LOGAN: LAWS OF LEARNING (Basic Processes) July 2004 CLASSICAL CONDITIONING: Excitation Current Organism Independent Variables Contents Behavioral/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Independent-Operation CECO>>1:00. Setting operations, General CL****NCX Systematic Analyses of Setting Operations CL****NCZ Behavioral/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Interdependent-Operation CECO>>1:10. Role of instructions in human classcond CL****nCV Systematic Analyses of Instructions in Classical Conditioning CL****nCz Behavioral/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Negative/Independent-Operation Principle CECO>>2:00. Primary Motivation CL****OCX Systematic Analyses of Drive in Classical Conditioning CL****OCZ Behavioral/UnNatural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Interdependent-Operation Principle CECO>>3:00. State-dependent lrng CL****tCA Behavioral/UnNatural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Independent-Operation CECO>>3:10. Classcond w/curare CL****TCA CECO>>4:00. Classcond and neurological insult CL****TCN CECO>>4:10. Classcond w/spinal preparation CL****TCn CECO>>5:00. Effect of Nonaddictive Drugs on Classcond CL****TCD Behavioral/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Interdependent-Operation CECO>>6:00. Indiv diff in conditionability CL****nvc CECO>>6:10. Misc indiv diff factors and classcond CL****nvx CECO>>6:20. Classcond w/abnormal human subj CL****nwc Corollary CECO>>7:00. Manifest anxiety in human defense classcond CL****nuc Systematic Analyses of Anxiety in Conditioning CL****nuz CECO>>8:00. Comparative CL****nxC CECO>>8:10. Comparative (age) CL****nnC CECO>>8:11. Comparative (age). . .Human Infant CL****nhC CECO>>8:12. Comparative (age). . .Older subj CL****noC CECO>>8:20. Comparative (gender) CL****ngC CECO>>8:30. Comparative (species) CL****npC CECO>>8:40. Comparative (breeding) CL****nbC CECO>>9:00. Interactions involving Individual Differences CL****nCX Principle CECO>>10:00. Generality of classcond CL****nyc Systematic Analyses of Generality of Classical Conditioning CL****nyz CECO>>10:10. Classcond in paramecia CL****nyp CECO>>10:20. Classcond in planaria CL****nyq Relevant Uncoded Root-Abstracts Relevant(?) Unabstracted/Uncoded Literature Behavioral/Unnatural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Independent-Operation CECO>>11:00. Behavioral Effects of Acute Addictive Drugs CL****Ts1 CECO>>11:10A. ALC: Acute/Involuntary/Under-Influence CL****Ts1 CECO>>11:10D. DRUGS: Acute/Involuntary/Under-Influence CL****Ts2 CECO>>11:20A. ALC: Acute/Involuntary/Not-Under-Influence CL****Tt1 CECO>>11:20D. DRUGS: Acute/Involuntary/Not-Under-Influence CL****Tt2 Behavioral/Unnatural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Interdependent-Operation CECO>>11:30A. ALC: Acute/Voluntary/Under-Influence CL****ts1 CECO>>11:30D. DRUGS: Acute/Voluntary/Under-Influcnce CL****ts2 CECO>>11:40A: ALC: Acute/Voluntary/Not-Under-Influence CL****tt1 CECO>>11:40D: DRUGS: Acute/Voluntary/Not-Under-Influrnce CL****tt2 CECO>>1:00. Setting operations, General CL****NCX DxS- Classcond affected by gen health of O (142) - - - - - - - - Pav,IP'28- DVS- Classcond obtained w/Cr/UR elim by atrophine B4 MORPH US - Cri,G.'30- OxO- Cortin incr CR in normal/neurotic sheep, decr freq spon R - Lid,HS'35e DAW- Pair(buzz,shock) w/motor nerve crushed--Give CR after regen Lig,JS'36+ UUU- Classcond w/motor and sensory peripheral parts elim - - - - Gan,WH'37- DAS- Cond w/UR suppressed by antropine if acid US, not w/food US Fin,G.'38- CAB- Pair(buzz/puff) under anesthesia-->cond blink w/8 of 30 O - Ste,K.'41+ DDU- CR inhib by mescaline - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bri,WH'56+ CfF- Cond flex CR w/UR to shock elim w/bulbocapnin/deefferentatn Bec,EC'57+ DDS- Pentothal/hexenal narcosis decr pos CR/UR for 1-3 days - - Air,EA'58+ CfF- CR w/dorsal-root US w/partial, not w/complete deafferentatn Buc,JS'64e CAWS Strychnine facil classcond - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ben,LA'67+ HUB- Less incr if P(CR) w/incr in USI if choose to participate - Gri,JA'67- HDB- Lower P(CR) w/benzedrine especially in mental defective - - Lob,H.'68- CUG- Classcond GSR in flaxedil-immobilized O w/out skeletal R - VTw,HB'69+ CAF- Faster classcond if present S during hi EEG level - - - - - Asa,H.'71+ RDE- Brain potassium chloride decr cond fear and corticosteroids Aue,P.'71+ BfB- No cond w/decr cutaneous afferent S w/anesthesia during acq Ket,NM'71+ No CR after above cond w/incr in cutaneous afferent acty Ket,NM'71+ BfB- After cond, CR level direct-f cutaneous afferent acty level Ket,NM'72e Above manip of afferent acty did not affect Lat/Amp(UR) Ket,NM'72e BfB- Decr in CR w/extn inverse-f cutaneous afferent acty level - Ket,NM'72e BfB- Cond not-f disparity between eyes in cutaneous afferent S - Ket,NM'74e HUG- Better cond w/alert vs drowsy O (re EEG) - - - - - - - - - MDo,DG'75+ B x- Peripheral atropine decr blink CR w/concur decr in HR - - - Alb,BA'80+ r1e- CER to added redundant S unless undernourished pre-weaning Ste,DN'82e RGC- No cond flavor aversn w/REM-sleep dep B4 Pair(flavor,LiCl) Sut,RL'82e RUU- Acq not-f phase of circadian acty cycle, more stable at min Lev,IP'83+ BAB- Cond facil w/prior potentiatn of hippocampal synaptic trans Ber,TW'84- RAe- Pair(S,shock) w/anesthesia--CER if epinephrine during trng Wei,NM'84e In above, epinephrine did not alter sleep, re HR/reflex Wei,NM'84e R - Irrel hunger/thirst decr classcond w/other drive rel - - - Ram,R.'87+ RDe- Naloxone incr cond suppression only if given during acq - - Vig,M.'87+ BAB- LSD incr CR/UR at 100-800 msec ISI, interp as reflex facil Har,JA'88e OGE- Cond food-refusal w/snail facil w/hemolymph from cond snail Ste,II'89e QSO- Decr sex dep decr sex-approach, not food-approach CR - - - Hol,KS'93+ Systematic Analyses of Setting Operations CL****NCZ XXX- Drive (Dr) is disposition to respond based on dep - - - - - Log,FA'77- CECO>>1:10. Role of instructions in human classcond CL****nCV . P(CR) decr but not elim by inhib instruct . P(CR) facil by facil instruct HVB- Cond even w/vol restraint, but CR modified by induced set - Hil,ER'38+ HLB- Naive O show gradual classcond/extn; sudden if know proc - Col,LE'39- HVB- Acq, P(CR), Amp(CR) greater if make vol tapping R w/S-on - Gra,DA'39- HxS- Control subjective attitude by misinform about purpose - - Raz,GH'39- HVB- Obtain classcond w/inhib instruct and shock of CR - - - - - Nor,EB'48+ HxS- Cond best w/facil instruct, least w/inhib instruct - - - - Raz,GH'49- HVB- Better classcond w/knowledge-of-cond than if naive - - - - MAl,WR'58+ HAG- Mag(CR) w/instruct shock-follows-noise = Pair(noise,shock) Dav,DG'60- HVB- Threat of incr in USI produce incr P(CR) - - - - - - - - - Spe,KW'61+ HVB- W/PRF, P(CR) greater if inform of US B4 each trial - - - - Hic,CW'64+ HVB- Inhib instruct decr classcond, incr habituation of UR - - - Nic,MF'64+ HVB- Less cond to weak uninstructed S than to instructed S - - - Por,JJ'65+ H B- Inhib instruct w/fdbk > monetary payoff for inhib of CR - - Fis,HD'66+ H S Title: Facil/inhib instructions - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fea,SR'67- HAG- Greater Mag(CR) w/facil instruct - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hil,FA'67- HVB- Decr P(CR) to S+ w/change facil to neutral instruct v/versa Hic,CW'68- Incr P(CR) S- w/change facil to neutral instruct v/versa Hic,CW'68- HVB- Inhib effect of inhib instruct greater w/long ISI - - - - - Omi,M.'68- HAG- Cond (re pseudocond) w/inhib instruct but less than w/facil Daw,ME'69+ HAG- Incr Mag(UR) to US-alone and incr Mag(CR) w/facil instruct Har,B.'71+ HAG- Immed incr in CR if instruct re incr in US, but not v/versa Ohm,A.'71- HVG- Instruct re S-US contin incr P(CR) both early/late in ISI - Kum,KL'72- HLG- Greater CR/UR on trial w/facil vs inhib instruct w/in-O - - Har,CB'73+ Trend to higher rating USI w/facil than inhib instruct Har,CB'73+ HLG- Mag(CR) incr-f correct info re P(US) on each trial - - - - Ohm,A.'73e HAO- Unable to inhibit knee-jerk CR after extended trng - - - - Twi,EB'74- HUU- Acq w/instruct attn to S/US > attn to internal S(breathing) Mic,SB'84- Systematic Analyses of Instructions in Classical Conditioning CL****nCz HFM- Diff absolute levels but same processes w/diff instruct - - Fis,HD'67- HAG- Interp: Instruct affects Mag(UR), w/R-mag cond per se - - - Har,B.'71+ Principle CECO>>2:00. Primary Motivation CL****OCX . Appetitive classcond incr-f(dep) of relevant substance DCS- CR decr by starvation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kle,N.'27+ DxS- Appetitive classcond incr-f(food-dep) (53) - - - - - - - - Pav,IP'28- DxS- Decr CR w/decr in food-dep (55) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pav,IP'28- DxS- Inhib(delay) decr-f(food-dep) assoc w/time of day (149) - - Pav,IP'28- RVJ- 24-hr food dep facil jump CR w/Pair(lite,shock), re prefeed Ell,MH'35+ DAS- UR/CR incr-f(food-dep), 0-96 hrs - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fin,G.'36- DAS- UR/CR incr-decr-f(food-dep), max at 72 hrs - - - - - - - - Fin,G.'38- DUS- Decr in CR w/satiation but incr in UR - - - - - - - - - - - Zen,K.'39+ DxS- CR but not UR decr by satiation of prolonged session - - - Gan,WH'40- DUSH W/20-hr test, CR but not UR w/food US decr w/incr satiation Gan,WH'40+ RVB- Lower P(CR) at 60-d-age if fed B1 deficient diet from 7-day Bie,WC'41+ HAB- Classcond not-f food/drink/tobacco dep, is-f(introversion) Fra,CM'57- Dxx- Defense CS elicits food CR if hi food-dep or prefeed (125) Asr,EA'65- RxC- Acq/maint of licking CR incr-f(H2O dep) - - - - - - - - - - DBo,RC'65e Pair(S,water) w/satiatn--Small UR, no CR w/test thirsty DBo,RC'65e BAO- Cond jaw mvmt incr-f(water dep) and saccharin US concen - - Col,SR'66e DAS- CR sensitive to minor physiol changes, hunger/satiation - - Jam,WT'66e BAB- Acq of CR same but better discrim w/food dep - - - - - - - Fre,PW'70+ BAO- Freq(CR/UR) and Freq(R) in unpaired control incr-f(dep) - - Mit,DS'70+ HLS- Greater salivation to food than nonfood words, incr-f(dep) Sta,AM'72+ HLL- Cond pos attitude to words paired w/food words, incr-f(dep) Sta,AM'72e Bxx- Forward CR w/H20 as S/US (w/eyeshock as US/S) inc-f(thirst) Tai,RW'74- R1A- Classcond acty w/Mix Pair(lite,food) + Pair(tone,sucrose) - Res,RA'78- Greater decr in corresponding CR w/food/sucrose satiatn Res,RA'78- SAx- Pair(S,food) w/10-sec ISI, dep incr consum CR, not orient R Hen,WW'81+ R1C- Pair(S,food) w/dep--S elicit eating w/satiation - - - - - - Wei,HP'83- rSO- Cond w/Pair(odor,oral-milk) w/neonatal O only w/food-dep - Joh,IB'84e B B- Water dep facil cond, correl w/hippocampal acty - - - - - - Ber,SD'89+ QVA- Decr (male) cond approach S re copulation w/sex satiation - Hil,S.'95+ Systematic Analyses of Drive in Classical Conditioning CL****OCZ DCCH Attrib decr in salivary CR w/starvation to decr H2O intake Kle,N.'27- XXX- P(CR) = f(E) = (H=f(N/trials)) times (D=f(dep)) (93) - - - Spe,KW'56- R1A- Interp: Motiv affects value of US - - - - - - - - - - - - - Res,RA'78- Principle CECO>>3:00. State-dependent lrng CL****tCA . CR may be restricted to subj cond prevailing during acq . Note: Special case of S/Genz decr re interoceptive S environ DVS- 3-5 days w/drawal of water elim CR cond w/MORPH US - - - - Cri,G.'28- HAW- Cond better w/hypnosis; elicit CR when awake w/out recall - Sco,HD'30- NxU- Cond faster w/hypnosis; pos transfer hypnosis/awake v/versa Mis,MN'36- HAx- Skin-pot CR cond awake occur in Stage 2 sleep, not 4 or REM Mor,AM'67- HEO- Obtain ALC-state dependent lrng re recall, not recog - - - Goo,DW'69e REe- Pair(buzz,shock) w/w/out ALC--Greater CER in same state - - Kan,AW'70- HEH- ALC state-dependent habituation of OrR re HR - - - - - - - Pow,BJ'71e REx- State-depend lrng symmetrical w/1-way, asymm w/shuttle ARi Hol,FA'72- REP- Decr OpR perf w/change from AMPH trng to no-drug test - - - Coo,SJ'74e Above decr OpR decr-f(Amt(trng w/drug) Coo,SJ'74e HEO- Asymmetrical state-dep lrng w/hi-dose ALC w/verbal>motor/HR Hin,JJ'74e HEx- Relate ALC state-dependent lrng to EEG/HR/GSR in ALC state Cro,LT'75+ HEL- State-dependent lrng w/marijuana elim w/extra retrieval cue Eic,JE'75e HEV- ALC state-dependent lrng greater w/lo-imagery free recall - Wei,H.'76e RUUS Acq 1-tr fear cond in hypothermic state Ric,R.'83+ w/anterograde amnesia 24-hr later in normal state- - - - Ric,R.'83+ RGC- Transient US-preexposure effect re time B4 Pair(sacc,LiCl) Mor,Y.'85- RVH- Pair(S,shock) awake--Observe cond bradycardia w/anesthesia Shi,K.'85e HEL- State-dependent lrng w/ALC, incr w/ALC + nicotine - - - - - Low,G.'86- B B- Elim CR, not UR w/GABA antagonist in red nucleus - - - - - Hal,DA'88e HEM- Evidence of state-dep lrng w/ALC-caffeine combination - - - Low,G.'88- REO- Devel analgesic tolerance w/MORPH elim w/pre-test pentobarb Sie,S.'88- Interp above re state-dependent lrng w/w/out anesthesia Sie,S.'88- HEM- State-dependent lrng/recall w/ALC-caffeine, ALC-nicotine - Low,G.'89- Attrib everyday forget to dissociatn re drug combinatn Low,G.'89- HEO- Attrib ALC tolerance re visuomotor task to state-dep lrng - Tho,JB'89+ CECO>>3:10. Classcond w/curare CL****TCA x1P- Classcond/extn of pupillary dilatn w/curare, not striate R Har,HF'33+ CAx- Retain CR after transection/hemisection of spinal cord - - Set,P.'36+ DAO- Muscle twitch CR w/curare does not occur in normal state - Gir,E.'37+ Muscle twitch CR in normal state does not occur w/curare Gir,E.'37+ DUW- No right-paw CR w/test under curare - - - - - - - - - - - - Cul,E.'39e Cond left-paw CR under curare->right-paw CR w/out curare Cul,E.'39e CIF- Obtain CR of hind limb after curarization of fore parts - - Har,HF'39+ DNO- Classcond sensory impulses re antecedent reflex discharge - Toe,JF'39- CAx- Some flight, more pupillary CR under curare than normal - - Har,HF'40- DTF- Classcond flexor muscle R to elec/mech S of tail - - - - - Shu,PS'40+ DTF- No extn of CR after gradually sever spinal cord - - - - - - Shu,PS'41+ DTF- One leg spinal reflex to tailshock decr w/cond other leg - Shu,PS'41+ DAP- Classcond under curare does not occur in normal state - - - Gir,E.'42- DVH- BP CR in drug state does not occur in normal state - - - - Gir,E.'42- MDO- Muscle-twitch CR w/curare does not occur in normal state - Gir,E.'47- DTF- Failed to obtain flexion CR in spinal dog - - - - - - - - - Dee,J.'49+ OUU- Report cond reflex in spinal frog - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fra,L.'53- CxF- Pos classcond in spinal kittens and a puppy - - - - - - - - Dyk,RA'56+ DDH- Autonomic classcond transfers from curare to normal state - Bla,AH'62e CVP- No dissociation of cond pupil dilation, curare/normal state Ger,AA'62+ DxJ- Diffcond Pair(tone,US) w/curare after avcond--S+ elicits AR Sol,RL'62+ CTF- Failed to obtain classcond in spinal O - - - - - - - - - - For,A.'63+ DAH- Report autonomic cond (HR) w/out apparent skeletal mediatn Bla,AH'64+ DAH- Form/stability of HR CR same w/w/out curare - - - - - - - - Bla,AH'65- CNF- Pos spinal cond w/shock to thigh/paw as S/US - - - - - - - Fit,LA'67+ BAH- Classcond HR decel/BP incr w/Pair(S,sh) under curare - - - Yeh,A.'67e RAH- Pair(S,shock) w/curare--No CR/UR, no later cond w/out drug Ray,RD'69- RAH- Fail to cond HR w/Pair(tone,shock) w/curare - - - - - - - - Eis,EM'73- RDH- Inhib transfered from curare to normal state - - - - - - - Ray,RD'73+ RSA- Cond antic incr acty w/Pair(S,reinf ESB) w/curare - - - - - Zam,E.'74- CNN- Spinal cond (incr in reflex R to neural S) if pair w/shock Dur,RG'75- R1H- Cond HR decel better w/curare w/O w/exper w/curare - - - - Wil,JR'75+ CECO>>4:00. Classcond and neurological insult CL****TCN OTF- Classcond w/retention w/thyroidectomized = normal sheep - - Lid,HS'28+ Dxx- Diffuse defense CR in decorticate dog w/acoustic/tactile S Gir,E.'36e DGF- Elim excitable area of sigmoid cortex elim acq/perf of CR - All,WF'38- DAx- Classcond less efficient under nembutal than normal - - - - Hea,CR'41+ Classcond w/nembutal demonstrated later in normal state Hea,CR'41+ MDF- Pair(bell,leg-shock) w/motor/somesthetic cortex inactivated Har,HF'42+ After recovery-->diffuse CR diff from normal UR to shock Har,HF'42+ D1W- Classcond 10-wk after decortication - - - - - - - - - - - - Bro,RB'48- DNS- Gradual recovery of CR after surgical lesion of cerebellum Kra,VK'58- BOB- Temp decr in P(CR) w/dural KCl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pap,JD'65- RVH- Neocortical spreading depression elim cond HR, w/recovery - Hen,CW'67+ BAB- No diff in classcond, normals/hemidecorticated subj - - - - Oak,DA'68+ FVA- Obtain classcond in forebrain-ablated and sham-op subj - - Ove,JB'69+ RAH- Vagal blockade during acq decr decel CR - - - - - - - - - - Fit,RD'73e Above decr did not persist during extn w/saline Fit,RD'73e RAB- Slow incr then decr in P(CR) w/trials in decorticate O - - Lov,TA'75+ BAB- No decr in cond w/S pre-exposure after hippocampal ablation Sol,PR'75+ RNH- Decel CR greater w/vagal S combined w/shock or ammonia US - Fit,RD'76+ BAB- No decr in CR w/bilateral neodecortication after cond - - - Oak,DA'77+ Elim CR w/above if hemidecorticate B4 cond Oak,DA'77+ BAB- Medial septal lesion slowed rate of classcond - - - - - - - Ber,SD'79+ BAB- CR not UR elim w/ipsilateral rostral pontine reticular lesn Lav,DG'81e B1B- Dorsolateral pons lesion B4/after cond elim ipsolateral CR Des,JE'82+ Above lesion did not affect UR or contralateral CR Des,JE'82+ R1E- Temp decr in cond fear w/amygdala/hippocampal bilat lesion Gol,ML'82+ BAB- Unilateral cerebellar lesion prevents only ipsolateral cond Lin,JS'82e BAB- Superior peduncle lesion elim only ipsilateral CR, not UR - MCo,DA'82e CAF- CR to visual S w/transection of optic tract - - - - - - - - Fed,VA'83e DUS- Amyg-hypothal lesion decr CR/UR, incr w/change to pref food Kos,E.'83+ BAB- CR decr by post-cond lesion in magnocellular red nucleus - Ros,ME'83+ Rxe- Dorsal bundle lesion decr cond to clicker S w/trace proc - Tsa,E.'83e Lesion incr cond to clicker S if incl lite during ISI Tsa,E.'83e CNF- Nucleus accumbens ESB decr flex CR, not HR CR - - - - - - - Wil,WJ'83- Nucleus accumbens lesion incr flex CR, not HR CR Wil,WJ'83- Flex CR not UR decr w/dopamine in accumbens, not norepin Wil,WJ'83- BAB- Elim CR w/lesion of ipsilateral dentate-interpositus nuclei MCo,DA'84+ BUB- Retention of CR on initial trials w/acute decerebrate O - - Mau,MD'85- RNe- Noradrenergic bundle lesion decr CER acq on/off baseline - Col,B.'87+ BNB- Hippocamp lsn decr Lat(CR) but not P(CR) w/tracecond - - - Jam,GO'87e RVC- Hippocamp lsn elim decr in OrR w/S-preexpose, facil cond - Kay,H.'87+ RAF- Decr effect of preexpose to S decr w/hippocamp lesion - - - Kay,H.'87+ BNB- CR retained after post-cond decerebration - - - - - - - - - Mau,MD'87+ RCES Hippocamp lesions incr context cond w/Pair(S,sh) in context Win,G.'87e B B- Substantia nigra lsn decr blink CR but not concur HR CR - - Kao,K.'88+ BNB- Decr in classcond w/ipsilateral eye after cebellar lesion - Lav,DG'89+ Bxx- Cerebellar lesion elim blink/alpha CR, not alpha UR to lite Ske,RW'89e BAB- Mediodorsal thalamic lsn decr acq of blink/HR CR - - - - - Buc,SL'90+ BUB- Classcond w/decerebrate-decebellate O - - - - - - - - - - - Kel,TM'90e BNB- Cerebellar interpositus lsns abolish nicitating/eye-mvmt CR Lav,DG'90e HNB- Acq CR similar, but poorer diffcond w/temporal lsns - - - - Dau,R.'91e BAB- Attrib apparent cond w/decerebrate O to spon R re ITI - - - Nor,AF'91e R B- P(CR) not-f(hippocampectomy) but decr Lat(CR), incr Amp(CR) Chr,B.l92+ BNB- Cerebel + pontine nuclei nec for cond w/auditory cortical S Kno,BJ'92+ BAB- Elim ipsolateral CR w/interpositus nucleus lsn w/no recover Ste,JE'92e HAx- Autonomic but no motor CR w/O w/cerebellar lesions - - - - Dau,I.'93e BAB- Anterior interpositus nucleus lsn elim CR w/no effect on UR Ivk,D.'93e BAH- Bi-lateral medial geniculate lesions prevent acq HR CR - - MCa,PM'93e B H- Lsn anterior cerebellar vermis B4/after cond elim HR CR - - Sup,WF'93+ BAB- No effect of bilateral flocculus/paraflocculus lsn on cond Log,CG'94e CECO>>4:10. Classcond w/spinal preparation CL****TCn . Issue: Can assoc lrng occur w/out involving brain DTF- Interp flexion/extension as changes in reflex beh - - - - - Kel,WN'46e XXX- Disputes evidence of cond of spinal O - - - - - - - - - - - Kel,WN'47- DTF- Interp incr in muscle-twitch as reflex sensitization - - - Kel,WN'47e DTO- Spinal cond procedure produced decr threshold, not CR - - - Pin,T.'50+ DTF- Failed to cond flexor reflex in spinal dog - - - - - - - - Llo,AJ'69e O B Title: Picrotoxin on cond w/spinal frog - - - - - - - - - Fle,JJ'70- CNF- Classcond spinal cat w/peroneal nerve S and ankle shock US Pat,MM'73e CNF- Classcond spinal cat w/peroneal nerve S and ankle shock US Pat,MM'73e Above observed CR was incr in gross efferent peroneal R Pat,MM'73e CNF- Classcond flex CR in spinal cat w/forward, not backward ISI Pat,MM'75- HTO- Classcond urination w/Pair(S,abdominal shock) w/spinal subj Inc,LP'78e CUO- Cond muscle-tension, single motor unit acty in acute spinal Mis,KE'82+ C F Title: Extn/retention of CR in spinal cat - - - - - - - - Beg,AL'83e C F Title: Cond flexor nerve R in spinal cat - - - - - - - - - Beg,AL'85e RTP- Obtain overshadowing/blocking, not latent inhib w/spinal O Ill,PA'94e CECO>>5:00. Effect of Nonaddictive Drugs on Classcond CL****TCD HVG- W/delayed Pair(S,shock), caffeine incr Mag + decr Lat(CR) - Swi,SC'35- BDS- Optimal dose phenamine-->marked incr CR w/decr in Lat(CR) - Pop,NA'51- BDB Title: Atropine on aversive classcond - - - - - - - - - - Dow,D.'72e B x- Diffcond HR/BP/blink decr w/6-OHDA re decr CR to S+ - - - - Jos,J.'80+ RDES Naloxone incr cond fear re Pair(context,shock) - - - - - - Fan,MS'81- RCE- Block acq fear re context w/APV B4 trng - - - - - - - - - - Fan,MS'94+ BDO- MDA decr acq w/tone-CS, incr acq w/lite-CS w/in-O - - - - - Gor,I.'95- CECO>>6:00. Indiv diff in conditionability CL****nvc DXXX Ident sanguine O, very reactive, need varied stim (286) - - Pav,IP'27- Ident melancholic O, shy/unreactive/need uniform S (287) Pav,IP'27- Ident intermed types w/more balance between excit/inhib Pav,IP'27- XXX- Indiv/species diff in capacity/retentivity - - - - - - - - Tol,EC'32- HVB- Vincent curves (P(CR) re %-tr-to-crit) for fast = slow O - Hil,ER'37+ Hxx- Classcond eyeblink and patellar R not correl - - - - - - - Cam,AA'38- HxB- Reliable indiv diff in Freq(CR) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lum,AA'41- HXBX Correl of cond w/personality inconsistent w/drive crucial - Fra,CM'63- HXB- Hi correl of CR to Pair(tone,puff) and Pair(lite,puff) - - Spe,KW'65- HAB- No correl, threshold for blinking and cond w/very weak US - Leo,TB'67e HAB- P(CR) correl w/freq of reflex sensitivity (CS blinks) - - - Lev,AB'67+ HAG- Classcond correl w/spon skin conductance fluctuations - - - Ohm,A.'73+ PVH- Can predict mean lrng curve from initial orienting R to S - Coh,DH'78+ RGC- Large indiv diff saccharine intake, hi correl pre-post cond Arc,T.'79+ Hxx- Lo correl indiv diff re diffcond GSR/vasaomotor/eyelid CR - Per,P.'81- CECO>>6:10. Misc indiv diff factors and classcond CL****nvx HVB- Indiv diff in cond not related to intel or RT - - - - - - - Cam,AA'36+ BVR- Stability/Mag(CR) pos correl w/sexual dominance w/males - - Bro,RH'37- DAF- Indiv diff in Freq/Amp/Lat(CR) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kel,WN'38- HAx- Blink and PGR related to introversion, not neurotocism - - Fra,CM'56- HAB- Classcond w/intro>extraverted O, not-f(drive/neurotocism - Fra,CM'57- HAB- Signif correl--P(CR) and hypnotic suggestibility - - - - - Das,JP'58- HVB- P(CR) greater for O w/large physiol change to puff - - - - Run,WN'59+ HVB- P(CR) incr-f pulse rate, GSR, muscle action to puff - - - - Run,WN'59+ HVG- Classcond not related to extraversion - - - - - - - - - - - Bec,WC'61+ DxS- Can determine O type by R to 2-S dynamic sterotype - - - - Bur,VN'61- HAB- Cond pos correl w/rigidity, not w/neuroticism/extraversion Fie,JG'61+ h1G- Orderly classcond w/visual, not w/auditory S w/deaf O - - - Gri,WW'61e RVU- Obtain trace CR w/strong, not w/excitable/weak nervous sys Gor,LS'62- HVG- Classcond not-f(IQ = 20-78) w/.5/5-sec ISI - - - - - - - - Gri,WW'62e HUG- Indiv diff in cond correl w/spon/uncond GSR - - - - - - - - Cad,RJ'63- HAB- Greatest spon-rec w/O who are slow in acq, fast in extn - - Fra,CM'63- HLL- Word-meaning highordcond pos-f college entrance scores - - Hea,WG'63e HVB- Classcond related to one meas of suggestibility - - - - - - Bak,B.'64+ hAG- Retardates = normals in GSR cond - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bau,AA'64e HAB- No decr during acq and no PREE w/severely retarded - - - - Ros,LE'64e Hxx- Extravert poorer w/PRF, weak S, diffcond--re devel of inhib Eys,HJ'65- HLG- Diff in attn re OrR correl w/semantic cond/awareness/PA lrn Mal,I.'65+ HLG- Mag(CR) incr-f(Mag(orienting-R to US)) not correl w/anxiety Mal,I.'65+ Awareness of contingencies incr-f(Mag(orienting-R to US) Mal,I.'65+ HVG- Cond pos-f nonspecific GSR acty, neg-f recovery rate - - - Har,RD'66e DXX- Describes Russian standards to identify 4 types of dogs - - Pet,JE'66- DxS- Max delay ISI w/sedentary O=10-min >excitable subj=3-min - Ber,IS'67e HVB- Ext/internal control scale + matching set yielded best cond Gol,D.'67- HAG- Greater Mag(CR) w/hi need for approval - - - - - - - - - - Hil,FA'67- HVG- Cond pos correl w/extraversn/conservatism, not neurotocism Wil,GD'68- HAB- More vol R w/hi IQ O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gen,P.'71+ RAH- Classcond not-f early handling - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Buc,DC'72e LAB- W/very retarded O, trace = delay w/350-msec ISI - - - - - - Ros,SM'72- W/very retarded O, trace < delay w/>350-msec ISI Ros,SM'72- HUB- Cond w/intro->extra-verts only w/distracting masking task - Cla,PM'75+ HUB- 10-min/24-hr retention of CR w/out verbal recall w/amnesics Wei,L.'79+ HUB- Re CR topography, introverts react as if USI > normals - - Jon,J.'81e HLL- Classcond of word meaning not correl w/suggestibility - - - Loh,JM'81+ HVG- Electrodermally labile>stable subj in CR/persist/discomfort Dei,SR'82- HAH- Duratn of HR-decel CR more sim to UR if hi imagery ability Ara,JM'83+ HAB- Classcond w/extroverts > introverts, not signif - - - - - - Hys,L.'84e hVB- Classcond w/retarded < normals, attrib to slow UR w/retard Oga,I.'84- H B- Classcond incr-f(impulsiveness), depending on msmt def - - Frc,G.'87+ HVx- Intro >extravert O re HR, not GSR, w/no diff re neuroticism Fre,M.'92+ H B- Deficit in classcond w/Alzheimer's O, w/sim S/R beh - - - - Sol,PR'92e CECO>>6:20. Classcond w/abnormal human subj CL****nwc HAJ- Cond knee-jerk best in manic then schizophrenic then normal Pfa,C.'36+ HAS- Classcond w/10 psychoneurotic patients w/Pair(S,lemon) - - Fin,FE'43e HxB- No diff, normal/psychiatric O w/reflex or vol CR - - - - - Kin,HE'43e HLG- Cond w/buzz US w/pathological anxious patients > normals - Wel,L.'47+ HUB- Hi anxious greater cond for both psychotics and normals - - Spe,KW'53+ P(CR) greater for psychotics than neurotics/normals Spe,KW'53+ HVB- Psychotics show greater classcond than neurotics/normals - Tay,JA'54+ HVG- Slower acq, less S/Genz w/psychopathic O - - - - - - - - - Har,RD'65- HAH- Cond w/reactive > process schizophrenics; interp re anxiety Str,FA'65- hAB- Classcond mongoloid w/500-msec ISI, not w/3000, incr-f(age) Ros,LE'67e Hxx- Eyeblink classcond superior in anxious neurotics - - - - - Dav,PO'68e Some generality conditionability w/neurotic, not normals Dav,PO'68e HR, GSR, w/drawal not diff in neurotics/normals Dav,PO'68e HAG- Lower acq but more reminiscence + R/Extn w/mental defective Lob,H.'68- hAB- Poor cond/diffcond incr-f(ISI=500/800/1100 msec) w/retarded Ohl,ES'68- hAB- Poor classcond, little diff-cond, no reversal in retardates Ohl,ES'68+ HUB- Rate(acq/extn) same w/normals/neurotics w/chronic anxiety - Kel,D.'69- HAE- Lower Amp(CR), reduced diff-CR in chronic schizophrenics - Ax.,AF'70e HUB- Trace delay cond w/O w/no hippocamp - Woo,DS'93- Above also w/other amnesic O, w/2-yr retention w/out mem Woo,DS'93- Corollary CECO>>7:00. Manifest anxiety in human defense classcond CL****nuc . Defense classcond incr-f manifest anxiety . Note: Meas manifest anxiety by Taylor MAS scale HLGO Classcond acq/stability w/clinical anxiety > normal subj - Wel,L.'47- HVB- Hi anxious show greater classcond w/extreme MAS scores - - Spe,KW'51+ HVB- Hi anxious show higher P(CR) than lo anxious - - - - - - - Tay,JA'51- H G- Classcond w/hi > lo anxious not signif - - - - - - - - - - Bit,ME'52+ HXB- Hi anxious give more CR in acq and extn w/long ISI - - - - Spe,KW'53+ HVB- Hi anxious greater classcond only if shock w/ready signal - Spe,KW'54e HAS- No effect of MAS on salivation CR w/candy US - - - - - - - Bin,D.'55e HVB- Pos replication of Spence(e) study of anxiety/shock in cond Cal,DF'59+ HXB- No effect of MAS on CR or UR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pro,WF'59+ HVB- Classcond pos-f MAS w/out ready signal - - - - - - - - - - Bar,MR'60+ HAG- Classcond and instructional cond not-f(anxiety) - - - - - - Dav,DG'60- HVG- Classcond pos-f(MAS)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bec,WC'61+ HVB- 2 failures to find effect of MAS on classcond - - - - - - - Kin,MS'61e HVB- P(CR) greater w/out ready signal, not-f(MAS) - - - - - - - Kli,BL'62+ HVB- Hi anxious show greater classcond only w/ready signal - - - Pro,WF'62+ HAB- Classcond pos-f(MAS) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bec,SB'63- HXB- 21/25 studies show that classcond incr-f manifest anxiety - Spe,KW'64- Anxiety effect greatest in naive, apprehensive O Spe,KW'64- HAB- Classcond incr-f MAS, not neuroticism/extraversion/rigidity Spe,KW'64+ HVB- Classcond incr-f MAS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Omi,M.'66+ HXB- Classcond incr-f MAS only w/out masking task - - - - - - - Spe,KW'66+ HAB- Anxiety + US adapt independent and signif - - - - - - - - - Hob,GN'68- HAB- No effect of anxiety w/O informed re purpose of study - - - Bee,F.'69- HUB- Terminal P(CR) pos correl w/MAS/extraversion/neuroticism - Pie,EV'69+ HUG- Classcond not-f achievement anxiety - - - - - - - - - - - - Saa,S.'72- HUF- Amp/P(kneejerk CR) higher w/anxious O w/anxiety instruct - Nag,A.'77+ Systematic Analyses of Anxiety in Conditioning CL****nuz HXB- Presents theory that perf = f(E=H times D), w/D=f(anxiety) Spe,KW'58- HXB- MAS/sex diff in classcond due to hi D w/out masking task - Spe,KW'66+ HxB- Vol and hi MAS O have lower R criterion re signal detect - Sub,MD'67- aGO- Concl olfactory CR w/neonate w/sim neural correlates - - - Wil,DA'94+ CECO>>8:00. Comparative CL****nxC rGC- 25-d retentn of cond taste aversn only if cond at >14-d-age Sch,L.'82+ Cond taste aversion if <14-d-age, but temporary Sch,L.'82+ rVE- Incr in tracecond w/age attrib to maturatn cholinergic mech Moy,TB'87+ rxE- W/adults, cond decr acty re S w/short >long trace ISI B4 sh MKi,DL'95+ W/adults, cond decr acty re S w/lo > hi context salience MKi,DL'95+ Re above, context cond short < long ISI, lo >8:10. Comparative (age) CL****nnC hLO- Semantic S/Genz change homophone to synonym w/7-18 yr age - Rie,BF'46- mAA- Classcond w/Pair(S,shock) at 2-14-d age; lo 12-d retention Mas,WA'58+ dUS- Rate of cond and inhib(delay) incr-f(age), 3-12 m - - - - - Vav,NM'58- mUF- Slower, unstable cond w/O <1-mo age - - - - - - - - - - - - Zol,EG'61+ rVP- Poor retentn of fear cond at 18-d age vs 100-d; same R/Extn Cam,BA'62+ mAA- Nature of CR (crouching vs acty) varies w/age - - - - - - - Gre,PC'62- OUU- Type of nervous acty re motor CR same at 3-4 and 9-10 y age Nor,LN'62- SAE- Open-field emotionality incr-decr-f age of fear classcond - Hen,ND'65- Fear cond not-f(age) 14-59 days in mice Hen,ND'65- rCE- Pair(box,shock) at 2 or 7-mo age--Young recover acty sooner Pet,JE'66+ rTF- Classcond incr-f(age) over 1st 12 days of life - - - - - - Gra,PH'67e BAB- Diffcond w/long ISI dec-f(age) w/diff S, inc-f(age) w/sim S Fre,PW'69- hVH- Diff-classcond incr-f age from 7-11 yr - - - - - - - - - - Blo,JD'70e RAe- 25-day old rats show no suppression re older rats - - - - - Bru,RL'70e Rxe- CER acq (off baseline) and extn incr-f(age) 15/22/35/70 day Sne,DS'71e RAE- Less effect of S pre-exposure on CER acq at 23 than 30/90 d Wil,LM'73+ RAH- Pair(tone,shock)--CR w/genz gradient w/22-d, not w/80-d old MGa,TP'75+ rGO- Pair(odor,LiCl) at 2-d age; avoid odor at 8-d age - - - - - Rud,JW'77+ rAe- Adult>19-d-old w/CER retentn 8-64-d after Pair(tone,shock) Ber,AM'79e Same/sim tone-alone B4 test decr CER in pups, not adults Ber,AM'79e rSC- Cond odor aversion w/Pair(odor,LiCl) w/2-d-old O - - - - - Rud,JW'79+ W/above no cond w/delay US, no effect w/delay S-preexpos Rud,JW'79+ rSO- Cond orient-R to odor w/Pair(odor,oral milk) w/24-hr reten Joh,IB'82+ rSH- Cond HR-accel w/3-4-day-olds w/Pair(odor,cold US) - - - - - Mar,LT'82+ BAx- Cond blink w/6 > 40-mo-age, no diff in UR or concur HR - - Pow,DA'82e rAO- Cond mouthing CR w/12-d-old O w/Pair(sound,sucrose) - - - - Rud,J.'82+ rAO- Cond food-antic beh w/Pair(S/sucrose) w/1-d-old O - - - - - Rud,JW'82+ rGC- Pair(taste/odor,aversiv-S) in utero--Aversn tested 16-d-age Sti,G.'82e rGC- Weanling=adult at 1-d aversion test; weanling 14-d-age Kuc,D.'84- rVe- Pair(lite,shock)--S decr acty at 17-21-d-age, not at 15-d - Moy,TB'84- cOx- Pair(S,shock)--Cond vocal CR at 8/12-wk-age, not at 1/4-wk Sol,SS'84e Pair(S,sh)--Respiratory CR at 1/4/8/12-wk, not=f(motor R Sol,SS'84e sRC- CTA w/3-5-d-olds only if test w/in 3-days - - - - - - - - - All,E.'86+ ROO- Cond orient w/Pair(odor,milk) re open nostril in train/text Kuc,D.'86e r1E- Obtain simult classcond at earlier age than tracecond - - - Moy,TB'87+ rCE- Cond fear decr w/change context w/reactivated memory w/18-d Ric,R.'88e rGH- Cond motor, not HR CR w/odor S if < 15-d-age - - - - - - - San,CB'88e rGP- Pair(odor,stroking) = Pair(odor,milk) re cond odor pref - - Sul,RM'88+ xxx- Cond as-f(age) diff w/blink/HR (rabbit) and flex/HR (rat) - Buc,SI'89+ rGO- Classcond odor pref w/Pair(odor,stroking/milk) w/6-d old - Sul,RM'89+ RGC- US-pre-expose decr cond aversion, decr-f(age) - - - - - - - Val,WA'89e xxB- Cond as-f(age) sim w/human/animal re loss Purkinge cells - Woo,DS'89- RX - W/compound S, potentiation > overshadowing w/young O - - - Mel,RC'91e rG W/simult pair odors, cond w/8 or 12-d olds > older (21-d) - Che,WJ'92e W/delayed pair odors, cond w/8 or 12-d olds = or < 21-d Che,WJ'92e RAB- W/freely-moving O, classcond w/young > mid-age/senescent - Wei,C.'92+ c E- Cond-inhib S elicit fear decr-f(6/10/14-wk age) - - - - - - Des,NK'93+ OxO- Cond probocus extensn w/adult, not 1-d-old Africanized bee Abr,CI'99e CECO>>8:11. Comparative (age). . .Human Infant CL****nhC hAx- Classcond incr sucking mvmt, decr acty by Pair(buzz,feed) - Mar,DP'31- hTA- No cond of fetus in utero w/Pair(vibration,noise) - - - - - Ray,WS'32- hAO- Classcond sucking mvmt at 2 mo, w/diff-classcond at 3 mo - Kas,NI'35+ hAW- Apparent classcond in 10-d-olds same as sensitizatn control Wic,DD'40+ hOA- Tempcond neonate re 3- or 4-hr feeding sched - - - - - - - Mar,DP'41- HUB- Classcond lo pos correl w/mental age, not age/IQ/acty level Cro,RL'62e hxx- Pupil-CR w/time S, not w/sound; blink-CR w/sound, not time Bra,Y.'68e hxx- Classcond/extn/diff-cond at 2-3 mo age; unstable younger - Kas,NI'69- hxO- Classcond sucking CR w/tactile/auditory S, not w/temporal S Abr,D.'70e hAB- Lo overall P(CR) w/5-8-day-old neonates w/Pair(S,puff) - - Som,FG'70+ hTx- Cond eyeblink but no pupillary R w/tactile S in 1-m-old - - Fit,HE'71+ hXX- Concludes classcond difficult in newborn, but opcond easier Sam,AJ'71- hVG- Effect of inhib/facil instruct incr-f(age), Grades 1-6 - - Wis,J.'75e P(CR) and awareness oontingencies incr-f(age) Grades 1-6 Wis,J.'75e hXX- Infant classcond is-f S-CR specificity - - - - - - - - - - Fit,HE'76+ Infant classcond not-f CA except for ISI value Fit,HE'76+ hAGO Classcond w/ISI = 5500-7500, not 1500-3500 msec w/4-mo old Ing,EM'78- hAB- Classcond w/10/20/30-d-old O w/1500 msec ISI, not w/500 - - Lit,AH'84e 10-d retention of above w/20/30-d-old O, not w/10-d-old Lit,AH'84e CECO>>8:12. Comparative (age). . .Older subj CL****noC DxS- Classcond w/acid US, not w/food US w/senile O (335) - - - - Pav,IP'28- DAS- W/old O, no trace CR, diff-cond lost, decr CR w/incr UR - - Pav,AM'46- HVB- Classcond superior in children, young adults, than aged - - Bra,HW'59+ DUS- Decr in both UR and CR w/age - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lag,NI'61+ HVB- UR habituates in aged and less cond than in young adults - Kim,GA'63+ Hxx- Neg correl, age 16-65-y and conditionability w/HR/GSR/blink Dav,PO'65e rAH- Mag/P(CR) w/26-m age < 12-m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Buc,SL'88+ BAB- Classcond decr-f(3/30/45-mo age), correl w/hippocamp acty - Woo,DS'88e HAB- Decr in cond w/Pair(tone,puff) w/age, esp after 50-yr age - Sol,PR'89e HAB- Classcond decr-f(age) w/decr beginning at 40 yr - - - - - - Woo,D.'89+ HAB- W/tracecond w/long (1800-msec ISI), aged < young/mid-age - Fin,R.'91+ HAB- Older O > young, but diff decr-f(400/650/900-msec ISI) - - Sol,PR'91e RAB- Decr in classcond from mid-age to senescent O - - - - - - - Wei,C.'91+ RUB- Strain diff in effect of extra trng w/aged O - - - - - - - Wei,C.'92+ HAx- Impaired blink/HR classcond w/50+ aged O vs younger - - - - Dur,M.'93e CECO>>8:20. Comparative (gender) CL****ngC HXB- Classcond greater w/female O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spe,KW'53+ HVB- Better classcond w/females than males - - - - - - - - - - - MAl,WR'58+ RVe- Females more susceptible to CER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sin,SD'59- HAB- Classcond better w/female O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MAl,WR'60+ HAB- No sex diff in rate of classcond - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pas,GE'63+ HXB- Greater classcond w/females only w/out masking task - - - - Spe,KW'66+ HAB- Only females show classcond w/very weak US - - - - - - - - Leo,TB'67e HAB- No sex diff in classcond w/hi + lo anxious O - - - - - - - Hob,GN'68- HVB- Higher P(CR) w/male experimenter, not-f sex of O - - - - - Gol,DP'69- RAH- HR classcond not-f(gender) or isolated/enriched rearing - - Cau,WF'75e Suppress drink by males>females only if isolated rearing Cau,WF'75e HUB- P(CR) w/males > females - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cla,PM'75+ hAH- HR decel CR only w/O w/hi HR variability, mainly female - - Sta,LE'75+ HAG- Overweight women more responsive to S/US, no diff in cond - Yar,RM'75e BAx- Faster blink cond w/females, no diff in concur HR cond - - Her,LL'81e HAB- Classcond incr-f(USI)/anxiety, w/female > male - - - - - - Frc,G.'83e RAe- Infant handling decr adult CER, w/latent inhib is-f(gender) Wei,I.'87e CECO>>8:30. Comparative (species) CL****npC XXXX Recent exper show that CR are inherited - - - - - - - - - - Pav,IP'23- AXX- Classcond/extn not-f evolutionary scale - - - - - - - - - - Raz,GH'33- xxxx W/Pair(S,leg-shock), species diff w/pig/sheep/goat/rabbit Lid,R.'34e XXX- Classcond sim w/good retention in dog/monkey/human - - - - Spe,KW'37- xUGU Devel pos CR w/pigeon = dog, but pigeon < dog re inhib - - Bok,GI'55- OxF- Classcond/diff-cond rapid in sheep, w/cutaneous/visual S - Pav,LG'58- XXX- Optimal ISI, sensory cond, compound cond vary w/species - - Raz,GH'61- xxS- Lat(delay-CR) long in monkey, short in pigeon, re dog - - - Pav,BV'63e RVCT Species diff in lick CR/UR, correl w/need for H2O - - - - - Boi,R.'68- RVC- Superior licking CR in domestic than genetically wild O - - Boi,R.'68- SAE- Genetic correlations but independence of acq/extn meas - - Hen,ND'68- FVH- Cond decr-HR w/Pair(S,shock) w/goldfish, not w/trout - - - Ers,RT'78+ CECO>>8:40. Comparative (breeding) CL****nbC SAES Context/tone cond fear decr w/older, not young Beta2 KO O - Cal,BJ'00e Above decr w/male not female O w/no diff in latent inhib Cal,BJ'00e SCES Context fear cond decr w/mutant w/out ryanodine receptor 3 Kou,Y.'00e SCES Deficit in cued/context fear cond w/PKC beta knock-out O - Wee,EJ'00e RVe- Selectively bred for emotionality show greater CER - - - - Sin,SD'59- RAe- More total suppression by Tryon brights, but not during S - Tap,JT'64- SAe- Strain diff in mice for CER and eating rate - - - - - - - - Con,JL'72+ RAJ- More antic R w/Fisher than Long-Evans rats - - - - - - - - Kat,RD'74+ FGO- Classcond proboscis CR w/breeding re large indiv diff - - - MGu,TR'77+ RAE- Pair(S,shock)--More cond fear re freeze w/spon hypertensive LDo,JE'83e OGO- Pos phenotypic correl, central excit state + cond, blowfly MGu,TR'83- FGO- Notes indiv diff and breeding for nonassoc excit in blowfly Tul,T.'83+ SAB- Decr cond w/out sensory deficit w/spon mutant O w/out BDNF Bao,SW'98e SCES Enhanced context, not auditory fear cond w/C/EBP delta null Ste,E.'98e SCES Gender-dependent chromosome-8 locus re contextual fear cond Val,VS'98e CECO>>9:00. Interactions involving Individual Differences CL****nCX hXX- Classcond as-f(age/sex/IQ) differs w/food/shock US - - - - Raz,GH'33- HVB- Both USI and anxiety signif w/no interaction w/out ready S Spe,KW'60+ HAW- Hi anxious superior w/lo shock US, inferior w/hi shock US - Eli,MF'65- HAB- Anxiety + US adapt independent and signif - - - - - - - - - Hob,GN'68- HVB- Perf of hi/lo MAS O diverge-converge w/trng at hi/lo USI - Por,JJ'68+ HAB- US-adapt effect equal w/hi and lo anxious O - - - - - - - - Hob,GN'69- rGC- S-preexpose decr later cond aversion, greater decr w/young Mis,JR'83e BAB- 36-60-mo-old < 6-mo-old O w/trace, but =w/delay proc - - - Gra,CA'85+ Principle CECO>>10:00. Generality of classcond CL****nyc . Principle of Classcond applies to most organisms . Note: See CE for S generality . Note: See CP for R generality OACH Tortoise acq cond suppression of eating w/Pair(bell,shock) Kur,R.'25- OVOH Classcond forward mvmt in Neresis virens w/Pair(S,food) - - Cop,M.'27- Fxx- Cond phenomena in animals confirmed w/various fish species Bul,HO'28- xxx- Classcond in pig/goat/sheep/rabbit as well as dog - - - - - Lid,HS'31+ AXX- Classcond in invertebrates/fish/reptiles/birds/mammals - - Raz,GH'33- OTO- Estab CR in bird embryo w/Pair(S,elect US), incr w/age - - Gos,M.'35- hXA- Classcond mvmt in fetus in utero to vibrotactile/noise S - Spe,DK'48- OAF- Kick CR at 15th day in chick embryos, lost after hatch - - Hun,ER'49- P B Title: Eyelid cond in pigeon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ben,OJ'52- OUO- No change in excitability of protozoa or coelenterata - - - Cha,LM'58- OVO- Pair(lite,shock) produced tail-spine CR in horseshoe crab - Smi,JC'60+ dOF- Cond leg withdrawal in 15-day-old puppies - - - - - - - - - Cor,AC'61+ CAG- Demonstrate cond/diff-cond GSR w/cats if ISI>250-msec - - - Wic,DD'61e rTF- Classcond newborn rats w/shock to forelimb, not-f(ISI) - - Cal,DF'62+ FTO- Classcond gill extension w/mirror US in Betta to weak shock Adl,A.'63+ dTx- Sucking or struggling CR to nipple w/milk or quinine US - - Sta,WC'63e FVO- Cond incr rate electric discharge w/out secretion/motion - Man,FJ'65e OAG- Classcond GSR in chick embryo at 14 to 17 days - - - - - - Fri,R.'66+ OOO- Some evidence for classcond in hydra - - - - - - - - - - - Tan,T.'66- hAB- Classcond eyeblink in human infants (mdn age=69-d) - - - - Lin,LM'67e OTO- Fail to classcond protozoan stentor - - - - - - - - - - - - Rey,JH'67+ OAB- Classcond eyeblink in sloth w/air puff US - - - - - - - - - Lin,DB'68+ OVO- Pair(lite,shock) in protozoa--Decr Prob(choose lited area) Ber,SR'69- HAO- Classcond Babkin in neonate =f(behavioral state) - - - - - Con,K.'69+ Oxx- Little classcond in horseshoe crab - - - - - - - - - - - - Mak,WL'69- hAB- Minimal evidence of classcond/diff-classcond w/30-40-d old Nai,T.'69+ OTB- Failed to obtain classcond/avcond of nic-membrane w/frogs - Yar,RM'69e Obtained classcond/avcond of nic-membrane w/toads Yar,RM'69e Attrib phylogenetic diff in cond to diff in natural beh Yar,RM'69e OGO- Cond/diff-cond proboscis extension CR in blowfly w/sugar US Nel,MC'71- OVO- Cond mvmt in leech w/Pair(lite,shock) re unpaired control - Hen,TB'72+ hTO- Fail to cond Babkin reflex in newborn re control measures - Sos,AM'72e OGO- Sensitization but no cond of proboscis R in fruit fly - - - Kem,WM'74- OVB- Classcond nictitating membrane in lemon shark w/shock US - Gru,SH'75+ OVO- Classcond oral-folding R in anemone w/Pair(lite,shock) - - Har,JV'75e FxO- Evidence of classcond proboscis extension in blowfly - - - Hir,J.'77+ OVA- Pair(lite,rotatn)--Incr later Lat(lite-approach) w/mollusk Cro,TJ'78+ OAB- Classcond nictitating membrane w/4-day-old domestic chicks Dav,JL'78+ rGO- Pair(odor,milk)--Cond odor preference in 11-14-d-old rats - Bra,SC'81- OGO- Cond mollusk defense (escape/inking) w/Pair(shrimp-S,shock) Car,TJ'81e OOO- Classcond gill w/drawal CR w/in-vitro sponge - - - - - - - Luk,K.'81+ OGO- Cond mollusk head/siphon w/drawal w/Pair(shrimp-S,shock) - Wal,EG'81e OOO- Pair(chemo-S,sucrose)--Classcond feeding mvmt in snail - - Ale,JE'82e Oxx- Transmitr release basis for temp reflex facil/cond--Mollusk Kan,ER'82+ OGO- Cond proboscis extension in honeybee w/Pair(odor,sucrose) - Bit,ME'83e OOO- Assoc trng w/physiolic stim incr intracell calcium--Mollusk Alk,DL'84- OxO- Reviews pos data of proboscis cond in blow/fruit/house fly MGu,TR'84- FGO- Classcond proboscis CR in some fruitflies, males > females Hol,M.'86+ FxO- Reviews control/exper bias/etc re classcond in the fly - - Ric,JP'86e Notes little adaptive value of lrng to flies in nature Ric,JP'86e Genz: Classcond w/blowfly/fruitfly w/great variability Ric,JP'86e OVO- Relate classcond in mollusc to protein synthesis - - - - - Cro,T.'89- OGO- Classcond proboscis CR w/simult Pair(odor,sucrose)-honeybee Bat,JD'92e OxO- Fail to cond proposcus extension w/urucu honey bee Abr,CI'99e Systematic Analyses of Generality of Classical Conditioning CL****nyz . Issue: What are the limits of the Principle of Generality HXX- CR laws may not genz dog to human; eg 1-tr acq/extn w/human Hum,G.'28- XXX- Oppose use of prin of cond as ultimate, to explain all lrng Pav,IP'32- XXX- CR is temporary connection, universal in man/animal - - - - Pav,IP'36- Synthesis/anal re 1st signal system alike for man/animal Pav,IP'36- XXX- Selective assn taste-ill w/long delay constrains gen laws - Rev,S.'70+ XXX- In cond, organism is contra-/un-/prepared to assoc events - Sel,ME'70- Above vs premise equivalence: Gen lrng laws for all S/US Sel,ME'70- Define preparedness by Amt(trng) required for cond Sel,ME'70- Prepareness may affect laws/cog-proc/physiol-mech Sel,ME'70- Devel gen laws if diff re preparedness are systematic Sel,ME'70- RGC- Lrng th needs a neurological postulate re nature of species Gar,J.'72e OXX- Critical of reports of classcond in mollusk - - - - - - - - Lee,RM'76- rGA- Cond acty w/Pair(sucrose,lemon) in 20-d old rat fetus - - - Smo,WP'91+ CECO>>10:10. Classcond in paramecia CL****nyp . Genz: No proof of assoc lrng in paramecia OVU- Trained paramecia to "differentiate light from dark" - - - Alv,F.'37- xVx- Obtain apparent CR in paramecia/planaria/minnows w/US alone Sgo,K.'40- OCO- Apparent CR in paramecia due to incr in local acid concen - Jen,DD'57- OCO- New exper consistent w/acid interp of CR in paramecia - - - Jen,DD'57- OTO- Cond/recond/diffcond jerk-spin CR w/Pair(vibratory S,shock) Hen,TM'79e CECO>>10:20. Classcond in planaria CL****nyq . Genz: No proof of assoc lrng in planaria WVO- Cond inhib of reflex creep to lite by Pair(lite,touch) - - Hov,HB'29- WOO- Demonstrate classcond in planaria w/Pair(lite,shock) - - - Tho,R.'55+ WVO- Both head and tail sections show mvmt CR after regeneration MCo,JF'59e WTW- Classcond w/drawal CR w/Pair(vibration,lite) w/massed tr - Rat,SC'59+ WVO- Lite alone as effective as Pair(lite,shock) in planarian - Hal,ES'61e WVO- Data suggest reflex sensitization in planarian classcond - Hal,ES'62e WVA- Cond if oriented toward US cathode, not anode - - - - - - - Bar,CD'63+ WVA- Pos evidence of classcond in planarian but very rapid extn Bax,R.'63+ WOO- Equivocal evidence of classcond in planaria - - - - - - - - Gri,CD'63- WVA- Pair(lite,shock) incr R to lite, w/no change in RNA/DNA - - Cor,WC'64- WVW- Less w/drawal CR in cold than warm earthworms - - - - - - - Her,MJ'64e Incr in w/drawal CR w/change from cold to warm temp Her,MJ'64e WVO- No diff in extn beh after paired/unpaired/lite-alone - - - Jam,RL'64+ WxA- Diff-CR w/vibratory S+ vs visual S-, equal CR w/v/versa - - Kim,HD'64+ WUO- Classcond body contraction obtained w/forward ISI only - - Vat,FJ'64+ WVA- Signif correl of cond/extn in planarians w/amino acids - - Cra,FT'65e WVO- 60 sec ITI better than 30 sec classcond in planarians - - - Cra,FT'66e WVO- No cond in planaria w/lite-off as S or if reared in lite - Hul,JW'66+ WxO- No unequivocal evidence of diff-classcond in planaria - - - Kim,HD'66+ WVO- PRF/CRF Pair(lite,shock) gave more CR than unpaired - - - - Kim,HD'66+ CRF=unpaired, both fewer CR in extn than PRF planaria Kim,HD'66+ WVO- Cond body-extension CR only w/forward Pair(lite,vibration) Her,MJ'67e WxO- S-specific CR w/forward, not w/backward or simult ISI - - - Jac,AL'67e WVO- Slower acq/extn w/2-sec ISI than 4-sec - - - - - - - - - - Kim,HD'73+ OAO- Attrib R to sensitization re neg phototaxis - - - - - - - - Pes,G.'83+ WTW- W/neutral odor S + aversive-odor US-->antic w/drawal R - - Abr,CI'95+ Attrib above to sensitization/pseudocond Abr,CI'95+ Relevant Uncoded Root-Abstracts Relevant(?) Unabstracted/Uncoded Literature O Title: Mult-choice beh of crow - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cob,CA'15+ CVL Title: Discrim w/occipital extirpation - - - - - - - - - - Smi,KU'35- Title: Effect of sodium amytal on CR - - - - - - - - - - - Set,PH'36- H B Title: Cond w/stutterers (Spence) - - - - - - - - - - - - Bar,MR'50- HGL Title: Autonomic discrim w/out awwarness - - - - - - - - - Obr,PA'58- RNx Title: Thalamic lsn on Lat(CR) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MFa,WL'60- Title: Frontal ablation on freezing - - - - - - - - - - - MIn,RW'62- H Title: Indiv diff in conditionability - - - - - - - - - - Dav,PO'63- H Title: Cond and anxiety (Eysenck) - - - - - - - - - - - - Wil,RA'64- H B Title: Cond w/neurotic O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mil,JG'66- H B Title: Longitudinal study of classcond - - - - - - - - - - Fra,CM'67- Title: Set/awareness/reinf on acq/extn - - - - - - - - - - Cru,BC'68- H B Title: Classcond in schizophrenics - - - - - - - - - - - - Pic,P.'69+ R x Title: ECS on skeletal/HR CR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hin,AB'72- BNB Title: Neocortical lesions and cond - - - - - - - - - - - Oak,DA'72+ C B Title: Bilaterally hemispherectomized cat - - - - - - - - Nor,RJ'74e REH Title: Alcohol on HR during classcond - - - - - - - - - - Fit,R.'79+ BNB Title: Decr cond w/hippocamp ESB - - - - - - - - - - - - - SAl,WR'79e O Title: 1-tr assoc lrng by molluscan CNS - - - - - - - - - Cul,N.'83+ B Title: Multiple effects of naloxone - - - - - - - - - - - Her,LL'83+ r H Title: Cond HR/acty in newborn/neonatal - - - - - - - - - Fit,RD'84e RDB Title: Tripelennamine/pentazocine on perf - - - - - - - - Gro,DL'84- RGC Title: Age diff in potentiation w/odor - - - - - - - - - - Pet,CS'85e BD Title: Pizotifen decr cond eyeblink/HR - - - - - - - - - - Gin,SR'86+ h B Title: Classcond in adults/infants - - - - - - - - - - - - Hof,HS'86e RE Title: Amphetamine/apomorphine on cond - - - - - - - - - - Maz,EJ'86+ Title: Classcond and hippocamp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sch,NA'86- BN Title: Nucleus Basalis lsn (DAPowell) - - - - - - - - - - Gin,SR:88- BDB Title: MDA on classcond - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kir,K.'91+ O Title: Inhib lrng/memory in topshell - - - - - - - - - - - Ang,WF'93e R Title: Ontogeny of cond (Stanton) - - - - - - - - - - - - Fre,JH'94- CECO>>11:00. Behavioral Effects of Acute Addictive Drugs CL****Ts1 CECO>>11:10A. ALC: Acute/Involuntary/Under-Influence CL****Ts1 DES- ALC decr CR incr-f(dose) w/no effect on UR - - - - - - - - Gan,WH'36- REe- ALC incr Rate(OpR) equally B4 and during CER S - - - - - - Gol,PS'66+ REeH No effect of mod dose ALC on CER acq/perf - - - - - - - - - Cic,GA'67+ REC- ALC decr rate of extn of sacc CTA - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cap,H.'72e REe- Lo effect of ALC on CER w/extn, w/state-depend extn effect Cun,CL'79- REE- No effect of ALC during fear cond w/Pair(S,shock) Cun,CL'83+ After above, no effect ALC on acq of escape-from-fear S Cun,CL'83+ BEB- Intra-gastric ALC incr Amp(CR) in acq/extn - - - - - - - - Her,LL'86+ BEB- ALC decr blink CR in acq, incr CR in extn - - - - - - - - - Her,LL'86e Concur w/above, lo/mod dose ALC incr HR CR Her,LL'86e rEO- ALC decr cond re Pair(lite,shock), not w/odor S - - - - - - Mol,JC'87e BEB- ALC incr Amp(CR) in acq/extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Her,LL'88+ REP- Lo-dose ALC during Pair(S,sh) incr, hi-dose decr later CER Her,LL'89+ rEO- Mod dose ALC facil classcond, sensory precond w/preweanling Che,W.'92e CECO>>11:10D. DRUGS: Acute/Involuntary/Under-Influence CL****Ts2 DES- Decr in diff-CR w/caffeine (128) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pav,IP'28- DES- CR decr w/nicotine, elim w/hi dose - - - - - - - - - - - - Nov,AA'42- REe- AMPH decr Rate(OpR) during CER S, incr baseline Rate(OpR) - Bra,JV'56- HEB- Acq P(CR) facil by d-AMPH, decr by amobarbital - - - - - - Fra,CM'58+ dEU- S/Genz incr w/caffeine at 5-6 mo age, not earlier - - - - - Kli,MP'60- DEU- CR=incr-decr-f(dose caffeine), optimum dose is-f(genetics) Isa,II'62+ xEP- AMPH decr cond OpR suppression to S B4 food, not B4 shock - Mic,KA'63- BEx- d-AMPH decr diffcond w/HR CR, facil w/difficult blink CR - Pee,W.'69+ HEB- m-AMPH improve diffcond perf re decr CR to S- - - - - - - - Gen,P.'72e REA- Less cond decr in acty if test w/MORPH, incr-f(dose) - - - Bab,M.'73e REC- AMPH attenuates CER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cap,H.'73e BEB- LSD incr CS-inten S/Genz, decr CS thresh, w/no effect on UR Gor,I.'80+ REU- d-AMPH elim blocking (ie added S acq beh control w/d-AMPH) Cri,A.'82e BEB- d-AMPH incr acq w/lite, not w/tone S w/no UR effect re S/US Har,JA'82e BEB- CR, not UR elim w/MORPH, reversed w/naloxone - - - - - - - Mau,MD'82e BEB- Morph decr acq w/no effect on UR, persist w/no drug - - - - Sch,CW'83e BEB- MORPH decr acq of CR, not UR, incr-f(dose) - - - - - - - - Sch,CW'84e BEB- MORPH decr acq, block w/naxolone, incr CSI nec for CR - - - Sch,CW'84e BEB- MORPH decr acq w/lite/tone S, w/no effect on UR - - - - - - Sch,CW'85e REe- Latent inhib elim w/1.5, not w/6/mg/kg dose d-AMPH - - - - Wei,I.'87e rEA- 6-OHDA decr cond w/Pair(odor,milk), offset w/AMPH - - - - - Woo,RS'87e REH- Hi-dose MORPH decr UR and acq, but not perf of cond HR CR - Mah,T.'88+ BEB- Attrib decr CR effect of MORPH on acq to decr assoc lrng - Sch,CW'88e Above decr CR effect of MORPH reversed w/naloxone Sch,CW'88e REC- Anxiogenic effect of chronic COC re cond suppress drink - - Fon,DJ'90+ PEP- MORPH incr, d-AMPH decr Rate OpR suppressed re CER - - - - Eve,JL'91- Both above effects rate-dependent, hi CER-->hi incr/decr Eve,JL'91- BEB- Pre-session COC decr acq, not perf of CR/UR - - - - - - - - Mar,B.'91+ BEB- MORPH decr cue value of S in serial compound diff-cond - - MEc,MD'91+ CECO>>11:20A. ALC: Acute/Involuntary/Not-Under-Influence CL****Tt1 RELS Decr retention of shuttle ARi if train w/ALC, test w/out - Cro,LT'76+ CECO>>11:20D. DRUGS: Acute/Involuntary/Not-Under-Influence CL****Tt2 CECO>>11:30A. ALC: Acute/Voluntary/Under-Influence CL****ts1 HEW- AMPH incr, ALC decr diff-cond, esp re S- - - - - - - - - - Fin,N.'45e HEO- ALC incr Lat, decr Freq of sound-cond visual after-image - Pop,NA'55+ HEB- ALC decr CR acq - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hob,GN'67- HEG- ALC decr cond GSR; attrib to decr anxiety re shock US - - - MGo,PC'69+ CECO>>11:30D. DRUGS: Acute/Voluntary/Under-Influcnce CL****ts2 HEB- P(CR) w/Pair(tone,puff) not-f(chlorpromazine/d-AMPH) - - - Lud,HW'64- HEG- d-AMPH elim habituation of CR, incr R/Extn - - - - - - - - Lob,H.'70+ CECO>>11:40A: ALC: Acute/Voluntary/Not-Under-Influence CL****tt1 CECO>>11:40D: DRUGS: Acute/Voluntary/Not-Under-Influrnce CL****tt2