LOGAN: BASIS LAWS OF LEARNING 7/1/2000 CLASSICCAL CONDITIONING: Excitation Independent Historic Stimulus Variables Contents Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally Neutral Effect Principle CS-15:00. S-habituation CG****bac CS-15.01. Effect of S-pre-exposure w/Pairing Op CG****bae CS-15.02. Effect of S-pre-exposure on Compound CG****baf CS-15:10. Parameters of S-pre-exposure CG****bat CS-15:20. Effect of S-pre-exposure delay interval CG****bts CS-15:30. Context Effects in S Habituation CG****bCs CS-15:40. Mixed S/US Habituation/Adaptation CG****bax Systematic Analyses of Stimulus Pre-exposure Effect CG****baz Principle CS-17:00. US Adaptation CG****bau CS-17:10. Context effects on US Adaptation CG****bCu CS-17:20. Post-cond trtmt w/US affects CR CG****baw Systematic Analyses of US Pre-exposure CG****baz Behavioral/Natural/Social/Emotionally Neutral Effect CS-18:00. Observational Learning of Classcond CG****qHo Principle CS-15:00. S-habituation CG****bac . Pre-exposure to S-alone decr classcond . Term: Latent inhib . Note: See also CR-6:66 RAA- S-alone B4 classcond decr R level - - - - - - - - - - - - - Har,JD'43- OVF- Classcond decr by nonreinf pre-exposure to S - - - - - - - Lub,RE'59+ BAB- No effect of pre-exposure to S on classcond - - - - - - - - Sub,MD'64e H1B- S-alone B4/after cond, trend to decr acq/reacq, decr R/Extn Per,LC'65- DAH- Classcond w/1 trial Pair(tone,shock) after tone-alone - - - New,JE'66+ HxB- Pre-exposure to S decr rate of classcond - - - - - - - - - Per,LC'66- RAC- Prior habituation to S decr effectiveness as CS - - - - - - Car,PL'67+ RAC- S-alone B4 cond = S-alone after cond re decr suppression - Lea,RC'68e HAB- S pre-exposure decr classcond - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sch,P.'69+ BAB- Pre-exposure to S decr rate of cond w/long Lat(CR) - - - - Sie,S.'69- BAB- Effect of pre-exposure on cond incr-f sim of pre-S to S - - Sie,S.'69- RAe- Pre-exposure to S decr rate of CER acq - - - - - - - - - - Res,RA'71- RAe- Pre-exposure to S decr CER acq - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kre,EF'72- BAB- S preexposure decr cond rate, longer Lat(CR), decr R/Extn Sie,S.'72- BAB- Decr in (orienting?) eye-opening R to S during preexposure Sie,S.'72- RDH- Classcond facil by S habituation - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ray,RD'73+ BAB- Pre-exposure decr cond w/75/95 db tones - - - - - - - - - - Sol,PR'74e BAB- Pre-exposure decr cond w/normal/neocortical/callosal ablatn Sol,PR'75+ DAS- Adapt to sit, nonreinf exposure to same/diff S retards cond Her,DL'76+ No effect of nonreinf pre-exposure if concur reinf diff S RAe- No effect of CSI if pre-expose w/same inten S as in cond - Lan,AE'76- RAe- Cond facil by large incr in S inten, pre-exposure to cond Lan,AE'76- R1C- Pretrng w/S-alone retarded later lick CR w/Pair(S,water) - Bak,AG'77+ BAx- Pre-expose/cond w/60/75/90-db S--Decr blink cond only w/75 Her,LL'81e Pre-expose/cond w/60/75/90-db S--Decr HR cond at all CSI BAB- Greater decr in cond if stim hippocampus during S-preexpose Sal,WR'82+ UUU- No configural effect w/preexposure of simult compound - - - Mer,P.'83- C1F- Pre-exposure to S decr 10-wk post-cond retention - - - - - Wic,C.'83e R1e- W/lite S, acq decr by S-alone pre-expose - - - - - - - - - Hil,HA'84- Above also w/Mix w/US-alone or w/signalled US W/noise S, acq not-f S-alone pre-expose or Mix w/signal US RAe- Cond suppressn after Pair(S,shock) decr by pre-expose to S Kas,WJ'84e Less pre-S effect if shock-alone in diff context after cond RV - Latent inhib obtained w/w/out habituation of OrR to S - - - Hal,G.'87+ RD - Latent inhib re S-pre-exposure facil w/haloperidol - - - - Wei,I.'87+ rGC- S-pre-exposure decr cond w/12-d-old, not w/6-d O - - - - - Kra,PJ'88e S-pre-expose effect w/12-d O elim by 10-d delay B4 cond HVGS S-preexpose decr acq, not-f(fear relevance) - - - - - - - - Boo,ML'89e HVG- S pre-expose decr cond w/fear rel/irrel Ss - - - - - - - - Bjo,PA'90- H x- Preexpose to S elim later GSR/HR cond - - - - - - - - - - - Lip.OV'92e CS-15.01. Effect of S-pre-exposure w/Pairing Op CG****bae HVB- No effect of Pair(S,neutral-S) on later Pair(S,US) - - - - Omi,M.'68+ RAe- Truly-random pre-cond w/hi density of S facil CER acq - - - Kre,EF'71- Truly-random pre-cond w/lo density of S retards CER acq R1e- Pre-expose w/S1, not w/Pair(S1,S2) decr CER w/Pair(S1,US) - Lub,RE'76e R1e- CER to S1 decr by preexpose to Unpair(S1/S2) re Pair(S1,S2) Sza,GA'77- R1e- Pair(S1,weak-shock) retards cond w/Pair(S1,strong-sh) - - - Hal,R.'82+ Decr above effect w/CS1-alone B4 strong-US, not w/CS2-alone R e- Elim decr effect of S-preexpose if follow S w/another S - - Mat,LD'88e Elim decr effect of US-preexpose if preceed US w/another S Some decr effect of random S/US preexpose w/paired other Ss Interp above re S/US preexposure effects w/lrng irrelevance CS-15.02. Effect of S-pre-exposure on Compound S CG****baf RAe- No decr in CER to CS compounded w/pre-exposed S - - - - - - Res,RA'71- R1e- Pre-expose to S decr cond to that S as single/compound S - Sch,P.'71- Cond to pre-exposed S not-f presence/absence of novel S Cond to novel-S not-f presence/absence of pre-exposed S RAe- After pre-exposure, S decr CER when combined w/excit S - - Kre,EF'72- BxB- P(CR) w/comp(pre-exposed S+CS) = comp(neutral S+CS) - - - - Rei,S.'72+ Cond decr by S preexposure, but S not a cond inhibitor R1e- Pre-expose to lite facil CER cond to noise in compound - - Car,AF'74- BxB- Pre-expose to S-alone--No decr CR if compound S w/excit S Sol,PR'74e BxB- Pre-expose to S-alone--No decr CR if compound S w/excit CS Sol,PR'74e Above lack of inhib prop of S obtained w/N/S-alone = 18-354 Rxe- Pre-expose w/S1-alone--No CER to S1 w/Pair(S1S2,shock) - - Sch,P.'75- R1e- S pre-exp effect incr-f(salience) incl compound overshadow Lub,RE'82e RAe- Pair(S1,S2,US)-->CER re S1,S2 > S2 alone if preexpose S2 - DBr,I.'95e CS-15:10. Parameters of S-pre-exposure CG****bat RAe- CER acq decr-f amt pre-exposure to S - - - - - - - - - - - May,RB'67e BUB- Latent inhib greater w/hi pre-exposure S-inten - - - - - - Spu,CW'69- RAe- CER w/1-Pair(tone,strong shock) decr-f N/prior tone trials Bro,JC'70- HAG- Acq Mag(CR) incr-f, + R/Extn not-f N/precond S-alone 1/4/16 Sil,AI'70- BxB- Acq(CR) decr-f(N/pre-exposures to S) - - - - - - - - - - - Rei,S.'72+ RAe- Cond decr-f N/precond habituation trials w/S-alone - - - - Lan,AE'73- Above effect incr-f interval between S-alone trials Above effect reversed by presenting diff S B4 cond RAH- Decel CR greater after 50 than 0 or 10 S-alone preexposures Fit,RD'76+ xAx- Detrimental effect of pre-exposure incr-f(pre-exposure ITI) Sch,P.'76+ Detrimental effect of pre-exposure incr-f(S inten) R F- Latent inhib w/15-sec S, not w/3-sec S, not-f(pre-exp ITI) DVi,T.'86+ R e- Decr effect of S-preexpose incr-f(duration) not N/exposures Alb,M.'89+ CS-15:20. Effect of S-pre-exposure delay interval CG****bts BAO- Reduced cond by pre-exposure to S decr-f time B4 acq - - - Lub,RE'68e RAe- Above habituation effect not present w/72-hr delay B4 trng Bro,JC'70- BAB- S pre-exposure decr rate of cond, not-f 24-hr delay B4 acq Sie,S.'70- RAe- Massed S pre-exposure decr CER cond even w/1 hr B4 pairing Jam,JP'71- HAG- Cond decr by S preexposure, not-f(N=50-100) or 1-24 h delay Sur,RS'74+ CS-15:30. Context Effects in S Habituation CG****bCs OAF- Classcond decr-f Freq(pre-exposure) to S-alone - - - - - - Lub,RE'65- RAe- Less suppression if pre-expose to S in test apparatus - - - And,DC'69e RAe- Decr effect of S pre-exposure less if done in diff context And,DC'69e RAe- Pre-expose to S in 1 box decr CER in that box, not diff box Dex,WR'69+ RAe- Less S-pre-expose effect if pre-adapt to exper context - - Bak,AG'82+ RCe- Detrimental effect of S-preexposure decr if change context Cha,S.'83+ C1F- Effect of pre-exposure to S/US less if done in diff context Wic,C.'83e RAe- S-preexpose decr later cond, more if expose in cond context Hal,G.'84+ No effect of context alone after S-preexpose and B4 cond RCe- Greater decr in cond if pre-expose to S in cond context - - Lov,PF'84e RxE- Lat(ER) to S after Pair(S,sh) decr-f(Pre-expose to context) Nak,T.'85- Above not fit Rescorla/Wagner or Gibbon/Balsam -- A.Tomie RAe- S pre-expose decr cond suppression re context-only pre-exp Wri,DC'86+ Px - Context-food assn not-f signalled US, pre-trng w/CS - - - - Bal,PD'88+ R e- Elim decr effect of S-preexpose w/change in context Mat,LD'88e Elim decr effect of US-preexpose w/change in context Some decr effect of random S/US preexpose w/change context RV No decr effect w/S-preexpose in nonreinf compound B4 cond - Ree,P.'91- RxE- Preexpose to S decr cond re S, incr cond re context - - - - Mae,JR'93+ Preexpose to context decr cond re context w/no effect on S RVAH No effect preexpose S1 in S1S2 compound re acq Mag-R re S1 Ree,P.'95- Re above, preexpose S2 B4 S1S2-->enhanced decr re acq re S1 RVAH No effect preexpose S1 in S1S2 compound re acq Mag-CR w/S1 Ree,P.'95- Large N/preexpose S2 B4 S1S2 enhance decr acq Mag-CR w/S1 CS-15:40. Mixed S/US Habituation/Adaptation CG****bax Rxe- Mix Pair(tone,shock) + lite-alone retards lite-shock CER - Ham,LJ'68- RAe- Little CER w/Unpair(S,US) =Pair(S,US) after pre-expose to S Lub,RE'69+ xAx- S pre-exposure decr cond, greatest w/backward Pair(US,S) - Sie,S.'71+ x1x- Backward Pair(US,S) retards cond, incr-f(N/backward trials) Sie,S.'74+ RAe- Random occurrence of noise and shock reduces later CER - - Bak,AG'76- Above decr found by pre-expose separately or while OR RAe- Preexpose to S decr CER, but not if Mix US-alone w/S-alone Log,ME'76+ RAe- Pretrng w/explicitly unpaired (S,shock) decr later CER cond Bak,AG'77- No S-pretrng effect if pair shock w/another S in pretrng Greater retardation w/explicitly unpaired (S,water) pretrng Above trtmts also retard diffcond w/S as part of S-compound R1e- Random S/US decr later cond, even if US paired in pre-trng Woo,PE'78e OGO- Cond decr by prior Unpair(S,US), not by S-alone or US-alone Bit,ME'83e RUe- W/OR, S-preexposure decr later CER, < uncorrel S/US - - - - Kas,WJ'84- W/lick R, S-preexpose decr later CER, same w/uncorrel S/US RGC- Latent inhib re Pair(taste/noise,US) > w/pre-expose to both Arc,T.'86e RGC- Latent inhib re S1 by pre-expose to S1S2 compound - - - - - Hon,RC'88+ Above < pre-expose w/S1 alone, decr-f(S2 novelty) DxE- Preexpose w/random S/sh, not sh alone decr acq w/Pair(S,sh) Des,NK'89+ Above pretrng/trng in diff context, interp lrnd irrelevance RUU- Explicit unpair S1/S2 decr later sensory precond re S1/S2 Mar,GA'90e RVO- Acq food-cup CR w/Pair(S,food) decr w/S/US preexposure - - Ben,CH'95e Max above effect if Mix S-alone/US-alone w/in session Systematic Analyses of Stimulus Pre-exposure Effect CG****baz XXX- Primacy Prin: S pre-exposure decr rate acq, incr rate extn Kon,J.'52+ BUB- Interp latent inhib re cond irrelevance w/in 2-stage model Spu,CW'69- RAe- Interp: Pre-exposure decr S salience - - - - - - - - - - - Res,RA'71- HXX- Clinical applications of nonreinf pre-exposure of S - - - - Lub,RE'73- XXX- Genz: Latent inhib is broadly based re species/tasks - - - Lub,RE'73- Need both atten/lrng constructs to deal w/latent inhib phen RGC- Interp: Taste pre-exposure effect is "lrnd safety" - - - - Bon,NW'75+ BAB- Unpaired S/US pretrng retards 1st CR, not later cond rate - Pro,WF'78e XXX- Active elements from LTM define limited-capacity STM - - - Wag,AR'78- Element active if self-generated by S or retrieval-by-assoc Concur rehearsal of elements in STM incr P(assoc-formation) P(rehearsal) less if element already active in STM (primed) XXX- Reviews role of habituation/priming on classcond - - - - - Wag,AR'79- Evidence for transient self-generated priming/depressn proc R1e- Interp: Parallel lrng proc w/non-reinf S-pre-exp as w/reinf Lub,RE'82e C1F- Hypo: Pre-exposure w/S or US leads to learned indifference Wic,C.'83e Principle CS-17:00. US Adaptation CG****bau . Pre-adapt to US decr subsequent classcond . Note: See also CR-3:45 HVB- Classcond decr-f inten of pre-adapt US - - - - - - - - - - Tay,JA'56- RAe- Unsignalled shocks during OR decr subsequent CER cond - - - Kam,LJ'61- Above decr incr-f inten of adapt shock HAB- Anxiety + US adapt independent and signif - - - - - - - - - Hob,GN'68- HAB- Limit of adapt effect after about 70 US-alone trials - - - Hob,GN'69- BAB- Classcond inverse-f inten and N/pre-exposures to shock US - Mis,FW'73+ RGC- Cond aversion decr by prior exper w/same/diff sickness US - Bra,NS'75- RGC- CTA decr by pre-exposure to US, decr-f(time) - - - - - - - Can,DS'75e R1H- Cond facil if present shock US B4 Pair(S,US) w/paralysis - Wil,LM'75e RAe- Random occurrence of noise and shock reduces later CER - - Bak,AG'76- Above decr found by pre-expose separately or while OR RAe- Little effect of prior shock exposure on CER w/airblast US Lew,RA'76- R1e- Less decr in rate of cond if signal US during pre-exposure Bak,AG'79+ No effect of signalling US in uncorrel pre-exposure of S/US Genz: Uncorrel pre-exposure to S/US > sum to each alone R1e- Rate of CER acq decr-f N/precond exposures to shock - - - - Ran,A.'79+ Above obtained w/signal/unsignalled/escapable precond shock BCB- Less US-preexposure effect if expose to context B4/after US Hin,RE'80- RCE- Less effect of US preexpose if US is signalled during preex Bak,AG'81e R e- US-preexpose decr cond even if extn of context fear B4 cond Bak,AG'82+ Effect of US-preexpose less if signal US, only on-baseline R1e- Pre-expose to shock-alone decr later cond w/Pair(S,shock) - Ran,A.'83+ Above decr is incr-f(pre-USI) and N/US-alone C1F- Pre-exposure to US decr 10-wk post-cond retention - - - - - Wic,C.'83e RUe- W/OR, US-preexposure decr later CER, < uncorrel S/US - - - Kas,WJ'84- W/OR, US-preexpose effect same w/signalled or diff context W/lick R, US-preexpose decr later CER, same w/uncorrel S/US RCE- US pre-expose decr Pair(S,US) only if in same cond context Ayr,JJ'85e RCC- Pre-exp to shock US incr Lat(tailflick-UR), decr cond supp Mat,LD'88e Expose to US-pre-exp context decr cond in neutral context Interp: US-pre-exposure deficit re cond opiod analgesia RAB- Prior inescapable shock facil acq w/Pair(S/shock) - - - - - Sho,TJ'92e CS-17:10. Context effects on US Adaptation CG****bCu RCE- US-preexpose in same/diff context decr cond w/Pair(S/shock) Bak,AG'81e BCB- US pre-expose decr later excit cond, less if diff context - Hin,RE'82- US pre-expose facil later inhib cond in same context Rxe- US preexposure decr both pre-CS and CS lick rate - - - - - Tho,HS'83- Both above decr greater if preexpose in same context RN - Lesion w/norepinephrine depletion elim US preexpose effect Ric,EJ'89+ B B- US-preexpose decr cond only w/>1 US-tr over several session Sal,ME'89e From above, interp US-preexpose effect of context-US cond RxeH US pre-expose decr acq CER, incr inhib cond w/S after shock Wil,DA'90+ Both above effects elim w/change in context CS-17:20. Post-cond trtmt w/US affects CR CG****baw DAF- Elim CR if sever afferent pathways from US after cond - - - Lon,JM'23+ R1e- After Pair(S1,S2)--Extn of S2 decr CER to S1 - - - - - - - Riz,RC'72+ OVO- Habituate head-w/drawal UR to tap after Pair(S,tap) decr CR Far,HE'77+ R1e- Pair(trace-S,shock)--Expose to stronger shock incr suppress She,JE'78- Simult Pair(S,shock)--Expose to stronger shock incr CER S RAx- Pair(S,food)--Pair(food,LiCl)--Decr CR to S - - - - - - - - Hol,PC'79+ R1e- Pair(S1,US)--CER to S1 decr by Pair(S2,US)/US-alone B4 test Ran,A.'81+ Above decr decr-f(delay B4 test), incr-f USI-alone R1e- Post-cond shock-alone decr retention of CER - - - - - - - - Ran,A.'83+ Above decr is temp, decr-f(post-USI) + decr-f(test delay) rGO- Cond pref spon recovers after US devaluation w/10-d-old O - Kra,PJ'92e R - Pair(S1,US1) +Pair(S2,US2)--decr AuSh R re S1 w/devalue US1 Col,RM'94+ R1eT Pair(S1,US) B4 Pair(S1S2,US)-->blocking CER re S2 - - - - - Kaw,N.'98e Pair(S1,US) after Pair(S1S2,US)-->incr CER re S2 Systematic Analyses of US Pre-exposure CG****baz BxB- Interp: S-pre-exposure effect due to decr attn/orient-R - - Rei,S.'72+ R1e- Interp: Cond to background w/US-alone - - - - - - - - - - - Res,RA'72- Unpaired S/US pretrng retards 1st CR, not later cond rate - Pro,WF'78e XXX- Genz: Classcond decr-f(US pre-exposure) is gen phen - - - - Ran,A.'79+ Interp: US-pre-ex effect due to blocking by cond to context Interp: US-pre-ex effect due to central emot-UR habituation Interp: Reject lrnd-helplessness, US-controllability anal Interp: Reject novelty, need, memory, opponent-proc anal BCB- Interp: US pre-expose effect due to context-US assn - - - - Hin,RE'82- RCE- Hypo: Cond to context w/US-pre-exposure, blocks cond w/S Ayr,JJ'85e ROO- US (food) preexpose decr later cond as-f acq incompatible R Tim,W.'86- CS-18:00. Observational Learning of Classcond CG****qHo DSx- Reports observational conditioning of salivation/motor R - Kri,VI'34- DSF- No evidence of imitation or social facil of classcond - - - Bro,WJ'42- H1G- Vicarious cond if told that model's R is elicited by shock Ber,SM'62- RSE- Observe Pair(S,shock) to another O--S incr Rate(ARo) - - - Rie,DA'72- Above vicarious cond decr w/observe extn, incr w/recond HAH- Cond HR decel if can hear change in model's HR during US - Kra,DF'74- HSB- Smaller UR/CR in vicarious cond after direct cond exper - - Sil,AI'75+ HVB- Vicarious EMG eyelid CR while observe film of classcond - - Ber,G.'76+ HAG- Vicarious classcond facil by info re aversiveness of US - - Hyg,S.'76- HSL- Observational attitude cond re vicarious emotional R re US Kan,S.'77- HUG- Pre-expose to weak (not to strong) US facil vicarious cond Hyg,S.'79- HVG- Vicarious cond related to observer's facial R to US - - - - Vau,KR'79- RSC- Combine odor-drink w/2-rats--Poison 1--Odor decr H20 intake Bon,NW'82- OVC- Blackbirds avoid color after observe conspecific color-sick Mas,JR'82+ RGC- Expose 2 rats w/sacc, poison 1, aversn in other if familiar Bon,NW'84- Above effect only if together for>30-min immed after poison RGC- New taste B4 expose to sick pup--Cond aversn only w/mother Gem,GA'84- Above vicar cond based on odor, not visual/auditory/taste HAG- Weak cond to S paired w/vicariously instigated R - - - - - Hyg,S.'84+ MSE- Snake fear acq if see parent show fear of real/toy snake S Min,S.'84e Overshadowing (snake vs flower) in observational fear cond Coo,M.'87+ MVE- Obtain hiordcond based on observational cond fear of snake CoE,M.'87+ MVE- Observational acq of fear incr-f(fear aroused by model) - - Min,S.'93+