LOGAN: LAWS OF LEARNING (Basic Processes) July 2004 CLASSICAL CONDITIONING: Inhibition Historic Contingency Independent Variables Contents Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Interdependent-Operation Principle CIHC>>1:00. Varied Reinforcement Extinction Effect (VREE) Cc****bpa CIHC>>1:10. R/Extn greater after PRF than CRF Cc****bpb CIHC>>1:20. R/Extn and Pattern of Reinforcement Cc****bpp Systematic Analyses of Partial Reinforcement Extinction Effect Cc****bpz CIHC>>2:00. R/Extn as-f(N/prior extinctions) Cc****nee Principle CIHC>>3:00. Spontaneous Recovery (Spon-Rec) Cc****bta CIHC>>3:01. Spon-Rec as-f(elapsed time after extn) Cc****btc CIHC>>3:10. Limit of Spon-Rec below CR level B4 extn Cc****btf CIHC>>3:20. Effect of ITI on Spon-Rec Cc****bth Systematic Analyses of Spontaneous Recovery Cc****btz CIHC>>4:00. Classical Reconditioning Cc****baC CIHC>>5:00. Classical Inhibition Cc****baI CIHC>>6:00. Classical Induction Cc****baX Systematic Analyses of Classical Inhibition Cc****baZ Behavioral/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Interdependent-Operation CIHC>>7:00. Effect of Pretraining on Differential Classcond Cc****neS CIHC>>7:10. Pretraining w/nondifferential Reinf Cc****neU Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Interdependent-Operation CIHC>>8:00. Retention of Differential Classcond Cc****btD Relevant Uncoded Root-Abstracts Relevant(?) Unabstracted/Uncoded Literature Principle CIHC>>1:00. Varied Reinforcement Extinction Effect (VREE) Cc****bpa R/Extn greater after varied than constant US HAB- R/Extn not-f Amt(variability) in USI - - - - - - - - - - - Pas,GE'62+ HAB- No effect of varied USI on R/Extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pas,GE'64+ H B- Acq w/PRF or partial delay, no diff in R/Extn or delay - - Cob,NJ'67e CIHC>>1:10. R/Extn greater after PRF than CRF Cc****bpb Term: Partial Reinforcement Effect on Extinction (PREE) HVB- Obtain PREE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hum,LG'39- HVL- Obtain PREE w/verbal expectations of occurrence of lite - - Hum,LG'39- HAG- Obtain PREE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hum,LG'40- H G- Max R/Extn probably at less than 50% reinf - - - - - - - - Gra,DA'50e H B- Random PRF did not incr R/Extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gra,DA'50e HVL- Clear-cut PREE w/no effect of acq/extn ITI - - - - - - - - Gra,DA'50e HVB- Obtained PREE under various adapt cond - - - - - - - - - - Gra,DA'51+ HVB- R/Extn after 50%/75%(reinf) > 25%/100% - - - - - - - - - - Gra,DA'52+ HVB- R/Extn w/massed PRF > spaced CRF - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gra,DA'52e HAH- R/Extn incr by irreg reinf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ber,PJ'53e HVS- Greater R/Extn w/PRF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Raz,GH'55- HxG- R/Extn incr by mix Pair(S1S2,shock) + S1 alone - - - - - - Wic,DD'55+ HVB- R/Extn decr-f(% reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Har,TF'60+ HVB- Extn/spon-rec incr-decr-f(%-reinf), no signif - - - - - - - Fro,JZ'61+ FVA- No PREE after classcond w/spaced or massed trials - - - - - Gon,RC'62e PVA- No PREE of gen acty w/shock US - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lon,N.'62e DAS- PRF w/acid US produced incr R/Extn - - - - - - - - - - - - Fit,RD'63- HVB- R/Extn not-f(% reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Moo,JW'63+ FVe- CER R/Extn less after partial than continuous shock - - - - Gel,I.'64- BAB- R/Extn w/PRF=CRF, N/reinf equated - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tho,E.'64+ DAS- PREE over trials w/in session, but not between sessions - - Wag,AR'64e FVA- No effect of PRF on R/Extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ber,BD'65e RAe- R/Extn w/PRF>CRF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bri,CJ'66+ RAH- No decr in decel CR during extn after either CRF or PRF - - Fit,RD'66e DAH- PREE but decr R/Extn w/CRF after PRF trng - - - - - - - - - Fit,RD'66e PVA- R/Extn w/PRF>CRF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sli,RM'66+ HVB- No PREE w/masking P-lrng task - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spe,KW'66- HAB- No PREE w/masking P-lrng task - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spe,KW'66- RVE- No PREE of cond fear as measured by startle R - - - - - - - Wag,AR'67e PREE of CER only when fear cond is in operant sit Wag,AR'67e FVA- No PREE in goldfish - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Beh,ER'68+ RAe- Obtained inverse PREE w/CER after initial trng w/CRF - - - Sch,C.'69- DAB- No PREE w/random or alternating PRF - - - - - - - - - - - - Var,RM'69+ BAO- Greater R/Extn after random or alternating PRF, jaw mvmt CR Hol,JD'70+ BAB- Max R/Extn after 25% reinf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lat,SB'71- RAH- PRF = CRF re extn of decr-HR CR after Pair(S,shock) - - - - Var,RM'71- BAO- R/Extn w/PRF>CRF, cond jaw mvmt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pou,CX'74+ BAB- Rate(extn) w/PRF=CRF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gor,I.'75+ xAB- Obtain PREE only w/US omitted in acq/extn, not w/delayed US Leo,DW'75- BAB- Greater R/Extn after shift to PRF than CRF - - - - - - - - Gib,CM'78e OVO- Obtain PREE, overlrng extn effect, cond inhib w/honeybees - Cou,PA'80+ H - Obtain PREE w/w/out mask in both w/in and between gps anal Wes,RD'91- CIHC>>1:20. R/Extn and Pattern of Reinforcement Cc****bpp H B- Single and double altern reinf incr R/Extn - - - - - - - - Gra,DA'50e HVL- R/Extn incr-f N/nonreinf trials/block, max at 3 transitions Hak,HW'51e H G- R/Extn less w/alternating than random PRF - - - - - - - - - Lon,ED'52e HAB- PREE obtained w/40 trials CRF after 40 trials PRF - - - - - Per,SL'65+ RAe- PREE eliminated by large block of reinf trials early - - - Hil,A.'69- No PREE from large block of nonreinf trials in CRF sched Hil,A.'69- RAH- Interpolated US on nonreinf tr of PRF decr acq/extn perf - Var,RM'71- BAB- No effect on R/Extn of US-alone between cond trials - - - - Leo,DW'72e Systematic Analyses of Partial Reinforcement Extinction Effect Cc****bpz XXX- W/massed PRF tr, S-trace of nonreinf becomes CS on next tr Hul,CL'52- W/massed CRF, only trace of reinf becomess CS on next tr Hul,CL'52- W/massed tr, greater S/Genz decrement from CRF to extn Hul,CL'52- Above implies no PREE w/distrib trials (121) Hul,CL'52- Above S-R reinf th applies to classcond and instrucond Hul,CL'52- HXB- Masking task and PRF both incr N/trials B4 decr in P(CR) - Pro,WF'72- CIHC>>2:00. R/Extn as-f(N/prior extinctions) Cc****nee DxS- R/Extn decr-f N/prior extns (53) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pav,IP'27- DUS- R/Extn incr-f N/prior extns - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kon,J.'50+ H B- R/Extn incr-decr-f(N/prior extns) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hak,HW'51+ HAH- Obtain PREE in extn and reextn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not,JM'52e DxS- R/Extn alimentary CR decr-f N/prior extns - - - - - - - - - Szw,G.'52- R/Extn defensive CR incr-f N/prior extns Szw,G.'52- DxS- Rate of extn incr-f(N/extns), w/genz to sim S or R - - - - Kol,IG'58- FVA- R/Extn decr-f N/prior extns w/no PREE - - - - - - - - - - - Gon,RC'61e FVA- No change in relative R/Extn over extns - - - - - - - - - - Gon,RC'62e B B- Within-session R/Extn changed w/alternating acq/extn - - - Smi,M.'65+ BAB- R/Extn decr-f(N/prior extns) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hoe,FK'73e B B- Some incr in rate of extn w/repeated extns - - - - - - - - Sca,MJ'79+ Rapid reacq alternate w/repeated extn/retention interval Sca,MJ'79+ Principle CIHC>>3:00. Spontaneous Recovery (Spon-Rec) Cc****bta CR reoccurs to S after elapsed time after extn DxS- Spon-rec of CR w/time after extn (272) - - - - - - - - - - Pav,IP'28- HxG- Spon-rec greater for generalized CR than for trng S - - - - Hov,CI'37- HVB- Repeated spon-rec over several extn sessions - - - - - - - Por,JM'38- HVS- Amt(spon-rec) incr-f Amt(extn) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Raz,GH'39- HAG- Interpolate classcond eyeblink incr spon-rec of GSR - - - - Lib,AM'44- HAH- Classcond, extn, spon-rec, and recond of HR decel - - - - - Not,JM'52e HVB- Spon-rec decr-f N/acq trials - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pro,WF'58- HVB- Spon-rec decr-f(% reinf) in original acq - - - - - - - - - Har,TF'60+ HVB- Hi degree of spon-rec after 24 hours - - - - - - - - - - - Bee,EY'61+ WVO- Observe spon-rec in planarians - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cra,FT'66+ HVG- Spon-rec incr-f(USI) during classcond - - - - - - - - - - - Kim,HD'69e CIHC>>3:01. Spon-Rec as-f(elapsed time after extn) Cc****btc HAB- Spon-rec Amp(CR) inc-neg-accel-f(recovery time), not R/Extn Ell,DG'39- HVB- Spon-rec neg-exponential-f(recovery time), 1 to 8 hrs - - - Gra,DA'58e B B- Spon-rec as-f(post-extn time) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hab,K.'78e CIHC>>3:10. Limit of Spon-Rec below CR level B4 extn Cc****btf DxS- Extinguished CR spontaneously recover to full strength (58) Pav,IP'27- HVB- Asymptotic spon-rec 70-80 percent acq level - - - - - - - - Gra,DA'58e CIHC>>3:20. Effect of ITI on Spon-Rec Cc****bth HVB- 20-min/24-hr spon-rec not-f extn ITI, 7.5 vs 35 sec - - - - How,MD'58+ HVB- 24-hr spon-rec not-f acq/extn ITI, 7.5 vs 35 sec - - - - - Bee,EY'60e Systematic Analyses of Spontaneous Recovery Cc****btz XXX- Spon-rec due to primacy of expectations (386) - - - - - - - Tol,EC'32- XXX- Spon-Rec result of dissipation of reactive inhib (Ir) (298) Hul,CL'43- XXX- Genz: Test for spon-rec is more sim to acq than to extn - - Bur,KR'67- CIHC>>4:00. Classical Reconditioning Cc****baC DCS- Recond faster than original cond - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kle,N.'27+ DAFS Rate recond after extended extn decr-incr-f(N/recond cycles Bro,WJ'38e F- Extn retards recond rel to retention control - - - - - - - Dee,J.'50- Extinguish CR1 + cond compatible CR2 retards recond CR1 Dee,J.'50- Above retardatn greater if cond compatible CR2 to diff S Dee,J.'50- DxS- Recond alimentary CR rapid, defensive CR protracted - - - - Szw,G.'52- BAB- Reclasscond not-f(ISI), 250 msec to 1 sec - - - - - - - - - Fre,PW'68+ Dxx- Extn of 1 or both binary connections, recond 1 or both Asr,EA'69- R E- Interp incr CR w/US-alone after extn--Incr US representatn Res,RA'75+ R1e- Reacq after joint extn fast if hi assn strength, slow if lo Mon,VJ'78+ R e- Reacq in extn context < in cond context - - - - - - - - - - Bou,M.'89+ BAB- Relatively rapid reacq after extn 6-mo after orig trng - - Sch,BG'98- CIHC>>5:00. Classical Inhibition Cc****baI DxS- 2nd-order cond-inhib by Pair(S,Extn) (108) - - - - - - - - Pav,IP'27- UUU- Obtain cond inhib S by pair w/extn, greater than isolated S Sem,AV'33- DUU- Simult/successive summation of extinctive/delay/diff inhib Bar,SS'60- RxCT Present S1 after shock-->S1 decr suppress lick R cond to S2 Gre,MH'81+ Interp above cond inhib of fear re antagonistic R Gre,MH'81+ B B No effect of naloxone on CR to inhib CS - - - - - - - - - - Bla,DE'82+ R - Backward inhib cond after signaled US > after unsignal US - Wil,DA'88+ Above w/distrib tr across days or long ITI w/in day Wil,DA'88+ caH- Cond decr HR CR w/Pair(S,shock) at 4/9/12-wk age - - - - - Des,NK'89+ Inhib above CR w/safety sign incr-f(age), w/inhib 2nd CS Des,NK'89+ CIHC>>6:00. Classical Induction Cc****baX DTS- CR to S+ greater during S- than after S- term (216) - - - - Pav,IP'27- Normal/incr CR to S+ presented during S- (217) Pav,IP'27- Hxx- Decr blink CR if present S during CS for delayed GSR - - - Rod,EH'37- HVG- Combine S after diff-cond--Mag(CR) fits R-summation hypo - Gri,WW'65e DUS- Extn produces latent excit affecting subsequent CR - - - - Kol,TE'65- Rxe- Less suppression if combine S- w/S+ after diff-cond CER - - Ham,LJ'67- DUU- Mix Pair(US1,US2) + Pair(US2,US1)--Obtain 2-way CR Asr,EA'72- During above cond, observe a decr in the UR to the 1st S Asr,EA'72- After above, extn of 1 CR leads to incr in the other CR Asr,EA'72- HxB- Random add S3 to both S after diff-cond w/part Pair(S3,US) New,FL'73e Rxe- Incr R/Extn of excit S if compound w/cond-inhib S w/extn - Nas,E.'81- Effect not due to decr CR on extn tr w/cond-inhib S Nas,E.'81- Systematic Analyses of Classical Inhibition Cc****baZ DXS- Inhib is in every respect more labile than excit (66) - - - Pav,IP'27- DXO- Sleep is same process as internal inhib (251) - - - - - - - Pav,IP'27- XXX- Interp inhib phenomena in terms of competing R - - - - - - Wen,GR'36- XXX- Reject internal inhib in favor of muscle tonus - - - - - - Wen,MA'37- XXX- Rescorla-Wagner th w/attn rule implies fast re-acq of CR - Fre,PW'78+ Rxe- Infer forward/backward/trace proc have inhib/excit assns - Wil,DA'88+ CIHC>>7:00. Effect of Pretraining on Differential Classcond Cc****neS DAS- Pair(S,food) facil subsequent diff-classcond w/same S+ - - Kha,MM'58- HVG- Verbal PA trng w/shapes facil later diff-cond - - - - - - - Yar,M.'59- RAe- S w/neg contingency w/shock retarded as S for CER - - - - - Res,RA'69- HVB- W/CRF for S1, pretrng w/nonreinf of S2 facil PRF of S2 - - Pet,GB'70+ RAe- Diffcond CER w/Pair(S,shock) vs Pair(shock,S,no-shock) - - Mem,J.'77+ Above facil by pre-trng w/Pair(S,shock) Mem,J.'77+ Above decr by pre-trng w/Pair(shock,S,no-shock) Mem,J.'77+ B1B- Diffcond T1 B4 Pair(S,US) vs T2 B4 (S,no-US) - - - - - - - MRa,M.'95+ Pos transfer above to diffcond w/T1+ vs T2- or reverse MRa,M.'95+ Maint conditional diffcond concur w/above diffcond MRa,M.'95+ Note: In above, T2-->CR concur w/cue re nonreinf S MRa,M.'95+ CIHC>>7:10. Pretraining w/nondifferential Reinf Cc****neU BAB- Diff-classcond facil if pre-pair S+ w/food/shock vs S-alone Kwa,SE'69- Diff-classcond not-f pre-pair S- w/food/shock Kwa,SE'69- CIHC>>8:00. Retention of Differential Classcond Cc****btD HVB- Retain diff-CR 4-19 mo after acq/extn w/out verbal recall - Hil,ER'38+ HAG- Little persist of diff-classcond - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bee,RS'65- PVH- Hi R/Extn of diff-classcond HR and respiration - - - - - - Coh,DH'66+ RAe- S w/neg contingency w/shock disrupts CER to 2nd S - - - - - Res,RA'69- rRP- Diffcond(odor,sh) w/15-d-old w/S- aversn incr/decr f(trng) Ser,J.'88+ Forgetting above re decr aversn to S+, incr aversn to S- Ser,J.'88+ Relevant Uncoded Root-Abstracts R eT _Mix Pair(S1S3,shock) + Pair(S2S3,no-shock)-->lo CER re S3) Bla,AP'99- _ After above, extn re S1->incr above lick-suppressn re S3 Bla,AP'99- _ Above extn re S1->cond inhib (summatn/retardation) re S2 Bla,AP'99- Relevant(?) Unabstracted/Uncoded Literature H B Title: Extn/spon-rec as-f delay of US - - - - - - - - - - - Loc,JS'64e