LOGAN: LAWS OF LEARNING (Basic Processes) July 2004 ESCAPE CONDITIONING: Excitation Historic Stimulus Independent Variables Contents Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Interdependent-Operation EEHS>>1:00. S-Pre-exposure on Escape Conditioing EG****bas Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Negative/Interdependent-Opertion Law EEHS>>2:00. US-Habituation EG****cau EEHS>>2:10. US-Habituation as-f(prior experience) EG****caw EEHS>>2:20. US-Habituation as-f(gender) EG****cay Behavioral/Natural/Social/Emotionally-Neutral Effect EEHS>>3:00. Vicarious (Observational) Escape Conditioning EG****qoH Relevant Uncoded Root-Abstracts Relevant(?) Unabstracted/Uncoded Literature EEHS>>:00. S-Pre-exposure on Escape Conditioing EG****bas RCRS Preexpose to context facil acq ER w/rear w/enriched environ Ren,MJ'88- Law EEHS>>2:00. US-Habituation EG****cau RTL- Exposure to inescapable shock decr acq, facil extn of ER - Din,JA'56+ Interp effect of inescapable shock re acq of competing R Din,JA'56+ R P- Pre-expose to long hi shock decr ER more than lo shock - - Din,JA'56+ RSPx Pre-expose to inescapable shock decr ER acq, not-f(dep) - - Din,JA'58- RAJS Prior traumatic shock facil acq ER w/lo shock - - - - - - - And,DC'66- RVJS Init decr in lrng w/prior Pair(start box,shock) - - - - - - Ali,J.'67e DVJS After pretraining w/inescapable shock, acq ER w/forced ER - Sel,ME'68e DVJS Shock pre-expose w/ER=inhib UR-->decr ARi acq < inescapable Mai,SF'70- DCJS Nontransient decr in acq only w/repeated shock pre-espose - Sel,ME'70+ RxxS Prior inescapable shock decr acq w/wheel, not shuttle ER - Mai,SF'73e R x- Pretrng w/inescapable shock decr hurdle shock-escape lrng - Osb,FH'75e RUxS Acq ER decr w/prior inescapable shock, is-f(nature of ER) - Sel,ME'75+ RVJS Pre-expose inescapable shock decr ER/ARi acq w/1-wk B4 test Sel,ME'75e No effect of pre-expose shock if escape w/diff ER Sel,ME'75e Break-up above decr w/forcible expose to escape conting Sel,ME'75e RxxS Inescapable, not esc/avoid sh in wheel decr acq shuttle ER Kel,JE'77- Note: No above deficit if prevent wheel-turn R w/pre-expose Kel,JE'77- RCOS P(ER) after inescapable shock incr w/bilat septal lesions - Bea,GH'78+ RTJS Pre-expose w/shock decr ER acq w/same, not incr/decr USI - Ros,RA.78+ RC S Acq ER decr w/preexpose to short/long sh in same/diff box - Alt,A.'79e RxLx Pre-expose w/inescapable peripheral shock decr acq ER Chi,AR'79+ w/peripheral shock US but not w/aversive ESB US - - Chi,AR'79+ No effect of inescapable aversive ESB on ER w/either US Chi,AR'79+ RUxx Preexpose w/inescapable sh decr acq bar AR, not maze w/food Mau,MD'79+ R S Elim effect of pretrng w/inescapable sh w/ECS B4/after trng Bre,CW'81e SCPS ER acq decr w/large, not small N/pre-expose w/weak shock - Cas,T.'81+ RCPS Acq ER not decr w/pre-expose to shock in pairs w/aggression Fol,MJ'81- RTUS No effect of pre-expose to hi/lo shock on ER acq w/hi/lo sh You,AG'82+ D xS Acq not-f(prior (un)controllability of shock) - - - - - - - Des,NK'84- Acq retarded w/prior unpredictable shock US Des,NK'84- RYLS Prior inescapable sh decr choice-escape lrng re speed/error Min,TR'84e Above only w/delayed shock termination and irrel cues Min,TR'84e R PS Fdbk-S after inescapable shock elim decr effect on acq ER - Vol,JR'84e RVLS 1 session pretrng w/inescap sh or w/Pair(S,sh) decr escond Ber,PJ'86e Long pretrng w/Pair(S,Sh) decr escond only w/S present Ber,PJ'86e R1JS Acq shuttle ER not-f preexpose w/S B4/after inescapable sh Jac,RL'88+ Effect is-f(Signal)---ie incr/decr visual/auditory S Jac,RL'88+ RVJS Pretrng w/lite-correl inescapable shock decr later ER acq - Ber,PJ'90e OUJS Prior escapable shock elim lrnd helpless beh w/cockroach - Bro,GE'90e RCJS Pretrng w/inescapable sh decr ER w/short interval B4 test - Mai,SF'90- Above deficit not-f(fear) re freezing, drug effects Mai,SF'90- R S If signal end of inescapable sh, no effect on later ER acq Min,TR'90e RTJS Inescapable restraint decr shuttle ER; elim w/antidepress - Mar,P.'92e S JS Strain diff in decr effect of pre-expose to inescapable sh Sha,N.'93+ EEHS>>2:10. US-Habituation as-f(prior experience) EG****caw DVJS Pre-expose w/inescape, not escapable shock, decr ER/ARi acq Sel,ME'67+ Escapable shock B4 inescapable elim above effect Sel,ME'67+ rSJS Inescapable shock when weanling decr adult ER acq - - - - - Han,RD'76e Escapable sh when weanling decr effect later inescapable Han,RD'76e Sxxx Prior acq shock ER elim decr effect of inescapable shock Ani,H.'83- on both shock or H2O ER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ani,H.'83- Prior acq H2O ER elim effect of inescapable shock Ani,H.'83- on perf of H2O, not shock ER Ani,H.'83- RVJ- ER pretrng decr later deficit in ER acq from inescapable sh Tro,JR'91e Above immunizatn lrnd helplessness only w/same warning S Tro,JR'91e EEHS>>2:20. US-Habituation as-f(gender) EG****cay RCJS Decr effect of inescapable shock on ER w/males > females - Ste,HL'89e RxxS Gender diff in effect of preexpose to inescapable sh on ER Ste,HL'90e Attrib to diff in freeze R to inescapable sh w/males Ste,HL'90e RCJS Preexpose w/inescapable shock incr Lat(shuttle ER) - - - - Hei,RP'91e Above effect greater w/males at short interval B4 trng Hei,RP'91e EEHS>>3:00. Vicarious (Observational) Escape Conditioning EG****qoH dSRO Social facil of acq/extn w/H2O-spray as US - - - - - - - - Jam,WT'71- HAUO Observational lrng re escapable, not inescapable noise - - Cha,GM'81+ Relevant Uncoded Root-Abstracts R J _Acq shuttle ER re cue associated w/frustrative nonreward - Com,PJ'74e SCxS _Preexpose w/inescapable shock decr ER acq only if delay ER Ani,H.'78e _ Effect corresponds to shock --> incr then decr in acty Ani,H.'78e Relevant(?) Unabstracted/Uncoded Literature R Ti _Title: Lrnd helplessness and assoc decr - - - - - - - - - Jac,RL'79- R Ti _Title: Inescapable shock on choice ER - - - - - - - - - - Jac,RL'80e RG Ti _Title: Escape deficits after inescapable - - - - - - - - - Min,TR'84+