LOGAN: LAWS OF LEARNING (Basic Processes) July 2004 DIFFERENTIATION LEARNING: Excitation Current Stimulus Interdependent Variables Contents Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Interdependent-Operation RECS<>1:00. Role of Feedback in Response Differentiation RF****bKs Relevant Uncoded Root-Abstracts Relevant(?) Unabstrcted/Uncoded Literature RECS<>1:00. Role of Feedback in Response Differentiation RF****bKs HfO- Info fdbk re length of line drawn blindfolded facil lrng - Tho,EL'27- HfO- 10-sec recall (reproductn) of figure facil by hand/arm mvmt Dwe,G.'30- OfJ- Ambulatory rhythms in toad require afferent/efferent nerves Gra,J.'40+ Mf - Virtual paralysis of 1 upper limb w/complete deafferentatn Twi,TE'54- Hf - Displacement > force fdbk in positioning R w/out vision - - Wei,B.'54- HfL- Auditory fdbk delayed 0-800 msec badly disturbs speech - - Fai,G.'55- Hf - Perf, not lrng, decr by visual noise in fdbk from tracking Bri,GE'57e Hf - Acq of tracking task decr w/decr propriocep fdbk - - - - - Bri,GE'57e - Tracking task perf incr w/incr in propriocep fdbk Bri,GE'57e HfL- Delayed aud fdbk incr Amp(R) of both key-tap/speech - - - - Cha,RA'61e HfP- Decr key-tap R if mask auditory/propriocep fdbk - - - - - - Cha,RA'61e HfP- Decr key-tap R if mask auditory/propriocep fdbk - - - - - - Cha,RA'61e Hfx- Consistent indiv diff in speech disruptn w/delayed aud fdbk Cha,RA'61e - Above not correl w/disruptn of key-tapping w/delay aud fdbk Cha,RA'61e OfO- Rapid wing mvmt in locust unchanged w/out fdbk from wing - Wil,DM'61- HUU- Exteroceptive error fdbk S becomes cond S for correcting R Gid,AA'62- Mf - Learn to push deafferented limb thru bars of cage for food Kna,HD'63e Hf - Some relrng to tap fast w/decr kinesthetic/sight/sound fdbk Las,JI'67- MfX- Disting direct (topographic) fdbk re nature of mvmt - - - - Tau,E.'68+ Disting indirect fdbk re consequences of beh Tau,E.'68+ Do not use deafferented limb to walk/climb if unilateral Tau,E.'68+ Do use both deafferented limbs to walk/climb if bilat Tau,E.'68+ W/bilateral, use both limbs to walk/climb w/out vision Tau,E.'68+ Maintain AR after total spinal cord deafferentation Tau,E.'68+ Above w/out vision and w/brief S; hence no R-prod fdbk Tau,E.'68+ Hyp: Normal interlimb inhib checked by ipsilat afferent Tau,E.'68+ Th: Purely central fdbk system to monitor beh in advance Tau,E.'68+ Mf - Devel locomotory limb sequence if deafferentation B4 birth Ber,AP'73+ Hf - No effect of visual fdbk during mvmt vs start/end positions Fau,AS'75- HfY- No effect of visual fdbk vs instruct re control pulse amp - Joh,D.'77- Hf - Persistent overshooting if remove visual fdbk re bar-press Smy,MM'77- HfO- Alter auditory fdbk of finger tap alters next inter-R time Win,AM'77- Relevant Uncoded Root-Abstracts Relevant(?) Unabstrcted/Uncoded Literature Title: Propriocep as mediator of R - - - - - - - - - - - - Sch,RA'69+