LOGAN: LAWS OF LEARNING (Basic Processes) July 2004 CLASSICAL CONDITIONING: Inhibition Current Contingency Independent Variables Contents Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Positive/Interdependent-Operation Principle CICC>>1:00. Classical Conditioning (Transfer) Ca****aaa CICC>>1:10. Change in (Conditioned) S Quality Ca****aqc CICC>>1:20. Change in US Quality Ca****aqu CICC>>1:30. Change from Trace/Delay, v/versa Ca****aax Principle CICC>>2:00. Classical Conditioning (Learning) Ca****aab CICC>>2:10. Change in US Schedule Ca****apu CICC>>2:20. Interpolated Events in Classical Cond Ca****afi CICC>>2:30. Change in USI Ca****alu CICC>>2:40. Change in CSI Ca****alc CICC>>2:50. Change in ISI Ca****ais CICC>>2:60. Change in ITI Ca****aht CICC>>3:00. Multiple Change in Conditions/Parameters Ca****asa CICC>>4:00. Change in Experimental Context Ca****aCa CICC>>5:00. Change in UR Ca****aQu Systematic Analyses of Classical Conditioning (Transfer) Ca****aZa Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Interdependent-Operation Principle CICC>>6:00. Experimental Extinction (Classical) Ca****bba Systematic Analyses of Experimental Extinction (R/Extn) Ca****bbz CICC>>6:10. Classcond concur w/Extinction Ca****bCa CICC>>6:11. Extinction w/Condition Compatible R Ca****bCc CICC>>6:12. Extinction w/Condition Incompatible R Ca****bCi Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Negataive/Interdependent-Operation CICC>>6:20. Extinction w/Punishment Ca****cap Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Interdependent-Operation Law CICC>>7:00. R/Extn incr-f(CSI) Ca****blc CICC>>7:10. Extinction involving Subliminal S Ca****bls CICC>>7:20. R/Extn as-f(ITI) Ca****bha Law CICC>>8:00. R/Extn incr-f N/acq trials Ca****bna CICC>>8:10. R/Extn as-f(USI) during acq Ca****blu CICC>>8:20. R/Extn as-f(ISI) during acq Ca****bis CICC>>8:30. R/Extn after Higher-order Classcond Ca****buh Law CICC>>9:00. P(CR) decr-neg-accel-f N/trials w/S-alone Ca****bpr CICC>>9:10. Amp(CR) as-f(Extinction Trials) Ca****blr CICC>>9:20. Lat(CR) as-f(extinction trials) Ca****btr CICC>>9:30. R/Extn as-f Shift to Unpaired/Long-delay Ca****bts CICC>>9:40. Effect of Extended Extinction Trials Ca****btx Systematic Analyses of Extinction Function Ca****bzn CICC>>10:00. Testing Operations on Experimental Extinction Ca****bxa CICC>>11:00. R/Extn w/Compound S Ca****bse Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Positive/Interdependent-Operation CICC>>12:00. Role of Masking Task on Extinction Ca****aVs Systematic Analysis of Awareness on Extinction Ca****aVz CICC>>12:10. Awareness in Differential Classcond Ca****aVd CICC>>12:20. Masking Task on Differential Classcond Ca****aVS Systematic Analysis of Awareness in Differential Classcond Ca****aVZ Relevant Uncoded Root-Abstracts Relevant(?) Unabstracted/Uncoded Literature Principle CICC>>1:00. Classical Conditioning (Transfer) Ca****aaa Repeated exposure to S-S Contingency leads to behavior modification DxS- Shift near-simult to delayed--CR reappears w/long lat (89) Pav,IP'27- CICC>>1:10. Change in (Conditioned) S Quality Ca****aqc RAe- Change to variable-duration S, no change in CER - - - - - - Mil,JR'67+ B1B- Cond/diffcond w/visual S facil cond/diffcond w/auditory S - Hol,PE'85+ CICC>>1:20. Change in US Quality Ca****aqu DAS- CR decr-then-incr w/change from food to acid US (227) - - - Pav,IP'27- Retain diff-CR after change from food to acid US (228) Pav,IP'27- DAF- Maintain CR w/food reinf after classcond w/shock US - - - - Bro,WJ'39- HVEO After Pair(slide-of-snake,shock) elim cond anxiety Eif,GH'84- w/Pair(slide-of-snake,emot-pos words) - - - - - - - - - Eir,GH'84- RxUU Hi pos transfer CER auto-horn to shock US - - - - - - - - - Nei,J.'85+ RAE- Cond suppress w/Pair(S,sh) decr acq cond app w/Pair(S,food) Bro,DC'95e After above countercond, unsignaled shock reinstate CER Bro,DC'95e CICC>>1:30. Change from Trace/Delay, v/versa Ca****aax DAS- Shift 30-sec delay to tracecond--CR initially to S offset - Pys,SP'68- W/tracecond trng, CR distrib thru ISI, then incr to US Pys,SP'68- Principle CICC>>2:00. Classical Conditioning (Learning) Ca****aab Change in Parameter leads to change in CR CICC>>2:10. Change in US Schedule Ca****apu HVB- Rapid decr w/change from CRF to PRF, gradual w/PRF to CRF - Ros,LE'59- HVB- Shift PRF to CRF--Gradual incr in P(CR) w/lower asymptote - Spe,KW'62+ Rate of above incr not-f N/trials original PRF Spe,KW'62+ Shift CRF to PRF--Rapid decr in P(CR) to PRF asymptote Spe,KW'62+ HVB- Decr in P(CR) w/change from CRF to PRF, not v/versa - - - - Run,WN'63- HVB- Decr in P(CR) w/shift from CRF to PRF greater w/short ISI - Ost,JW'69e Dxx- Change to PRF after CRF--Decr in salivation after nonreinf Sol,S.'69+ CICC>>2:20. Interpolated Events in Classical Cond Ca****afi ICC>>2:30. Change in USI Ca****alu HVG- P(CR) incr-f both initial and prevailing USI - - - - - - - Spe,KW'53- HVB- P(CR) w/weak puff US higher if initial cond w/strong puff - Cze,RS'55- DUS- Decr in Amp(CR) w/decr in USI sim to extn - - - - - - - - - Mur,NP'56- HVB- No decr in P(CR) when decr USI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tra,MA'60+ RAe- CER w/2-ma shock US less if prior exper w/1-ma shock - - - Hen,DP'65+ HAB- O w/no CR early in trng show CR w/incr USI - - - - - - - - Spe,KW'66+ RAe- Incr in USI produced incr in CER - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mil,JR'67+ Dxx- Diff-classcond w/diff USI or diff ISI in diff rooms Asr,EA'69- DAS- Mag(CR) changes corresponding to changed quant of food US - Mek,AY'70- FVA- W/decr USI, CR decr below small USI level - - - - - - - - - Bre,SE'77+ W/incr USI, CR incr but below large US level Bre,SE'77+ RVA- Neg but not pos contrast w/shift in amt of food US - - - - Bre,SE'79+ R e- Faster incr in CER w/incr USI if change S - - - - - - - - - Hal,G.'79+ CICC>>2:40. Change in CSI Ca****alc CICC>>2:50. Change in ISI Ca****ais DxS- Extended trng w/short ISI retards long delayed cond (92) - Pav,IP'27- DxS- Incr CR to S- after decr ISI to S+ (246) - - - - - - - - - Pav,IP'27- HVB- Incr ISI shows independent incr in long Lat(CR), decr short Bon,CA'58- HVB- After diff-cond w/short ISI, prior S+ = S- acq w/long ISI - Bro,LA'63- BCU- Acq of CR w/incr ISI sim to original cond at that ISI - - - Kha,BG'63- HVB- Hi P(CR) at 2.5-sec ISI if gradually incr ISI from .5-sec - Pro,WF'63e Decr P(CR) but not extn w/shift from .5 to 2.5-sec ISI Pro,WF'63e Lat(CR) incr w/incr ISI but shorter than long ISI contrl Pro,WF'63e DAF- Decr CR w/decr ISI to 0-100 msec (160) Asr,EA'65- HAB- CR w/incr ISI independent of original short ISI R - - - - - Bur,KR'65- HAB- P(CR) higher at 2500 msec if first train at 400 msec - - - Pro,WF'65+ HAB- Decr in P(CR) w/original latency if incr ISI substantially Hom,MJ'67- Acq of new Lat(CR) decr-f amt of change in ISI Hom,MJ'67- BUU- Fast acq of long Lat(CR) w/incr ISI but short Lat CR occurs Kur,AO'67- BAB- P(CR) decr when shift from 250 to 1000 msec ISI - - - - - - Leo,DW'67+ Rapid decr in short latency CR when incr ISI Leo,DW'67+ HVB- Lat(CR) direct-f ISI and changes in ISI - - - - - - - - - - Ebe,HC'68+ BAB- Shift in Lat(CR) after change ISI - - - - - - - - - - - - - Col,SR'71+ B B- Hi CR perf sustained w/gradual shift to short ISI - - - - - Ros,RT'79e Decr in CR w/shift to simult ISI; immed reacq Ros,RT'79e B B- Cond w/500-msec ISI not-f(ISI on 1st 15 tr) 250-4000 msec - Ros,RT'83+ CICC>>2:60. Change in ITI Ca****aht DUU- Incr 5 to 15-min ITI incr CR w/normal O, decr w/castrated O Pet,MK'38- BAB- Immed incr in P(CR) w/shift to longer modal ITI - - - - - - Mit,DS'73- Immed decr in P(CR) w/shift to shorter modal ITI Mit,DS'73- CICC>>3:00. Multiple Change in Conditions/Parameters Ca****asa CICC>>4:00. Change in Experimental Context Ca****aCa D S- Addition of primary inhib S decr CR - - - - - - - - - - - - Szw,G.'59+ Dxx- Diffcond alimentary/defense CR re diff S in diff contexts - Pre,LA'70- After above, CS-->appropriate CR in the other context Pre,LA'70- RCCx After Pair(S,shock), S suppress lick R in cond>diff context Bal,MA'81e Above context potentiation of fear even if prevent Bal,MA'81e or extinguish direct context-fear assn Bal,MA'81e RCE- Decr in neg transfer if change context - - - - - - - - - - Swa,D.'86+ BAB- Hippocamp lsn elim external inhib w/changed context - - - - Pen,S.'91+ CICC>>5:00. Change in UR Ca****aQu DAW- Classcond 1 paw facil classcond other paw - - - - - - - - - Kel,WN'38+ H W- Pos transfer extensor-flex, and genz of extn, flex-extensor Wic,DD'38- DUUx Interference w/shift defense to alimentary CR w/neurosis - Dan,LK'59- DVW- Cond defense CR to forepaw after hindpaw--New CR inhib old Ski,GV'60- D S- Pair(S,shock)--Pair(same S,food)--Get AR w/extn/satiation - Woj,J.'62- OTB- No transfer cond blink in frog from 1 eye to the other - - Gol,AC'64+ BAx- Prior cond of blink retarded cond jaw-mvmt to same S - - - Sca,MJ'74- Decr blink CR faster than extn when cond jaw-mvmt to S Sca,MJ'74- Occurrence of blink CR and jaw-mvmt CR independent Sca,MJ'74- B1x- Prior jaw-mvmt cond retards cond blink w/diff modality S - Sca,MJ'75- No jaw-mvmt CR if compound that S w/S for blink CR Sca,MJ'75- Systematic Analyses of Classical Conditioning (Transfer) Ca****aZa XXX-aZa_Note: Change in US leads to extn of old, acq of new expect Log,FA'77- -aZa_ Eg unblock: Added S assoc w/new US, either incr/decr USI Log,FA'77- Principle CICC>>6:00. Experimental Extinction (Classical) Ca****bba Present S-alone after Pdair(S,US) leads to decr in P(CR) Note: Meas Resistance to Experimental Extinction (R/Extn) DxS- CR can be "worn out" (extn) by repetition w/out US - - - - Yer,RM'09+ MVB- Little decr in CR over protracted extn - - - - - - - - - - Hil,ER'36+ HxV- CR incr over trials w/S-alone - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Men,R.'37- DUW- Defense CR shows hi R/Extn, rapid relrng - - - - - - - - - Kon,J.'52+ AAS- Tempcond completely inhibited after 5 extn trials - - - - - Chi,Y.'57e HLE- Some extn of cond meaning of nonsense item re semantic diff Car,CG'70- O1x- Skeletal R/Extn greater than autonomic in lizard - - - - - Dav,RE'70+ RUe- Persistence cond suppression after random > paired US - - - Hol,PA'71e RAe- Pair(S,shock)--S suppress drinking for water - - - - - - - Shi,RH'74- Fear R/Extn=f total S exposure time, not duratn/N/trials Shi,RH'74- Above fear R/Extn not-f S duration during acq Shi,RH'74- FVO- R/Extn incr by morning glory seeds - - - - - - - - - - - - Cra,FT'75e HVGO After Pair(S,sh), R/Extn w/fear-rel(snake) >irrel(flower) S Fre,M.'79+ PVeH After 2nd-order cond, extn re CS1 decr CER re CS2 - - - - - Hit,M.'82+ Note: CER re CS2 not decr w/truly-random CS1/shock Hit,M.'82+ RAES Extn (vs incubation) of fear w/S-alone after Pair(S,shock) Nic,TP'82e HVG- Phobic > neutral S re retention/extn - - - - - - - - - - - Sch,AM'91e Systematic Analyses of Experimental Extinction (R/Extn) Ca****bbz XXX- CR occurs only if S has been sign for US in recent past - - Wil,KA'29- XXX- Extn and neg adapt show sim phen; hence have same physiol - Hum,G.'30- XXX- Lack of confirmation causes CR to wane (386) - - - - - - - Tol,EC'32- DAFS Concl: Extn is mech in own right, not = inverse of cond - - Bro,WJ'38e XXX- Anal of extn as most unique char of cond - - - - - - - - - Raz,GH'39- XXX- T: Reactive inhib (Ir) incr-f(R-evocatn), decr-f(time)(300) Hul,CL'43- T: Cond inhib (sIr)--S assn w/cessation of R (300) Hul,CL'43- T: Ir and sIr summate to oppose excit tend (300) Hul,CL'43- XXX- Treats extn/spon-rec/disinhib/ext-inhib as-f(attn to CS) - Bro,DE'53- XXX- P(CR), Lat(R), R/Extn actually implied by Hullian theory - Spe,KW'54- XXX- Extn effected in 2 stages--decond then countercond - - - - Raz,GH'56- XXX- Extn = S-no-US assn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kon,J.'67- XXX- Differential reinf th: Event-attractiveness is-f(context) - Per,CC'71- XXX- During extn, no-US is rel more attractive w/no-CR Per,CC'71- HXB- Similar 2-phase model of extn, w/hi rate of decr in P(CR) - Pro,WF'72- XXX- Extn is S-no-US assn (I)--Incr w/nonreinf =f(O-(E+e)-(I+i) Pea,JM'87- CICC>>6:10. Classcond concur w/Extinction Ca****bCa DxS- R/Extn less if S-alone not interspersed w/reinf S - - - - - Szw,G.'50- CICC>>6:11. Extinction w/Condition Compatible R Ca****bCc DAW- CR of 1 paw continued during classcond of other paw - - - - Kel,WN'38+ DAF- Very slow extn if cond compatible bilateral CR - - - - - - Kel,WN'39- CICC>>6:12. Extinction w/Condition Incompatible R Ca****bCi RCE- Effect of food on fear due to exposure to shock box - - - - Nel,F.'66- DAS- Elim CR faster w/extn than w/reinf of nonsalivation - - - - Her,DL'75+ OTO- Reflex extension decr by pair w/US that elicits retraction DJi,DM'82- Strain diff in fly re countercond proboscus extension DJi,DM'82- CICC>>6:20. Extinction w/Punishment Ca****cap DAFS Extn facil w/shock punish via cond incompatible CR - - - - Bro,WJ'38e H H- Faster extn if punish compatible motor R - - - - - - - - - Not,JM'52e Law CICC>>7:00. R/Extn incr-f(CSI) Ca****blc HVB- Trend toward incr R/Extn w/CSI not signif - - - - - - - - - Gra,DA'48+ HAG- R/Extn incr-f CSI during extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gra,DA'49+ RAe- CER extn not-f acq CSI, extn CSI balanced - - - - - - - - - Kam,LJ'63e HVB- R/Extn not-f incr or decr duration of S in extn - - - - - - Pri,LE'65e BAB- R/Extn) incr-f(CSI) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sca,MJ'74+ CICC>>7:10. Extinction involving Subliminal S Ca****bls HAP- Little extn to subliminal auditory S - - - - - - - - - - - Bak,LE'38- CICC>>7:20. R/Extn as-f(ITI) Ca****bha Note: Distinguish acquisition/extinction ITI DxS- Extn rate decr-f pause between S presentations (52) - - - - Pav,IP'27- DxS- R/Extn incr-f(extn ITI) (77) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pav,IP'28- HVB- R/Extn not-f(extn ITI), 10-180 sec - - - - - - - - - - - - Por,JM'39- HVL- R/Extn of verbal expect not-f acq ITI (5/10/20-sec) - - - - Hum,LG'40e HAB- Less R/Extn w/massed extn only if spaced acq - - - - - - - Rey,B.'45- RAO- R/Extn w/distrib > massed extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Her,MJ'46- Little extn of squeak CR, distrib/distrib ITI Her,MJ'46- HVL- Clear-cut PREE w/no effect of acq/extn ITI - - - - - - - - Gra,DA'50e HVB- R/Extn w/massed PRF > spaced CRF - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gra,DA'52e HVB- Greater R/Extn w/massed (7.5 vs 35 sec) ITI, w/distrib trng How,MD'58+ RCJ- No effect of 1 vs 30 min acq ITI w/50%/100% reinf on R/Extn Arm,HL'60- HVB- No effect of acq or extn ITI on R/Extn, 7.5 vs 35 sec - - - Bee,EY'60e HVB- Greater R/Extn if shift from constant to var ITI, v/versa - Gra,DA'60e HLG- R/Extn greater at 8-sec than 20-sec extn ITI - - - - - - - Med,SA'62+ HAG- R/Extn w/spaced > massed extn trials - - - - - - - - - - - Pro,WF'64+ DXF- Temporary "acute" extn w/prolonged/rapid CS repetitn (324) Ber,J.'65- Note: Can elicit CR w/another CS after acute extn (325) Ber,J.'65- WVO- R/Extn related to acq ITI, not extn ITI - - - - - - - - - - Cra,FT'66e R E- Extn as-f(trial duratn) depends on time of day when tested Sar,G.'78+ Law CICC>>8:00. R/Extn incr-f N/acq trials Ca****bna UUU- R/Extn incr w/extended trng w/Pair(S,US) - - - - - - - - - Ano,P.'32- HAG- R/Extn incr-f N/acq trials - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hov,CI'37- HVB- R/Extn incr-f N/acq trials - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pro,WF'58- HAB- R/Extn greater after 64 than 36 acq trials - - - - - - - - Spe,KW'63e HAB- R/Extn same after 50 or 150 acq trials w/masking lrng task Spe,KW'64+ HAG- R/Extn decr-f N/post-peak CR cond trials - - - - - - - - - Sil,AI'69+ HAG- R/Extn inverse-f(N/post-peak-CR cond trials) w/immed extn - Lan,AW'71+ R/Extn pos-f(N/post-peak-CR cond trials) w/delayed extn Lan,AW'71+ BAB- No effect of extended trng on R/Extn w/diff USI - - - - - - Hoe,FK'73e WVO- Greater R/Extn after 150 than 250 acq trials w/planaria - - Kim,HD'73+ HAG- R/Extn w/2 > 16 post-peak Pair(S.US), not w/unpaired - - - Mor,JC'81e CICC>>8:10. R/Extn as-f(USI) during acq Ca****blu DAS- R/Extn incr-f(USI) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wag,AR'64e CICC>>8:20. R/Extn as-f(ISI) during acq Ca****bis HAH- R/Extn incr by variable ISI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ber,PJ'53e BAB- R/Extn least at 250 msec, sim from 400 msec to 1 sec - - - Fre,PW'68+ CICC>>8:30. R/Extn after Higher-order Classcond Ca****buh - Extn of hi-ord CR very rapid, interp as motor effect - - - Bro,WJ'35+ Law CICC>>9:00. P(CR) decr-neg-accel-f N/trials w/S-alone Ca****bpr HAG- P(CR) decr-neg-accel-f N/extn trials after CRF - - - - - - Hum,LG'40- P(CR) initial-pos-accel-f N/extn trials after PRF Hum,LG'40- RCE- Escape incr w/Pair(box,shock), decr w/box-alone B4 test - - Kal,HI'54- OVB- Gradual extn of cond nictitating membrane in lemon shark - Gru,SH'75+ CICC>>9:10. Amp(CR) as-f(Extinction Trials) Ca****blr HAG- Initial incr Mag(CR) if begin extn immed after massed trng Hov,CI'36- DAFS After flex cond/extn, flex mvmt > neutral (as B4 cond) - - Bro,WJ'38e HVB- Amp(CR) decr-f N/S-alone trials over several sessions - - - Por,JM'38- ROOS After Pair(S,shock), defensive burying decr-f(N/extn tr) - Pin,JP'85e Above decr not-f(time, exposure to context w/out S) Pin,JP'85e CICC>>9:20. Lat(CR) as-f(extinction trials) Ca****btr HAG- Lat(CR) incr w/extn trials - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pro,WF'62e CICC>>9:30. R/Extn as-f Shift to Unpaired/Long-delay Ca****bts HAB- R/Extn w/shift to long ISI > w/S-alone trials - - - - - - - MAl,WR'53- HVB- R/Extn greater w/US present during extn after PRF - - - - - Rey,WF'58- HAB- R/Extn w/shift to long ISI > w/S-alone trials - - - - - - - Spe,KW'63- HAB- R/Extn same w/out US as w/long ISI during extn - - - - - - Spe,KW'63e HAB- R/Extn w/shift to long ISI > w/S-alone trials - - - - - - - Spe,KW'64e HVB- R/Extn w/shift to long ISI > w/S-alone trials - - - - - - - Pri,LE'65e H B- Slow gradual extn w/US given separately or delayed - - - - Spe,KW'66- CICC>>9:40. Effect of Extended Extinction Trials Ca****btx DxS- Extn (nonreinf) beyond zero deepens extn (57) - - - - - - - Pav,IP'27- Systematic Analyses of Extinction Function Ca****bzn DXS- Internal inhib (extn) always develops slowly (48) - - - - - Pav,IP'27- AXX- Genz: Rate of extn is neg-accel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Raz,GH'33- XXX- CR/Extn rapid in dog/human, very slow in monkey - - - - - - Spe,KW'37- CICC>>10:00. Testing Operations on Experimental Extinction Ca****bxa OAF- Very rapid extn if terminate S just as CR is imminent - - - Par,R.'40- Less nervous strain if terminate S B4 CR in extn Par,R.'40- HVB- R/Extn decr by delay B4 extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bee,EY'61+ HAG- No effect of contingent S term during extn - - - - - - - - Kim,HD'73+ CICC>>11:00. R/Extn w/Compound S Ca****bse DxS- Extn 1 element of compound S decr CR to other (56) - - - - Pav,IP'27- HxB- R/Extn same w/compound and single S - - - - - - - - - - - - Mil,J.'39- DxS- Extn 1 element of compound S did not affect other element - Adr,OS'63- HVG- Genz: Extn of element facil extn of compound - - - - - - - Gri,WW'72- Genz: Mix nonreinf trials w/element incr compound R/Extn Gri,WW'72- CICC>>12:00. Role of Masking Task on Extinction Ca****aVs HAB- Slow, gradual decr in P(CR) w/masking P-lrng task - - - - - Spe,KW'63- HAB- R/Extn greater w/masking P-lrng task - - - - - - - - - - - Spe,KW'64e HXB- Extn gradual w/masking task, rapid w/out - - - - - - - - - Spe,KW'66- Incr R/Extn w/US unpaired/delayed w/masking P-lrng task Spe,KW'66- HAB- Gradual extn w/masking P-lrng task - - - - - - - - - - - - Spe,KW'66- HAB- PRF=CRF in unpaired R/Extn w/masking P-lrng task - - - - - Spe,KW'67+ H B- Present US alone w/P-lrng masking S during extn incr R/Extn Kes,RS'69e Present US-alone separate from P-lrng mask S decr R/Extn Kes,RS'69e HVG- W/extn test, CR w/masked CS if fear-relevant - - - - - - - Ohm,A.'93+ Systematic Analysis of Awareness on Extinction Ca****aVz HXB- Reviews effect of masking task on extn, PREE, diff-cond Ros,LE'71- HVGS Immed decr in CR w/instruct no-US after Pair(picture,sh) - Hug,K.'78- Above w/neutral picture; no decr w/snake-picture CS) Hug,K.'78- CICC>>12:10. Awareness in Differential Classcond Ca****aVd HVB- Diff-CR can be set up verbally - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Col,LE'42e HxS- Diff-CR persists after aware of reversal (37) - - - - - - - Ber,J.'65- HAG- Trace/delay diffcond only w/O who verbalize conting - - - - Bae,PE'68+ HAG- Trace diffcond only w/O who verbalize S-US conting - - - - Bae,PE'70+ Hxx- Equal diff-cond w/S- explicitly unpaired or truly random - Fur,JJ'71+ O aware of diff in above proc Fur,JJ'71+ HVG- Equal diff-cond w/S- explicitly unpaired or truly-random - Sch,K.'72+ Above O aware of contingency diff re S- Sch,K.'72+ Diff-classcond not-f subjective contingency diff Sch,K.'72+ HAGS Masked diffcond only if aware via instruct re conting - - - Daw,ME'73+ HxB- Cond but not diff-cond w/masking task, even if aware - - - Ros,LE'73+ HVG- Mag(CR) varies w/subjective expectancy of US in diff-cond - Ohm,A.'76e HGG- W/Diffcond Pair(odors,sh), awareness of conting nec for CR Mar,K.'89e CICC>>12:20. Masking Task on Differential Classcond Ca****aVS H B- More CR and more diff-CR w/vol responders - - - - - - - - - Hic,CW'67e HCG- Diff-classcond w/out, not w/time estimation masking task - Ros,LE'67e HVB- Diff-cond inc-dec-f(ISI) 1/2-1.1 sec w/max inc-f(S-complex) Moy,MJ'69+ Above w/masking; no effect of S-complexity w/out masking Moy,MJ'69+ HAG- W/masking P-lrng task, obtain diff-cond w/out awareness - - Bae,PE'73+ HAB- Masking task decr diff-CR and N/O aware of S contingency - Nel,MN'74+ Masking task decr diff-CR even if instruct re S conting Nel,MN'74+ Systematic Analysis of Awareness in Differential Classcond Ca****aVZ HxB- Awareness of diff cue facil diff-cond for vol responders - Gra,DA'73- Relevant Uncoded Root-Abstracts Relevant(?) Unabstracted/Uncoded Literature Title: Cond fear as-f(prior acq/extn) - - - - - - - - - - Con,RL'65- B B Title: Changes in ISI on compound block - - - - - - - - - Sch,BG'82+ B B Title: Neg transfer: Assessment of CER - - - - - - - - - - Ayr,JJ'84e