beh - - - - PAb 9610 OR Weinstock, Andrew I. - - '71 Sequential effect in FI - - - - - PhD UMich IDRAR.Weinstock, Roy B. - - - '68 Pre-explor on contrast - - - - - - PhD Syrac IKRAR.Weinstock,R.B. - - - - - '71. Contrast as-f preacq explor - - - JCP75:107 IbRARHaka_Pos, no neg incentive contrast w/no effect of preacq explor Wei,RB'71- IGRARHbCp_Preacq explor runway facil acq/perf re Speed(IR) - - - - - Wei,RB'71- ZM Weinstock,R.B. - - - - - '72. Maint sched and hunger - - - - - - PBl78:311 OKR Weinstock,R.B. et al - - '65. Incentive value of saccharin - - - PSc 3:103 IERAR.Weinstock, Solomon - - - '54 Extn w/PRF at 24-hr ITI - - - - - PhD Ind U IERAR.Weinstock,S. - - - - - - '54. PRF w/widely spaced trials - - - - JCP47:318 IdRARHbpb_R/Extn decr-f(%(Reinf)) in acq w/trng/extn at 1 tr/day - - Wei,S.'54- IERAR.Weinstock,S. - - - - - - '58. PRF at 24-hr ITI - - - - - - - - - JEx56:151 IdRARHbpb_R/Extn decr-f(%(Reinf)) after l-tr/day trng - - - - - - - - Wei,S.'58- SKRTP.Weinstock,S. et al - - - '65. P-lrng w/noncorrection - - - - - - JCP60: 76 SFRTPHapL_W/noncorrection, 100% pref re 75:25 and 60:40 P(reinf) - - Wei,S.'65e SF apL_Above results fit with "identity operator" model Wei,S.'65e RAHEL.Weintraub,A.L. - - - - - '81 Reinf effect of alcohol - - - - - PhD Wayne OFHEL-gS3_Hypo: ALC incr P(lo-freq R) via change internal context - - Wei,AL'81- OF gS3_Less proactive inhib if learn 1st w/out and 2nd w/ALC Wei,AL'81- OAhR Weisberg,P.Fink - - - - '66. FR/extn perf in 2nd year of life - EAB 9:105 DRRVL.Weise,P.Bitterman - - - '51 R selection in discrim lrng - - - PRv58:185 DBRVLHaaD_Acq simult discrim slower than successive (diff R to diff S Wei,P.'51+ DB aaD_Interp above re configurational view of S in discrim lrng - Wei,P.'51+ FRRGC.Weisinger,R.S. et al - - '74. Cond aversions and specific needs JCP87:655 FDRGC-cRU_Cond sucrose aversn w/formaline or X-ray US, not w/insulin Wei,RS'74e FD cRU_Cond saline aversn w/insulin or X-ray US, not w/formaline Wei,RS'74e FAREC.Weisinger,R.S. et al - - '89 Vol ethanol intake re housing - - PBB33:335 FQREC-gx3_Vol ALC intake w/pair-housed > singly-housed, not-f(ACTH) - Wei,RS'89e Weiskrantz, Lawrence - - '54 Amygdala ablation on beh - - - - - PhD Harvd OKRCP Weiskrantz,L.Baltzer - - '75 Satiation and reward mag shifts - QJE27: 73 ZMM Weiskrantz,L.Cowey - - - '63 Etiology of food reward - - - - - AnB11:225 CVHUB.Weiskrantz,L.Warrington '79 Cond in amnesic patients - - - - - NPa17:187 CLHUB-nAw_10-min/24-hr retention of CR w/out verbal recall w/amnesics Wei,L.'79+ ASRAJ.Weisman,D.G. et al - - - '67. Diff nonshock confinement - - - - JCP63: 34 ABRAJScha_P(ARi) in shuttle greater to side w/longer nonshock ITI - - Wei,DG'67e ----- ----- AAR Weisman, Ronald G. - - - '64 Compare class/instrucond w/same R PhD MichS AAR Weisman,R.G. - - - - - - '65 Class/instru appetitive cond - - - AmJ78:423 OI Weisman,R.G. - - - - - - '69. Inhib S control - - - - - - - - - EAB12:443 OD Weisman,R.G. - - - - - - '70. Diff reinf of other beh in discrim EAB14: 87 CAXXX.Weisman,R.G. - - - - - - '77 Role of reinf in assn lrng (Davis) Scott-For CEXXX-baZ_Small/reliable sensory precond, not mediated by overt beh - Wei,RG'77- CE baZ_Sensory precond leads to central representation of S Wei,RG'77- CAXXX-aVz_S leads to central representation of US w/memory not= event Wei,RG'77- CA aVz_US memory incl temporal/physical/biol/emotional char Wei,RG'77- CA aVz_CR is-f US memory + context support re orient/locomotor/act Wei,RG'77- ODPA Weisman,R.G.DiFranco - - '81. Delay/S-duration in sequence discr ABP 7:413 CZXXX.Weisman,R.G.Dodd - - - - '79 Assoc methodology (Dickinson) - - LEA ZZXXX-cXc_Assn not directly observable; silent assn require inference Wei,RG'79+ ZZ cXc_Ex: Lrnd irrelevance, habituatn, inhib/simult/sensory cond Wei,RG'79+ ZZ cXc_Assn structure incl representatn spatial/temporal relations Wei,RG'79+ akR Weisman,R.G.Litner - - - '69. Pos cond reinf or Sidman avoid beh JCP68:597 AAR1e.Weisman,R.G.Litner - - - '69. Excit/inhib of fear - - - - - - - JCP69:667 ACR1e-nIO_S paired w/shock incr noncued ARo - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wei,RG'69+ AC nIO_S unpaired w/shock decr noncued ARo Wei,RG'69+ AAR1E.Weisman,R.G.Litner - - - '71. ITI in diff-cond of fear - - - - - JCP74:211 ACR1E-nIC_Cond inhib fear (re decr Rate(ARo)) incr-f(assoc safe time) Wei,RG'71+ AYR Weisman,R.G.Litner - - - '72. Pavlovian event in avcond (Boakes) Academic DP Weisman,R.G.Palmer - - - '69 Prior non-diff reinf on discrim - EAB12:229 OD Weisman,R.G.Ramsden - - '73. Discrim R-indep component - - - - EAB19: 55 FDOA Weisman,R.G.Ratcliffe - '87. Birds identify species song info - L&M18: 80 AIR J Weisman,R.G. et al - - - '65. ITI on discrete-trial avoid - - - PSc 2: 33 ODPVL.Weisman,R.G. et al - - - '80. Representation of 2-event sequence ABP 6:312 OpPVLHaaa_Diffcond re order of 2-lites, w/initial control re primacy Wei,RG'80e ODPVP.Weisman,R.G. et al - - - '84 Delayed sequence discrim - - - - - CJP38:256 OpPVPHaaa_W/conditional diffcond, acq R to terminate trial Wei,R.'84e Op aaa_ after neg sample S B4 test S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wei,R.'84e ODP Weisman,R.G. et al - - - '85. Representation of 3-event sequence L&M16:239 ODR Weisman,R.G. et al - - - '87. Simple/conditional discrim w/delay L&M18:274 ----- ----- ARO x.Weiss,A.Penzlin - - - - '85 Shock avoid w/headless cockroach - PhB34:697 APO xSbax_W/headless cockroach, leg-lift > leg-lower AR - - - - - - - Wei,A.'85+ AP bax_Attrib above to compatible leg-lift UR/ER to shock US Wei,A.'85+ ZZXXX.Weiss,A.P. - - - - - - - '24 Behaviorism and behavior - - - - - PRv31: 32 ZZXXXXXXc_Behaviorism is physical science between physiol/social sc - Wei,AP'24- ZZ XXc_Incl implicit-R/image/thought and overt beh Wei,AP'24- ----- ----- RSHf .Weiss, Bernard - - - - - '53 Propriocep fdbk in positioning R - PhD Rochr RSHf .Weiss,B. - - - - - - - - '54. Role of propriocep fdbk - - - - - JEx47:215 RFHf -bKs_Displacement > force fdbk in positioning R w/out vision - - Wei,B.'54- RSHf Weiss,B. - - - - - - - - '55. Mvmt error and the range effect - JEx50:191 DMR C Weiss,B. - - - - - - - - '58 Brief exposures to cold on intake Sc 27:467 OL Weiss,B. - - - - - - - - '70. Transition states (Schoenfeld) - - A-C-C ZZXXX Weiss,B. - - - - - - - - '73. Can computers answer beh question? BRM 5: 67 OSPD Weiss,B.Gott - - - - - - '73 Microanal of drug effects on FR - PAb 6644 EKRTB Weiss,B.Laties - - - - - '59. Titration beh w/fractional escape EAB 2:227 OKR B Weiss,B.Laties - - - - - '60. Mag(reinf) in thermoregulatory beh JCP53:603 OMRIB.Weiss,B.Moore - - - - - '56. Drive on distrib of R on FI - - - JEx52: 82 OLRIB-mma_Overall R/rate incr-f(dep) w/same rel rate w/in FI - - - - Wei,B.'56+ ORM Weiss,B. et al - - - - - '66. Serial interact in spaced R - - - EAB 9:619 ZZXXX Weiss,B. et al - - - - - '89. Serial prop of beh w/chem mod - - ALB17: 83 ----- ----- SGOT Weiss,B.A.Schneirla - - '67 Inter-situational transfer in ants Beh28:269 CVRAB.Weiss,C.RFThompson - - - '91 Age on cond - - - - - - - - - - - PAb 19634 CLRAB-nOC_Decr in classcond from mid-age to senescent O - - - - - - - Wei,C.'91+ CVRAB.Weiss,C.RFThompson - - - '92 Age on cond w/freely-moving O - - PAb 29634 CLRAB-nAC_W/freely-moving O, classcond w/young > mid-age/senescent - Wei,C.'92+ CVRUB.Weiss,C.RFThompson - - - '92 Delayed acq w/aged hybrid O - - - PAb 34045 CLRUB-nOC_Strain diff in effect of extra trng w/aged O - - - - - - - Wei,C.'92+ IK Weiss, Gerald - - - - - '65 PRF in mixed-phase diffcond - - - PhD UIowa SSOML.Weiss,K. - - - - - - - - '56 Bees/wasps in colored mazes - - - PAb 2105 SEOMLUbaa_Bees/wasps learn maze w/colored walls re correct turns - - Wei,K.'56- OD Weiss,K.M. - - - - - - - '68. Cond suppression and Op-discrim - EAB11:767 ----- ----- ARR Weiss, Jay M. - - - - - '67 Coping R on stress (NEMiller) - - PhD Yale ARR Weiss,J.M. - - - - - - - '68. Coping R on stress - - - - - - - - JCP65:251 YCR Weiss,J.M. - - - - - - - '71. Coping beh on stress pathology - - JCP77: 1 YCR Weiss,J.M. - - - - - - - '71. Punish coping R on stress pathol - JCP77: 14 ASRf .Weiss,J.M. - - - - - - - '71. Coping beh w/w/out fdbk and stress JCP77: 22 AERfO-bKy_Fewer ulcers if given R-produced fdbk in avoid sit - - - - Wei,JM'71- AARAE.Weiss,J.M. et al - - - - '68. Fear cond on subsequent avoid lrng JCP65:413 ACRAE-nII_Pair(S,shock) impair subsequent acq shuttle ARi - - - - - - Wei,JM'68e ANR Weiss,J.M. et al - - - - '70. Coping beh on brain norepinephrine JCP72:153 ----- ----- OCRAe.Weiss, Kenneth M. - - - '68. CER on operant discrim - - - - - - EAB11:767 OARAe-oId_CER S in S+ decr Rate(OpR) in both S+ and S- w/out S - - - Wei,KM'68- ORHxx.Weiss,K.M. - - - - - - - '78. Forward/backward acq of R chain - EAB29:255 OBHxxOasc_Acq 6-link R-chain w/forward > backward procedure - - - - - Wei,KM'78- CAXXX Weiss,K.R.Brown - - - - '74 Latent inhib: Review/new hypo - - ANE34:301 IAREA.Weiss,M. - - - - - - - - '59 Alcohol in psych conflict - - - - PAb 7403 ILREA-te1_ALC did not decr conflict re fear of open space - - - - - - Wei,M.'59- RZXXX.Weiss,P. - - - - - - - - '41 Prob of coordination - - - - - - - CPM17: 4 RPXXXXpda_Hierarchical org of beh re levels: - - - - - - - - - - - - Wei,P.'41- RP pda_Neurone, muscle, m-group, organ, o-system, whole organism Wei,P.'41- ----- ----- IRR B Weiss,R.F. - - - - - - - '58. Speed/Amp(R) as-f(work) (FALogan) PhD Yale IMRAR.Weiss,R.F. - - - - - - - '60. Dep/Mag(reinf) on goal gradient - JEx60:384 IERARHaIa_Start/run speed incr-f(Dep/Amt(Reinf)) w/no interaction - - Wei,RF'60- IPRARHbtc_Speed gradient incr-decr-f(distance), incr-f(trng/dep/reinf Wei,RF'60- IRR B Weiss,R.F. - - - - - - - '61. Work/FR on speed/amp/R/Extn - - - JEx61:245 IKHLL.Weiss,R.F. et al - - - - '71. Reinf effect of speaking in reply JPS20:136 IPHLLObYh_Acq press IR w/reinf = opportunity to speak in reply - - - Wei,RJ'71e IRHLL.Weiss,R.F. et al - - - - '71. Delay/Correl Reinf on conversation JEx90: 33 IPHLLObYh_Lat(IR) decr-f(delay of opportunity to speak in reply) - - Wei,RF'71e IP bYh_Acq Long-Lat(IR) w/neg correl reinf = opportunity to speak) Wei,RF'71e CRHLL.Weiss,R.F. et al - - - - '82. Classcond attitudes - - - - - - - BPS20: 21 CPHLLObYh_Cond attitude incr-f(N/persuasion tr) and consensus - - - - Wei,RF'82e OKH Weiss,R.L. - - - - - - - '55 Set for speed on lrng w/out aware AmJ68:425 ----- ----- OS Weiss, Stanley J. - - - '63 Summation of R to diff S (Lawson) PhD OhioS OS Weiss,S.J. - - - - - - - '64. Summation of R to diff S - - - - - JEx68:151 OSR Weiss,S.J. - - - - - - - '67. Compounding of VI and low rate - - EAB10:535 OD Weiss,S.J. - - - - - - - '71 Discrim trng and S compounding - - EAB15:387 OR Weiss,S.J. - - - - - - - '72. IRTs in high/low rate discrim - - L&M 3:469 CSXXX.Weiss,S.J. - - - - - - - '72. Review/anal of S compounds - - - - PBl78:189 CEXXX-bsz_Reviews summatn/suppressn/averaging effect of compounding S Wei,SJ'72- OSR1x Weiss,S.J. - - - - - - - '75. Summation of S-compounding - - - - ALB 3:359 ASR Weiss,S.J. - - - - - - - '76. S control of avoid - - - - - - - - L&M 7:477 OSR1P Weiss,S.J. - - - - - - - '77. S-reinf assns w/mult sched - - - - ALB 5:421 OSR1P.Weiss,S.J. - - - - - - - '78. Two-factor model of S control - - EAB30:361 OeR1Pxbez_Ident R-factor re S-->(incr/=/decr) in Rate(OpR) re no-S - Wei,SJ'78- Oe bez_Ident incentive factor re S-->(incr/=/decr) reinf re n0-S Wei,SJ'78- Oe bez_Note: Incentive factor incl both pos/neg reinf Wei,SJ'78- Oe bez_Combine above factors to predict perf w/test 2-S compound Wei,SJ'78- Oe bez_Ie: If both incr re S1 and S2, Rate(OpR) w/S1S2 >> S1 or S2 Wei,SJ'78- Oe bez_Eg: Max additive summatn after MULT VI VI EXT re S1 S2 no-S Wei,SJ'78- OKPVO Weiss,S.J.Dacanay - - - '82. Incentive proc and peak shift - - EAB37:441 CSR1P.Weiss,S.J.Emurian - - - '70. S control w/summation of CER - - - JEx85:204 CER1PHbsm_After CER trng w/lite-off or tone-off S, max CER w/both off Wei,SJ'70+ OkRI Weiss,S.J.Lawson - - - - '62. Sec reinf as suppressor of Op/rate JCP55:016 OAP Weiss,S.J.Panlilio - - - '99. Blocking selective assn - - - - - EAB71: 13 AGRAP.Weiss,S.J.Schindler - - '81. Peak shift w/post reinf and avoid EAB35:175 AeRAPSbea_After diffcond ARo re click-freq, peak shift sim to pos rf Wei,SJ'81+ ASR .Weiss,S.J.Schindler - - '85. Cond history and inhib S-control - ALB13:215 ABR Scas_Add prior safety-S to CS decr Rate(ARo) - - - - - - - - - - Wei,SJ'85+ AB cas_No above effect if S first trnd as CS for ARo, then extn Wei,SJ'85+ ZSXXX.Weiss,S.J.Schindler - - '87 Composite-S anal of S-control - - PRc37:177 ZZXXXXSXm Model of quantal S-control w/compound S as-f(R/reinf var) - Wei,SJ'87+ OAR1P.Weiss,S.J.Schindler - - '89. Integrate control w/pos/neg reinf ALB17:433 OeR1Pxbes_After trng S1 w/VI food + S2 w/ARo and extn w/no-S, Wei,SJ'89+ Oe bes_ Rate(OpR) re S1S2 compound same as re S1 or S2 alone - - Wei,SJ'89+ Oe bes_Interp above re opposing motive states-->inhib motiv state Wei,SJ'89+ ORR Weiss,S.J.Van-Ost - - - '74. R-discrim and reinf in S-control - L&M 5:459 OGPVP Weiss,S.J.Weissman - - - '92. Peak shift w/AuSh and OpR - - - - EAB57:127 ODR1P.Weiss,S.J. et al - - - - '88. S-compounding w/food/H2O - - - - - EAB50:237 OBR1PTasd_After independent discrim OpR re T/L, rate incr w/compound Wei,SJ'88e OB asd_Acq independent discrim OpR re dep w/T=food and L=H2O Wei,SJ'88e OB asd_After above, Rate(OpR) incr w/T-L compound Wei,SJ'88e ODR1P Weiss,S.J. et al - - - - '93. Single-incentive selective assn - ABP19:284 OKR1P.Weiss,S.J. et al - - - - '93. Selective assn w/food reinf - - - EAB59:309 OBR1PHasd_After diffcond OpR w/TL compound S+, OpR w/L > w/T alone - Wei,SJ'93e OB asd_After diffcond OpR w/TL compound S-, OpR w/T > w/L alone Wei,SJ'93e ----- ----- DMPNP Weiss, Susan R. B. - - - '82 Lsn of interhemispheric pathways - PhD U Md ----- ----- ODRCP Weissman, Albert - - - - '58 Discrim paradigms w/temporal sched PhD Clmba OERCP.Weissman,A. - - - - - - '60. Exposure to 3 mixed extinctions EAB 3:115 OBRCPHasm_Mix extn w/FR/FI/DRL->Abrupt term of OpR after priming run Wei,A.'60- ODP Weissman,A. - - - - - - '61. Impairment of perf w/discrim S - - EAB 4:365 OSRI Weissman,A. - - - - - - '62 Licking beh w/sched of food reinf Sc 35: 99 AAR Weissman,A. - - - - - - '62 Nondiscrim avoid beh - - - - - - - PRp10:591 OSP Weissman,A. - - - - - - '63. Pairing discrim S w/LH sched - - - EAB 6:265 AARN Weissman,A. - - - - - - '64. Retrograde amnesia w/ECS - - - - - JCP57:248 AARCO.Weissman,A. - - - - - - '71 Incubation of fear - - - - - - - - PRp29:735 ABRCOScha_Incr in jump-out ARi after 2-hr break in massed 1-d trng - Wei,A.'71- AB cha_Interp above re "incubation of fear" Wei,A.'71- ----- ----- OEPRK Weissman,N.W.Crossman - '66. 2 types of extn after FR - - - - - EAB 9: 41 ODR K Weissman,N.W.Gottlieb - '69. S/Genz in slow rotation - - - - - JCP69:150 ASR Weissman, Richard D. - - '95 Discrim w/pos/neg reinf - - - - - PhD AmerU CABNB Weisz,D.J. et al - - - - '80. Hippocampus is nec for tracecond - BPS16:abs SRRTP.Weitz,J.Wakeman - - - - '41 Spon altern and the CR - - - - - - JC 32:551 SPRTPHbor_W/2 paths to same GB, little altern w/w/out food left in GB Wei,J.'41+ FAREO.Weitz,M.K. - - - - - - - '75 Ethanol on shock-elicited fighting PAb 4768 FLREO-te1_Shock-elicited fighting incr w/lo/mod-dose ALC, decr w/hi - Wei,MK'75- FPREO-wER_Shock-elicited fighting incr w/lo/mod-dose ALC, decr w/hi - Wei,MK'75- SKx Weitzman, Ronald A. - - '59 Rat/fish re P(Reinf) - - - - - - - PhD Prntn SKX Weitzman,R.A. - - - - - '67. Positional matching--rats/fish - - JCP63: 54 DA Welch, James C. - - - - '53 Test Spence's th - - - - - - - - - PhD WashS ZZHXX.Welch,L.Hayes - - - - - '57 Cond in normal/pathological beh - JGt91:263 ZZHXX-cZb_Survey classcond in normal/pathological human beh - - - - - Wel,L.'57+ CVHLG.Welch,L.Kubis - - - - - '47 Cond rate/stability as-f(anxiety) Psy23: 83 CLHLGOmmx_Classcond acq/stability w/clinical anxiety > normal subj - Wel,L.'47- CVHLG.Welch,L.Kubis - - - - - '47 Cond in pathological anxiety - - - NMD05:372 CLHLG-tac_Cond w/buzz US w/pathological anxious patients > normals - Wel,L.'47+ FCR C.Weldin, Gary H. - - - - '76 Paradoxical incr fear (McAllister) PhD N Ill FCR C-oaa_Suppressn dec-inc-f time after CS previously paired w/shock Wel,GH'76- RZHXX Welford,A.T. - - - - - - '68 Fundamentals of skill - - - - - - Methuen ZZHfX Welford,A.T. - - - - - - '74 On the sequencing of action - - - BrR71:381 ----- ----- ORRCP Welker, Robert L. - - - '74 "Lrnd laziness" - - - - - - - - - PhD UColo OAP Welker,R.L. - - - - - - '76. Acq as-f prior R-indep food - - - L&M 7:394 OERCP Welker,R.L.McAuley - - - '78. R/Extn as-f transport/context S - ALB 6:451 OERCP.Welker,R.L.McAuley - - - '78. Equivalence of extn/R-indep events BPS12:453 OaRCPH _After VI trng, Rate(OpR) decr w/extn = R-indep VT food - - Wel,RL'78+ ORxCP Welker,R.L.Weidenman - - '78. IR for food w/free food present - ALB 6:366 CDRVe.Welker,R.L.Wheatley - - '77. Incr/decr in luminance levels as S L&M 8:247 CpRVe-aqu_Greater CER w/incr inten = S+, decr inten = S-, vs v/versa Wel,RL'77+ OS Welker,R.L. et al - - - '74. Context control and OR - - - - - - JCP86:549 OD Welker,R.L. et al - - - '75. Beh contrast and S- R - - - - - - BPS 5:205 ----- ----- FRNCO Welker, Wallace I. - - - '54 Play/explor in chimp - - - - - - - PhD U Chi FMR E Welker,W.I. - - - - - - '57 Free vs forced explor of novel sit PRp 3: 95 FMR E Welker,W.I. - - - - - - '59. Escape/explor/food-seeking beh - - JCP52:106 FMR C Welker,W.I.King - - - - '62. S novelty on gnawing/eating - - - JCP55:838 FRREC.Wellman,P.J. - - - - - - '82 Pre-expose to flavor and aversion PRp50:555 FQREC-ii3_Taste pre-expose decr cond aversn w/LiCl or AMPH US - - - - Wel,PJ'82- SMRMP Wells, Annie M. - - - - '70 Dietary/environ cond on perf - - - PhD UMont ORH H Wells, David T. - - - - '71 Vol control of HR - - - - - - - - PhD Duke CRHUS.Wells,D.T.Feather - - - '68 Changing ISI - - - - - - - - - - - PPh 4:278 CPHUS-bta_No inhib(delay) w/10/20/40-sec ISI, or change in ISI - - - Wei,DT'68+ RRHVP.Wells,F.L. - - - - - - - '16 Psychomotor mechanisms in typing - AmJ27: 47 RPHVPOtei_Errors=24% substitute, 40% intrude, 25% omit, 8% transpose Wel,FL'16- DAMVL.Wells,H.Deffenbacher - - '66. Cocept lrng w/1 rel dimension - - PSc 6:237 DEMVLObFd_Incremental acq concept re 1 rel dimension (of 4) - - - - - Wel,H.'66+ EJRCP.Wells,M.G.Merrill - - - '69. Self-punitive beh in operant sit - PSc15: 7 EbRCPScap_After trng ER w/FR-12, incr R/Extn w/shock if emit 4 Rs - - Wel,MG'69+ DSO Wells,M.J. - - - - - - - '64 Tactile shape discrim by octopus - QJE16:156 SRHML Welsh,B.L.Waters - - - - '44 Finger/stylus lrng of same maze - JGn31:283 RMH Wenar,C. - - - - - - - - '54 RT as-f anxiety + S inten - - - - JAS49:335 CAHTF.Wendt, George Richard - '31 Cond knee-jerk - - - - - - - - - - PhD Clmba CAHTF.Wendt,G.R. - - - - - - - '30 Anal of cond knee-jerk - - - - - - Arc19:123 CAHTF-acc_Pair(tap left,tap right)--Disting CR from facil by Lat(CR) Wen,GH'30- CEXXX.Wendt,G.R. - - - - - - - '36. Inhib of CR as competition - - - - PRv43:258 CcXXX-baZ_Interp inhib phenomena in terms of competing R - - - - - - Wen,GR'36- CADAF.Wendt,G.R. - - - - - - - '37. 2 and 1/2 yr retention of CR - - - JGn17:178 CCDAF-ata_Cond flexion R retained over 2 and 1/2 yr interval - - - - Wen,GR'37- OKMVB Wendt,R.H. et al - - - - '63 Self-maint visual S after dep - - Sc 39:336 AARER.Wenger,J.R. et al - - - '80 Lrnd tolerance to ethanol - - - - BNB28:418 ALRER-tm1_Devel beh tolerance w/ALC B4, not after trng w/moving belt Wen,JR'80e AAREC.Wenger,J.R. et al - - - '81 Ethanol tolerance is lrnd - - - - Sc 13:575 ALREC-tm1_Intox practice on treadmill avoid nec for beh ALC tolerance Wen,JR'81e CGHVW.Wenger,M.A. - - - - - - '36 Ext-inhib + disinhib w/same S - - AmJ48:446 CeHVW-bCg_Same tactile S produces ext-inhib in acq + disinhib in extn Wen,MA'36- CEXXX.Wenger,M.A. - - - - - - '37. Criticism of internal inhib - - - PRv44:297 CcXXX-baZ_Reject internal inhib in favor of muscle tonus - - - - - - Wen,MA'37- CAXXX.Wenrick,J.E. - - - - - - '33 Conundrum of CR - - - - - - - - - PRv40:549 CAXXX-aiz_No genz re temporal relations in classcond yet justified - Wen,JE'33- OR Wenrich, Wesley W. - - - '62 Tact relation in verbal beh - - - PhD UMinn OD Wenrich,W.W. - - - - - - '63. S control w/satiated O - - - - - - EAB 6:247 OK Wenrich,W.W.Cahoon - - - '65 Sec reinf in aversive sit - - - - PRp16:242 OK Wenrich,W.W.Cahoon - - - '65. Sec reinf in aversive sit - - - - PSc 3:383 ODR Wenrich,W.W. et al - - - '66. Sec S control of new OR - - - - - PSc 5:189 OMRDP.Wentink,E.A. - - - - - - '38. Drugs/hormones on cond - - - - - - JEx22:150 OLRDPHmDo_Rate(OpR) w/long FI incr w/insulin/benzedrine - - - - - - - Wen,EA'38- OL mDo_Rate(OpR) w/long FI decr w/adrenalin/phenobarb Wen,EA'38- RRR Wentworth, Kenneth L. - '43 Factors in handedness - - - - - - PhD Clmba OKCT Wenzel, Bernice M. - - - '59 Tactile S as reinf - - - - - - - - PRp 5:297 OK Wenzel,B.M. - - - - - - '59. Pos, nonalimentary reinf - - - - - EAB 2:288 CRCAH.Wenzel,B.M. - - - - - - '61. HR based on pos/neg reinf - - - - JCP54:638 CPPAH-bKY_HR accel w/S for food-reinf OR, decel w/S for AR - - - - - Wen,BM'61- CPP bKY_Above HR changes do not occur to Ss outside exper box Wen,BM'61- CECAH-bCa_Cond HR changes do not occur to Ss outside exper box - - - Wen,BM'61- OAO Wenzel,B.M et al - - - - '64. Opcond in goats - - - - - - - - - EAB 7:263 FRHNO Werboff, Jack - - - - - '57 Brain acty and time estimation - - PhD WashU FVRFA.Werboff,J.Havlena - - - '62 Aging on open-field beh - - - - - PRp10:395 FPRFAObtE_Explor decr-f(age), 3/6/12/18 m, w/in-O - - - - - - - - - - Wer,J.'62+ FPRFAObQE_Explor greater for females at all ages - - - - - - - - - - Wer,J.'62+ AAF Werboff,J.Lloyd - - - - '63 Avcond in guppy - - - - - - - - - PRp12:615 AER Werboff,J. et al - - - - '64 Extn and HR - - - - - - - - - - - JPS 8: 29 FRDEO.Werboff,J. et al - - - - '76 D-amphetamine on food dominance - PRp38:289 FLDEO-te2_Alter food dominance w/d-AMPH to dominant O - - - - - - - - Wer,J.'76e FPDEP-wES_Alter food dominance w/d-AMPH to dominant O - - - - - - - - Wer,J.'76e YCHEC Werch,C.E. et al - - - - '86 Self-control re alcohol intake - - PRp59:207 CShAB.Werden,D.Ross - - - - - '72 Trace/delay cond in children - - - ECP14:126 CAhAB-aas_Tracecond inferior to delay w/800-msec ISI w/normal child - Wer,D.'72+ DSOVO.Werner,C.W.Rehkdmper - - '99 Multidimensional discrim w/chicken AnC 2: 27 DEOVOU _Concl: Chickens ident indiv mates re visual pattern - - - - Wer,CW'99+ SR Werntz, John D. - - - - '53 Anal of place lrng - - - - - - - - PhD UPenn ARR Wertheim, George A. - - '64 Perf in mult avoid sched - - - - - PhD Stnfd ARR Wertheim,G.A. - - - - - '64. Sequential IRTs in Sidman-avoid - EAB 8: 9 AD Wertheim,G.A. - - - - - '65. Beh contrast w/mult avoid sched - EAB 8:269 LCAI Wertheim,G.A.Singer - - '64 R/Extn after CRF/VI reinf - - - - EAB 7:357 AA Wertheim,G.A. et al - - '67. Adrenocortical influences on avoid EAB10:555 ZZXXX.Wertheimer,M. - - - - - '27 Concerning Gestalt theory - - - - PAb 1272 ZZXXXXZXT_Gestalt: Part is determined by inner structure of its whole Wer,M.'27- ZZXXX Wertheimer,M. - - - - - '59. Logical structures of discrim - - PRv66:252 AARAP.Wesfield,S. et al - - - '82. Shock/signal on free-operant avoid BPS20:105 ABRAPScoA_No acq of ARo w/w/out signal and w/w/out ER shaping - - - - Wes,S.'82e CIRAe.Wesierska,M. et al - - - '86 S/Genz of cond inhib - - - - - - - ANE46: 11 CeRAe-bse_Tone-freq S/Genz of cond inhib of cond suppression - - - - Wes,M.'86e DSR Wesley, Frank - - - - - '58 Number concept - - - - - - - - - - PhD WashS ZZAXX Wesley,F. - - - - - - - '61 Number concept and phylogenetics - PBl58:420 OAPCP Wessells, Michael G. - - '74 Beh-environ in AuSh - - - - - - - PhD UMass YCP K Wessells,M.G. - - - - - '74. Effect of reinf on prepecking beh EAB21:125 CDP Wessells,M.G. - - - - - '74 Errorless discrim/autoshaping - - Sc 82:941 OKREP.West,C.H.Michael - - - - '86 Amphetamine on self-ESB - - - - - PBB24:617 OLREP-te2_d-AMPH facil acq/maint OpR w/medial prefrontal ESB reinf - Wes,CH'86+ FAHOO West, Leonard J. - - - - '53 Practice re speed/accuracy - - - - PhD Clmba RSHfO West,L.J. - - - - - - - '67 Vision/kinesthesis in typing acq - JAp 5:161 RRHf West,L.J. - - - - - - - '69 Acq of typing skill - - - - - - - Pitman RRHVP.West,L.J.Sabban - - - - '82 Hierarchy of typing habits - - - - JAp67:370 RPHVPOtea_Typing skill acq is-f typing by letter sequences w/in words Wes,LJ'82+ RPHVPOtfi_Typing IRT w/hi < w/lo-freq words, w/same letter sequences Wes,LJ'82+ RPHVPOtfn_Typing speed w/random words = prose > random letters - - - Wes,LJ'82+ FMH West,L.J. et al - - - - '62 Psychosis of sleep dep - - - - - - NYA96: 66 ZZHEC.West,R. - - - - - - - - '90 Psych basis of addiction - - - - - PAb 20005 ZZHEC-XET_Review decision th/beh th/drive th as motiv for drug abuse Wes,R.'90- CEH .Westbrook, Robert D. - - '91 PRE in human classcond - - - - - - PhD U Ga CcH -bpb_Obtain PREE w/w/out mask in both w/in and between gps anal Wes,RD'91- ----- ----- ODP B Westbrook,R.F. - - - - - '73. Failure to obtain pos contrast - - EAB20:499 CRRGC Westbrook,R.F.Brookes - '88 Potentiation/blocking CTA/context QJE40: 3 CRRGC Westbrook,R.F.Charnock - '85 Lrng about complex flavour - - - - AuJ37: 41 FRRGC.Westbrook.R.F.Homewood - '82 Prior pairing on flavor aversion - QJE34: 59 FDRGC-caC_Long-delay cond taste2 aversn incr by prior Pair(t1,toxin) Wes,RF'82+ FD caC_Elim above incr by extn of taste1 B4 long-delay cond Wes,RF'82+ FRPxC Westbrook.R.F. et al - - '80 Long-delay lrng w/flavor/color S - BNB28:398 FRROC.Westbrook,R.F. et al - - '81. Duration of S pre-exposure - - - - ABP 7:362 FDROC-tOs_Decr cond aversion w/brief preexposure 3, not 24-hr B4 cond Wes,RF'81e FD tOs_Decr cond aversion w/long preexposure at 3/24-hr B4 cond Wes,RF'81e FD tOs_Decr cond aversion w/brief preexposure in same/diff context Wes,RF'81e FD tOs_Incr cond aversn w/long preexpose in same, not diff context Wes,RF'81e VRRGC.Westbrook,R.F. et al - - '82 US exposure on cond aversion - - - AuJ34:139 FDRGC-caU_Post-cond US-alone decr aversn as-f sim post-US to cond-US Wes,RF'82e FRRGC.Westbrook.R.F. et al - - '82 Short-term flavor memory - - - - - QJE34:235 FDRGC-tOs_Expose twice to flavor B4 sick--Aversn inc-f(inter-exp time Wes,RF'82e FDRGC-tOs_Above flavor recognitn not-f distractor flavors B4 2nd exp Wes,RF'82e FRRxC.Westbrook,R.F. et al - - '83 Flavor-odor compound - - - - - - - QJE35: 13 FDRxC-csC_Cond aversn to odor potentiated w/odor-flavor compound cond Wes,RF'83e FD csC_Above decr by post-cond flavor extn, incr by incr flavor Wes,RF'83e FRRGC Westbrook,R.F. et al - - '85 Extn of aversion: Interval B4 S - QJE37:255 FRRGC.Westbrook,R.F. et al - - '88. Potentiation of place aversion - - QJE40:305 FDRGC-cCC_Place aversn facil by flavor >water w/toxicosis or shock US Wes,RF'88e CMRD Westbrook,R.F. et al - - '91. Benzodiazepine on cond hypoalgesia ABP17:219 CERGP.Westbrook,R.F. et al - - '95. Extn of w/in-event lrng - - - - - QJE48:357 CeRGPObeE_Pair(taste,salt)-->taste pref w/induced sodium imbalance - Wes,RF'95e Ce beE_Obtain above w/trng/testing in same/diff contexts Wes,RF'95e Ce beE_Extn of above w/taste alone, w/decr only in extn context Wes,RF'95e Ce beE_Concl: Inhib is context specific, w/in-event assn is not Wes,RF'95e ----- ----- OD A Westbrook,R.R.Miles - - '70. Fading proc w/overshadowed feature EAB13:179 FSRSC Westbrook, William H. - '74 Female change on copulation (Beach PhD UCBer AA Westcott, Malcolm R. - - '58 Incr anxiety w/time (Solomon) - - PhD Harvd CRHAH.Westcott,M.Huttenlocher '61. Cardiac cond and respiration - - - JEx61:353 CPHAH-bYh_Obtained cardiac classcond w/controlled respiration - - - - Wes,M.'61+ IDFAP.Westerfield,F. - - - - - '22 Assns w/sounds in mudminnows - - - JC 1:187 IpFAPHaaa_W/mudminnow, diffcond tones re palatable food - - - - - - - Wes,F.'22- FAREC.Westerfield,W.W.Lawrow - '54 Alcohol intake as-f(dep) - - - - - PAb 3698 FQREC-gd3_ALC intake incr w/restricted food intake - - - - - - - - - Wes,WW'54+ RPMCO.Westergaard,G.C.Suomi - '97 Mod clay forms by capuchins - - - IJP18:455 RPMCOObtH_W/capuchin, modify clay intrinsically reinf, facil tool use Wes,GC'97+ RRMSO.Westergaard,G.C.Suomi - '97 Transfer of tools/food w/capuchins APr43: 33 FPMSOOeNH_Transfer stone tools to cut food w/transfer of food back - Wes,GC'97+ RRMOO.Westergaard,G.C. et al - '98. Why some monkeys use tools - - - - JC 12:207 RPMOOObtH_P(tool-use) decr w/O > 10-yr age - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wes,GC'98e RRMOO.Westergaard,G.C. et al - '98 Laterality of hand function - - - Eth04:119 RPMOOObtH_W/capuchin, tool-use handedness is-f(require upright stance Wes,GC'98e ULOV Westerman,R.A. - - - - - '63 Inher of habituation - - - - - - - Sc 40:676 ORRUC Wetherington,C.L.ALRiley '85. Food intake as-f(H2O reinf sched) ALB13:331 ORRUC.Wetherington,C.L.ALRiley '86. Wheel-running on polydipsia - - - ALB14:416 OPRUCHbio_Decr sched-induced polydipsia if running wheel avail - - - Wet,CL'86+ FARCC Wetherington,C.L. et - - '79. Control eathing w/FT H2O - - - - - ALB 7: 38 IKRAR.Wetzel, Mary C. - - - - '63 Self-stim aftereffects on perf - - PhD UWash IKRAR.Wetzel,M.C. - - - - - - '63. Self-stim aftereffects on perf - - JCP56:673 IBRARxaAK_For most O, priming w/self-ESB stim nec for IR w/ESB reinf Wet,MC'63- ORHNO Wetzel,M.C. - - - - - - '86 Opcond in motor/neural integration NBR10:387 ORH Wetzel,M.C.Wetzel - - - '86 Integratn lrnd+natural flexor EMG PhB38: 41 SKRTL.Wetzel,R.J. - - - - - - '59. Exper w/taste reward - - - - - - - JCP52:267 SBRTLHaAK_Pre-expose to sweet H2O w/hunger facil acq w/sweet H2O rf - Wet,RJ'59- SB aAK_Above only w/hunger during T-maze acq, not w/satiation Wet,RJ'59- EVRVP.Wetzel,W.Matthies - - - '82 Retention as-f(acty) - - - - - - - PhB28:619 ELRVPOnAv_Retention but not acq of shock-motiv discrim ER pos correl Wet,W.'82+ EL nAv_ w/rate of habituation of acty in open field - - - - - - Wet,W.'82+ ADOAJ.Wetzel,W. et al - - - - '98 Categorical discrim of direction - BBR91: 29 ApOAJScaa_Diffcond re increasing vs decreasing modulated tone freq - Wet,W.'98e Ap caa_After above, S/Genz re freq range, steepness, duration Wet,W.'98e EMRTO.Wever,E.G. - - - - - - - '32. Water temp--Incentive to swimming JC 14:219 ELRTOOnaa_Swim speed incr-f(difference body temp - H2O temp) - - - - Wev,EG'32- ISRVR Weyant, Robert G. - - - '60 Perf as-f(illum) - - - - - - - - - PhD UIowa DLRUL.Weyant,R.G. - - - - - - '66 Reversal lrng as-f type of discrim AnB14:480 DbRVLHaaT_Reversal not-f(N/reversals) or overtrng - - - - - - - - - - Wey,RG'66- ZROXX.Weyrauch,W.K. - - - - - '35 Tendency toward repetition - - - - PAb 3698 ZZOXXXRXe_Note tendency to repeat beh just completed in insect (wasp) Wey,WK'35- IKRSC Whalen, Richard E. - - - '60 Reward value of male sex (Beach) - PhD Yale FMRS Whalen,R.E. - - - - - - '61 Strain diff in sex beh of male - - Beh18:199 SKRT Whalen,R.E. - - - - - - '61. Sex beh and lrng - - - - - - - - - JCP54:409 YCRX Whaley,D.L. et al - - - '66 Traumatic shock/x-radiation/avoid PBE 1: 93 AGDAx.Whatmore,G.B. et al - - '46 Avcond during non-avoid cond - - - AmJ45:432 ACDAxSnIC_W/daily alternate avoid/nonavoid right/left foreleg flex Wha,GB'46e AC nIC_ w/diff Ss, avcond interferes w/nonavoid CR - - - - - - - Wha,GB'46e OG Wheatley,K.L.Thomas - - '74. Reinf density and peak shift - - - EAB22:499 OARUP Wheatley,K.L. et al - - '77. R-indep food on acq OpR - - - - - ALB 5:236 IJR Wheeler, David R. - - - '33 Inhib effect of pun - - - - - - - PhD Harvd OAHfX Wheeler,L. - - - - - - - '66. Theory of beh contagion - - - - - PRv73:179 ORRS Wheeler,L.Davis - - - - '67 Social disruption of DRL perf - - PSc 7:249 ZZAXX Wheeler,W.M. - - - - - - '08 Instincts in insects/animals - - - AmJ19: 1 CI Wheeler, Ruth L. - - - - '77 Reinf-produced cond inhib - - - - PhD UMinn DSRT Wheling,H.E.Prokasy - - '62 Food dep in acq of observing R - - P&P10:399 SZRML.Wherry,R. - - - - - - - '40 Factor anal of exteroceptive data JC 29: 75 SERMLHbaz_Ident vision/audition/olfaction/forward-going/antic factor Whe,R.'40- SZRML.Wherry,R.J. - - - - - - '41 Components of maze ability - - - - JC 32:237 SBRMLHaZA_Lrng is-f(dropping out error (eg forward-going) factors) - Whe,RJ'41- FMR E Whimbey,A.E.Denenberg - '67. 2 dimensions of open-field perf - JCP63:500 DS V Whitaker, Leslie A. - - '75 Lrng of masked S - - - - - - - - - PhD PennS SARML.White,A.E.Tolman - - - - '23 Elim of short/long blind alleys - JC 3:327 SPRMLHbqs_W/straightaway course to GB, elim long > short blind alley Whi,AE'23+ OS I White,A.J.Davison - - - '73. Perf w/concur FI sched - - - - - - EAB19:147 DJ N White, Brent C. - - - - '73 Hippocamp lsn on reversal - - - - PhD Prntn FAREC.White,B.C.Mason - - - - '85 Caffeine-induced CTA - - - - - - - PBB23:515 FQREC-ie3_CTA w/hi-dose caffeine; lo-dose incr acty, taste intake - - Whi,BC'85+ ZZH B White,B.L.Clark - - - - '68 Apparatus for classcond - - - - - PMS27:959 CAHVG.White,C.T.Schlosberg - - '52. GSR cond as-f(ISI) - - - - - - - - JEx43:357 CAHVG-aio_Classcond w/.5 sec ISI, not w/ISI over 1 sec - - - - - - - Whi,CT'52+ DSCVL.White, Duncan A. - - - - '85 Acq ass-f(test-item sidedness) - - PhD Memph DECVLUbea_W/random figures, acq decr-incr-f(N/sides) - - - - - - - - Whi,DA'85- DSCVL.White,D.A.Ward - - - - - '88 Test-item complexity - - - - - - - PRc38:285 DECVL bsa_Discrim incr-decr-f(figure S-complexity), w/simult>separate Whi,DA'88+ R White,D.J.Galef Jr. - - '98. Soc influence on avoidance - - - - ALB26:433 CSR White, Deborah L. - - - '91 Occasn setting re discrim (Pavlik) PhD U Ga OD D White,F.J.Appel - - - - '82 Trng dose in LSD-saline discrim - PPm76: 20 ARR O.White,I.M. et al - - - - '92 Lever-release ARi - - - - - - - - PBB41: 29 APR OSbta_Lat(lever-release ARi) w/250-msec ISI < w/500-msec ISI - - Whi,IM'92e ORRCx.White, Jason M. - - - - '79 Concur chain-pull/bar-press - - - PRc29:103 OpRCxHaRa_W/concur VI chain-pull/bar-press OpRs, strong undermatching Whi,JM'79- ORRWR.White,J.M. - - - - - - - '85 Sched-induced wheel-running - - - PhB34:119 OPRWRHbio_Induce temporal pattern of wheel-running w/FT milk - - - - Whi,JM'85- OAREP.White,J.M. - - - - - - - '88 Interactions of nicotine/caffeine PBB29: 63 OLREPHte2_Rate(OpR) w/FI incr w/nicotine, not w/nicotine+hi-caffeine Whi,JM'88- OMREP.White,J.M.Ganguzza - - - '86 Nicotine on sched-controlled beh - PAb 702 OLREP-te2_W/FI sched, sc nicotine incr Rate(OpR), esp early in FI - - Whi,JM'86+ CDHUG.White,K.Davey - - - - - '89 Sensory precond and incr USI - - - PAb 24892 CpHUG-aku_Diff CR w/sensory precond and cond w/incr USI - - - - - - - Whi,K.'89+ ----- ----- OGPVP.White, K. Geoffrey - - - '73. Postdiscrim S/Genz as-f(IRT) - - - ALB 1:297 OePVPHbAd_After MULT VI EXTN re line tilt, S/Genz peak shift re tilt Whi,KG'73- OAP White,K.G. - - - - - - - '95. Successive discrim - - - - - - - - EAB64:185 ODPVP White,K.G.Braunstein - - '79. S-control of topographical R - - - ALB 7:333 DAP White,K.G.Cooney - - - - '96. Perf at diff retention intervals - ABP22: 51 ORRUP.White,K.G.Mitchell - - - '77. Pref for R-conting vs free reinf - BPS10:125 OERUPHbCf_Indiff between free food vs VI food at same rate of reinf - Whi,KG'77+ OK White,K.G.Pipe - - - - - '87. Sensitivity to reinf duration - - EAB48:235 OGHV White,K.G.DRThomas - - - '79. Postdiscrim S/Genz - - - - - - - - ALB 7:564 OAP White,K.G.Wixted - - - - '99. Psychophysics & remembering - - - EAB71: 91 ORR P White,K.G. et al - - - - '86. Context of reinf: Extraneous reinf ALB14:398 ----- ----- YYXEC White,L. et al (Eds) - - '85 Placebo: Theory and mechanisms - - Guilford ZVXXX.White,L.A. - - - - - - - '32 Mentality of primates - - - - - - ScM34: 69 ZZXXXXZHt_Primates alone in ability to use tools to build w/plans - - Whi,LA'32- ZZXXXXsZH_Human primate unique in capacity to use symbols - - - - - - Whi,LA'32- ZZ sZH_Note: Symbol = sound/act/object w/arbitrary meaning Whi,LA'32- RAAXX.White,L.A. - - - - - - - '42 Use of tools by primates - - - - - JC 34:369 RPAXXXbvH_Disting tool use w/apes vs enduring use by humans w/symbols Whi,LA'42- FMRNC White,N. - - - - - - - - '71. Perseveration w/amydgaloid lesions JCP77:416 IARNU.White,N.Major - - - - - '78 Self-experimenter ESB - - - - - - CJP32:116 IDRNUUtts_1-tr appetitive IR facil w/post-tr lateral hypothal ESB - - Whi,N.'78+ ID tts_Above w/1000 not 30 if self-administered; 30, not 1000 by E Whi,N.'78+ OK E White,N. et al - - - - - '77 Reinf action of morphine - - - - - PPm52: 63 IM White, Norman M. - - - - '67 Amygdaloid control of approach - - PhD UPitt CAREP.White,N.M.Carr - - - - - '85 2 reinf proc in cond place pref - PBB23: 37 CAREP-ho3_Cond place pref incr-f(sucrose concen); no pref w/sacc - - Whi,NM'85+ CA ho3_Cond place pref w/sacc if follow w/AMPH injection Whi,NM'85+ FRRCC White,N.R.Wong - - - - - '82. Beh field anal of adjunctive acty BPS20:266 FCRCE.White,N.R.Wong - - - - - '82. Enhancement of cond fear w/extn - BPS20:272 FPRCESbCa_Temp incr in cond fear (re acty) w/elim nonconting shock - Whi,NR'82+ FRRGP.White,P.J. et al - - - - '84 Discrim male social status - - - - PRp55:487 FQRGPOaRP_Estrus female O pref odor of urine from dominant male - - - Whi,PJ'84e FQ aRP_Diestrus female O pref odor of urine from submissive male Whi,PJ'84e ZZXXX.White,R.K. - - - - - - - '36 Completion hypo and reinf - - - - PRv43:396 ZZXXXXCZK_Interp reinf as "completion of fractional goal reaction" - Whi,RK'36- ZZXXX.White,R.K. - - - - - - - '43. Case for Tolman-Lewin interp - - - PRv50:157 ZZXXXXsXT_Favor Tolman-Lewin interp: percep lrng not-f(reinf) - - - - Whi,RK'43- ZZXXXXsXT_Above "knowledge" re path to goal + need --> perf Whi,RK'43- IGH White, Sheldon H. - - - '57 S/Genz w/2 attributes of S - - - - PhD UIowa IGH White,S.H. - - - - - - - '58. Variation in 2 attributes of S - - JEx56:339 FRRCC.White, Wesley - - - - - '92 Acty rhythm w/2 meals (Timberlake) PhD Ind U FPRCCxbCA_Maint feed-time acty rhythm w/dep and w/out time-of-day cue Whi,W.'92- FP bCA_Entrain acty rhythm w/2 meals/day in constant darkness Whi,W.'92- FP bCA_Disrupt both above phen w/suprachiasmatic hypothal lsn Whi,W.'92- FRRCA.White,W.Timberlake - - - '94 Meals entrain acty - - - - - - - - PhB56: 17 FPRCAObTa_W/ad lib food, wheel acty concen in 1st half of dark cycle Whi,W.'94+ FP bTa_W/2 meals/day, wheel acty max around time of sched meals Whi,W.'94+ FRRCA.White,W.Timberlake - - - '95 2 meals entrain acty rhythms - - - PhB57:067 FPRCAHbTa_Run-acty entrained to 2-meals/day w/lite/dark or 24-h dark Whi,W.'95+ FPRCAHbZa_Mult sources of temporal info facil stable acty entrainment Whi,W.'95+ DAXD Whitehouse,J.M. - - - - '66 Physostigmine on discrim lrng - - PCC 9:183 DMRVL Whitehouse,J.M. - - - - '67. Cholinergic mech in discrim - - - JCP63:448 EARDA Whitehouse, Wayne G. - - '84 Shock controlability+opiod (Bersh) PhD Templ ESR Whitehouse,W.G. et al - '88. Chronic exposure to shock - - - - L&M19:142 OA Whitehurst,G.J. - - - - '96. Misguided theories of naming - - - EAB65:255 AJRAR.Whiteis, Ulysses E. - - '56 Pun on avoid beh - - - - - - - - - PhD Harvd AJRAR.Whiteis,U.E. - - - - - - '56 Punish on fear avoid - - - - - - - HER26:360 AbRAR cap_Punish incr R/Extn of ARi, consistent w/fear-genz hypo - - Whi,UE'56- ZZXXX.Whiten,A. (Ed) - - - - - '91 Natural theories of mind - - - - - Oxford ZZXXXXgZH_Devel/ethology/computer-science approach to attribution - - Whi,A.'91- RRNSO.Whiten,A. - - - - - - - '98. Imitation of sequential actions - JC 12:270 RGNSOOqoH_Observe imitation of sequential actions and techniques - - Whi,A.'98- ZRAXX Whiten,A.Ham - - - - - - '92 Evolution of imitation (Slater) - Academic DGAXXXqHz_Imitation Whi,A.'92+ RRxSO Whiten,A. et al - - - - '96. Imitative lrng w/children/chimps - JC 10: 3 RGxSOOqoH_Observation Whi,A.'96e SJRML.Whiting, J.W.M.Mowrer - '43. Habit progression/regression - - - JCP36:229 SsRMLHcaS_Punish old R facil acq of new R to goal, vs extn/blocking - Whi,JW'43+ FA Whitlow, Jesse W. - - - '75 STM in (dis)habituatn (ARWagner) PhD Yale YC Whitlow,J.W. - - - - - - '74. Short-term memory in habituation - ABP 1:189 CSXXX.Whitlow,J.W. - - - - - - '76. Episodic proc in cond (Medin) - - LEA CEXXX-bsz_CS-effectiveness re US incr-f(joint CS/US rehearsal in STM) Whi,JW'76- CE bsz_CS-effectiveness re US decr-f(CS-alone rehearsal in STM) Whi,JW'76- CE bsz_CS rehears incr-f(salience/indiv-diff); US incr-f(surprise) Whi,JW'76- CE bsz_Th anal blocking/interference/backward/CS-US interactions Whi,JW'76- CDB B.Whitlow,J.W.Wagner - - - '72. Summation of R tend - - - - - - - PSc27:299 CpB B-asc_Diff-cond w/S1S2 compound nonreinf and reinf of S1/S2 alone Whi,JW'72+ Cp asc_Compound cond S3 w/either S1 or S2 above led to incr CR Whi,JW'72+ OAO Whitt,J.M.Crawford - - - '67. Opcond in hawks w/CRF - - - - - - PSc 8:359 AA D Whittaker,J.O. - - - - - '57 Thyroid on avcond - - - - - - - - PRp 3: 89 ASR Whittleton,J.C. et al - '65. CS directionality/inten - - - - - PSc 3:415 CAC1F.Wickens,C. et al - - - - '83. Memory for CR: Proactive Effect - JEx12: 41 CCC1F-ata_Pre-exposure to S or US decr 10-wk post-cond retention - - Wic,C.'83e CC ata_Above proactive inhib less if pre-expose in diff context Wic,C.'83e CGC1F-bac_Pre-exposure to S decr 10-wk post-cond retention - - - - - Wic,C.'83e CGC1F-bau_Pre-exposure to US decr 10-wk post-cond retention - - - - - Wic,C.'83e CGC1F-baz_Hypo: Pre-exposure w/S or US leads to learned indifference Wic,C.'83e CGC1F-bCs_Effect of pre-exposure to S/US less if done in diff context Wic,C.'83e ----- ----- CGHAW.Wickens, Delos D. - - - '37 Transfer excit/inhib (Dashiell) - PhD U NC CGH W.Wickens,D.D. - - - - - - '38. Transfer of cond excit/inhib - - - JEx22:101 CaH W-aQu_Pos transfer extensor-flex, and genz of extn, flex-extensor Wic,DD'38- ZZHXX.Wickens,D.D. - - - - - - '39. Razran on cond attitudes - - - - - JEx24:233 ZZHXX-cXe_Argue that attitudes facil/retard cond but not nec for cond Wic,DD'39- AGHAW.Wickens,D.D. - - - - - - '39. Simult transfer of excit/inhib - - JEx24:332 AbHAW-cQu_Pos transfer from extensor to flexor ARc w/hand turned over Wic,DD'39- CUHAW.Wickens,D.D. - - - - - - '39. Vol/invol cond - - - - - - - - - - JEx25:127 CPHAW-bVr_Classcond w/shock US not= instructed vol R - - - - - - - - Wic,DD'39- CAHAW-acA_Classcond w/shock US not= instructed vol R - - - - - - - - Wic,DD'39- CRXXX.Wickens,D.D. - - - - - - '40. CR and holistic point of view - - PRv47:155 CPXXX-baz_CR compatible w/Gestalt since CR varies w/conditions - - - Wic,DD'40- ZZ Wickens,D.D. - - - - - - '42 Competition and task difficulty - PBl39:595 AGHAW.Wickens,D.D. - - - - - - '43 S/Genz during R/Genz - - - - - - - JEx33:221 AbHAWScQu_Pos transfer extensor-->flexor ARc w/diff S > CS - - - - - Wic,DD'43- AGHAW.Wickens,D.D. - - - - - - '43 Transferred/nontransferred R - - - JEx33:330 AeHAWSbea_P(ARc) w/hand-turned-over = same position - - - - - - - - - Wic,DD'43- AG Wickens,D.D. - - - - - - '46 S variation in R/Genz (Coker) - - U NC ARHAW.Wickens,D.D. - - - - - - '48 R specificity and R/Genz - - - - - JEx38:389 APHAWSbaz_Evidence of R/Genz re act (extensor/flexor R) vs mvmt - - - Wic,DD'48- ZSXXX Wickens,D.D. - - - - - - '54 S-R theory--perception (Kentucky) Wiley CSXXX.Wickens,D.D. - - - - - - '59 Cond to complex S - - - - - - - - AmP14:180 CEXXX-bsz_Internalized S generated by R to complex CS - - - - - - - - Wic,DD'59- AAxfW.Wickens,D.D. - - - - - - '65. Compound cond (Prokasy) - - - - - A-C-C AExfW-bKc_W/compound S, greater control by element terminated by ARc Wic,DD'65- CExxG-gdi_W/temp compound, elements may be indep cond to US or assoc Wic,DD'65- CE gdi_Elements indep cond if S1-S2 ISI <150-msec or >500 msec Wic,DD'65- CE gdi_Get S1-S2 assn w/temporal compound w/150250-msec - - - Wic,DD'61e CEHAG.Wickens,D.D. et al - - - '63. Instruct + USI on GSR - - - - - - JEx66:235 ClHAG-naL_Inform of extn produces faster decr in P(CR) - - - - - - - Wic,DD'63e CSC1G.Wickens,D.D. et al - - - '63. Element ISI of compound CS - - - - JCP56:727 CEC1G-gdi_Pair(S1,S2,shock)--CR to S2 incr-decr-f(S1-S2 ISI) - - - - Wic,DD'63e CE gdi_W/above, S1 CR + S2 CR = compound CR = constant f(ISI) Wic,DD'63e VI Wickens,D.D. et al - - - '63 Proactive inhib and item sim - - - VLB 2:440 ULC G Wickens,D.D. et al - - - '66. Breathing and habituation of GSR - PSc 6:325 CAC1x.Wickens,D.D. et al - - - '69. Skeletal/autonomic R as-f(ISI) - - JEx80:165 CAC1x-aio_W/GSR/flex CR, classcond incr-decr-f(ISI), max at 500-msec Wic,DD'69e CAC1x-aia_Lat(flex CR) linear incr-f(ISI) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wic,DD'69e CPC1x-bar_Form of flex CR is-f(ISI), w/change in form w/changed ISI - Wic,DD'69e CDCxW.Wickens,D.D. et al - - - '70. ISI on compound-element discrim - L&M 1: 95 CpCxW-asa_Diff-cond compound from elements only if mix element in acq Wic,DD'70e CpCxW-aia_Diff-cond compound from elements incr-f(ISI) - - - - - - - Wic,DD'70e CACxx.Wickens,D.D. et al - - - '73. S selection as-f S1-S2 interval - JCP85:295 CECxx-gdi_Pair(S1,S2,US) w/S2-US ISI=500-msec--Rel CR is-f S1-S2 ISI Wic,DD'73e CE gdi_Greater CR to S2 above w/S1-S2 ISI=2000 or 150 msec re 500 Wic,DD'73e CE gdi_Greater CR to S1 above w/S1-S2 ISI=500-msec Wic,DD'73e CAC1F.Wickens,D.D. et al - - - '77. Potential interference on memory - JEx06: 47 CCC1F-ata_Pre-exposure to random S/US decr 10-wk post-cond retention Wic,DD'77e ----- ----- RRHVV.Wicklegren,W.A. - - - - '70. Acoustic sim and intrusions in STM JEx70:102 RPHVVXsde_Intrusion errors re letters in STM is-f(acoustic sim) - - - Wic,WA'70- RP sde_Above w/vowels > consonants Wic,WA'70- RP sde_Note: Incl speech-motor interp of intrusion errors Wic,WA'70- RZHXX.Wicklegren,W.A. - - - - '69. Serial order of (speech) beh - - - PRv76: 1 RPHXXXsdz_Context-sensitive association th of noncreative speech - - Wic,WA'69- RP sdz_Lrnd R is different in diff context re prior/subsequent R Wic,WA'69- RGh Wieg, Ella L. - - - - - '32 Bilateral transfer - - - - - - - - PhD UMinn AAR Wieland,S. et al - - - - '88 Stock diff in lrnd helplessness - PAb 6610 OIRxP Wielkiewicz,R.M. - - - - '79. CSs for food/H2O on OpR w/food - - ALB 7:246 EARYP.Wiener, Neil I. - - - - '70 Impairment/enhancement w/ECS - - - PhB 5:971 EgRYPS _24-hr retention decr w/mult, not 1 ECS 5-30-min after trng Wie,NI'70- Eg _24-hr retention decr w/1 or mult ECS 7-14-days after trng Wie,NI'70- Eg _24-hr retention incr w/1 or mult ECS 31-days after trng Wie,NI'70- CAR Wiertelak,E.P. eet al - '92. Cond inhib of analgesia - - - - - ALB20:339 FArEO.Wigal, Sharon B. E. - - '87 Prenatal ethanol of HR habituation PhD UTxAu FErEO-bah_Prenatal ALC-->hyperacty, decr HR habituation to lite - - - Wig,SB'87- IMrEx Wigal,T.Amsel - - - - - '90 Effects of pre/postnatal ethanol - BNs04:116 ESrTL.Wigal,T. et al - - - - - '84 Contextual odors w/preweanling O - DPB17:555 EqrTLScae_Familiar context odor facil acq spatial ER w/preweanling O Wig,T.'84e Eq cae_Note: No above effect w/older O Wig,T.'84e IErE Wigal,T. et al - - - - - '88 Altern but no PREE after ethanol - BNs02: 43 IErE Wigal,T. et al - - - - - '88 PREE/reflex after utero ethanol - BNs02: 51 AARCJ.Wight,M.T.Katzev - - - - '77. Nonconting pos reinf on ER/AR - - BPS 9:319 AbRCJSbbx_Acq ER/ARi after rear w/food/H2O R-indep < R-dependent - - Wig,MT'77+ ----- ----- IER L.Wike, Edward L. - - - - '52 Extn w/rewarded alternative - - - PhD UCLA IER L.Wike,E.L. - - - - - - - '53. Extn w/rewarded alternative - - - JEx46:255 IdR L-bpb_PRF incr R/Extn w/w/out reinf alternative R - - - - - - - - Wik,EL'53- ZZ Wike,E.L. - - - - - - - '58 Exper/observational approaches - - PRc 8:105 IK Wike,E.L. - - - - - - - '61 Delay and PRF - - - - - - - - - - PRp 9:456 IK Wike,E.L. - - - - - - - '62 Partial/delayed reinf - - - - - - PRp10:481 FM Wike,E.L. - - - - - - - '63 Comment--consum acty - - - - - - - PRp12:162 ZkXXX Wike,E.L. - - - - - - - '66. Secondary reinforcement - - - - - Harp-Row ZKXXX.Wike,E.L. - - - - - - - '69. Sec reinf: Research/issues - - - - U Nebr ZZXXXXEZK_Hypo: Strong/durable sec reinf only w/repeated recond - - - Wik,EL'69- IDRAR.Wike,E.L.Atwood - - - - '70 Amt/Delay(Reinf) and GB confinemt PRc20: 51 IpRARHafu_Acq pattern Speed(IR) re incr/decr Amt/Delay(Reinf) daily - Wik,EL'70+ IERAR.Wike,E.L.Atwood - - - - '70 Delay(Reinf) and GB confinement - PRc20: 57 IdRARHbpa_R/Extn after diffcond w/immed > partial delay, w/in O - - - Wik,EL'70+ SKRTL.Wike,E.L.Barrientos - - '57 Diff consum acty - - - - - - - - - PRp 3:255 SERTLTaMK_Acq choice better w/high consummatory acty, w/= Mag(reinf) Wik,EL'57+ SKRTP.Wike,E.L.Barrientos - - '58. Mult drive reduction (sec-reinf) - JCP51:640 SCRTP1bSK_Sec reinf re GB paired w/(both food/H2O) > either food/H2O Wik,EL'58+ IMRAR.Wike,E.L.Barrientos - - '60 Variable dep periods - - - - - - - PRp 6: 37 ILRARHmma_Speed(IR) w/random 18-28-hr dep > constant 23-hr dep - - - Wik,EL'60+ IKR Wike,E.L.Casey - - - - - '54. Food for thirsty animals - - - - - JCP47:240 IKRAR.Wike,E.L.Casey - - - - - '54. Food for satiated animals - - - - JCP47:441 ICRAR0bSK_Sated O run faster to GB w/food than empty GB - - - - - - - Wik,EL'54+ IKRAR.Wike,E.L.Farrow - - - - '61 Prelim reward on runway R - - - - PRp 9:339 IERARTbaa_Speed(IR) incr w/H2O reward B4 trial - - - - - - - - - - - Wik,EL'61+ SKRTP.Wike,E.L.Farrow - - - - '62. Drive inten on sec reinf - - - - - JCP55:020 SCRTPTbSK_After runway trng w/hi D to GB1, lo D to GB2, pref GB1 - - Wik,EL'62+ SC bSK_Above w/hi D during test; no pref w/lo D during test Wik,EL'62+ SKRT Wike,E.L.Farrow - - - - '62. Mag of water reward - - - - - - - JCP55:024 IKRAR.Wike,E.L.King - - - - - '73. Sequence of reward mag - - - - - - ALB 1:175 IpRARHaku_Over 3 tr/day, Speed(IR) match incr/decr/random Amt(Reinf) Wik,EL'73+ IdRARHbpp_R/Extn after random VRF >daily incr >daily decr Amt(Reinf) Wik,EL'73+ IKRAR.Wike,E.L.Kintsch - - - - '59. Delayed reinf in runway - - - - - PRc 9: 19 IERARHaDK_Speed(IR) decr-f 0/20/50/80/100% Delay(Reinf) w/1-tr/day - Wik,EL'59+ IdRARHbpa_R/Extn not-f partial Delay(Reinf) w/1-tr/day - - - - - - - Wik,EL'59+ IKRAR Wike,E.L.Kintsch - - - - '60. Delayed reinf - - - - - - - - - - PRc10: 19 FCRCE.Wike,E.L.Knutson - - - - '66 Lrnd drives based on hunger - - - PRc16:297 FCRCE-oaW_App/avoid and pref for box not-f pairing w/food dep - - - - Wik,EL'66+ ZCR .Wike,E.L.McNamara - - - '55 Generalized cond-reinf - - - - - - PRp 1: 83 ZZR -MXc_Sec reinf cond w/1 primary reinf=generalized cond w/several Wik,EL'55+ IKRAR.Wike,E.L.McNamara - - - '57. Partially delayed reinf - - - - - JCP50:348 IERARHajv_Speed(IR) decr-f(% tr w/30-sec delay(Reinf)) - - - - - - - Wik,EL'57+ IbRARHbji_R/Extn incr by 50/75% partial delay(Reinf) Wik,EL'57+ SKRCP.Wike,E.L.McNamara - - - '57. Trng cond affecting sec reinf - - JCP50:345 SCRCPHbSK_Diff reinf re GB in alley nec for sec reinf re T-maze - - - Wik,EL'57+ IKR Wike,E.L.McWilliams - - '67. Long-term trng w/delay/reinf - - - PSc 9:389 IKRAR.Wike,E.L.McWilliams - - '67. Delay duration and confinement - - PRp21:865 IERARHaDK_Speed(IR) decr-f(0/10/20-sec Delay(Reinf)) w/1-tr/day - - - Wik,EL'67+ IbRARHaja_R/Extn decr-f(0/10/20-sec Delay(Reinf)); decr-f(GB confine) Wik,EL'67+ OKR Wike,E.L.Platt - - - - - '62 Reinf sched and bar pressing - - - PRc12:273 SLRTL.Wike,E.L.Remple - - - - '59 Delayed reinf and habit reversal - PRc 9:179 SERTLHaDK_Acq decr-f(0/50/100% 20-sec delayed reinf) - - - - - - - - Wik,EL'59+ SsRTLHbaS_Reversal decr-f(0/50/100% delayed reinf during reversal - - Wik,EL'59+ IKRAR.Wike,E.L.Remple - - - - '60. Reinf sched and alley length - - - JEx59:277 IERARHafa_IR speed w/PRF=CRF, in long or short alley - - - - - - - - Wik,EL'60+ IERAR.Wike,E.L. et al - - - - '59. Variable drive/reward/resp - - - - JCP52:403 IdRARTbpa_R/Extn incr w/varied dep/reinf in acq - - - - - - - - - - - Wik,EL'59e SKRTL.Wike,E.L. et al - - - - '59 PRF/trng and reversal - - - - - - PRp 5:665 SERTLTafa_Acq w/50% < 100% reinf, w/greater variability - - - - - - - Wik,EL'59e SsRTLTbaS_Reversal w/100% > 50% reinf if 100% in original lrng - - - Wik,EL'59e IERAR.Wike,E.L. et al - - - - '59. Patterning in partial-delay reinf JCP52:411 IbRARHbji_Incr R/Extn after trng w/immed reinf tr after delayed reinf Wik,EL'59e Ib bji_R/Extn after altern = random partial delay, w/no patterning Wik,EL'59e SKRTL.Wike,E.L. et al - - - - '59 PRF/trng and reversal - - - - - - PRp 5:665 SERTLTama_Acq w/CRF > PRF; reversal w/CRF > PRF only if CRF in acq - Wik,EL'59e SMRTL.Wike,E.L. et al - - - - '60 Reversal as-f(irreg drive/reinf) - PRc10: 39 SlRTLHnmr_No effect in acq, but reversal w/variable > constant dep - Wik,EL'60e IKRCP.Wike,E.L. et al - - - - '62 Getting out of a starting box - - PRc12:397 IBRCPHaAK_Acq bar-press IR w/reinf = leave box, sim to reinf trng - - Wik,EL'62e OKRUP.Wike,E.L. et al - - - - '63 Drive and sec reinf - - - - - - - PRc13: 45 OLRUPHmma_Rate(OpR) incr-f(dep) w/w/out sec reinf - - - - - - - - - - Wik,EL'63e SRRT Wike,E.L. et al - - - - '63. Drive level and turning pref - - - JCP56:696 IERAR.Wike,E.L. et al - - - - '64 Random/alternating delay reinf - - PRp14:826 IdRARHbpa_Altern Delay(Reinf)-->pattern IR but R/Extn same as random Wik,EL'64e IERAR Wike,E.L. et al - - - - '65. Patterns of delayed reinf - - - - PSc 3: 13 FCRCE.Wike,E.L. et al - - - - '67 Lrnd drive w/hunger - - - - - - - PRp20:143 FCRCE-oaW_Food intake not-f pairing box w/food dep - - - - - - - - - Wik,EL'67e IkR Wike,E.L. et al - - - - '67. Delay/reinf as sec-reinf - - - - - PSc 9:377 IKR Wike,E.L. et al - - - - '67 Delay and GB confinement - - - - - PRp21:857 IKR Wike,E.L. et al - - - - '67 Delay patterns and confinement - - PRp21:873 IKRAR.Wike,E.L. et al - - - - '68 Delay and delay-box confinement - PRc18: 9 IERARHaDK_Speed(IR) decr-f(0/33/67/100% Delay(Reinf)) - - - - - - - - Wik,EL'68e IbRARHaja_R/Extn incr/decr-f(0/33/67/100% Delay(Reinf)) in acq - - - Wik,EL'68e IbRARHbbj_R/Extn decr-f(0/33/67/100% GB confinement) in extn Wik,EL'68e Ib bbj_Note: Above esp w/incr/decr time-in-GB re acq Delay(Reinf) Wik,EL'68e IKRAR.Wike,E.L. et al - - - - '68 Incr/decr delays - - - - - - - - - PRc18: 19 IdRARHbpa_Terminal acq Speed(IR) + R/Extn w/Delay decr>incr over trng Wik,EL'68e ----- ----- Ik Wikes,W.P.Crowder - - - '60 Sec reinf control for R facil - - Psy49: 83 CARE Wikler,A. - - - - - - - '73 Cond adaptive R of drugs - - - - - PJB 8:193 OKREP.Wikler,A.Pescor - - - - '67 Classcond morphine abstinence - - PAb 6904 OFREP-gH3_Opcond w/MORPH reinf during w/drawal from chronic MORPH - - Wik,A.'67+ FAREx.Wikler,A.Pascor - - - - '70 Relapse tend after dependence - - PAb 14130 FNREx-to2_W/drawal (re H2O intake, shakes) 1 yr after chronic MORPH - Wik,A.'70+ CA E Wikler,A. et al - - - - '71 Sec reinf in morphine dependence - PPa20:103 AMRAJ.Wilcock,J.Broadhurst - - '67. Strain diff in emotionality - - - JCP63:335 ALRAJSnaC_Strain diff in shuttle avcond w/lo correl w/open field acty Wil,J.'67+ AVR Wilcock,J. et al - - - - '82 Avcond w/diallel cross of strains PAb 22902 DSHAG.Wilcott, Robert C. - - - '53 Subthreshold cond - - - - - - - - PhD UCLA CSHAG.Wilcott,R.C. - - - - - - '53. Subthreshold cond - - - - - - - - JEx46:271 CEHAG-bel_No classcond to subthreshold S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wil,RC'53- RARN Wilcott,R.C. - - - - - - '86 Preop overtrng on prefront lesion PhP14: 87 FRR C Wilcove,W..Allison - - - '72. Macro/micro-beh R to viscosity - - PSc26:161 CIHVP Wilcove,W.G.Miller - - - '74. CS-US presentation w/human AuSh - JEx03:868 CVHAB.Wilcox, Susan M. - - - - '70 ISI effects w/retarded - - - - - - PhD UWisc CDHAB.Wilcox,S.M.Ross - - - - '69. Diff-classcond as-f(CSI/ISI) - - - JEx82:272 CpHAB-aia_Diff-cond incr-f(ISI) 500-800 msec w/fast onset, lo inten S Wil,SM'69+ SARTP Wilcoxon, Hardy C. - - - '51 Abnormal fixatn + lrng (Sheffield) PhD Yale SA Wilcoxon,H.C. - - - - - '52. Abnormal fixation and lrng - - - - JEx44:324 ZKXXX Wilcoxin,H.C. - - - - - '69. Problem of reinf (Tapp) - - - - - Academic IE Wilcoxon,H.C. et al - - '50. React-pot as-f(N/extn R) - - - - - JEx40:194 FRQxG.Wilcoxon,H.C. et al - - '71 Salience of visual/gustatory cues Sc 71:826 FDQxG-caC_Cond aversion to colored water > taste - - - - - - - - - - Wil,HC'71e SARTP.Wilcoxon,H.E.Water - - - '48 Spatial orientation - - - - - - - JEx38:412 SeRTPHbRs_W/homogeneous environ, take added path to wrong or right GB Wil,HE'48+ Se bRs_W/homogeneous environ, no pref added path to wrong/right GB Wil,HE'48+ OR Wildemann,D.G.Holland - '72. Control R dimension w/S dimension EAB18:419 OG Wildemann,D.G.Holland - '73. B-out meth on acq/genz - - - - - - EAB19: 73 IERDR Wiley,J.L. et al - - - - '89. Haloperidol on reacq w/priming - - BPS27:340 ZA Wiley,L.E.Wiley - - - - '37. Studies in the lrng function - - - Pmk 2: 19 IkR Wilker,W.P.Crowder - - - '60 Sec reinf w-w/out R facil - - - - Psy49: 83 ----- ----- OK Wilkie, Donald M. - - - '71. Delayed reinf w/mult sched - - - - EAB16:233 OK Wilkie,D.M. - - - - - - '72. Variable time reinf w/mult sched - EAB17: 59 ODP Wilkie,D.M. - - - - - - '73. Attn and visual field dependency - EAB20: 7 OR Wilkie,D.M. - - - - - - '73. Signalled reinf in mult/concur - - EAB20: 29 OD Wilkie,D.M. - - - - - - '73. Beh interactn in conditional discr EAB20:483 OIPIK.Wilkie,D.M. - - - - - - '74. S control of R during FI - - - - - EAB21:425 OBPIK-aoA_Change S on FI incr R early, decr R late in FI - - - - - - Wil,DM'74- OKP Wilkie,D.M. - - - - - - '77. Beh contrast w/signaled decr reinf L&M 8:182 DGPVP.Wilkie,D.M. - - - - - - '78 Symbolic DMTS - - - - - - - - - - PRc28:463 DGPVPHhHF_Acq choice red-green re trial onset w/food/no-food - - - - Wil,DM'78- SDPOP.Wilkie,D.M. - - - - - - '84 Delayed matching as-f(ITI) - - - - CJP38?178 SqPOPHaaa Delayed matching location of sample key w/2.5 < 25-sec ITI Wil,DM'84- ODPVP Wilkie,D.M. - - - - - - '87. S-inten on timing beh - - - - - - ALB15: 35 DDPVP.Wilkie,D.M. - - - - - - '88. Proactive effects in timing - - - ALB16:132 DpPVPHaad_Acq color discrim coditional re 2-10-sec duration prior S - Wil,DM'88- Dp aad_In above, perf affected by S-duration on preceding tr Wil,DM'88- DSP Wilkie,D.M. - - - - - - '89. Represent prop of space - - - - - ABP15:114 OR Wilkie,D.M.Pear - - - - '72. Intermit reinf of IRT - - - - - - EAB17: 67 DAP Wilkie,D.M.Ramer - - - - '74. Errorless discrim w/diff AuSh - - EAB22:333 SAOUC Wilkie,D.M.Slobin - - - '83. Gerbils on 17-arm radial maze - - EAB40:301 DKPVP.Wilkie,D.M.Spetch - - - '78. Ratio sched on DMTS - - - - - - - ALB 6:273 DGPVPHhHF_IDCD re color w/FR2sim color (prospective) Wil,DM'90+ SAP Wilkie,D.M.Willson - - - '95. Robust spatial memory - - - - - - ALB23: 69 ORPCP.Wilkie,D.M. et al - - - '79. Number discrim in counting sched - BPS13:390 OEPCPHhcH_Acq chain at-least-N/OpR1--> OpR2 w/varied TO between OpR1 Wil,DM'79e DGPxP.Wilkie,D.M. et al - - - '81. Delay-interval S on symbolic DMTS EAB35:153 DGPxPHhHF_HL not tone during delay decr symbolic food-S-->color MTS - Wil,DM'81e DG hHF_Above diff re HL/tone also obtained on simple VI sched perf Wil,DM'81e ODPVP.Wilkie,D.M. et al - - - '81. Control OpR w/left-right arrangemt ALB 9: 2 OpPVPHaaa_Diffcond re left-right (ie AB+ vs BA/AA/BB-) Ss arrangement Wil,DM'81e Op aaa_After above, S/Genz to single S in appropriate location Wil,DM'81e DSRAU.Wilkie,D.M. et al - - - '88 ITI reinf on timing beh - - - - - BPr17:229 DERAU baa_Discrim 1 vs 8-sec lite duratn, decr for both S w/ITI reinf Wil,DM'88e SRRRP.Wilkie,D.M. et al - - - '92. Visiting in a radial maze - - - - BPS30:314 SBRRPOaHr_Observe nonrandom visiting in radial maze w/out dep/reinf - Wil,DM'93e ----- ----- CAREC.Wilkin,L.D. et al - - - '82. Cond w/ethanol/lithium on HR/CTA - JCP96:781 CAREC-hi3_Pair(ALC,LiCl)-->CTA and decr HR as CR/UR - - - - - - - - - Wil,LD'82e FQREC-ii3_No effect of Pair(ALC,LiCl) on later CTA w/ALC US - - - - - Wil,LD'82e ZZXEX.Wilkinson,D.A. - - - - - '91 Neuropsy of self-control (Heather) Macmillan ZZXEX-XEc_Attrib self-control to frontal lobes, damaged by alcohol - Wil,DA'91- ZZ XEc_Above self-control incl all maladaptive habits, incl ALC Wil,DA'91- CIH Wilkinson,G.M. et al - - '89 Fear-rel on safety signal lrng - - BiP28: 89 RAHER.Wilkinson,R.T.Colquhoun '68. Interaction of ALC w/sleep dep - - JEx76:623 RMHEROta1_Decr effect of ALC less w/sleep dep than w/normal sleep - - Wil,RT'68+ IMh Willard, David L. - - - '71 FE as-f(delayed IR) - - - - - - - PhD U Ala OA Willard, Mary J. - - - - '75 Mazimizing simple operant - - - - PhD Bostn IK Willard, Norman - - - - '54 Perf as-f(trng/PRF) - - - - - - - PhD UMinn CMH Willett,R.A. - - - - - - '64 Cond and anxiety (Eysenck) - - - - Macmillan AAO Willham,R.L. et al - - - '64. Avcond in 2 breeds of swine - - - JCP57:117 DSHVO.Williams,A.C. - - - - - '38. Percept subliminal S - - - - - - - Psy 6:187 DEHVOObaa_Ident S-shape w/subliminal S > chance - - - - - - - - - - - Wil,AC'38- OKx Williams, April M. - - - '96 Delay(Reinf) w/irrel OpR (Lattal) PhD W.Va OAP Williams,A.M.Lattal - - '99. R-reinf relation delay effects - - EAB71:187 ----- ----- OD Williams, Ben A. - - - - '70 Complex discrim lrng (Herrnstein) PhD Harvd ODP Williams,B.A. - - - - - '71. Color altern w/FR Sched(reinf) - - EAB15:129 ODP Williams,B.A. - - - - - '71. Non-spatial delayed altern - - - - EAB16: 15 OK Williams,B.A. - - - - - '72. P lrng as-f momentary P(reinf) - - EAB17:363 OD Williams,B.A. - - - - - '73. Failure of S control after discrim EAB20: 23 DL Williams,B.A. - - - - - '74. Reward/extn in reversal lrng - - - BPS 3:454 OK Williams,B.A. - - - - - '74. Local interactions in beh contrast BPS 4:543 OA Williams,B.A. - - - - - '75. Blocking reinf control - - - - - - EAB24:215 OK Williams,B.A. - - - - - '76. Beh contrast as-f(reinf locatn) - EAB26: 57 DL Williams,B.A. - - - - - '76. Short-term retention of R-outcome L&M 7:418 SAP Williams,B.A. - - - - - '76 Double altern lrng - - - - - - - - JGn94:285 SQP hbH_Altern Wil,BA.76- OK Williams,B.A. - - - - - '76. Overall vs local changes in reinf EAB26:213 IK Williams,B.A. - - - - - '76. Unsignalled delayed reinf - - - - EAB26:441 DKPVP.Williams,B.A. - - - - - '77. Contrast effect in simult discrim ALB 5: 47 DBPVPHaId_Acq form discrim decr-f(P(Reinf)) of concur color discrim - Wil,BA'77- OSPVP Williams,B.A. - - - - - '78. Info on R-reinf assn - - - - - - - ALB 6:371 ODP Williams,B.A. - - - - - '79. Contrast and the following sched - ABP 5:379 ORPVP.Williams,B.A. - - - - - '80 Contrast and signalled reinf - - - AmJ93:617 OpPVPHaqv_No beh contrast w/MULT VI signal-VI indep of N/nonreinf OpR Wil,BA'80- Op aqv_Pos contrast w/MULT VI EXTN, decr-f(component duration) Wil,BA'80- Op aqv_Interp beh contrast re rel Rate(Reinf) Wil,BA'80- OKP Williams,B.A. - - - - - '81. Contrast w/signal-key proc - - - - EAB35:161 OS Williams,B.A. - - - - - '81. Following sched of reinf - - - - - EAB35:293 OS Williams,B.A. - - - - - '82. Mult determinants of blocking - - ALB10: 72 OK Williams,B.A. - - - - - '82. Fail/facil conditional discrim - - EAB38:265 OK Williams,B.A. - - - - - '83. Contrast in mult sched - - - - - - EAB39:345 ZKXXX.Williams,B.A. - - - - - '83 Revising prin of reinf - - - - - - Bsm11: 63 ZZXXXXCZK_Reinf prin: P(R predicts reinf), not temporal relatin alone Wil,BA'83- OS Williams,B.A. - - - - - '84. S-control and assoc lrng - - - - - EAB42:469 ODPVP Williams,B.A. - - - - - '84. Relative S-validity in discrim - - ALB12:117 IARUP.Williams,B.A. - - - - - '85. Choice w/discrete-tr concur VI-VR L&M16:423 IpRUPHaRc_Obtain near-matching re choice w/discrete-tr concur VI-VR - Wil,BA'85- ZZZZZ Williams,B.A. - - - - - '86 Role of th in beh analysis - - - - Bsm14:111 DS Williams,B.A. - - - - - '87 Limitations on quantal S control - PRc37:193 ZKXXX Williams,B.A. - - - - - '88 Reinf, choice, and R (Atkinson) - Wiley ODPVP.Williams,B.A. - - - - - '88. S-sim on beh contrast - - - - - - ALB16:206 OpPVPHaaa_W/mult sched, beh contrast decr-f(S-sim) - - - - - - - - - Wil,BA'88- OKP Williams,B.A. - - - - - '88. Component transition and contrast BPS26:269 OSP Williams,B.A. - - - - - '89. Component durations in mult sched ALB17:223 DLR Williams,B.A. - - - - - '89. PRF in discrim lrng - - - - - - - ALB17:418 ODR x Williams,B.A. - - - - - '89. R-conting/reinf identity - - - - - L&M20:204 OKP Williams,B.A. - - - - - '89. Suppression w/free reinf - - - - - L&M20:335 ZZXXX Williams,B.A. - - - - - '90. Molecular accounts of operant beh ABP16:213 OKR Williams,B.A. - - - - - '90. Antic contrast on mult sched - - - EAB53:395 OKPxP.Williams,B.A. - - - - - '90. Pavlov conting and antic contrast ALB18: 35 OpPxPHaaa_W/mult VI sched, OpR w/same VI opposite to following sched Wil,BA'90- Op aaa_Above antic contrast max if diff S in following sched Wil,BA'90- Op aaa_Obtain Pavlov conting (sim OpR) w/short component + same S Wil,BA'90- DSR Williams,B.A. - - - - - '91. Marking/bridging vs cond reinf - - ALB19:264 ODP Williams,B.A. - - - - - '91. Beh contrast and reinf value - - - ALB19:337 IKR Williams,B.A. - - - - - '91. Local vs molar reinf conting - - - EAB56:455 OKR Williams,B.A. - - - - - '92. Temporal spacing of choices - - - ABP18:287 ODP Williams,B.A. - - - - - '92. S-reinf conting and antic contrast EAB58:287 ODP Williams,B.A. - - - - - '92. Antic contrast w/mult sched - - - L&M23:306 ODP Williams,B.A. - - - - - '92. Preference and contrast - - - - - EAB58:303 OKP Williams,B.A. - - - - - '93. S-value as-f(local P(Reinf)) - - - EAB59:163 ODR Williams,B.A. - - - - - '94. Blocking w/changed reinf identity ALB22:442 ZKXXX Williams,B.A. - - - - - '94 Reinf and choice (Mackintosh) - - Academic ZKXXX Williams,B.A. - - - - - '94. P(Reinf) in models of choice - - - PRv01:704 ODR P.Williams,B.A. - - - - - '96. Blocking history on assoc - - - - PBR 3: 71 OGR PH _Trng w/S1 blocked acq discrim OpR re S2 w/S1-S2 compound - Wil,BA'96- OG _After above, little blocking by S2 re trng w/S2-S3 compound Wil,BA'96- OAR Williams,B.A. - - - - - '97. Conditioned reinforcement - - - - EAB67:145 OA Williams,B.A. - - - - - '97. What is learned? - - - - - - - - - EAB67:255 OA Williams,B.A. - - - - - '97. A review of incentive relativity - EAB68:133 DKR1P.Williams,B.A. - - - - - '98. Relative time and delay(Reinf) - - L&M29:236 DGR1PHhHE_DCDD w/S1-->R1/S2-->R2, decr-f(delay B4 choice) - - - - - - Wil,BA'98- DG hHE_Above effect decr-f(ITI) Wil,BA'98- DG hHE_DCDD w/S1-->R1/S2-->R2, decr-f(delay after choice) Wil,BA'98- DG hHE_Above effect not-f(ITI) Wil,BA'98- OAR Williams,B.A. - - - - - '99. Value transmission in stim chains EAB72:177 OAP Williams,B.A.Bell - - - '96. Preferance & changeover beh -- - - EAB65:513 OAP Williams,B.A.Bell- - - - '99. Chngover beh & choice - - - - - - EAB71: 45 DKR Williams,B.A.Dunn - - - '91. Cond/primary reinf in acq - - - - EAB55: 21 OKP Williams,B.A.Dunn - - - '91. Pref for cond reinf - - - - - - - EAB55: 37 DSP Williams,B.A.Dunn - - - '94. Context specificity of cond reinf EAB62:157 OAPVP.Williams,B.A.Fantino - - '78. Choice as-f(Delay(Reinf)) - - - - EAB29: 77 OpPVPHaRc_W/concur chain, pref short terminal FI incr-f(FI durations) Wil,BA'78+ Op aRc_Above w/2:1 ratio of terminal FIs, w/w/out cue assoc w/FI Wil,BA'78+ OSPVP Williams,B.A.Heyneman - '82. Mult determinants of blocking - - ALB10: 72 ODPV Williams.B.A.Ploog - - - '92. Extn of S-elements on discrm lrng ALB20:170 OA Williams,B.A.Royalty - - '89. Melioration th of matching - - - - ABP15: 99 OKP Williams,B.A.Royalty - - '90. Cond reinf vs time to reinf - - - EAB53:381 OKP Williams,B.A.Wixted - - '86. Equation for beh contrast - - - - EAB45: 47 ODP Williams,B.A.Wixted - - '94. Beh competition th of contrast - - EAB61:107 OKP Williams,B.A. et al - - '90. Blocking R-reinf assn - - - - - - L&M21:379 OSP Williams,B.A. et al - - '95. S-devaluation w/chain sched - - - ALB23:104 ----- ----- CA Williams, Bobby D. - - - '70 Sensory precond as-f(ISI) - - - - PhD UMiss DKRVL Williams, Carl D. - - - '52 Nutritive value of reward - - - - PhD U Chi SSRMA.Williams,C.D.Kuchta - - '57. Explor beh in 2 mazes - - - - - - JCP50:509 FPRMA-bCa_Explor beh incr-f(novelty/complexity) - - - - - - - - - - - Wil,CD'57+ FARYA.Williams,C.D. et al - - '66 Explor as-f(age) - - - - - - - - - JGt09:241 FPRYAObtE_Explor maze incr-decr-f(27/51/78/116-d age) - - - - - - - - Wil,CD'66e IKHUU.Williams,C.D.Hartley - - '82 PRF hump effect - - - - - - - - - PRp51:023 IbHUUOapu_After trng predict A or B w/irreg 50% A or B, Wil,CD/82+ Ib apu_ P(predict B) incr-decr-f(N/trials w/100% A) - - - - - - Wil,CD'82+ ----- ----- OR Williams, David R. - - - '60 Amp(R) as-f(reward) (Sheffield) - PhD Yale OD N Williams,D.R. - - - - - '65. Neg induction w/central S - - - - PSc 2:341 YCXXX Williams,D.R. - - - - - '65. Classcond and incentive (Prokasy) A-C-C IRRAR Williams,D.R. - - - - - '66. Amp(R) and reinf - - - - - - - - - JEx71:634 OARI .Williams,D.R. - - - - - '68 Structure of R/rate - - - - - - - EAB11:251 OBRI -aiA_P(IRT) on FI is-f(P(reinf)) of that IRT - - - - - - - - - - Wil,DR'68- OJRIB Williams,D.R.Barry - - - '66. Countercond in operant conflict - JCP61:154 ARR C Williams,D.R.Teitelbaum- '56 Control drinking w/opcond - - - - Sc 24:294 APR C-bYa_Use lick-R as ARo to induce high liquid intake - - - - - - Wil,DR'56+ OA Williams,D.R.Williams - '69. Auto-maint/nonreinf - - - - - - - EAB12:511 IKRCP Williams, Donald T. - - '69 Amt(Reinf) and ITI on acq - - - - PhD Hustn ----- ----- CIR e Williams, Douglas A. - - '87 Assoc structure w/cond inhib - - - PhD UMinn CAR Williams,D.A. - - - - - '94. Slow extn after massed shock - - - ALB22:203 ZZX Williams,D.A. - - - - - '95. Forms of inhib in lrng - - - - - - ABP21:129 DSH Williams,D.A.Braker - - '99. Stim coding & past experience - - ABP25:461 CSRxE.Williams,D.A.LoLordo - - '95. Blocking w/CS/time cues - - - - - QJE48: 97 CERxE-bso_Context-time-of-shock cues blocked acq re added tone S - - Wil,DA'95+ CE bso_Tone CS did not block acq re context-time-of-shock cues Wil,DA'95+ CAR .Williams,D.A.Overmier - '88. ITI on backward inhib cond - - - - ABP14: 26 CcR -baI_Backward inhib cond after signaled US > after unsignal US - Wil,DA'88+ Cc baI_Above w/distrib tr across days or long ITI w/in day Wil,DA'88+ CDRxe.Williams,D.A.Overmier - '88. Cond inhib w/excit assn - - - - - L&M19:345 CcRxe-baZ_Infer forward/backward/trace proc have inhib/excit assns - Wil,DA'88+ CSRxe.Williams,D.A.Overmier - '90. Backward inhib cond w/unsignal US ALB18: 35 CGRxeHbCu_US pre-expose decr acq CER, incr inhib cond w/S after shock Wil,DA'90+ CG bCu_Both above effects elim w/change in context Wil,DA'90+ CAR Williams,D.A.Sly - - - - '99. Recovery after bkward pairings - - ALB27:152 CIR Williams,D.A. et al - - '86. W/in-compound assn and diffcond - ABP12:351 DKP Williams,D.A. et al - - '90. Reinf location/qual as cues - - - ABP16: 3 CIR e.Williams,D.A. et al - - '90. Signaling the US and cond inhib - L&M21: 32 CpR e-nsi_Acq cond inhib re S2 after US is-f(prior context/S1 B4 US) Wil,DA'90e CSRCE.Williams,D.A. et al - - '91. Context cond as-f(US-ITI) - - - - ABP17:202 CERCE-gda_Freeze-beh in context incr-decr-f(ITI or prior shocks) - - Wil,DA'91e CIXXX.Williams.D.A. et al - - '92. Dictums re cond inhib - - - - - - PBl11:275 CpXXX-nsz_Contends cond-inhib-S may pass only summatn/retardatn test Wil,DA'92e FRR Williams,D.A. et al - - '92. Discrete signals for US - - - - - ABP18: 41 ----- ----- DDP Williams,D.I. - - - - - '67 Constant irrel cue lrng - - - - - AnB15:229 DLP Williams,D.I. - - - - - '67. ORE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PSc 7:261 DSP Williams,D.I. - - - - - '67 Discrim lrng as-f N/neg S - - - - AnB15: 79 DGP Williams,D.I. - - - - - '68. Transfer along a continuum - - - - JCP65:369 OKR B Williams,D.I.Lowe - - - '67. Variable visual S - - - - - - - - PSc 7:231 OKRVP.Williams,D.I.Lowe - - - '70 Pre-test illum on lite reinf - - - BJP61:379 OBRVPOaCl_Acq OpR w/reinf = steady/flicker lite opposite to preexpose Wil,DL'70+ ----- ----- IKRAR Williams,D.T.Ballenger - '74 Successive contrast effects - - - JGn91: 43 IbRARHaka_Neg contrast but no pos contrast w/decr/incr Amt(Reinf) - - Wil,DT'74+ SMRDL.Williams,G.O'Brien - - - '37 Sodium phenobarbital on lrng - - - JC 23:457 SLRDLTtDs_Lrng/relrng decr w/sodium phenobarbital, not-f decr acty - Wil,G.'37+ IJRN Williams, Gertrude J. - '58 ECS on conflict beh - - - - - - - PhD WashU AARN Williams,G.J. - - - - - '61. ECS on conflict - - - - - - - - - JCP54:633 AARN Williams,G.J. - - - - - '63. Interval before ECS on conflict - JCP56:129 OMREP.Williams,H.P. et al - - '91 Cocaine effect on ESB reinf - - - PBB40:273 OLREP-te2_COC incr Rate(OpR) w/ESB reinf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wil,HP'92e DMRVL.Williams, Irvin K. - - - '83 Lrng and dysthyroid states - - - - PhD WashU DLRVLOnAw_Hypothyroidism --> retention deficit w/pattern S - - - - - Wil,IK'83- DL nAw_Hyperthyroidism - - > enhanced perf w/pattern S Wil,IK'83- IE Williams, Jerry D. - - - '76 Aversive to appetitive extn - - - PhD UOkla ORPUP.Williams,J.G.Crossman - '80. Duration of keypecks w/VI sched - BPS16: 44 OPPUPHbar_R-duration constant during VI, decr-f(length of VI) - - - - Wil,JG'80+ DLH Williams, Joann - - - - '68 Reversal w/retardates - - - - - - PhD U Ala ----- ----- OJR P Williams, Jon L. - - - - '68 R-conting on pun - - - - - - - - - PhD UMich CGHAG.Williams,J.L. - - - - - '63 Novelty, GSR, and S/Genz - - - - - CJP17: 52 CeHAG-bsg_Present S-alone 16-times--Incr GSR to test S incr-f(S diff) Wil,JA'63- OJR B Williams,J.L. - - - - - '69. R contingency and punish - - - - - JCP68:118 IKRAR.Williams,J.L. - - - - - '70. Duration of sec-reinf on IR - - - JEx83:348 IERARHbaa_After trng w/food+tone in GB, Speed(IR) incr-f(tone in SB) Wil,JL'70- ZZXXX.Williams,J.L. - - - - - '73. Operant learning: Theory/research Wadsworth ZZXXX-ZZT_Operant lrng: Applications to beh mod/educ - - - - - - - - Wil,JL'73- ODP Williams,J.L. - - - - - '74. Complementary afterimages - - - - EAB21:421 IARAR.Williams,J.L.Ellis - - - '70 Delay on established R - - - - - - PRc20:251 IERARHajc_Speed(IR) decr-f(Delay in alley) after acq - - - - - - - - Wil,JL'70+ ESRSL.Williams,J.L.Lierle - - '88. Repeated defeat on escape lrng - - ALB16:477 ENRSLOnCd_Repeated defeat as intruder decr odor-escape lrng w/FR2 - - Wil,JL'88+ ASR Williams,J.L.SFMaier - - '77. Transituational immunixation - - - ABP 3:240 ORR Williams,J.L. et al - - '64. Air-drinking R - - - - - - - - - - PSc 1: 49 ----- ----- VAHL Williams, Joanna P. - - '61 Test all-or-none hypo (NEMiller) - PhD Yale DL Williams, John T. - - - '67 Habit reversal w/caiman - - - - - PhD U Fla SKRML.Williams,K.A. - - - - - '29. Reward value of CS - - - - - - - - UCP 4: 31 SCRMLHbSK_After B/W discrim + nonreinf pretrng, S+ = food re errors - Wil,KA.29- CRXXX.Williams,K.A. - - - - - '29 CR and sign function in lrng - - - PRv36:481 CPXXX-baz_CR not= UR; S is sign and CR is preparatory - - - - - - - - Wil,KA'29- CaXXX-bbz_CR occurs only if S has been sign for US in recent past - - Wil,KA'29- OPXXX-baz_Molar R requires sign and environ support (eg manipulandum) Wil,KA'29- FZAXX.Williams,L. - - - - - - '77 Challenge to survival - - - - - - NYU FPAXXOeHS_Beh of higher mammals motiv by altruism > self-seeking - - Wil,L.'77- Williams, Louis N. - - - '59 ECS on R retention - - - - - - - - PhD UWash RAREx.Williams,M.H. - - - - - '73 Alcohol on HR and oxygen - - - - - PAb 4459 FQREx-gV3_No effect of mod-dose ALC on HR/oxygen w/rest/exercise - - Wil,MH'73- OK Williams, Melvin R. - - '64 Reinf w/lite change - - - - - - - PhD LSU FMRCC Williams, Ruth Ann H. - '66 Repeated dep on consum acty - - - PhD Brown FMR C Williams,R.A. - - - - - '68. Repeated food dep/feeding on beh - JCP65:222 FMR Williams,R.A.Campbell - '61. Weight loss and quinine ingestion JCP54:220 ORHCH Williams, Robert J. - - '86 Lrng HR control re self-report - - PhD MMast IKR Williams, Robert L. - - '67. Pre-/post-reward delay/confinement JEx74:420 IKR Williams,R.L.Cole - - - '66. Amt(reinf) and vigor of Rg - - - - PSc 6: 17 AEHVP.Williams,R.W.Levis - - - '91. Persistant ARi in extn - - - - - - BPS29:125 AbHVPSbbi_ARi R/Extn > 500 tr for about half of Os - - - - - - - - - Wil,RW'91+ ----- ----- IGRCx.Williams, Stanley B. - - '40 Transfer as-f(habit strength(Hull) PhD Yale OERCP.Williams,S.B. - - - - - '38. R/Extn as-f(N/reinf) - - - - - - - JC 23:506 ObRCPHbna_R/Extn incr-f(5/10/30/90 N/reinf) 22-hr B4 extn - - - - - - Wil,SB'38- OdRCPHbta_Spon-rec incr-f(5/10/30/90 N/reinf) B4 extn - - - - - - - - Wil,SB'38- SLRTL.Williams,S.B. - - - - - '42 Reversal after 2 degrees of trng - JC 34:353 SsRTLHbaS_Extended trng-->initial pos accel in acq of reversal - - - Wil,SB'42- OERCx.Williams,S.B. - - - - - '41. Transfer of extn effects - - - - - JC 31:263 OdRCxHbpG_After trng w/vert/horizontal bars, extn 1 decr R/Extn other Wil,SB'41- Od bpG_Above genz of extn decr-f strength of R being extinguished Wil,SB'41- OGR B Williams,S.B. - - - - - '41 Transfer as-f habit strength - - - JC 31:281 SRRTP.Williams,S.B. - - - - - '43 Approach-approach conflict - - - - JC 35:269 SBRTPHaxa_Re Lat(R), no conflict w/both arms reinf vs only one avail Wil,SB'43- IERAR.Williams,S.B.Williams - '43 Barrier-frustration vs extn - - - AmJ56:247 IbRARHbbi_R/Extn w/barrier B4 GB < empty GB, incr-f(distance from SB) Wil,SB'43+ ----- ----- FPOSO.Williams,T.D. - - - - - '94 Adoption in snow goose - - - - - - AnB47:101 FPOSOOeQH_G: Adoption in snow goose mutually beneficial, not altruism Wil,TD'94- OAP Williams,W.A.Fantino - - '96. Prechoice & foraging - - - - - - - EAB65:619 CDHVG.Williams,W.C. - - - - - '75. PRF and info on classcond - - - - HLM04:501 ClHVG-nmL_Info re contingencies facil diff-cond w/PRF to S+ - - - - - Wil,WC'75- ORHCH.Williamson,D.A.Blanchard '79 Fdbk delay on HR control - - - - - PPh16:108 OPHCHObYv_Acq incr/decr HR w/immed, not delayed fdbk - - - - - - - - Wil,DA'79+ OEPVP Williamson,D.A. et al - '79 Detection of inhib - - - - - - - - PRc29:231 IMR Willis, Edmond E. - - - '74 Neg/pos contrast and FE - - - - - PhD IowaS USP Willis,F.N. - - - - - - '66. Fighting rel to available space - PSc 4:315 CROVO.Willis,G.L.Mein - - - - '83 Classcond milk ejection - - - - - PAb B8011 CPOVO-bYc_Cond incr/decr cow milk ejectn to S B4 present/remove calf Wil,GL'83+ CCRxe.Willis, Richard D. - - - '69 USI/PRF in CER - - - - - - - - - - PhD U Ill CARxe.Willis,R.D. - - - - - - '69. PRF in CER - - - - - - - - - - - - JCP68:289 CERxe-bfu_Suppression equal w/30% or higher P(reinf) - - - - - - - - Wil,RD'69- OCRxe.Willis,R.D.Lundin - - - '66. PRF in CER - - - - - - - - - - - - PSc 6:107 OARxe-oIs_Suppression incr-f P(reinf) to diff S w/in-O - - - - - - - Wil,RD'66+ OMR Willis,R.D. et al - - - '74. Concur VI sched w/food/H2O reinf - EAB22:323 FAR Willner,J.A. - - - - - - '78. Blocking CTA w/prior pairings - - L&M 9:125 FRRGC.Willner,P. et al - - - - '86 Cond taste aversion/drinking w/5-h PPm90: 79 FDRGC-caU_Cond taste aversion vs cond drinking w/5-HTP US - - - - - - Wil,P.'86e DSH Wills,A.J.McLaren - - - '98. Percep lrng & free classifiction - QJE51:235 FSrSx.Wills, Georgia D. - - - '83 Tests of kin selection th - - - - PhD SMiss FQrSxOafX_Discrim familiar from nonfamiliar siblings re olfactory cue Wil,GD'83- FQ afX_W/limited food avail, sharing w/nonfamiliar > familiar Wil,GD'83- DGP Wills,S.Mackintosh - - - '98. Peak shift on artificial dimension QJE51: 1 DSP Wills,S.Mackintosh - - - '99. Relational lrning in pigeons? - - QJE52: 31 SAPCP.Willson, Robert J. - - - '92 Spatial assoc memory - - - - - - - PhD U BC SDPCPHata_Retain rewarded 1 of 4 locations for up to 72 hr - - - - - Wil,RJ'92- SAP Willson,R.J.Wilkie - - - '93. Remember spatial location-food - - ABP19:373 OAx Wilson,B.Boakes - - - - '85. Compare STM perf pigeon/jackdaw - ALB13:285 ODPV Wilson,B. et al - - - - '85. Matching/oddity lrng and transfer QJE37:295 ODPV Wilson,B. et al - - - - '85. Transfer relational oddity rules - QJE37:313 FAR Wilson,C.L. - - - - - - '83. Motiv prop of spaced food - - - - L&M14:304 OSR Wilson,C.L. et al - - - '81. Aversion re cond reinf vs IR - - - ABP 7:165 OARxC.Wilson, Josephine F. - - '82 Nonregulatory eating - - - - - - - PhD Clmba OPRxCObio_Sched-induced eating w/intermittent sched of ESB reinf - - Wil,JF'82- CVaGO.Wilson,D.A.Sullivan - - '94 Neurobiol of assoc lrng w/neonate BNB61: 1 CLaGO-mmC_Concl olfactory CR w/neonate w/sim neural correlates - - - Wil,DA'94+ RSOfO.Wilson,D.M. - - - - - - '61 Control of flight in locust - - - JEB38:471 RFOfO-bKs_Rapid wing mvmt in locust unchanged w/out fdbk from wing - Wil,DM'61- CRHVP.Wilson,D.S.Duerfeldt - - '67. Cardiac R and diffcond - - - - - - JCP63: 87 CPHVPSbYI_Mag(biphasic decr-incr HR CR) incr-f sim of Ss in diffcond Wil,DS'67+ AER Wilson, Elvie H. - - - - '71 Reinstatement of extn - - - - - - PhD Ind U YCR Wilson,E.H.Dinsmoor - - '70. Feeding on fear re passive avoid - JCP70:431 CVHVG.Wilson,G.D. - - - - - - '68 Instructions and personality - - - PRp22:618 CLHVG-nAw_Cond pos correl w/extraversn/conservatism, not neurotocism Wil,GD'68- CDHVG.Wilson,G.D. - - - - - - '68. Reverse diff-cond by instructions JEx76:491 ClHVG-nmL_Reversal of diff-CR w/instruct re reversal(both S nonreinf) Wil,GD'68- FMOSC Wilson,G.F. - - - - - - '68. Early exper on social facil - - - JCP66:800 CS e Wilson,G.K. - - - - - - '74 Percep contrast in CSI dynamism - PhD UOkla CRhLL.Wilson,G.P. et al - - - '81 Cond meaning as-f(meaningfulness) PRp49:907 CPhLL-bYl_Pair(syble,word)--Cond eval meaning decr-f S-meaningfulness Wil,GP'81e CAhLL-aVc_Cond evaluative meaning of syllable w/out awareness - - - - Wil,GP'81e AER Wilson, G. Terence - - - '71 Meth of extn - - - - - - - - - - - PhD NYSBr AE Wilson,G.T. - - - - - - '73. Extn of AR - - - - - - - - - - - - JCP82:105 ZMHES.Wilson,G.T. - - - - - - '83 Alcohol on human sexual beh - - - PAb 5279 ZZHES-XEe_Review psychophysiological effect of ALC on sexuality - - - Wil,GT'83- ZZ XEe_Review social disinhib anal: ALC incr arousal to sex S Wil,GT'83- ZZ XEe_Review social lrng anal: Indiv diff in acq sex R to ALC Wil,GT'83- FAHEO.Wilson,G.T.Niaura - - - '85 Alcohol on disinhib of sex R - - - PAb 806 FQHEOOgV3_ALC decr Lat(sexual arousal) to erotic S w/male O - - - - - Wil,GT'85+ OD Wilson, Helen K. - - - - '69 Contrast and Mag(Reinf) - - - - - PhD UMinn IER Wilson, James J. - - - - '58 Trng/GB mvmt re PREE - - - - - - - PhD NYU OKRVB Wilson,J.J. - - - - - - '62 Optimal S for photic reinf - - - - PRc12: 17 IERAR.Wilson,J.J. - - - - - - '64. Trng/GB mvmts on PREE - - - - - - JCP57:211 IdRARHbpb_PREE incr-f(Amt(trng)), not-f(variety of GB mvmts re reinf) Wil,JJ'64- FAR C Wilson, Josephine F. - - '82 Nonregulatory eating - - - - - - - PhD Clmba RARAO Wilson, John R. - - - - '73 HR avcond on startle - - - - - - - PhD KentS CMR1H.Wilson,J.R.DiCara - - - '75 Previous curare on cond w/curare - PhB14:259 CAR1H-nmC_Cond HR decel better w/curare w/O w/exper w/curare - - - - Wil,JR'75+ USRSC Wilson,J.R. et al - - - '63. Changing S female on male sex beh JCP56:636 OAH Wilson,K.G.Hayes - - - - '96. Resurgance of derived S relations EAB66:267 AA Wilson, Linda M. - - - - '74 Acq/extn active avoid R - - - - - PhD KentS CVRAE.Wilson,L.M.Riccio - - - '73. CS familiarization in young/adult BPS 1:184 CLRAE-nAC_Less effect of S pre-exposure on CER acq at 23 than 30/90 d Wil,LM'73+ CUR1H.Wilson,L.M. et al - - - '75 Facil cond by preshock - - - - - - PhB15:653 CGR1H-bau_Cond facil if present shock US B4 Pair(S,US) w/paralysis - Wil,LM'75e DMMN Wilson, Martha - - - - - '55 Cortical lsn on discrim (Rosner) - PhD Yale SACML.Wilson,M. - - - - - - - '65 Infantile stim, acty, and lrng - - CDv36:843 SNCMLHndC_Early exposure to complex environ facil acq, not reversal - Wil,M.'66- DGMX Wilson,M. - - - - - - - '66. Cross-modal transfer - - - - - - - PSc 4:321 DLMN Wilson,M.Wilson - - - - '52. Intersensory facil of lrng sets - JCP55:931 DLMT Wilson,M. et al - - - - '63. Tactual lrng sets - - - - - - - - JCP56:732 SRO Wilson,M.M.Fowler - - - '76. Altern beh in cockroach - - - - - ALB 4:490 SRRfP.Wilson,M.O. - - - - - - '34 Interpolated acty on delayed-R - - JC 18: 29 SGRfPHhHE_Acq L/R re 2 prior forced turns decr distance B4 choice - - Wil,MO'34- SRRfP.Wilson,M.O. - - - - - - '34 Interpolated acty on delayed-R - - JC 18:367 SGRfPHhHE_Acq turn R2 as-f forced turn R1, w/same R > opposite R - - Wil,MO'34- SG hHE_Above perf decr-f(interpolated acty) re confine/shock Wil,MO'34- OK Wilson, Maurice P. - - - '53 R as-f(N/Interval(Reinf)) - - - - PhD Clmba OSR P.Wilson,M.P. - - - - - - '54. Periodic reinf interval on R - - - JCP47: 51 OBR P-acA_Rate OpR decr-f(1/6-6 min FI) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wil,MP'54- ObR P-bna_OpR R/Extn after FI trng incr-f(N/reinf) - - - - - - - - - Wil,MP'54- ORR P.Wilson,M.P.Keller - - - '53. Selective reinf of spaced R - - - JCP46:190 OFR PHart_W/incr DRL interval, mdn IRT incr and P(Reinf) decr - - - - Wil,MP'53+ DpMVL Wilson,P.D.Riesen - - - '66. Neonatal dep of patterned lite - - JCP61: 87 CSR1O.Wilson,P.N.Pearce - - - '88. Transfer of R w/serial cond - - - QJE40:259 CER1O-bsc_W/serial Pair(tone,lite,food), approach lite during tone - Wil,PN'88+ DS Wilson,P.N.Pearce - - - '89. S/Genz in conditional discrim lrng QJE41:243 DG Wilson,P.N.Pearce - - - '90. Transfer of R in conditional discr QJE42: 41 DSR Wilson,P.N.JMPearce - - '92. Config anal of feature-neg discrim ABP18:265 AAR R.Wilson,P.N. et al - - - '87. Instru lrng w/omission trng - - - QJE39:161 ABR RHaoA_Diffcond decr wheel-run IR w/conting(IR,omit free food) - - Wil,PN'87e AB aoA_Attrib above to cog representatn neg conting, not classcond Wil,PN'87e CSR1O.Wilson,P.N. et al - - - '92. Restore OrR re predictive accuracy QJE44: 17 CPR1O-bxa_OrR re lite decr w/MIX serial L-T-food + L-T-no-food - - - Wil,PN'92e CP bxa_After above, incr OrR w/MIX serial L-T-food + L-alone Wil,PN'92e CP bxa_Interp above re OrR decr-f(predictive accuracy) Wil,PN'92e CP bxa_Ie L accurately predicts L in 1st above, not in 2nd Wil,PN'92e CAWV Wilson,R.A.Collins - - - '67 Transfer CR via cannibalism - - - PMS24:727 URHXG Wilson, Ronald S. - - - '64. Autonomic changes w/noxious S - - JCP58:290 URH G Wilson,R.S.Duerfeldt - - '64. Autonomic R w/forced-discrim - - - JCP58:118 DK Wilson, Thurlow R. - - - '56 Non-reinf in discrim lrng - - - - PhD Harvd IERAR.Wilson,W. et al - - - - '55. Test Sheffield hypo re PREE - - - JEx50: 51 IdRARHbpb_PREE not-f(ITI) w/food/water reinf - - - - - - - - - - - - Wil,W.'55e ----- ----- SMM Wilson, William A. Jr. - '56 Cortical lsn on visual beh - - - - PhD UCBer SAM Wilson,W.A. - - - - - - '59 2-choice beh - - - - - - - - - - - AmJ72:560 FMMGP Wilson,W.A. - - - - - - '59 Role of lrng in choice of food - - AmJ72:560 SKM C.Wilson,W.A. - - - - - - '60. 2-choice beh - - - - - - - - - - - JEx59:207 SFM C apL_Devel near-100% pref for 75% vs 25% reinf w/correction proc Wil,WA'60- SAM Wilson,W.A.Rollin - - - '59. 2-choice beh in noncontingent sit JEx58:174 RDMNP.Wilson,W.A. et al - - - '63. Frontal lesions on delayed-R - - - JCP56:237 RLMNPHtDH_Frontal lesion decr 5-sec delayed-R even w/position beh - - Wil,WA'63e SAMV Wilson,W.A. et al - - - '64. Visual P-lrng - - - - - - - - - - PSc 1: 71 SAM Wilson,W.A. et al - - - '64 P-lrng - - - - - - - - - - - - - - QJE16:163 ----- ----- OKHLL.Wilson,W.C.Verplanck - - '56 Reinf of verbal operants - - - - - AmJ69:448 OBHLL-aVo_In cond verbal OpR, most O can report reinf and reinf R - - Wil,WC'56+ CACNF.Wilson,W.J. - - - - - - '83 Role of nucleus accumbens (Krasne) PhD UCLA CLCNF-mNc_Nucleus accumbens ESB decr flex CR, not HR CR - - - - - - - Wil,WJ'83- CL mNc_Nucleus accumbens lesion incr flex CR, not HR CR Wil,WJ'83- CL mNc_Flex CR, not UR, decr by dopamine in accumbens, not norepin Wil,WJ'83- EAR Wilson,W.J.Butcher - - - '80. Shock conting w/backshock tech - - ALB 8:435 IER Wilson,W.J.Dyal - - - - '63 Nonresp acq on latent extn - - - - PRp13:879 ZZ Wilson,W.R. - - - - - - '24 Prin of selection in T+E lrng - - PRv31:150 FMR Wilsoncroft,W.E. - - - - '67. Chew-thru beh - - - - - - - - - - PSc 9: 41 FRR Wilsoncroft,W.E.Shupe - '65. Tail, paw, and pup retrieving - - PSc 3:494 FERS qHi_Imitation Wil,WE'65+ ZZXXX Wiltbank,R.T. - - - - - '19 Social/complete R in lrng - - - - PRv26:277 ----- ----- IERAR Wilton,R.N. - - - - - - '66 R/Extn as-f Mag(reinf) - - - - - - QJE18:228 IERAR Wilton,R.N. - - - - - - '67 R/Extn after GB PRF - - - - - - - QJE19:162 IRA Wilton,R.N. - - - - - - '72. Info in ObR and PREA - - - - - - - L&M 3:479 OD Wilton,R.N.Clements - - '71. Observing R and info S - - - - - - EAB15:199 OD Wilton,R.N.Clements - - '71. Role of info in observing R - - - EAB16:161 OD Wilton,R.N.Clements - - '71. Beh contrast as-f extn duration - EAB61:425 OD Wilton,R.N.Gay - - - - - '69. Beh contrast as-f following compon EAB12:239 OD Wilton,R.N.Gay - - - - - '69. Beh contrast in chain sched - - - EAB12:905 IE Wilton,R.N.Strongman - - '67 R/Extn as-f N/reinf + Mag(reinf) - PRp20:235 ----- ----- OJ Wiltz, Robert A. - - - - '72 Combining S re pun - - - - - - - - PhD AmerU OD Wiltz,R.A. - - - - - - - '72. Combined-S control - - - - - - - - EAB18:541 OSR Wiltz,R.A. - - - - - - - '74. Signals for food and shock - - - - EAB22:363 SVSML.Wimer,C.Prater - - - - - '66 Beh differences as-f(brain weight) PRp19:675 SLSMLOnbC_Locomotor acty and water-maze lrng bred re hi > lo brain wt Wim,C.'66+ AERDO.Wimersma,G. et al - - - '73 Progesterone on avoid beh - - - - H&B 4: 19 AbRDOSbbx_sc progesterone decr R/Extn of pole-jumping ARi - - - - - - Wim,G.'73e ZZXXX.Windholz,G. - - - - - - '84 Pavlov's position re behaviorism - PAb 19293 ZZXXX-cXe_C: Pavlov expected CR theory to be accepted by behaviorists Win,G.'84- CAXXX.Windholz,G. - - - - - - '86 CR discoveries of Pavlov/Twitmyer PJB21:141 CAXXX-aZA_Pavlov/Twitmyer indepen discovery of CR re anal of reflex - Win,G.'86- OKRVP.Winefield,O.H.Glow - - - '80 Passive control of environ - - - - JGn03: 27 OPRVPObar_Acq withhold OpR = emit OpR w/reinf = sensory change - - - Win,OH'80+ IJH Winer,H. - - - - - - - - '62. Effects of R cost - - - - - - - - EAB 5:201 RRHLL.Wing,A. et al - - - - - '79 Slow handwriting by repeat letters HMS 5:182 RPHLLOpdz_Handwriting speed decr w/repetition of letters - - - - - - Win,A.'79e RRHfO.Wing,A.M. - - - - - - - '77 Auditory fdbk delay on mvmt timing HPP 3:175 RFHfO-bKs_Alter auditory fdbk of finger tap alters next inter-R time Win,AM'77- RRXXX Wing,A.M.Kristofferson - '73. Timing of discrete motor R - - - - P&P14: 5 RZHXX Wing,A.M. et al (Eds) - '96 Hand and brain - - - - - - - - - - Academic SSRM Wing, Cliff W. - - - - - '52 Environ temperature on lrng - - - PhD Tulan FRRGC.Wing,J.F.Birch - - - - - '74. Rel cue prop of novel tastes - - - ALB 2: 63 FDRGC-tOs_Aversion w/Pair(sacc,LiCl) decr by pre-expose to sacc - - - Win,JF'74+ CNDVW.Wing,K.G. - - - - - - - '46 Optic cortex and cond w/light - - AmJ59:583 ClDVWStMc_Diffcond w/lite S not elim w/part removal of visual cortex Win,KG'46- DVDVF.Wing,K.G. - - - - - - - '47 Retention of lrnd R - - - - - - - AmJ60: 30 DlDVFHtNd_Bilat removal striate areas elim diffcond, not R to Ss - - Win,KG'47- AVDVW.Wing,K.G.KUSmith - - - - '42 Optic cortex on CR to light - - - JEx31:478 ALDVWSnMa_Retain ARc after complete bilat removal of striate areas - Win,KG'42+ OKMD Winger, Gail D. - - - - '70 Self-admin of ALC - - - - - - - - PhD UMich OKMEP.Winger,G. - - - - - - - '89 Ethanol w/drawal on ethanol reinf PAb 25326 OFMEP-gH3_Decr self-admin iv ALC during w/drawal chronic passive ALC Win,G.'89- SRHxO.Wingfield,R.C. - - - - - '43 Spon altern w/human O - - - - - - JC 35:237 SPHxOObor_Spon altern decr-f(forced choice speed), incr-f(R-diff) - - Win,RC'43- SARMC.Wingfield,R.C.Dennis - - '34. Pathway choice and trial length - JC 18:135 SPRMCHbaz_W/several reinf paths, R variability incr w/>1 tr/day - - - Win,RC'34+ AMREL.Winkelman,J.W. et al - - '86 Amphetamine on avcond - - - - - - PhP14: 11 ALREL-te2_Lo dose d-AMPH facil, hi dose decr acq of shuttle ARi - - - Win,JW'86e DGNVP.Winner,E.Ettlinger - - - '79 Recog photo as object - - - - - - NPa17:413 DqNVPOaad_Good object-object MTS but poor w/photograph-object - - - - Win,E.'79+ AR Winnick, Wilma A. - - - '53 Inefficient mvmt in avoid - - - - PhD Clmba ORR E Winnick,W. - - - - - - - '56. Anxiety in AR w/conflict - - - - - JCP49: 52 ADRI Winnick,W.A. - - - - - - '50 Discrim function of drive S - - - AmJ63:196 OSRCP.Winnick,W.A. - - - - - - '51 Lite discrim w/periodic reinf - - AmJ64:572 OdRCPHbpR_Rate(OpR) in extn after FI incr-f sim trng/test illum - - - Win,WA'52- IGRAR.Winnick,W.A.Hunt - - - - '51 Extra S on acq/extn - - - - - - - JEx41:205 IeRARHbCi_Extra S added B4 trial incr Lat(IR) during both acq/extn - Win,WA'51+ DGHN Winocur, Gordon - - - - '66 Hippocamp damage and transfere - - PhD Wtrlo DARVP.Winocur,G. - - - - - - - '84 Interference w/old/young O - - - - DPB17:537 DLRVPHnAA Interference re pre/post-trng w/sim Ss w/old > younger O - Win,G.'84- IMR Winocur,G. - - - - - - - '86 Memory decline w/age--Neuropsych - JGr41:758 IJRNL Winocur,G.Bindra - - - - '76 Added cues on lrng/extn w/lesions PhB17:915 CSRCE.Winocur,G. et al - - - - '87 Hippocamp and cond w/context cues BNs01:617 CLRCESmNc_Hippocamp lesions incr context cond w/Pair(S,sh) in context Win,G.'87e ERR Winograd, Eugene - - - - '61 Parameters of escape beh - - - - - PhD Ind U CGRAe.Winograd,E. - - - - - - '65. Maintained S/Genz of CER - - - - - EAB 8: 47 CeRAe-beg_S/Genz gradient to click rate maintained during testing - - Win,E.'65- EUR B Winograd,E. - - - - - - '65. FR/shock inten on escape beh - - - EAB 8:117 ZAXXX Winograd,E. - - - - - - '71 Animal/human memory (Honig) - - - Academic OJRIB Winograd,E. et al - - - '65. Genz of punish - - - - - - - - - - PSc 2:321 FpR E Winokur,G.Stern - - - - '59 Early handling/housing on stress - JPS 4: 1 OMRCP Winokur, Stephen - - - - '67 Nonconting food on operant level - PhD UMinn OKPD Winsauer, Peter J. - - - '89 COC self-admin (Silberberg) - - - PhD AmerU ----- ----- FSoVO Winslow, Charles N. - - '34 Visual illusions in chick - - - - PhD Clmba ORCOP.Winslow,C.N. - - - - - - '36 Several prob in assn - - - - - - - JGt48:137 OPCOPHbar_Learn to press manipulandum w/separation from food reinf - Win,CN'36- CECx .Winslow,C.N. - - - - - - '38. Irradiation of extn w/mult S - - - JC 26:397 CeCx -beE_Cond 5 Ss separately--Some genz of extn w/in modality - - - Win,CN'38- IACSR.Winslow,C.N. - - - - - - '44 Competitive/aggressive beh - - - - JC 37:297 IFCSRHaCK_Competition-->slower Speed(IR) w/loser-loser agression if 3 Win,CN'44- IGCxO.Winslow,C.N. et al - - - '38 Cond to mult S - - - - - - - - - - JGt52:211 IbCxOHaqc_Lid-lift IR w/S1 facil acq w/S2/S3/etc, w/2 S > 1 - - - - - Win,CN'38e ISCAO.Winslow,C.N. et al - - - '42 Configural cond - - - - - - - - - Psy13:273 IeCA -bea_S/Genz to other chords w/some overlapping notes - - - - - - Win,CN'42e Ie bea_Cond w/3-note C-major chord, little CR to single notes Win,CN'42e ----- ----- FMRNC Winson,J.NEMiller - - - '70. Drinking elicited by eserine/DFP - JCP73:233 FRMEO.Winslow,J.T.Miczek - - - '85 Alcohol on aggressive beh - - - - PPm85:167 FLMEO-te1_Lo-dose ALC incr, hi-dose decr aggressive beh by dominant - Win,JT'85+ FL te1_No effect of ALC on aggressive beh of subordinate O Win,JT'85+ FPMEO-wER_Lo-dose ALC incr, hi-dose decr aggressive beh by dominant - Win,JT'85+ FP wER_No effect of ALC on aggressive beh of subordinate O Win,JT'85+ CRHVS.Winsor,A.L. - - - - - - '29. Inhib and lrng - - - - - - - - - - PRv36:389 CPHVS-bar_Initial salivation to sight of food, decr if do not eat - - Win,AL'29- ZE Winsor,A.L. - - - - - - '30 Exper extn and neg adapt - - - - - PRv37:174 DSMV Winstein,B. - - - - - - '45 Evolution of intel beh - - - - - - GPM31: 3 SMSML.Winston,H.D. - - - - - - '63. Genotype/infantile trauma on adult JCP56:630 SNSMLHnd _Adult lrng decr w/infantile traumatic auditory stim - - - - Win,HD'63- AVS Winston,H. et al - - - - '67. Albinism and avcond in mice - - - JCP63: 77 ODREP.Winter,J.C. - - - - - - '75 S-prop of morphine/ethanol - - - - PPm44:209 OFREP-gS3_Diff-cond ip MORPH or ALC vs saline, w/no genz to other - - Win,JC'75- OKP Winter,J.Perkins - - - - '82. Immed reinf in delayed reward lrng EAB38:169 OG Winton,A.S.W.Beale - - - '71. Peak shift in concur sched - - - - EAB15: 73 AVRNJ.Wirtshafter, David - - - '81 Interpeduncular connections - - - PhB26:985 ALRNJSnMa_Transection of interpeduncular nucleus efferents facil ARi Wir,D.'81- ----- ----- RAHLO Wischner, George J. - - '48 Stuttering beh and lrng - - - - - PhD UIowa DJRVL.Wischner,G.J. - - - - - '47. Punish in discrim w/noncorrection JEx37:271 DFRVLHcas_Shock-wrong > no shock insig > shock right w/noncorrection Wis,GJ'47- DF cas_Note: Shock-right-->init avoid tend then rapid acq discrim Wis,GJ'47- DJR Wischner,G.J. - - - - - '48 Reply to Muenzinger on noncorrectn JEx38:203 DJRV Wischner,G.J.Fowler - - '64. Shock duration for right/wrong - - PSc 1:239 DJRV Wischner,G.J. et al - - '63. Shock right/wrong on visual discr JEx65:131 DJR Wischner,G.J. et al - - '64. Combination food/shock on discrim JEx67: 48 ----- ----- SL Wise, Leon M. - - - - - '61 Habit reversal as-f(PRF/ITI) - - - PhD PennS DL Wise,L.M. - - - - - - - '62. PRF on habit reversal w/24-hr ITI JEx64:647 DKOV Wise,L.M.Gallagher - - - '64. PRF of discrim in turtle - - - - - JCP57:311 ----- ----- OK E Wise,R.A. - - - - - - - '80 Drugs of abuse on brain reward - - PBB13:213 OAXEC.Wise,R.A. - - - - - - - '85 Neural mech of cocaine reinf - - - PAb 11627 OFXEC-gO3_COC has direct reinf effect, blocks dopamine reuptake - - - Wis,RA'85- FAREC.Wise,R.A. - - - - - - - '73 Vol alcohol after exposure - - - - PPa29:203 FQREC-gp3_ALC pref incr by intermittent pre-exposure to ALC - - - - - Wis,RA'73- OAXEC.Wise,R.A. - - - - - - - '88 Psychomotor stimulant prop of drug NYA37:228 OFXEC-gO3_Attrib abdrug reinf prop to psychomotor stimulant effects - Wis,RA'88- OKXEX.Wise,R.A.Bozarth - - - - '82 Drugs on brain reward systems - - PBB17:239 OFXEX-gO3_Hypo: Opiates activate same brain reward circuitry as ESB - Wis,RA'82+ ZZHEC.Wise,R.A.Bozarth - - - - '87 Psychomotor stim th of addiction - PRv94:469 ZZHEC-XEc_Hypo: Operant reinf is-f psychomotor stimulant effect of S Wis,RA'87+ ZZ XEc_Addictive drugs are pos reinf via incr psychomotor acty - - Wis,RA'87+ CRREx Wise,R.A. et al - - - - '76 Pos reinf and CTA w/amphetamine - Sc 91:273 ----- ----- CVhVG.Wishner,J. et al - - - - '75 Diff-classcond as-f(age) - - - - - DvP11: 14 CLhVG-nBC_Effect of inhib/facil instruct incr-f(age), Grades 1-6 - - Wis,J.'75e CL nBC_P(CR) and awareness of contingencies incr-f(age) Grades 1-6 Wis,J.'75e CAhVG-aVc_P(CR) and awareness of contingencies incr-f(age) Grades 1-6 Wis,J.'75e IKRAR.Wist, Eugene R. - - - - '60 Amt/Delay(Reinf) - - - - - - - - - PhD U Mo IKRAR.Wist,E.R. - - - - - - - '62. Amt/position of Delay(reinf) - - - JEx63:160 IERARUaqa_Speed(IR) w/33%>8% sucrose indep of 3-45 sec delay in alley Wis,ER'62- IARAR.Wist,E.R. - - - - - - - '63 Trng level on delay - - - - - - - PRp12:899 IERARHajc_Intra-runway delay decr Speed(IR) incr-f(N/tr B4 add delay) Wis,ER'63- CI Witcher, Elizabeth S. - '78 Extn Pavlovian cond inhib - - - - PhD UMass CSRAe.Witcher,E.S.Ayres - - - '75. Background in truly random proc - BPS 6: 25 CARAe-ace_Random tone/shock--CER to tone w/w/out background noise - - Wit,ES'75+ CAR Witcher,E.S.Ayres - - - '80. S-US pairings in neg S-US correl - ALB 8: 67 CI Witcher,E.S.Ayres - - - '84. 2 meth of extn of cond inhib - - - ALB12:149 ----- ----- SRRMC.Witkin, Herman A. - - - '39 Hypotheses in rats - - - - - - - - PhD NYU SRRMC.Witkin,H.A. - - - - - - '40. Genesis of systematic beh - - - - JC 30:457 SPRMCHbaz_P(systematic "hypo" beh) in insoluble/free-sit > soluble - Wit,HA'40- SRRMC.Witkin,H.A. - - - - - - '41. R displacement + variability - - - JC 31:303 SERMCHbaz_P(shift systematic beh) in free sit incr-f(N/cues) - - - - Wit,HA'40- SE baz_Above P(shift systematic beh) decr-f(trng) Wit,HA'40- SZRMC.Witkin,H.A. - - - - - - '42. Hypotheses in rats - - - - - - - - PRv49:541 SPRMCHbaz_Review evidence favoring non-purposive interp vs hypotheses Wit,HA'40- SLRMO.Witkin,H.A. - - - - - - '42. Restriction as factor in conflict JC 33: 41 SsRMOHbaS_Reversal-->conflict-->abnormal beh is-f(N/available Rs) - - Wit,HA'42- SSXXX Witkin,H.A.Granich - - - '37 Maze mechanics - - - - - - - - - - JC 24:523 SRRMP.Witkin,H.A.Schneirla - - '37 Initial maze beh as-f design - - - JC 23:275 SPRMP-baz_R at 1st choice pt re centrifugal swing re prior forced R - Wit,HA'37+ ----- ----- OJREP.Witkin,J.M. - - - - - - '84 Sedatives on punished beh - - - - PPm84: 16 OLREP-te1_ALC incr Rate(punished OpR) w/no or decr effect on nonpun R Wit,JM'84- OAOI Witoslawski,J.J. et al - '63. Beh studies w/black vulture - - - EAB 6:605 OEhCP.Witte,K.L. - - - - - - - '77. Test discrim hypo re PREE - - - - BPS 9:262 OdhCPObpo_PREE w/random PRF B4/after CRF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wit,KL'77- Witte, Robert S. - - - - '58 S-trace hypo re stat lrng th - - - PhD Stnfd SKRT Witte,R.S. - - - - - - - '61. Conditional R prob - - - - - - - - JEx62:439 ZZR Witte,R.S. - - - - - - - '65. Failure to obtain pseudocond - - - PSc 3:375 ZKXXX Wittenborn,J.R. et al - '63. A contingent reinforcer - - - - - PRv70:418 RPHVP.Wittlich,B. - - - - - - '35 Anal of machine writing - - - - - PAb 2941 RPHVPOtex_Ident indiv diff w/typing > handwriting - - - - - - - - - - Wit,B.'35- FRRGC.Wittlin,W.A.Brookshire - '68. Apomorphine induced taste aversion PSc12:217 FDRGC-tOs_Pair(new/old-food,apomorphine)--Aversn to new if palatable Wit,WA'68+ IARSL Wittman, Robert D. - - - '75 Observational lrng - - - - - - - - PhD ColoS CRRAH.Wittman,T.DeVietti - - - '81. Latent inhib measured w/HR - - - - BPS17:283 CPRAH-bKY_HR-decr adapts w/S-preexpose--Less HR-decr w/Pair(S,shock) Wit,T.'81+ ZEXXX Witton,R. - - - - - - - '67. Frustration and the PREE - - - - - PRv74:149 ASRCU Wittrup,M.WCGordon - - - '82 Alter memory w/cueing - - - - - - AmJ95:497 ODP Wixted,J.T. - - - - - - '93. Anal of memory for nonoccurrence - ABP19:400 ----- ----- DARVL.Wodinsky, Jerome - - - - '54 Solution of oddity/MTS - - - - - - PhD UTxAu IDRVL.Wodinsky,J.Bitterman - - '52 Compound/configuration in discrim AmJ65:563 IPRVL-baz_Observe configural effect w/3-window S (not compound) - - - Wod,J.'52+ DARVL.Wodinsky,J.Bitterman - - '53 Solution of oddity-prob - - - - - AmJ66:137 DERVLHbsz_Lrng of oddity discrim not based on compound/config discrim Wod,J.'53+ DLFVL.Wodinsky,J.Bitterman - - '57 Discrim reversal - - - - - - - - - AmJ70:569 DbFVLHaaR_Initial errors w/discrim reversal different w/fish re rat - Wod,J.'57+ IKF Wodinsky,J.Bitterman - - '59 PRF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AmJ72:184 IEF Wodinsky,J.Bitterman - - '60 R/Extn after PRF - - - - - - - - - AmJ73:429 DSR Wodinsky,J. et al - - - '54. Simult/successive discrim - - - - JCP47:337 AAF Wodinsky,J. et al - - - '62 Avcond in 2 species of fish - - - AnB10: 76 ----- ----- CLD S.Wojtczak-Jaroszowa,J. - '62 Defensive CS to food CS - - - - - ABE22:169 CaD S-aQu_Pair(S,shock)--Pair(same S,food)--Get AR w/extn/satiation - Woj,J.'62- ----- ----- IERCP Wolach, Allen H. - - - - '70 ORE as-f(ITI) (Ferraro) - - - - - PhD U NM IERCP Wolach,A.H. - - - - - - '70. ORE as-f(ITI) - - - - - - - - - - JEx85:118 OIRIB.Wolach,A.H.Ferraro - - - '69. Failure to obtain disinhib in FI - PSc15: 47 OBRIB-aae_Novel auditory S decr P(R) at all segments of FI - - - - - Wol,AH'69+ IKOAR.Wolach,A.H.Latta - - - - '74. Shift in Amt(Reinf) w/turtle - - - PRc24:237 IbOARHaka_W/turtle, Speed(IR) incr w/incr Amt(Reinf), no decr w/decr Wol,AH'74+ IARAR.Wolach,A.H. et al - - - '70. Sequenced reinf in 2-way runway - PSc20:267 IdRARHbpb_After PRF trng in 2-way alley, R/Extn in direction Wol,AH'70e Id bpb_ w/constant N-length < other direction w/varied N-length Wol,AH'70e IRR Wolach,A.H. et al - - - '72. Pattern running w/diff reinf - - - L&M 3:500 CSFxR.Wolach,A.H. et al - - - '77 Cue validity in classcond - - - - PRp40:247 CEFxR-bsa_Lo P(CR) to PRF S compounded w/CRF S - - - - - - - - - - - Wol,AH'77e CSFxR.Wolach,A.H. et al - - - '77 Overshadowing/blocking - - - - - - PRc27:693 CEFxR-gda_Pair(click-lite,shock)--Hi inten click overshadow lite - - Wol,AH'77e CEFxR-bso_Pair(click/lite,shock)--Lo cond to other S w/compound trng Wol,AH'77e CGF1R.Wolach,A.H. et al - - - '78 Ext-inhib in classcond sit - - - - PJB13: 83 CeF1R-bCh_CR decr by strong novel S during ISI - - - - - - - - - - - Wol,AH'78e ----- ----- SMRNA Wolf,C. et al - - - - - '88 Frontal cortex lesion on spatial - PAb 13214 FMRDC Wolf, George - - - - - - '64 Sodium appetite w/desox (NEMiller) PhD Yale FAREC.Wolf,G. et al - - - - - '78 Oral/postingestional factor w/drug PPm60:101 FQREC-gx3_Concl initial aversion w/MORPH re taste, w/m-AMPH re effect Wol,G.'78e CRDAF.Wolf,I.S.Kellogg - - - - '40. General beh during classcond - - - AmJ53:384 CPDAF-bar_Pair(buzz,shock) to 1 paw, observe flex in other legs - - - Wol,IS'40+ OADR Wolf,K. - - - - - - - - '63 Mult cond reflex acty - - - - - - ABE23:133 ODP1P.Wolf,M.M. - - - - - - - '63. Effects of combined S-deltas - - - EAB 6:343 OeP1PHbes_After diffcond trng w/MULT VI VI EXT w/S1/S2/no-S1S2, Wol,MM'63- Oe bes_ Rate(OpR) w/S1S2 compound > S1 or S2 alone - - - - - - - Wol,MM'63- Oe bes_Above hi Rate(OpR) decr w/trng w/S1S2 compound on VI sched Wol,MM'63- Oe bes_Relate above summatn to peak shift re composite-S continuum Wol,MM'63- ----- ----- SKRxL.Wolfe,J.B. - - - - - - - '34 Delayed reward - - - - - - - - - - JC 17: 1 SERxLHaDK_W/T-maze/B-W discrim, acq decr-f(post-choice delay) - - - - Wol,JB'34- DKNxx.Wolfe,J.B. - - - - - - - '36. Effectiveness of token rewards - - CPM12: 60 DCNxx-bSK_Train to use poker chip to obtain food from vending machine Wol,JB'36- DC bSK_After above trng, use chips as reinf in discrim lrng Wol,JB'36- DC bSK_Re above, discrim chip color re reinf; compete for chips Wol,JB'36- IKO Wolfe,J.B. - - - - - - - '36 Amt(reinf)/consum acty in chicken CPM12: 72 FRRCO.Wolfe,J.B . - - - - - - '39 Food-storing - - - - - - - - - - - JC 28: 97 FPRCOHcHU_Rearing w/inadequate diet incr hoarding, esp w/hunger - - - Wol,JB.39- IKCAR.Wolfe,J.B.Kaplon - - - - '41 Amt(Reinf) and consum acty on lrng JC 41:353 IECARHaMK_Perf w/large > small Amt(Reinf) only w/large in 4 pieces - Wol,JB'41+ SLRMP.Wolfe,J.B.Spragg - - - - '34. Tests of reasoning - - - - - - - - JC 18:455 SPRMPHbmH_Fail to combine Rs (reasoning) but can learn in prob sit - Wol,JB'34+ ----- ----- AUC Wolfe,J.W. et al - - - - '66 Avcond as-f shock inten, trng sch PRp18:287 FRRSO.Wolfe,M. et al - - - - - '71 Fighting/escape in paired O - - - PRc21: 59 FQRSOSefX_P(shock-elicited aggression) decr w/run ER available - - - Wol,M.'71e SVRML Wolfer, John A. - - - - '63 Motiv re bright/dull O - - - - - - PhD UUtah SVRML Wolfer,J.A. - - - - - - '64 Bright/dull rats re motiv level - PRp14: 80 SVRML Wolfer,J.A. et al - - - '63 Water-maze perf w/bright/dull - - PRp13:930 SLRMLOncC_Tryon bright > dull w/water maze w/out food dep - - - - - - Wol,JA'63e FVR C Wolfer,J.A. et al - - - '64. Feeding/metabolism in bright/dull JCP58:317 ODx1P.Wolff,P.C. et al - - - - '66 Discrim w/ESB reinf - - - - - - - PMS22:891 Opx1POaaa_Diffcond w/MULT sched w/ESB reinf w/rat/guinea pig - - - - Wol,PC'66e DSP Wolff, William T. - - - '83 Anal of feature-positive effect - PhD Ind U FAREC.Wolffgramm,J.Heyne - - - '91 Social beh/dep on drug choice - - PBB38:389 FQREC-gx3_Vol ALC intake greater w/indiv housing than group - - - - - Wol,J.'91+ ZLXNX Wolfgram,C.Goldstein - - '87. Physical basis of memory - - - - - BPS25: 65 VSHL Wolfle, Dael L. - - - - '31 Linguistic structure re interfere PhD OhioS SAHML.Wolfle,D.L. - - - - - - '35. Constant/varied S during lrng - - JC 19: 5 SBHMLOaxa_W/same sequence L/R turns, lrng decr w/varied length/shape Wol,DL'35- SSRML.Wolfle,D.L. - - - - - - '35 Inter-change of alley sections - - JC 19: 91 SERMLHbaz_Concl: Acq requires constant intra- or extra-maze cues - - Wol,DL'35- DSRVL.Wolfle,D.L. - - - - - - '37 Absolute brightness discrim - - - JC 24: 59 DBRVL aaE_Acq absolute (separate S) brightness discrim < relative cue Wol,DL'37- AAHAW.Wolfle, Helen M. - - - - '31 Cond as-f(ISI) - - - - - - - - - - PhD OhioS AAHAW.Wolfle,H.M. - - - - - - '30 Time factors in cond w/drawal - - JGn 4:372 ABHAW-cia_Optimal ISI=.5-sec (37% ARc) w/l0% CR w/backward ISI - - - Wol,HM'30- AAHAW.Wolfle,H.M. - - - - - - '32. Cond as-f(ISI) - - - - - - - - - - JGn 7: 80 ABHAW-cia_Only 47/72 O acq ARc, w/little backward cond - - - - - - - Wol,HM'32- ZZ Wolford,G.Bower - - - - '69. Continuity theory revisited - - - PRv76:515 AG Wolin, Burton R. - - - - '52 Genz from aversive to approach - - PhD Ind U RRHEX.Wolkenberg,R.C. et al - '76 Delayed effects of alcohol - - - - PAb 2126 RMHEX-sEa_Incr RT, decr motor R 18-h after social ALC - - - - - - - Wol,RC'76e IMRER.Wollen,K.A. et al - - - '66 Adaptation/ethanol on perf - - - - PSc 6:347 ILRER-te1_Bi-phasic incr-decr ALC effect on IR w/trng - - - - - - - - Wol,KA'66e IL te1_Attrib initial incr to fear of apparatus, elim w/pre-adapt Wol,KA'66e CAHAG.Wollin, Dorothy D. - - - '77 Cog factors in classcond - - - - - PhD NYBuf CAHAG-aVc_O aware of contingencies but no CR - - - - - - - - - - - - Wol,DD'77- ORM Wolpaw,J.R. - - - - - - '87 Opcond primate spinal H-reflex - - Nph57:443 ZSXXX Wolpe,J. - - - - - - - - '49 Interp of S combinations - - - - - PRv56:277 ZKXXX.Wolpe,J. - - - - - - - - '50. Need/drive reduction and reinf - - PRv57: 19 ZZXXXXCZK_Primary/sec reinf =f(decr in central neural excit (drive)) Wol,J.'50- ZGXXX.Wolpe,J. - - - - - - - - '53. Primary S/Genz - - - - - - - - - - PRv59: 8 ZZXXXXGXc_Hypo: Primary S/Genz is-f N/afferent neurones in common - - Wol,J.'53- SZXXX Wolpe,J. - - - - - - - - '53. Theory for latent lrng - - - - - - PRv60:340 EARUU.Wolz,J.P. et al - - - - '79 Determinants of forgetting - - - - AmJ92:307 EDRUUSata_Attrib retentn as-f(time B4 test) to rel S/Genz re acq/test Wol,JP.79e ORH Wong, Kwan-Hung - - - - '77 Opcond alpha rhythm - - - - - - - PhD OklaS ----- ----- IJR Wong, Paul T. - - - - - '70 Coerced IR to conflict GB (Amsel) PhD Trnto IJRAR Wong,P.T.P. - - - - - - '71. Coerced approach to shock on extn JCP75: 82 IARAR Wong,P.T. - - - - - - - '77. PRF/sex diff re beh-field approach ALB 5: 5 IER Wong,P.T. - - - - - - - '77. Durable PREE and dominance - - - - L&M 8:275 IERAR Wong,P.T. - - - - - - - '78. Trng parameters re model of extn - ALB 6: 82 FARFA.Wong,P.T. - - - - - - - '79. Beh flield approach to gen acty - ALB 7:111 FPRFAHbZE_Food dep affects R-selection (explor/manip) vs energizing - Won,PT'79- FRO Wong,P.T.Amsel - - - - - '71. Dep/imprinting on beh of chicks - PSc22:169 OER Wong,P.T.Amsel - - - - - '76. Prior FR trng and durable persist ALB 4:461 IERAR.Wong,P.T.Traupmann - - - '71. Extraacq factors in extn - - - - - PSc23:359 IBRARHaxa_After extn, start/run Speed(IR) incr re feed Os near alley Won,PT'71+ IMRAR Wong,P.T.Traupmann - - - '73. Residual effects of food dep - - - JCP84:345 ----- ----- FRRWA Wong, Roderick - - - - - '63 Running as-f(confinement/dep) - - PhD Nwest SARTL.Wong,R. - - - - - - - - '66. Infantile handling on perf - - - - PSc 5:203 SNRTLHnd _No effect of early handling on T-maze acq/extn - - - - - - Won,R.'66- IVRAR.Wong,R. - - - - - - - - '70 Infantile handling on extn - - - - QJE22:702 INRARHkrP_Handling from Day 1-21 incr adult Speed(IR) w/food reinf - Won,R.'70- SMRVR.Wong,R.Pavlik - - - - - '66. Cues assoc w/frustrative nonreinf PSc 5:325 SCRVRHbSK_After trng w/B/W GB, no diff in start-speed w/B/W start box Won,R.'66+ SpRWA Wong,R. et al - - - - - '67. Infant handling + acty dep on run PSc 7:293 DKcVL.Wood,A.B. - - - - - - - '33. Delayed reward/punish - - - - - - Arc57: 3 DEcVLHaDK_W/reinf S+ vs pun S-, acq decr-f(Delay(Reinf)) - - - - - - Woo,AB'33- DBcVLHcap_W/reinf S+ vs pun S-, acq not-f(Delay(Pun)) - - - - - - - - Woo,AB'33- CKH B.Wood, David L. - - - - - '65 Variable reinf effect - - - - - - PhD U Ala CEHUB-avu_P(CR) decr-f spread w/varied USI, max w/constant mean USI - Woo,DL'65- CRHAH Wood, Donald M. - - - - '63 Respiration on cond HR (Obrist) - PhD U NC CRHAH.Wood,D.M.Obrist - - - - '64. Effect of respiration on cond HR - JEx68:221 CPHAH-bYh_W/controlled normal respiration, no accel but cond HR decel Woo,DM'64+ CRHVH.Wood,D.M.Obrist - - - - '68. Sensory intake/exercise as US - - JEx76:254 CPPVH-bar_HR decel CR w/diff US-accel/decel UR, w/respiratn controled Woo,DM'68+ CPHVH-bYI_HR decel CR w/diff US-accel/decel UR, w/respiratn controled Woo,DM'68+ ODREP.Wood, Douglas M. - - - - '85 Discrim S prop of COC - - - - - - PhD NTex OLREPHtm2_Devel tolerance to cue prop of COC concur w/beh tolerance - Woo,DM'87- ODREP.Wood,D.M.Emmitt-Oglesby '87 Cocaine as discrim S - - - - - - - PAb 18229 OFREPHgS3_Diff-cond re injection COC vs saline - - - - - - - - - - - Woo,DM'87+ OF gS3_Elim above w/tolerance after chronic COC - - - - - - - - - Woo,DM'87+ ODREP.Wood,D.M. et al - - - - '86 Tolerance to discrim S prop - - - PAb 703 OFREPHgS3_Diffcond COC vs saline, dose-dependent genz to m-AMPH - - - Woo,DM'86e OF gS3_Above discrim-S prop decr w/chronic admin of COC Woo,DM'86e AA Wood, Keith A. - - - - - '76 Ratio R w/concur avoid - - - - - - PhD U Fla CDHVH.Wood,K. - - - - - - - - '73 Aversive/nonaversive CS (Hare) - - PhD U BC CpHVH-aaa_Diff-classcond HR w/homocide/innocuous pictures as US - - - Woo,K.'73- ZZAEX.Wood,W.G.Armbrecht - - - '82 Age diff in beh effect of ALC - - PAb 12329 ZZAEX-XEc_Genz: Old animals more sensitive to acute/chronic ALC - - - Woo,WG'82+ OK Wood, William S. - - - - '68 Delayed reinf on VI - - - - - - - PhD ArizS ----- ----- CSFVO.Woodard, William T. - - '66 CSI effects (Bitterman) - - - - - PhD Hawai CSFVO.Woodard,W.T. - - - - - - '71 CSI effects - - - - - - - - - - - AmJ84:549 CEFVO-blc_P(CR) incr-f both trng and testing CSI - - - - - - - - - - Woo,WT'71- CRFVO.Woodard,W.T.Bitterman - '71. Classcond in shuttlebox - - - - - BRM 3:193 CPFVO-bYc_Pair(lite,shock) cond antic shuttle CR w/w/out avoid contin Woo,WT'71+ DAFVP.Woodard,W.T.Bitterman - '73. P-lrng in goldfish - - - - - - - - ALB 1: 25 DEFVPHafa_W/PRF, prob-matching w/color relevant, not w/spatial rel - Woo,WT'73+ DA Woodard,W.T.Bitterman - '74. Discrete tr/FI meth of discrim - - BRM 6:389 YCF Woodard,W.T.Bitterman - '74. AuSh in goldfish - - - - - - - - - BRM 6:409 ODP Woodard,W.T.Bitterman - '76. Asymptotic reversal lrng - - - - - ABP 2: 57 IDx Woodard,W.T. et al - - - '71. Reversal lrng w/pigeons/goldfish - JCP76:460 YC Woodard,W.T. et al - - - '74. Neg automaint - - - - - - - - - - EAB22: 47 ----- ----- DS Woodburne, Lloyd S. - - '32 Visual angle on depth discrim - - PhD UMich DSM Woodburne,L.S. - - - - - '65. Shape discrim - - - - - - - - - - PSc 3:309 DSM Woodburne,L.S.Rieke - - '66. R to symbols - - - - - - - - - - - PSc 5:429 ----- ----- SRRML.Woodbury, Charles B. - - '48 Double/triple altern (Hull) - - - PhD Yale IADAF.Woodbury,C.B. - - - - - '42 Failure of passive cond - - - - - JGn27:359 IBDAFHaiA_No cond after 350 Pair(buzz,lift-foot,food) - - - - - - - - Woo,CB'42- IDDAO.Woodbury,C.D. - - - - - '43 Lrng of S patterns - - - - - - - - JC 35: 29 IpDAOHasa_Diffcond BuzzA vs BuzzB > Compound AB+ vs A- and B- > Woo,CD'43- I asa_ Compound AB- vs A+ and B+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Woo,CD'43- ZZXXXXSXc_All cond S are compounds incl context - - - - - - - - - - - Woo,CD'43- SRRML.Woodbury,C.B. - - - - - '50. Double/triple/quadruple repetition JCP43:490 SQRMLHhbH_W/linear maze, 52% subj acq double altern (AABB) R-seq - - Woo,CB'50- SQ hbH_Fewer subj (35%/17%) acq triple/quadruple R-seq Woo,CB'50- SZXXX.Woodbury,C.B. - - - - - '51 Theory of repetition - - - - - - - PRv58: 18 SQXXXXhbH_Concl: S-trace theory for acq double altern, not transfer - Woo,CB'51- ID I Woodbury,C.B.Wilder - - '54. Selective assn of drive S - - - - JEx47:301 ----- ----- SSRMP Woodhouse, Richard W. - '72 Illum changes in linear maze - - - PhD NYAlb IDMO .Woodrow,H. - - - - - - - '28 Temporal discrim - - - - - - - - - JC 8:395 IpMO -aaa_90% correct go-no-go diff-cond, 1.5 vs 4.5-sec S interval - Woo,H.'28- DSMAP.Woodrow,H. - - - - - - - '29 Discrim temporal sequences - - - - JC 9:123 DEMAPHbaa_Discrim large/small N/taps based on time interval not N - - Woo,H.'29- ZZ Woodrow,H. - - - - - - - '46 The ability to learn - - - - - - - PRv53:147 ZZ Woodrow,H. - - - - - - - '42 Prob of gen quant laws in psych - PBl39: 1 ----- ----- OAPCP Woodruff, Guy - - - - - '77 Role of reinf in AuSh (DWilliams) PhD UPenn ODPVP Woodruff,G. - - - - - - '79. Beh contrast and type of reward - ALB 7:339 DRNVP.Woodruff,G.Premack - - - '81 Primitive math concepts - - - - - Nat93:568 DENVPOhdH_Adult, not juvenile O perf MTS re numbers 1-4 w/area/length Woo,G.'81+ OAoCA Woodruff,G.Starr - - - - '78. AuSh init feeding/drinking w/chick ALB 6:265 YCP Woodruff,G.Williams - - '76. Assoc relationship in autoshaping EAB26: 1 OSP Woodruff,G. et al - - - '77. Assoc interaction: S-R relations - EAB28:133 ----- ----- AMRVJ Woodruff,M.L.Kantor - - '84 Fornix lesions/ACTH on shuttle AR PAb 19863 SMFDL.Woodruff,A.B.Faltz - - - '65 Chlorpromazine hydrochlor on lrng PRp16:592 SLFDLOtDs_W/guppy, chlorpromazine hydrochlor in H2O decr T-maze lrng Woo,AB'65+ DpRV Woodruff,A.B.Slovak - - '65. Severely restricted visual exper - PSc 2: 41 CVxxB.Woodruff-Pak,D.S. - - - '89 Aging and classcond - - - - - - - PAb 21571 CLxxB-nAC_Cond as-f(age) sim w/human/animal re loss Purkinge cells - Woo,DS'89- CVH B.Woodruff-Pak,D.S. - - - '93. Trace/delay cond w/amnesic O - - - BNS07:911 CLH B-tac_W/400/900-msec ISI, trace > delay cond w/O w/no hippocamp - Woo,DS'93- CL tac_Above also w/other amnesic O, w/2-yr retention w/out memory Woo,DS'93- CVHAB.WoodruffPak,D.RFThompson '89 Classcond as-f(age) w/adults - - - PAb 4568 CLHAB-nOC_Classcond decr-f(age) w/decr beginning at 40 yr - - - - - - Woo,D.'89+ CVBAB.Woodruff-Pak,D.S. et al '88 Classcond as-f(age) and hippocamp PAb 16135 CLBAB-nOC_Classcond decr-f(3/30/45-mo age), correl w/hippocamp acty - Woo,DS'88e CSBxB.Woodruff-Pak,D.S. et al '93 Cerebellar lesions on reacq - - - BrR08: 67 CCBxB-ata_Retention w/tone > w/lite CS, w/no effect of cerebellar lsn Woo,DS'93e ID Woods, James H. - - - - '68 Diffcond as-f(drive/reinf) - - - - PhD U Va OERGP.Woods,S.C. et al - - - - '77 Iron appetite and latent lrng - - PhB19:623 OLRGPOnaa_OpR/Extn w/iron deficiency incr w/trng w/ferrous solutn rf Woo,SC'77e ----- ----- DA Woods, Paul J. - - - - - '57 Discrim as-f motiv/prob(reinf) - - PhD UConn IKR Woods,P.J. - - - - - - - '59. Motiv and P on lrng - - - - - - - JEx57:380 IK Woods,P.J. - - - - - - - '59. P diff on lrng - - - - - - - - - - JEx58: 27 SARML.Woods,P.J. - - - - - - - '59. Free/restricted environ on beh - - JCP52:399 SNRMLHndC_Acq facil w/prior exper w/free environ, early > later - - - Woo,PJ'59- ZZHXX Woods,P.J. - - - - - - - '61 Thinking disorder in schizophrenia PRp 9:441 FpR E Woods,P.J. - - - - - - - '62. Preceding environ on novel sit beh EAB 5:185 EAROO.Woods,P.J. - - - - - - - '63 Escape cond in water tank - - - - PRp13:719 EBROOOceA_Acq ER = swim to GB w/diff temperature of H2O - - - - - - - Woo,PJ'63- ZZR Woods,P.J. - - - - - - - '64 Water tank apparatus - - - - - - - PRp14:167 EKR Woods,P.J. - - - - - - - '67. Shifts in Mag(reinf) - - - - - - - JEx75:487 EPR Woods,P.J. - - - - - - - '67 Adaptation to drive S - - - - - - PRp20:787 ZZXXX Woods,P.J. - - - - - - - '74 Taxonomy of instrucond - - - - - - AmP29:584 ZZHXX.Woods,P.J. - - - - - - - '86 Expectancies and beh control - - - PAb 19167 ZZHXXXeZH_Contends humans initiate R as-f(expectancy of outcome) - - Woo,PJ.86- FMR E Woods,P.J.Bolles - - - - '65. Hunger/prior eating on explor - - JCP59:141 EURX Woods,P.J.Campbell - - - '67. White noise and cold water - - - - JCP64:493 FS Woods,P.J.Davidson - - - '64 Changes in environ complex - - - - CJP18: 23 EKR Woods,P.J.Feldman - - - '66. Mag/Delay(reinf) - - - - - - - - - JCP62:149 EMR Woods,P.J.Holland - - - '61 Water temp on discrim - - - - - - PRp 9:433 EMR Woods,P.J.Holland - - - '66. Drive on escape cond - - - - - - - JCP62:403 SRRVP.Woods,P.J.Jennings - - - '59 R to environ change - - - - - - - PRp 5:560 SPRVPHbos_After trng w/W/B arms of maze, pref changed arm - - - - - - Woo,PJ.59+ SVRML.Woods,P.J. et al - - - - '60 Rearing environ on beh - - - - - - PRp 6:191 SNRMLHndC_Maze lrng, not discrim w/free > restricted rearing environ Woo,PJ'60e SN ndC_Attrib above to diff in explor beh, not intel/prob solving Woo,PJ'60e DPR Woods,P.J. et al - - - - '61. Drive conflict on prob-solving - - JCP54:167 EKRAR.Woods,P.J. et al - - - - '64. Escape as-f(CSI) + Mag(Reinf) - - JCP57:466 EERAROcku_Speed(swim ER) is-f(temperature diff re alley/goal) - - - - Woo,PJ'64e EE cku_Note: Little effect of absolute temperature in alley Woo,PJ'64e FMH Woods,P.J. et al - - - - '67 Human R to water temp - - - - - - P&P 2:157 EKR Woods,P.J. et al - - - - '72. PRF in escape cond - - - - - - - - L&M 3:279 ----- ----- CRR O.Woods, Stephen C. - - - '76. Cond hypoglycemia - - - - - - - - JCP90:164 CPR O-bYc_Classcond hypoglycemia w/insulin US w/out incr glucose - - Woo,SC'76- FRRGC.Woods,S.C. et al - - - - '71. Aversion w/subcutaneous Formalin - JCP77:410 FDRGC-caU_Cond aversion w/Pair(sodium solution,formalin injection) - Woo,SC'71e CRRCO.Woods,S.C. et al - - - - '77. Cond insulin secretion - - - - - - JCP91:128 CPRCO-bYV_Cond incr insulin level assoc w/time of daily feeding - - - Woo,SC'77e AR Woodward, Donald P. - - '54 Effort in acq/extn - - - - - - - - PhD NYBuf ----- ----- RAH Woodworth, Robert S. - -1899 Accuracy of vol mvmt - - - - - - - PhD Clmba ZZXXX.Woodworth,R.S. - - - - - '27 Concept of instinct - - - - - - - JAS22: 3 ZZXXXXRXc_Instinct is one of interrelated concepts incl reflex/habit Woo,RS'27- ZZXXX.Woodworth,R.S. - - - - - '31 Contemp schools of psych - - - - - Ronald ZZXXX-ZZT_Contemp Schools of Psych Woo,RS'31- ZZXXX.Woodworth,R.S. - - - - - '38. Experimental psychology - - - - - Holt ZZXXX-ZZT_Eclectic coverage of gen exper psych, focus on lab research Woo,RS'38- ZZXXX.Woodworth,R.S. - - - - - '48. Contemp schools of psych - - - - - Ronald ZZXXX-ZZT_Contemp Schools of Psych Woo,RS'48- ZZXfX.Woodworth,R.S. - - - - - '58 Dynamics of beh - - - - - - - - - Holt ZZXXX-RXc_Two-stages of beh act--Preparatory and consummatory (36) - Woo,RS'58- ZZXXX.Woodworth,R.S.Schlosberg '54 Experimental psychology - - - - - Holt ZZXXX-ZZT_Experimental Psych Woo,RS'54+ ZZXXX.Woodworth,R.S.Sheehan - '64 Contemp schools of psych - - - - - Ronald ZZXXX-ZZT_Contemp Schools of Psych Woo,RS'64+ ----- ----- XXXNX Woody,C.D. (Ed) - - - - '74 Cellular mech in neuronal acty - - BRI CSCNB.Woody,C.D.Yarowsky - - - '72 Coronal-precruciate stim as CS - - NPh35:242 CECNB-baa_Classcond blink w/stim coronal-precruciate cortex S - - - - Woo,CD'72+ IMRAR.Wookey,P.E.Strongman - - '72 Qual reward shift - - - - - - - - BJP63:401 IbRARHaka_W/double runway, no effect of incr Qual(Rf) in GB1 on IR2 - Woo,PE'72+ IMRAR.Wookey,P.E.Strongman - - '74 Sched or reward shift - - - - - - QJE26:373 IDRARHomf_In double runway, shift GB1 from FE w/shift CRF to PRF - - Woo,PE'74+ ID omf_Re above, also observe FE w/shift GB1 from nonreinf to PRF Woo,PE'74+ SMRMP.Wookey,P.E. et al - - - '72 Frustration and choice - - - - - - PRp30:434 SBRMPHaxa_W/alley-->maze, frustrative nonrf in alley decr maze perf - Woo,PE'72e CSR1e.Wookey,P.E. et al - - - '78 Lrng of independent/correl events QJE30:105 CGR1e-bax_Random S/US decr later cond, even if US paired in pre-trng Woo,PE'78e CArEA.Wool,R.S. et al - - - - '87 Amphetamine reverses lrng deficits DPB20:219 CLrEA-te2_6-OHDA decr cond w/Pair(odor,milk), offset w/AMPH - - - - - Woo,RS'87e FRXXX.Woolbert,C.H. - - - - - '20 Behavioristic account of sleep - - PRv27:420 FPXXXXbms_Sleep occurs when lower muscular systems dominate - - - - - Woo,CH'20- CARAE.Woolf,N.J. et al - - - - '95 Cortical microtubule-assoc protein PAb 44271 CPRAE-bYc_Pair(S,sh) incr temporal cortex microtubule-assoc protein-2 Woo,NJ'95e ODMEP.Woolverton,W.L.Trost - - '78 Cocaine as discrim S - - - - - - - PBB 8:627 OFMEP-gS3_Diffcond COC vs saline w/S/Genz re dosage - - - - - - - - - Woo,WL'78+ OAREP.Woolverton,W.L. et al - '78 Repeated cocaine on sched beh - - PBB 9:326 OLREPHtm2_COC decr OpR on FR, incr OpR on DRL, w/devel beh tolerance Woo,WL'78e OAMEx.Woolverton,W.L. et al - '84 Repeated methamph on self-admin - PBB21:737 OLMEx-tm2_Repeated m-AMPH-->Incr self-admin, tolerance re decr in OpR Woo,WL'84e DSHOO Worchel, Philip - - - - '47 Perception by deaf-blind - - - - - PhD Cornl SMRML.Worchel,P.Gentry - - - - '50 Rapid succession ECS and memory - CPM20: 95 SDRMLHatN_Immed post-trng ECS decr retention (consolidation) of maze Wor,P.'50+ SARN Worchel,P.Narciso - - - '50 Memory decr after ECS - - - - - - JCP40:325 SARN Worchel,P.Narciso - - - '50 Interval between lrng and ECS - - JAS45: 85 ZZASX.Worden,R.P. - - - - - - '96 Primate social intel - - - - - - - CSc20:579 ZZASXOsZH_Anal primate social beh re symbol structures (scripts) - - Wor,RP'96- ZZ sZH_Above incl kin recog, alarm calls, rank, attachment beh Wor,RP'96- SLRY Worell,L. et al - - - - '65 Conflict in reversal lrng - - - - PRp16:313 OKRNP Work, Murray S. - - - - '64 Self-stim as-f(pulse freq) - - - - PhD Tulan UKRNP Work,M.S.Elder - - - - - '64 Self-determined ESB duration - - - PRp15: 83 CSHLG.Worrall,N. - - - - - - - '70. Diffcond w/true/false decisions - JEx86: 13 CpHLG-aaa_Diffcond w/Ss = true/false answers re mock theft - - - - - Wor,N.'70- AARAJ.Worrell, William C. - - '75 AR as-f prior extn/recond (Riccio) PhD KentS ACRAJ-nIC_Pair(tone,shock) after AR-prevention, incr P(AR) - - - - - Wor,WC'75- DAM Worsham, Robert W. - - - '73 MTS as temporal discrim - - - - - PhD Rutgr ODMVP Worsham,R.W. - - - - - - '75. Temporal discrim in delayed MTS - ALB 3: 93 CXXXX Wortis,J. (Ed) - - - - - '53 Basic problems in psychiatry - - - Grune & S SE Wortz, Edward C. - - - - '57 R/Extn re latent lrng - - - - - - PhD UTxAu DSRVL.Wortz,E.C.Bitterman - - '53 Irrelevant relation - - - - - - - AmJ66:491 DERVLHbSc_Rate lrng decr w/concur irrel S diff - - - - - - - - - - - Wor,EC'53+ SVRRL.Wozniak,D.F. et al - - - '91 Paternal ALC on spatial lrng perf PPm05:289 SLRRLHtDs_Offspring of ALC-fed males show deficit in radial perf - - Woz,DF'91e ----- ----- DSPVP Wright, Anthony A. - - - '71 Hue discrim functions - - - - - - PhD Clmba DRMVP Wright,A.A. - - - - - - '90. Markov choice proc in simult MTS - ALB18:277 DAP Wright,A.A. - - - - - - '92. Lrng mech in MTS - - - - - - - - - ABP18: 67 DSP Wright,A.A.Delius - - - '94. Matching/oddity w/gravel S - - - - ABP20:108 OKA Wright,A.A.Nevin - - - - '74. Signal detection meth for utility EAB21:373 DSM Wright,A.A.Rivera - - - '96. Memory of auditory lists - - - - - ABP23:441 DSPVP.Wright,A.A.Sands - - - - '81. Detection/decision in MTS - - - - ABP 7:191 DqPVPHaaz_W/MTS, O often chooses a comparison S w/out seeing other S Wri,AA'81- Dq aaz_Model above beh re criteriia for "match" as-f(S similarity) Wri,AA'81- ZA Wright,A.A.Watkins - - - '87. Animal/human lrng/mem - - - - - - L&M18:131 DAPVP Wright,A.A. et al - - - '81. Interference in delayed MTS - - - ALB 9:595 DSMV Wright,A.A. et al - - - '84. Same/different concept lrng - - - ABP10:513 DSPVL.Wright,A.A. et al - - - '88. Concept lrng w/picture S - - - - - ALB16:436 DEPVLHhAH_Acq same/diff concept (re transfer) only w/large N/trng Ss Wri,AA'88e DSMAL Wright,A.A. et al - - - '90. Auditory same/diff concept lrng - ALB18:287 ----- ----- CSRAe.Wright,D.C.Gustavson - - '86. Latent inhib preexpose to context BPS24:451 CGRAe-bCs_S pre-expose decr cond suppression re context-only pre-exp Wri,DC'86+ DSM Wright,D.C. et al - - - '68. Similarity R in matching - - - - - JCP65:191 IM Wright, Herbert F. - - - '34 Barriers on strength of motiv - - PhD Duke FCRCC.Wright, John H. - - - - '65 Acq drive based on hunger - - - - PhD U Va FCRCC.Wright,J.H. - - - - - - '65. Lrnd drive based on hunger - - - - JEx70:580 FCRCC-oaW_Eat more at 11-hr dep in box assoc w/20-hr dep than w/1-hr Wri,JH'65- FMR A Wright,J.H. - - - - - - '65. Modify acty pattern w/food sched - JCP59:463 FMR X Wright,J.H. - - - - - - '65 Adjust to repeated 72-hr food dep PRp17:467 FMR A Wright,J.H. et al - - - '66. Food/water dep on acty - - - - - - PSc 5:415 DLRV Wright,P.L. et al - - - '63. Lrng sets - - - - - - - - - - - - JCP56:200 SKRT Wright,R.L. - - - - - - '67. Motiv effects in P-lrng - - - - - PSc 7:329 FRRGC.Wright,W.E. et al - - - '71. Cond aversion as-f(delay/dose) - - PSc22: 55 FDRGC-ciB_Pair(flavor,cyclophosphamide): dose & ISI interact w/trials Wri,WE'71e IER Wroten, James D. - - - - '74 Patterning and R/Extn - - - - - - PhD SMiss IERAR Wroten,J.D. et al - - - '74. R-persist after punish/PRF - - - - L&M 5:118 DNRNR.Wu,L. et al - - - - - - '85 Post-natal ECS on lrng - - - - - - PAb 6068 DGRNRxcau Daily ECS B4 maturity decr later acq - - - - - - - - - - - Wu.,L.'85e CRBUU.Wu,Q.Kuang - - - - - - - '82 Hippocampal theta during cond - - PAb A5133 CPBUU-bYc_Hippocampal theta + cortical desync correl w/CR acq - - - - Wu.,Q.'82+ AEH Wu, Ronald D. - - - - - '71 R-prevention and extn - - - - - - PhD S.Ill RRHOO.Wulf,G. et al - - - - - '93. Reduced fdbk freq re motor program LMC19:134 RPRHOOpdR_Concl: Dissociation of motor program from parameterization Wul,G.'93e IKRAR.Wunderlich, Richard A. - '59 Generalized cond reinf - - - - - - PhD JHopk IKRAR.Wunderlich,R.A. - - - - '61. Generalized sec reinf - - - - - - JEx62:409 IdRAR1bpa_R/Extn after varied food/H2O reinf > food or H2O CRF - - - Wun,RA'61- DSM Wunderlich,R.A.Dorff - - '65. Contiguity of S, R, reinf in discr JCP59:147 IERAR.Wunderlich,R.A. et al - '63 GB confinement on acq/extn - - - - PMS16:155 IbRARHbbj_R/Extn incr-f(GB confinement), decr w/changed confinement - Wun,RA'63e OVHI Wurster,R.M.Griffiths - '79 Mag(reinf) on concur perf - - - - PRc29:341 ESRN Wurtz, Robert H. - - - - '62 Self-stim w/amygdala - - - - - - - PhD UMich ZZXEC.Wuttke,W.Innis - - - - - '72. Drug effect on beh (Gilbert) - - - U Toronto ZZXEC-XEc_Ethological anal of sched-induced drink as displacement beh Wut,W.'72+ OCHAe.Wyckoff, John H. - - - - '66 Cond suppression - - - - - - - - - PhD PennS OAHAe-oId_Cond suppressn incr-f(task complexity), w/temporal discrim Wyc,JH'66- ZZXXX.Wyckoff, Lewis B. - - - '52 ObR in discrim - - - - - - - - - - PhD Ind U ZZXXX.Wyckoff,L.B. - - - - - - '52. Observing R in discrim lrng - - - PRv59:431 ZZXXX-dXT_Th of acq of ObR in discrim lrng based on sec reinf - - - - Wyc,LB'52- ZKXXX Wyckoff,L.B. - - - - - - '59. Quant theory of sec reinf - - - - PRv66: 68 Dk Wyckoff,L.B. et al - - - '58. Sec reinf and cue effects of S - - JCP51:103 IE Wyers, Everett J. - - - '55 PRF and R/Extn (Ritchie) - - - - - PhD UCBer AEWTW Wyers,E.J. et al - - - - '64. R/Extn and PRF in earthworm - - - JCP57:113 OK Wylie,A.M.Grossmann - - '88 R decr w/superimposition of CRF - PAb 31747 CS Wynne,C.D.L. - - - - - - '95. Reinf accounts of interference - - ALB23:207 OAPVP Wynne,C.D.Staddon - - - '88. Waiting time w/periodic sched - - EAB50:197 OAP Wynne,C.D.L. et al - - - '96. Dynamics of waiting in pigeons - - EAB65:603 ZZXXX Wynne,C.D.L. et al (Eds) '98 Models of action - - - - - - - - LEA CUC1O.Wynne,J.D.Brogden - - - '62. ISI in sensory precond - - - - - - JEx64:422 CEC1O-gAP_Max precond at 4-sec ISI, re cross-modal genz of AR - - - - Wyn,JD'62+ OR Wynne, Louis - - - - - - '67 R summation w/discrim S - - - - - PhD OhioS AVD J.Wynne, Lyman C. - - - - '58 Autonomic deficit (Solomon) - - - PhD Harvd AVD J.Wynne,L.C.Solomon - - - '55 Autonomic deficit and avoid - - - GPM52:241 AED JSbKa_Elim peripheral autonomic w/surgical-drug trtmt decr ARi - Wyn,LC'55+ IE Wyrwicka,W.B. - - - - - '52 Exper sit on extn of motor R - - - APP 3:171 IA Wyrwicka,W. - - - - - - '56 Motor cond reflexes - - - - - - - ABE17:189 CS Wyrwicka,W. - - - - - - '58 CS against various exper contexts ABE18:175 IK Wyrwicka,W. - - - - - - '66 Food reinf on alimentary excit - - ABE26:183 CDXXX.Wyrwicka,W. - - - - - - '92 Prob of switching in cond - - - - PAb 12465 CpXXX-aCC_Attrib transswitching to S-context assn forming compound CS Wyr,S.'92- CDXXX.Wyrwicka,W. - - - - - - '94 Switching in conditional beh - - - PAb 12465 CpXXX-aCC_Attrib switching to S-context assn forming compound CS - - Wyr,W.'94- FMONC.Wyrwicka,W.Dobrzecka - - '60 Feeding/satiation centers in brain Sc 32:805 FPONCHaXF_Ventromedial hypothal ESB decr food intake in hungry goats Wyr,W.'60+ ISDN Wyrwicka,W. et al - - - '59 IR evoked by ESB - - - - - - - - - Sc 30:336