LOGAN: LAWS OF LEARNING (Basic Processes) January 2004 AVOIDANCE CONDITIONING: Excitation Current Response Dependent Variables Contents Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Interdependent-Operation AECR>>1:00. AR vis-a-vis the UR AP****bar Systematic Analyses of the Nature of the Avoidance Response AP****baz AECR>>2:00. Compare responses re conditionability AP****bax AECR>>3:00. Avoidance response latency (Lat(AR)) AP****bta AECR>>3:10. Lat(AR) as-f(N/trials) AP****btr AECR>>3:20. Effect of extended trng on Lat(AR) AP****bts AECR>>3:30. Lat(AR) as-f(CSI) AP****btu AECR>>3:40. Lat(AR) as-f(USI) AP****btw AECR>>3:50. Temporal differentiation in ARo AP****bto Systematic Analyses of AR Latency AP****btz AECR>>4:00. Effect of avcond on UR to US AP****bMu AECR>>5:00. Anal of intertrial behavior AP****bhr AECR>>6:00. Concomitant HR effects of Avcond AP****bKy AECR>>7:00. Generality of Avoidance Conditioning AP****bYa AECR>>8:00. Miscellaneous Independent Current R-Variable AP****btx Relevant uncoded root-abstracts Relevant(?) unabstracted-uncoded literature AECR>>1:00. AR vis-a-vis the UR AP****bar RTxS Acq bar-press ARi decr w/prior trng freeze ER - - - - - - - Mow,OH'40- After above, "regress" to ER w/punish ARi Mow,OH'40- DAWS In kennel, ARi=run unless pretrng w/raise-leg in lab - - - Jam,WT'41- RAJS Pair(S,sh) w/short ISI-->Acq ER=jump to random 1 of 4 shelf Dan,WJ'44- Test w/long ISI-->Same pattern of ARi as above ER Dan,WJ'44- RVxS Acq ARi (run/jump) diff from ER (jump/run), < ARi = ER - - Mow,OH'46+ RCxS Acq ARo = run in wheel w/ER = incompatible turn around - - Kee,JS'59- DUWU Cond antic postural R B4 devel cond ARc - - - - - - - - - - Kor,MF'59- R OS Acq immobility (not freezing UR) as AR, incr-f(USI) - - - - Bin,D.'63+ CWHS Observe incr in basal HR to warning S w/wheel-turn ARi - - Sew,JP'68+ R PS Lever-holding during acq incr-f(inten re current, not volt) Gri,P.'70- RUOS Rapid avcond w/ARo = freezing; attrib to freezing as UR - - Bol,RC'73+ RUPS Maint ARo w/force of lever-holding fluctuating re R-thresh Dav,H.'82- RUPS Observe bar-holding beh even w/FR avoid sched - - - - - - - Mel,D.'84+ RCRS Acq shuttle ARo-chain re cross mid-line/pause/turn/repeat - Rob,AE'86- Systematic Analyses of the Nature of the Avoidance Response AP****baz DAWS Diffuse ARc becomes limited to leg, w/wide S/Genz to new Ss Jam,WT'33- D1Wx Pair(S,shock)- - >diffuse CR B4 devel specific leg-lift ARc Cul,E.'34+ Decorticate O acq diffuse CR but not specific leg-lift ARc Cul,E.'34+ HAWS Evidence of R/Genz re act (extensor/flexor R) vs mvmt - - - Wic,DD'48- Title: 2 patterns of AR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ell,P.'64+ RCP Title: Defensive R and lever-R topography - - - - - - - - Fel,RC'77+ OCPS W/gerbil, slight warm-up re ARo attrib to activatin/arousal Pow,RW'77+ RCPS Observe variety of leverpress beh during unsignaled ARo - - Rob,AR'77e AXXX Genz: Avoid beh not limited to species-specific-defense-R - Cra,M.'82+ AECR>>2:00. Compare responses re conditionability AP****bax . Note: R-conditionability may depend on nature of S DAWS Acq ARc w/left forelimb = right - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bro,WJ'40- DAWS P(ARi) decr-f effort required re spring-pull - - - - - - - Jam,WT'41- Rxx- Success of avcond is-f(nature of ARi) (eg run > press) - - Mey,DR'60e Best ARi elim proprio fdbk of R to warning S (eg freeze) Mey,DR'60e RUJ- Shuttle avcond < non-shuttle, and barrier < no barrier - - Kun,E.'65e RAxS Acq run ARi w/ER = run = turn = rear - - - - - - - - - - - Bol,RC'69- RAxS Acq turn ARi w/ER = turn, not w/ER = run/rear Bol,RC'69- No acq of rear ARi w/ER = rear/run/turn Bol,RC'69- Interp above diff re species-specific defense R Bol,RC'69- R-xS Acq decr not incr HR as ARi w/curare, facil acq shuttle Ari DCa,LV'69+ RAxS Avcond w/ARo = immobility > acty - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bre,J.'70+ Note: Acq dry-lick-rod OpR w/food reinf, is-f(H2O dep) You,GA'70+ RxxS Acq/perf ARo w/temporal discrim w/shuttle > barpress - - - Rie,D.'71- RCOS Acq discrim head-poke ARo > lever-press - - - - - - - - - - Car,PF'72e R OS Poor acq of jumping AR w/hi proprioceptive fdbk - - - - - - Mas,FA'72e R RS Any-way ARi > 1-way/2-way; any-way facil later 2-way ARi - Ani,H.'74+ R RS Any-way ARi > 1-way/2-way, incr w/prior signaled shock - - Ani,H.'74+ RAxS Head-poke = bar press as unsignalled ARo - - - - - - - - - Ayr,JJ'74e Head-poke>bar press as signalled ARo, is-f signal locatn Ayr,JJ'74e RCxS ARo perf w/lever-press > lever-bite, w/little acq w/latter Hin,PN'78+ R Title: Bar-press/release as avoid resp - - - - - - - - - - Mel,D.'79+ FUUU Fish acq shuttle > lever-bumping AR - - - - - - - - - - - - Rak,SS'79- RUOS Lo acq dry-lick-rod signaled ARo, not-f(H2O dep) - - - - - You,GA'79+ RUPS Lower > high lever for init acq but sim later perf of ARo - Rob,AE'80+ O xS W/headless cockroach, leg-lift > leg-lower AR - - - - - - - Wei,A.'85+ Attrib above to compatible leg-lift UR/ER to shock US Wei,A.'85+ R OS Rapid acq w/incremental vertical jump AR - - - - - - - - - Kin,CL'89e RCPS Acq ER/AR only if can leave sit and lever-R near exit - - - Mod,HA'90- RCPS Rapid acq ARi w/elevated lever if then enter safe place - - Mod,HA'90- AECR>>3:00. Avoidance response latency (Lat(AR)) AP****bta RUJS Lat(hurdle ARi) decr-f(ITI) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bat,K.'57+ H Wx Avoid RT < simple RT, diff=incr-f(MAS) - - - - - - - - - - Kam,LJ'57+ HUPS Rate(ARo) corresponds to shock-shock = R-shock interval - - Ade,R.'61+ RAPS Lat(discrim ARi) at midpoint of warning ISI - - - - - - - - Hur,HM'67+ R xS Lat(ARi) is-f(ISI) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - And,NH'69- B1RS Lat(ARi) linear incr-f(ISI) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bak,TW'69+ RARS Speed(ARi) w/partial avoid (short ISI) > escape/avoid - - - Eat,NK/74e R1PS 3/30 O acq ARo = 2-R chain w/in R-shock interval - - - - - Fai,S.'83+ Lat(ARo) in above proportional to R-shock interval Fai,S.'83+ CAB- Diffcond Lat(CR) w/long ISI shorter than w/short ISI - - - Hir,T.'87e R OS Lat(lever-release ARi) w/250-msec ISI < w/500-msec ISI - - Whi,IM'92e AECR>>3:10. Lat(AR) as-f(N/trials) AP****btr RAJS P(shuttle ARi) incr-f(trng) but Lat(ARi) constant w/trng - Bol,RC'76e AECR>>3:20. Effect of extended trng on Lat(AR) AP****bts R1JS Devel inhib of delay re decr P(ARi early in ISI) w/trng - - Zie,K.'93e AECR>>3:30. Lat(AR) as-f(CSI) AP****btu RUJS Lat(hurdle ARi) decr-f(CSI) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bat,K.'57+ AECR>>3:40. Lat(AR) as-f(USI) AP****btw RWRS Lat(ARi) decr-f(USI) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kim,GA'55- R JS Lat(ARi) w/serial S not-f(USI) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lev,DJ'73+ AECR>>3:50. Temporal differentiation in ARo AP****bto XXXX Interp IRTs in (un)cued ARo re scalar timing Markov chain - Gib,J.'71- RCPS Some O show post-shock, but not overall temporal discrim - Gib,J.'72+ Note: Many O acq ARo w/out showing a temporal discrim Gib,J.'72+ RCPS Acq temporal discrim w/limited avoidance interval w/in SSI Cot,MM'84+ Anal above R-distributions re 2-state semi-Markov model Cot,MM'84+ Systematic Analyses of AR Latency AP****btz RCPS IRT of ARo=power-functn of R-S interval, interp as tempcond Tod,JC'79e DAF- Lat(ARi) just after CS-on; Lat(ARc) just B4 US-on, w/in S - Cas,JM'96- AECR>>4:00. Effect of avcond on UR to US AP****bMu HxG- Less incr in UR to US-alone after avcond than classcond - - Kim,HD'65- AECR>>5:00. Anal of intertrial behavior AP****bhr R During avcond, decr in inter-trial R w/fixed ITI - - - - - Mow,OH'58+ During avcond, incr in inter-tr R if R postpone next tr Mow,OH'58+ Interp: Inter-tr R in avcond due to fear arousal/reductn Mow,OH'58+ RSJ Shuttle AR acq/extn not-f inter-tr R - - - - - - - - - - - Mur,JV'58+ R Title: ITI R produced by fear - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mat,Y.'60+ OUWS W/goat, emot beh during S and ISI decr w/trng but persist - Lym,B.'65- R JS N/ITI R decr-f(S complexity), pos correl w/indiv diff in AR Lev,DJ'71- Interp ITI R as generalized ARi as-f(S discriminability) Lev,DJ'71- RC S Temp decr in food intake w/sustained cued avoid baseline - Els,TF'91e RxJS N/ITI R w/lite-off > noise S; incr-f(elapse of ITI time) - Zie,K.'97+ AECR>>6:00. Concomitant HR effects of Avcond AP****bKy DCxS HR decr during period in context B4 ARo, incr during ARo - And,DE'76e R xS Record lo-HR w/immobile-AR, hi-HR w/active-AR re motor acty Goe,W.'76e BAFS Changes in HR during avcond not related to ARc perf - - - - Car,G.'77e AECR>>7:00. Generality of Avoidance Conditioning AP****bYa R S Acq delayed-R as ARi if given ext R-produced fdbk - - - - - Bix,VE'56- R C- Use lick-R as ARo to induce high liquid intake - - - - - - Wil,DR'56+ PCAS Acq gen acty ARo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gra,V.'63+ H1GO Mag(GSR) w/avcond > matched PRF w/shock US - - - - - - - - Kim,HD'66e RUOS Acq discrim vocal ARi w/tail shock US - - - - - - - - - - - Lal,H.'67- R-HS Acq incr/decr HR as ARi under curare - - - - - - - - - - - DCa,LV'68+ R-HS Acq incr/decr HR as ARi w/curare w/transfer to noncurare - DCa,LV'69+ R OS Acq drinking AR/ER w/hi lick-rate - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cra,ML'70- FVAS W/goldfish, avcond w/ARi = specified amt of gen acty - - - Gre,P.'72+ M OS Acq AR = drink 5 ml of 5%-ALC solution - - - - - - - - - - Kam,MC'74- RVOS Acq rearing posture ARi/ARo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Shi,A.'77+ MUOx Acq vocalization as discrim ARi but not as IR for food - - Aik,PG'81+ HVOS Male sex arousal (degree of erection) w/view erotic film Bar,DH'83e incr if arousal avoid threatened shock - - - - - - - - - Bar,DH'83e RCRx W/large chamber, acq leave/avoid-food/H2O-site w/FT food - Bur,BI'83- Maint sched-induced drinking B4 above ER/ARi re shock Bur,BI'83- R JS Acq ARi = vertical jumping, not-f(ITI) - - - - - - - - - - Can,A.'88e AECR>>8:00. Miscellaneous Independent Current R-Variable AP****btx R PS Rate(ARo) stable w/out antic regularly-sched free shocks - Rob,AE'76+ hOOU Re trtmt of enuresis, combined ER/AR may be better than CR Han,GD'79- RUJS Correl errors in acq w/lo brain dopamine, hi norepinephrine Sau,NB'82- RWRS Acq wheel-run ARo w/hi-inten USI, w/20-sec > 10-sec RSI - - Iso,H.'88- Relevant uncoded root-abstracts Relevant(?) unabstracted-uncoded literature R P Title: Functional relations of react-pot - - - - - - - - - Gla,AI'47e H Title: GSR during avcond of verbal R - - - - - - - - - - - Ros,S.'53- Title: Inefficient mvmt in avoid - - - - - - - - - - - - - Win,WA'53- D Title: Electrographic study (Walker) - - - - - - - - - - - Isa,RL'59- Title: Interhemispheric transfer - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kop,JW'63- Title: Emotionally-induced ulcers - - - - - - - - - - - - Mil,NE'63- H Title: Avcond w/induced muscular tension - - - - - - - - - Par,HM'63- M H Title: HR concur w/avoid beh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Per,J.'63e Title: GSR during avcond - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gri,WW'66+ R P Title: Lever-holding under Op-avoid - - - - - - - - - - - Hur,HM'67- H L Title: Verbal beh w/free-op avoid sched - - - - - - - - - Dav,MC'68+ Title: Fear suppression/elim in avoid - - - - - - - - - - Mor,MK'68- P Title: Avoid R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MPh,EM'68- Title: Temporal char of AR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ber,RM'69- Title: Choice avoid lrng - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wal,GB'69- Title: Timing in avoid - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hin,PN'70+ Title: Op-avoid w/treadle R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Smi,RF'70+ H Title: S control of skin resist R - - - - - - - - - - - - Gre,WA'71+ RUP Title: 6-hr escape-avoid shift re ulcers - - - - - - - - - Par,WP'71- CxJ Title: Facil/inhib evoked R during avcond - - - - - - - - Sau,JC'71- Title: Reinf/R-rate interaction - - - - - - - - - - - - - DVi,PA'72- R Title: Lever-attack during Op-avoid - - - - - - - - - - - Pea,JJ'72e Title: Incompatability of UR and ARo - - - - - - - - - - - SMi,RF'72e B Title: Mult-unit recording during av beh - - - - - - - - - Gab,M.'74- R Title: CS control of postshock responding - - - - - - - - Hur,HM'74- R Title: Fear of CS after cond - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mon,PM'74- B N Title: Mult-unit acty in cond/extn/reversal - - - - - - - Gab,M.'76e R Title: Burying as a defensive R - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pin,JP'78+ D Title: Cardiac changes w/avcond - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gal,RA'79e RN Title: Thalamic acty w/diffcond - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mil,JD'79- R Title: Dissociation of CER and avoid perf - - - - - - - - Min,S.'80+ RUP Title: IRTs/R-chains in operant avoid - - - - - - - - - - Han,DM'84+ R Title: Defensive burying of aversive S - - - - - - - - - - Jac,RL'84e R Title: S modality-produced R-differences - - - - - - - - - Azo,JL'90e