LOGAN: LAWS OF LEARNING (Basic Processes) July 2004 FREE BEHAVIOR: Excitation Historic Contingency Interdependent Variables Contents Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-negative/Interdependent-Operation FEHC<>1:00. Conditioned Taste Aversions (CTA) FD****cFA FEHC<>1:01. Cond Aversions to non-taste S FD****cFB FEHC<>1:10. S effects in Cond Aversions FD****csf FEHC<>1:11. S-inten effects in Cond Aversions FD****csg FEHC<>1:12. Compound-S effects in Cond Aversions FD****csh FEHC<>1:13. Context effects in Cond Aversions FD****ccf FEHC<>1:20. US effects in Cond Aversions FD****cFS FEHC<>1:21. US-inten effects in Cond Aversions FD****cFU FEHC<>1:22. Comparative US effectiveness FD****cFV FEHC<>1:30. ISI effects in Cond Aversions FD****cia FEHC<>1:31. Backward ISI in Cond Aversions FD****cjf FEHC<>1:40. S-pre-exposure effects in Cond Aversions FD****tsf FEHC<>1:50. US-pre-exposure effects in Cond Aversions FD****uFS FEHC<>1:60. ECS effects in Cond Aversions FD****usN FEHC<>1:70. Cond taste aversions (CTA) w/Drug as US FD****iA2 FEHC<>1:71. CTA w/Alcohol as US FD****iA1 FEHC<>1:72. Comparative Drugs as US for CTA FD****iAx FEHC<>1:73. Drug pre-exposure on CTA w/Drug as US FD****iAf FEHC<>1:74. Genetic factors in CTA w/Drug US FD****iAo Systematic Analyses of Conditioned Aversions FD****cFZ FEHC<>2:00. Acquired Taste Preference FD****aqL Relevant uncoded root-abstracts Relevant(?) unabstracted/uncoded literature FEH<>1:00. Conditioned Taste Aversions (CTA) FD****cFA . Genz: Decr intake of flavored substance followed by sickness RSCO Expose w/poisoned O decr sacc intake w/w/out sacc B4 expose His,Y."00- RSCO Pair(flavor1.fl2,LiCl) then expose to poisoned conspecific, His,Y."00- greater CTA re flavor paired w/LiCl to conspecific O - - His,Y."00- SxxO DBA/2J>C57BL/6J O re both cond taste/place aversions w/LiCl Ris,FO"00+ PxC- 1-tr lrng to avoid poisoned corn, via position/taste/odor - Pus,A.'30+ RGC- Concur Pair(saccharine,gamma-radiatn) decr saccharine pref Gar,J.'55e RGC- Diff S/Genz of cond avoid of LiCl to other salts, esp NaCl Nac,M.'63- RGC- Cond taste aversion w/Pair(sacc,X-ray) w/500-day-old O - - Smi,JC'63+ RGC- Equal avoid after saccharin/water/no-fluid B4 irradiate - - Lau,WA'64e RGC- Devel saccharine aversion w/sacc given B4/after x-ray trtmt MLa,WA'64e RGC- Irradiation decr saccharine intake w/out pairing - - - - - MLa,WA'64e RGC- Sacc aversn after x-ray trtmt w/out prior Pair(sacc,x-ray) Sca,BB'64+ RGC- Cond aversion to sacc w/1-Pair(sacc,x-ray) - - - - - - - - Smi,JC'64e RGC- Pair(sacc/H2O/no-solutn w/x-ray)--sacc aversn w/immed test Smi,JC'65e No sacc aversn w/above w/24-hr delay sacc/H2O pref test Smi,JC'65e RGC- Pref for sacc vs H20=f(age,age weaned), not-f(early exper) Col,FM'68- RGC- Sacc pref is-f(rat strain) B4/after Pair(sacc,x-ray) - - - Mar,JC'68- RGC- Cond salt aversion in adrenalectomized rats w/gamma ray US Cul,JW'69- RGC- Aversion w/Pair(NaCl,LiCl) decr-f(illum/thirst,NaCl-dep) - Bal,S.'70+ RGC- Pair(NaCl/LiCl)--Fatal NaCl aversion w/adrenalectomized rat Cul,JM'70- RGC- Rear w/H2O or saccharine--Pair other w/LiCl--Avoid paired S Nac,M.'70- Above cond aversion decr-f(delay) B4 LiCl, up to 4 hrs Nac,M.'70- Rear w/H20+sacc--Pair 1 w/LiCl--Some temp avoid paired S Nac,M.'70- RGC- Hippocampal lesioned=controls for mag/extn of aversion - - Nac,M.'70- RGC- Appet cond: flavs paired w/recovery pref over familiar flvs Dra,WB'71e RGC- Pair(sacc,cyclophosphamine)--Aversion w/2-S, not w/1-S test Gro,FW'71+ RGC- Aversion w/Pair(sacc,radiatn) incr-f(preradiatn sacc pref) Sut,LW'71- RGC- Cond taste aversion incr-f(N/Pair(NaCl,LiCl)) w/NaCl-dep - Bal,S.'72e RXC- Cond oral satiety w/Pair(odor/taste,caloric density) - - - Boo,DA'72- RGC- No effect of prewean handling/shock on CTA - - - - - - - - Ade,R.'73- OGC- Cond aversn w/novel-food (earthworm) paired w/LiCl in snake Bur,GM'73e RGC- Saline pref decr w/hypertonic/isotonic saline pre-exposure Dev,LD'73- RSx- Pair(odor,LiCl) w/w/out ingestion--Odor decr intake/explor Dom,M.'73- RGC- Pair(HCl-solution,cyclophospahmide)--CTA persists 90-d - - Dra,WB'73e Above CTA decr by post-cond exper w/similar solutions Dra,WB'73e RGC- Dose-dependent indiv diff in acq/extn w/sacc+CPA - - - - - Elk,RL'73- RGC- Sacc CTA =f(time cond): 4pm<4am<10am<10pm - - - - - - - - - Ets,F.'73+ RGC- Pair(sacc,cyclophosamide)--Extn faster w/hi H20 dep - - - - Gro,FW'73+ RXC- Anosmic=Control Ss w/flavor/illness & noise/shock pair - - Han,WG'73e Anosmics have less neophobic response than controls Han,WG'73e RGC- LiCl aversion f(absolute quant), threshold approx .15mEq/kg Nac,M.'73+ RGC- Pair(sacc,LiCl)--Aversn dec-inc-f(test-delay) 90-min/14-day Bie,GC'74e RGC- Decreased pref for sacc but not NaCl in alloxan-diabetic Ss Bro,KH'74- FGC- Aversion to food paired w/LiCl, greater w/novel food - - - Mac,B.'74- RGC- Hippocampal lesioned = control Ss for taste aversion lrng - Mur,LR'74+ RGC- State dependent cond taste aversion w/dep/satiation - - - - Pec,JH'74+ Above cond aversion greater w/satiation Pec,JH'74+ RGC- Retain CTA after lateral hypothal lsns, but no acq new CTA Sch,M.'74+ RGC- Give saline after saccharin-illness incr pref for saline - Bes,MR'75- Above effect less if also give saline B4 illness Bes,MR'75- RGC- Pair(NaCl,LiCl)--Pair(saccharine,NaCl)--Decr sacchar intake Bon,NW'75+ RGC- CTA to sucrose not salt w/formalin, opposite w/insulin - - Dom,M.'75- CTA to both salt and sucrose w/irradiation US Dom,M.'75- Amount sacc CTA =f(source of thirst) Dom,M.'75- RGC- No CTA if deficient in S comodity (sodium/calcium) - - - - Fru,K.'75- RGC- Intake novel solutn f(ISI) to 6hr, greatest incr w/in 60m - Gre,KF'75+ 2nd novel flavor interferes w/above effect, incr-f(time) Gre,KF'75+ RGC- Aversn to novel S w/25, not w/10-days habituatn to test sit Mit,D.'75e RGC- US-alone after Pair(taste,sickness) does not decr effect - Bro,KH'76+ RNC- Hippocamp lsn decr, not elim CTA, attrib to decr neophobia Kra,RV'76e RGC- No effect of post-cond exposure w/LiCl on prior cond aversn Ril,AL'76e Post-cond exposure w/LiCl decr later cond to diff taste Ril,AL'76e RGC- Prior Pair(sit,LiCl) decr cond aversion w/Pair(sacc,LiCl) - Rud,JW'77e Above effect obtained w/2nd pairing op in same/diff sit Rud,JW'77e RGCH Pair(NaCl,US) w/sodium deficiency -->NaCl CTA tested normal Tre,AM'77+ rGC- CTA w/12:15-d-old O, w/longer ISI w/15-d - - - - - - - - - Gre,B.'78e 2-wk retention of above CTA w/12:15-d-old O Gre,B.'78e SGC Title: Acq CTA as-f(age) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ing,DK'78- SGC- Rapid acq CTA w/delayed LiCl w/deer mice, but < w/lab rats Rob,RJ'78- RGC- Initial intake (neophobia) correl w/post-cond intake - - - Arc,T.'79+ rGC- CTA at 1/3/5-d age but 2nd-order cond only at 6+d - - - - - Che,MD'79+ RGC- Transfer taste aversion, food to liquid, less if change dep Gil,K.'79+ rGC- Preweenling=adult in cond taste aversion w/immed US - - - - Ste,PA'79e Adult>preweenling in cond taste aversion w/1-hr delay US Ste,PA'79e HGC- 1-Pair(flavor,5-fluorouracill) w/patients decr taste pref - Ber,I.'80+ RGC Title: Handling in infancy and CTA - - - - - - - - - - - - Den,VH'80e RGC Title: ITI on CTA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dom,M.'80- rGC Title: CTA w/varying delay/S/test cond - - - - - - - - - - Mar,GM'80+ RGC- Flavor aversion w/Pair(sacc,pentobarb) then Pair(pent,LiCl) Rev,S.'80e SGC- Strain diff in sex diff in CTA w/ad lib extn - - - - - - - Ing,DK'81+ OGC- Cond aversion in toad to palatable prey by pair w/LiCl - - Mik,P.'81e xGCU Species (rat/guinea pig/gerbil) diff in flavor neophobia - Mil,RR'81+ Note: Above species do not differ in acq flavor CTA Mil,RR'81+ RGC- Hiordcond/sensory-precond taste S2 aversn w/context as CS1 Arc,T.'82+ RNCO CTA re Pair(flavor,LiCl) decr w/concur reinf ESB - - - - - Ett,A.'82e RGC- Pair(sucrose,LiCl)--CTA incr-f(19/30/90/180-d-age) - - - - Fra,JJ'82+ RGC- After extended CTA trng w/compound, little genz to elements Gil,K.'82+ SGC- Greater aversion w/1-Pair(taste,LiCl) w/genetically obese - Ing,DK'82- RGC- Poison after groom flavored jelly on fur--Decr drink flavor Rei,RF'82e RGC- Incr neophobia sim but weaker than CTA as-f(ISI) - - - - - Fra,JJ'83+ RGC- Interaction w/ill conspecific did not mediate CTA lrng - - Gal,BG'83e Re above: Ill rat emits cues adequate for food CTA lrng Gal,BG,83e OGC- Fail to cond taste aversion in chick, re S-inten/duratn/cue Gil,K.'83e MGC- Feed almonds in wild--Catch/poison/release--Avoid over 3-mo Mat,T.'83e OVC- Cond aversion in wild crows to colored eggs assoc w/toxin - Nic,LK'83e REP- Pref/aversn to sugar/quinine incr by MORPH after 1 taste - Les,M.'84- RGC- Correl initial react to sacc w/inten of cond taste aversn - Per,EO'85- SGC- 60-d post-wean isolatn dec taste neophobia, not cond aversn Shi,S.'85- RGC- CTA w/taste on fur w/drink not w/groom test - - - - - - - - Rei,RF'86+ RGC- CTA decr by benzodiazephine w/2-bottle test - - - - - - - - Roa,JD'86+ RGC- CTA w/injected hi flavor and delayed US - - - - - - - - - - Bel,WP'87+ RxC- Acq equal/greater CTA if anesthetized after S B4 lithium - Ber,F.'88e BGC- CTA w/Pair(apple juice,apomorphine) - - - - - - - - - - - - Dog,GJ'88+ RGC- Notes poss confounded taste w/plastic bottle in cond aversn Hol,MD'88- RGC- Sacc CTA after 1-d weaker than after 3/5/10-d re intake - - Bat,WR'92+ R Title: Retention of CTA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bat,WR'92+ FEHC<>1:01. Cond Aversions to non-taste S FD****cFB GGCH Avoid odorous substance paired w/food poisoned w/arsenic - Mat,E.'34- RGC- Pair(brite-noisy/tasty H2O,shock)--Aversion to brite-noisy Gar,J.'66+ RxC- Pair(brite-noisy/tasty H2O,shock)--Aversion to brite-noisy Gar,J.'66+ RSC- Odor aversion specific to CS (isopopanol/geraniol/acetone) Lor,JF'70e RxC- Suppressn to lite after Pair(lite-taste,LiCl) off baseline Mor,GR'74+ No suppressn w/above if 1st Pair(lite-taste,palatable S) Mor,GR'74+ RVC- Hi R/Extn of cond color-aversn after 1-tr-Pair(color,LiCl) Joh,C.'75e RGC- Novel taste cue facil acq CTA re concur visual cue - - - - Gal,BG'78+ rGC Title: 2nd-order odor aversion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Che,MD'79- OSC- Avoidance of acid odor followed by LiCl in gerbils - - - - Pet,TF'79- OSO- Pair(young-gerbil,LiCl)--Avoid specific young conspecific - Pet,TF'81- RSC- Odor aversion cond w/2-d=10-d-old rats only w/long S expose Smi,FJ'83e RGC- Acq of cond odor aversion decr by lesion lateral amygdala - Ber,F.'86e RGC- Taste(sacc)-potentiated odor aversion w/AMPH US - - - - - - Bry,PA'93e P Title: Taste-potentiated color aversions - - - - - - - - - Thi,TE'94+ FEHC<>1:10. S effects in Cond Aversions FD****csf RGC- Aversion cond to specific concen of S, w/apomorphine US - - Roz,P.'69- Above finding elim aftertaste acct of long-ISI aversion Roz,P.'69- RGC- CTA w/preferred > nonpreferred flavor - - - - - - - - - - - Gre,KF'70+ RGC- Pair(warm H2O,LiCl)--Temperature aversion w/delay <1-hr - - Nac,M.'70- RGC- Cond aversion w/sacc or NaCl S, not w/citric acid S - - - - Bra,RM'71e RGC- Pair(saccharine-injected-in-vein,radiatn)--Avoid oral sacc Bra,RM'71+ QxG- Cond aversion to colored water > taste - - - - - - - - - - Wil,HC'71e RXC- Taste or buzzer S-specific aversion to shock or sickness US Dom,M.'72+ W/above ingestion and approach behaviors were controlled Dom,M.'72+ RGC- Weaker CTA w/flavor S when tasted rather than ingested - - Dom,M.'72+ RGC- Single=double exposure to S on cond aversion - - - - - - - Bol,RC'73e RGC- Stronger CTA w/HCL vs Sacc, 1-bottle test - - - - - - - - Ets,F.'73+ RGC- Cond aversion w/Pair(lemonade,centrifugal spin) - - - - - - Hut,SL'73- Initial pref for flavor of S nec for cond aversion Hut,SL'73- RGD Title: CTA w/familiar tap water - - - - - - - - - - - - - Elk,RL'74- RXC- Pair(brite-noisy/tasty H2O),illness)--Aversion to taste - - Gre,KF'74e Pair(brite-noisy/tasty H2O,shock)--Aversn to brite-noisy Gre,KF'74e OGC- Cond aversion to specific prey w/Pair(meat,LiCl) w/coyote - Gus,CR'74e RGC- Pair(NaCl,drug)--Aversions incr-f(trng/test CSI) w/interact Now,GH'74- RSO- Pair(vaginal-secretion,illness)--Aversion to sex attractant Joh,RE'75+ RGC- Pair(sacc,X-ray)--Aversn inc-dec-f(S-duratn=ISI) max=30-min Bar,LM'76- RGC- Attrib diff CTA w/liquid S to drink duration, not amt drunk Kal,JW'76- RGC- Hi>Lo CSI for aversion w/3/9-hr ISI, no diff at 30-min - - Deu,R.'78- RNCO Amygdala, not caudate ESB decr H2O intake after pair w/LiCl Phi,AG'78+ rGC- Cond taste aversion incr-f(S-concen) only w/3-hr delayed US Ste,PA'79e RGC- Acq CTA re food diet, w/little effect of novel flavors - - Ber,IL'80e rGC- W/5-d-old, cond flavor-toxicosis/tactile-shock, not v/versa Gem,GA'80e xGC- CTA specific re sweet/salty/sour/bitter taste (rat/hamster) Now,GH'80e RTC- Texture-specific food aversn cond w/30-min delay toxicosis Dom,M.'82+ MTC- Cond aversion to shape of cookie tested in darkness - - - - Dom,M.'82e RGC- W/2-taste-exposures B4 poison, aversion decr-f 2nd-S-US ISI Kra,RV'82+ W/short 2nd-S-US ISI, aversn2%; weak after trng w/<2% Sha,N.'83- RGCO Fail to obtain cond inhib w/MIX Pair(S1,LiCl) + S1S2,no US Del,AR'86e RGC- Flavor cue facil cond context aversion if ill in context - Kle,SB'87+ rGC- Pair(flavor,US)=Pair(fl-odor,US) w/immed test taste aversn Kra,PJ'88e Greater 21-d retentn taste aversn after cond w/1-element Kra,PJ'88e RGC- Chlorisondamine decr CTA w/nicotine US - - - - - - - - - - Rea,C.'88e HGCO Acq CTA re novel > familiar food B4 nausea re chemotherapy And,GV'89- R Title: Renewal of CTA w/return to context - - - - - - - - Ros,JM'97+ Title: Percept lrng in CTA (Riccio) - - - - - - - - - - - Bur,AS'98- FEHC<>1:11. S-inten effects in Cond Aversions FD****csg RGC- Strength of CTA incr/f(CSI/USI) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dra,WB'71- RGC- Cond taste aversion incr-f(concen/duration of taste S) - - Bar,LM'72- RGC- CTA=f(flavor/amt), not-f 3-solutn interference in ISI - - - Der,A.'74+ RGC- Taste aversion incr-f(amt saccharine ingested) B4 LiCl - - Bon,NW'75+ RGC- Aversion incr-f(Amt(consumed)) w/Pair(sacc,LiCl) - - - - - Bon,NW'75+ RGC- Hi-concen sacc requires shorter S-duration for max aversion Bar,LM'76- RGC- Aversion incr-f(S-salience) w/anosmic O - - - - - - - - - - Bes,PJ'76e RGC- Pair(taste1,taste2,LiCl)--Rel CTA correl w/amt consumed - Elk,RL'82+ RSC- Cond odor aversion incr-f(odor qual/inten) - - - - - - - - Pan,H.'82- RGC- Hi-salience S prod greater CTA, less pre-exposure effect - Fra,JJ'88+ FEHC<>1:12. Compound-S effects in Cond Aversions FD****csh RGC- Concur familiar/novel flavors--X-radiation--Prefer familiar Rev,SH'67+ RGC- Salience better predictor of cond aversn than temporal prox Kal,JW'70+ GxC- Pair(taste/color,LiCl) aversion to either S w/S consumption Bra,NS'74- Interp: Color important in food selection w/O species Bra,NS'74- RGC- Pair(novel,familiar w/sickness) CTA to novel; f(taste) - - Dom,M.'74+ RXC- Pair(red-sweet H20,sickness) aversn to taste not appearance Bra,NS'75- Get aversion to appearance w/habituation to sweet taste Bra,NS'75- RxC- Less odor/taste aversion w/30-min than 10-min S exposure - Rud,JW'78+ RxC- CTA incr-f(N/novel exteroceptive cues) Arc,T.'79+ RxC- Odor overshadows taste in aversion lrng w/texture also rel Mar,LT'79+ Title: Overshadowing in CTA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bat,JD'80+ RxC- Odor-aversn w/Pair(taste-odor,LiCl), not w/odor-alone as S Pal,CC'80e RVc- Cond aversion to visual prop of food > food bin/chamber - - Gal,BG'81+ RxC- Cond odor aversn w/odor-taste simult compound < odor alone Bou,ME'82+ RxC- Pair(odor-taste,poison)--Odor aversion decr-f(taste concen) Mik,PJ'82e RxC- Odor aversn incr by trng w/odor-taste compound pair w/LiCl Rus,KW'82e Elim nonassoc (incr neophobia/sensitization) account Rus,KW'82e RxC- Aversion in cond context w/out odor only if cond w/out odor Tau,H.'82+ RxC- Pair(tone,taste)--Tone overshadows diff taste paired w/LiCl Hol,PC'83- Pair(tone,taste)--Tone facil odor paired w/LiCl Hol,PC'83- RxC- Cond odor aversn incr-f salience, not incr w/taste compound Las,RL'83- RxCO Noisy-bottle aversn w/Pair(sacc/bottle,LiCl)>Pr(bottle,LiCl Sjo,P.'83+ RxC- Cond aversn to odor potentiated w/odor-flavor compound cond Wes,RF'83e Above decr by post-cond flavor extn, incr by incr flavor Wes,RF'83e rxC- Trend--More blocking added odor cue aversn w/60>30>15-d-age Caz,PA'84- RxC- Cond odor aversion only if compound w/taste w/in 2-min ISI Cob,KL'84e RGC- Non-salient cond flavor1 blocked cond to added salient fl2 Kle,SB'84e Block only if prior pair compound fl1-other fl w/sick Kle,SB'84e rGC- Pair(sacc-salt,LiCl)--Incr aversn to both w/pre-wean>adult Kuc,D.'84+ Elim above potentiation by extn of other flavor B4 test Kuc,D.'84+ MGC- Repeat Pair(2-foods,poison)--Suppress novel food, then both Mat,T.'84+ RxC- Odor aversion facil by trng w/odor-flavor S, less w/flavor Vil,J.'84e RxC- Fail to find potentiatn of odor aversn by compound w/taste Ida,M.'85- rGC- W/simult compound tastes B4 poison, greater taste-1 aversn Kuc,D.'85+ Compound potentiation taste aversion w/preweanling>adult Kuc,D.'85+ Above compound potentiation elim by extn taste-2 B4 test Kuc,D.'85+ W/sequential compound taste B4 poison, weaker t-1 aversn Kuc,D.'85+ RSC- W/choice test, cond odor aversn w/w/out simult taste B4 ill Sch,K.'85+ RGC- CTA to element facil by simult, nor sequential tastes - - - Dav,SF'88e RGC- Odor facil CTA w/young/aged O; compete w/taste w/adult - - Hin,CF'88+ RGC- Overshadowing in CTA w/taste/odor w/adult > weanling - - - Kra,PJ'88e Above w/early test; overshadowing w/adults decr-f(time) Kra,PJ'88e RxC- Pair(compound,LiCl) facil flavor-flavor assn - - - - - - - Het,CD'89+ PxE- Strong visual cue overshadowed flavor in cond aversion - - Jac,RL'89+ Compound flavor facil cond visual aversn w/weak visual S Jac,RL'89+ RGC- W/compound CTA--odor overshadow taste at 1, not at 21d test Mil,JS'90e W/compound CTA--taste overshadow odor at 21, not 1d test Mil,JS'90e RGCC CTA w/Pair(swim-stress,LiCl), blocks CTA w/Pair(sacc/LiCl) Bou,MJ'92- RGCH Pair(sacc/MORPH,LiCl)-->CTA incr-f(sacc concen) - - - - - - Lam,RJ'97+ After above, CTA re MORPH not-f(sacc concen) Lam,RJ'97+ FEHC<>1:13. Context effects in Cond Aversions FD****ccf RXC- Taste but not smell or location avoidance w/1+illness US - Har,GE'71+ rGC- CTA w/Pair(sucrose,LiCl) in home environ w/18-d < 21-d age Inf,RN'79e RGCT Amygdala ESB w/Pair(sacc,LiCl) decr CTA only w/ESB at test Phi,AG'80+ RGC- Cond w/new>familiar-S, familiar>new context, no interact - Kur,EM'82+ OGC- Avoid familiar food only in novel place where paired w/LiCl Ell,SR'83e Pair(familiar-food,poison)--Avoid food only in cond sit Ell,SR'83e Eat other familiar foods in cond environ, coyotes Ell,SR'83e RGC- Acq context aversion concur w/CTA, re intake H2O/saline - - Bes,MR'84e RGC- Context cues (noise/odor) present w/sacc/poison facil CTA - Arc,T.'85e RCC- More aversn re context if compound taste-context B4 poison Kle,SB'85e RGC- Cond sacc-aversion w/noisy bottle--Intake w/noisy < silent Jar,TU'86e Depletion of noradrenalin decr above context effect Jar,TU'86e RGC- Place aversn facil by flavor >water w/toxicosis or shock US Wes,RF'88e RGC- CTA specific to acq context if several Pair(taste,LiCl) - - Bon,C.'90e FEHC<>1:20. US effects in Cond Aversions FD****cFS RGC- Decr HR and intake of flavor assoc w/thiamine dep - - - - - Zah,DM'61- RGC- Cond taste aversion w/Pair(sucrose,X-ray) - - - - - - - - - Smi,JC'66+ ROC- Cond odor aversn w/toxophobic reactn to insulin injectn US Lov,D.'68e RGC- CTA w/Pair(grape-juice,apomorphine) w/no sex diff - - - - - Gre,KF'69- RSC- No cond aversion effects w/ECS as US - - - - - - - - - - - Nac,M.'70- XXX- Cond aversions w/weak US w/out overt sickness - - - - - - - Rev,S.'70+ RGC- Incr intake of fluid paired w/recovery from apomorphine - - Gre,KF'71+ RGC- Cond aversion w/Pair(sodium solution,formalin injection) - Woo,SC'71e RGC- 1 trial aversion w/rotational US, not specific to location Bra,JJ'73- RGC- Cond sacc taste aversion w/methyl mercury poisoning as US - Bra,JJ'73+ RGC- CTA w/rotational stim US - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gre,L.'73+ RGC- Forwd/backwd cond sacc aversn w/X-ray US; only forwd w/LiCl Bar,LM'74+ RGC- Postcond sacc consumption pos-correl w/precond consumption Bar,LM'74e RGC- Aversion to taste S paired w/histidine-deficient diet - - - Boo,DA'74+ RGC- Sacc CTA w/p-tyrosine US w/out signs of toxicity - - - - - Car,RJ'74+ RGC- Cond H2O aversion w/cycholgexamide US - - - - - - - - - - - Nak,S.'74- RGC- Aversn w/hypnotic drug USs: Hexobarbital/chloral hydrate - Vog,JR'75+ Above w/flurazepan/methaqualone/phenobarb/ethyl ether Vog,JR'75+ RGC Title: Distrib of drug US on CTA - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dom,M.'79e R Title: Exposure to poisoned rat as US - - - - - - - - - - Coo,S.'80e RGC Title: Bombesin produces CTA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Deu,JA'81+ RSC- Pair(taste,sick-rat)--Cond taste aversn < Pair(taste,LiCl) Rev,S.'82e Interp: Sick-rat is aversive US, incr-f(degree sickness) Rev,S.'82e RGC- Taste aversion w/X-ray/LiCl US best w/60-min ISI, re longer Sch,GF'82- RGC- Post-cond US-alone decr aversn as-f sim post-US to cond-US Wes,RF'82e RGC- CTA w/Pair(sacc,acrylamide) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - And,CE'83e RGC- Noradrenaline depletion did not decr S-preexposure effect - Arc,T.'83e RGC- Cond aversn only w/novel food w/slow continuous LiCl infusn Ber,IL'83+ RxC- Subj bred re CTA w/drug US differ w/rotation US - - - - - - Elk.RL'83+ HGC- Decr intake flavor paired w/nausea-imagery-story, not fear Cla,JC'84+ RGC- CTA w/tryptamine US, incr-f(N) w/hi dose - - - - - - - - - Fle,PJ'86- RGC- Cond taste aversion vs cond drinking w/5-HTP US - - - - - - Wil,P.'86e RGC- Sacc aversion w/US = inescapable sh - - - - - - - - - - - - Des,NK'88e Re above, inescapable sh decr sacc aversion w/US = LiCl Des,NK'88e rGC- CTA w/Pair(sucrose,footshock) at 5/10-d age, not 15-d - - - Hof,H.'88+ ROC- Diffcond CTA w/S = odor of conspecific reward/nonreward - - Bat,WR'89+ RGC- CTA w/Pair(sacc,inhaled p-xylene), incr-f(concen) - - - - - Bus,PJ'89+ RSC- CTA w/inhaled p-xylene as US - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bus,PJ'89+ OGCH Horses have difficulty lrng CTA w/hi-palatable food - - - - Hou,KA'90e RGC- Equal CTA w/intragastric/intraperitoneal injections of LiCl VKl,S.'93e R Title: US novelty in retention of CTA - - - - - - - - - - Bat,WR'94+ RGC Title: Exposure to US after CTA (Riccio) - - - - - - - - - Col,KC'96+ R Title: Heat-induced CTA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dav,VA'97+ FEHC<>1:21. US-inten effects in Cond Aversions FD****cFU RGC- Saccharine aversion incr-f(radiatn USI) w/gradual recovery Gar,J.'55e RGC- Rate acq and limit of bait shyness incr-f(mag(US)) - - - - Gar,J.'67e RGC- CTA w/cyclophosphamide US is-f(strain/dose) - - - - - - - - Ade,R.'73- RGC- Cond aversion incr-f(USI) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rev,SH'73+ RGC- Pair(sacc,drug)--Retention/extn of CTA incr-f(drug dose) - Elk,RL'84- FEHC<>1:22. Comparative US effectiveness FD****cFV RXC- CTA w/sickness, not w/shock US - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gar,J.'70e RGC- Cond aversion w/6-hr ISI w/radiation, not w/LiCl US - - - - Bar,LM'72- RGC- CTA w/sickness, not w/shock US - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gre,L.'72e Above true even when contin shock time =sickness duratn Gre,L.'72e RGC- Cond sacc aversion w/lithium > emetine > apomorphine US - - Rev,SH'73+ RGC- Cond sucrose aversn w/formaline or X-ray US, not w/insulin Wei,RS'74e Cond saline aversn w/insulin or X-ray US, not formaline Wei,RS'74e RGCH Re other anorexic agents, only LiCl effective US for CTA - Mar,GM'76+ RGC- Cond taste aversion w/clorgyline > w/deprenyl US - - - - - Bur,O.'87+ rGx- Age-related diff in CTA re LiCl/shock/acid USs - - - - - - Hof,H.'91e FEHC<>1:30. ISI effects in Cond Aversions FD****cia RGC- Max CTA w/sacc-irrad simult, no backward cond - - - - - - - Gar,J.'57+ RGC- Pair(sacc,x-ray)--Cond taste aversion not-f(ISI) 10/35/60-m MLa,WA'63+ RGC- Cond sacc aversion w/x-ray US w/1-hr, not w/6-hr ISI - - - Mor,DD'64+ RGC- Equal decr in saccharine intake w/3/60/120/180-min B4 X-rad MLa,WA'64- RGC- Pair(sacc,x-ray) aversn f(dose & ISI), ISI used:7hr or less Rev,SH'66- RGC- Cond aversion decr-f(ISI), not prevented w/interference - - Kal,JW'71+ RGC- Wet vs dry food aversion w/4-hr ISI, 33-sec ISI w/shock US Gar,J.'72e RGC- Aversn w/backward Pair(LiCl,sacc) w/30-min ISI, not 1-8 hr Bol,FJ'73- RGC- CTA w/24-hr ISI w/either HCl or sacc CS - - - - - - - - - Ets,F.'73+ RGC- Sacc/NaCl aversion w/alloxon US 2 hrs pre- to 6 hrs post-CS Bro,KH'74- No cond aversion w/alloxon US 6/24/28 hrs post-CS Bro,KH'74- RGC- CTA w/X-ray US delayed 90-min, weaker w/longer ISI - - - - Car,ME'74+ rGC- Pair(sucrose,LiCl)--Cond aversion not-f(ISI/age) - - - - - Kal,JW'75- RxC- Pair(H2O-lite-tone,shock)--CR re suppression decr-f(ISI) - Kra,RV'75+ Pair(saccharine,shock)--CR re suppression incr-f(ISI) Kra,RV'75+ RGC- CTA w/forward ISI, not backward/S-alone/sham/random S/US - Mon,B.'79+ RGC- CTA w/old > young > weanling, w/diff incr-f(ISI) - - - - - Mis,JR'88e RGE- Obtain backward CTA as/f(S-salience,backward ISI) - - - - - Fra,JJ'89- OGCH Horses acq CTA w/immed, not 30-min delayed apomorphine US - Hou,KA'90e rGC- Prior Pair(odor/taste,LiCl) facil later long-delay CTA acq Kra,PJ'92e FEHC<>1:31. Backward ISI in Cond Aversions FD****cjf RGC- Later intake decr by backward Pair(irrad,sacc) w/<12-hr ISI Sca,BB'64e RGC- Aversion only if temporal contiguity of saccharin-gamma US Smi,JC'67+ RGC- Pair(flavor,cyclophosphamide): dose & ISI interact w/trials Wri,WE'71e RGC- No backward cond of taste aversion w/Pair(LiCl,saccharine) Bar,LM'72- RGC- CTA to novel solution w/9hr ISI w/9hr anesthesia, LiCl US Roz,P.'72+ RGC- Aversn w/backward Pair(cyclophosphamide,S) decr-f(ISI) 1-4h Bar,LM'74e RGC Title: Backward cond of CTA w/cyclophosph - - - - - - - - Bar,LM'74e RGC- Max ISI for cond decr saccharin intake incr-f(USI) - - - - And,EA'75+ rGC- CTA w/60-min delay US w/adult but not infant O - - - - - - Bak,LJ'77e FEHC<>1:40. S-pre-exposure effects in Cond Aversions FD****tsf RGC- Pair(sacc,x-ray)--Aversion decr-f(pre-exposure to sacc) - - MLa,WA'63e RGC- Pre-exposure to saccharine decr avoid w/Pair(trace-S,irrad) Far,JA'64e RGC- Pair(new/old-food,apomorphine)--Aversn to new if palatable Wit,WA'68+ RGC- Novelty > contig in CTA w/apomorphine US - - - - - - - - - Ahl,RH'71+ RGC- Strength of CTA incr/f(CSI/USI) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dra,WB'71- RGC- CTA decr-f(CS pre-exposure) w/lo > hi H20 deprivation - - - Dom,M.'72- Above pre-exposure effect is-f(rate drinking fixed amt) Dom,M.'72- RGC- Habituation decr cond aversion w/Pair(milk,methylatropine) Vog,JR'72+ RGC- CTA decr-f(pre-exposure) w/1,3,10,20-day pre-exp - - - - - Elk,RL'73- RGC- CS pre-exposure decr acq, decr R/Extn of CTA - - - - - - - Ets,F.'73+ RGC- Cond aversion incr-f(S-novelty), w/novelty > concen - - - - Kal,JW'74- RGC- Test of concept of learned safety: 4 experiments - - - - - Nac,M.'74+ 1,2: Ss drank aversive CS: future intake f(time to test) Nac,M.'74+ 3: no additional learned safety w/ experience w/ CS Nac,M.'74+ 4: delay gradient persists when safety effects minimized Nac,M.'74+ RGC- 1 preexposure to distinctive flavor retards acq of aversion Sie,S.'74- RGC- Aversion w/Pair(sacc,LiCl) decr by pre-expose to sacc - - - Win,JF'74+ RGC- Taste aversion decr by 1 pre-exposure to taste on cond day Bon,NW'75+ Interp: Taste pre-exposure effect is "lrnd safety" Bon,NW'75+ RGCO CTA acq decr, extn facil w/pre-exposure to sucrose - - - - Fen,S.'75e RGC- Pair(S,recovery)--Deficit in later CTA acq w/LiCl US - - - Zah,DM'75+ RGC- 1 preexpose B4 Pair(S,LiCl)--Intake inc-dec-f(time B4 pair) Bes,MR'77+ No aversn w/Pair(S,LiCl) if 1 preexposure S 4-hr B4 pair Bes,MR'77+ RGC- CTA w/pre-exposed S if precede Pair(S,LiCl) w/novel sit - - Rud,JW'77e RGC- Flavor-aversion cond decr by S-preexposure - - - - - - - - Bes,MR'79e Disrupt above effect by distractor flavor B4 cond Bes,MR'79e RGCO Different S/Genz S-preexpose effect between flavors on CTA Daw,JM'79- RGC- Preexpose flavor1--Pair(fl1,novel-fl2,LiCl)--CTA w/novel - Fra,JJ'81e Preexpose flavor1--Pair(novel-fl2,fl1,LiCl)--CTA w/novel Fra,JJ'81e ROC- Decr cond aversion w/brief preexposure 3, not 24-hr B4 cond Wes,RF'81e Decr cond aversion w/long preexposure at 3/24-hr B4 cond Wes,RF'81e Decr cond aversn w/brief preexpose in same/diff context Wes,RF'81e Incr cond aversn w/long preexpose same, not diff context Wes,RF'81e RGC- Cond aversion decr-f(Amt(pre-expose)), incr-f(Time B4 cond) Bon,NW'82+ Pref taste vs H2O incr-f(Amt(pre-), decr-f(Time B4 cond) Bon,NW'82+ RGC- Pair(sucrose,LiCl)--CTA decr-f amt S-pre-exposure - - - - - Fra,JJ'82+ RGC- Expose twice to flavor B4 sick--Aversn inc-f(inter-exp time Wes,RF'82e Above flavor recognitn not-f distract flavors B4 2nd exp Wes,RF'82e HGC- CTA w/Pair(taste,apomorphine), decr by S pre-expose - - - - Can,DS'83e RGC- 21-d delay after preexpose decr CTA w/diff, not same flavor Kra,PJ'84+ RGC- Preexpose w/taste decr later cond aversn w/Pair(taste,sick) Mis,JR'84- Effect decr w/ECS immed after preexpose, not delayed Mis,JR'84- No decr pre-exposure effect w/footshock after preexpose Mis,JR'84- Interp: ECS affects assoc proc, not memory for taste S Mis,JR'84- rGC- Acq CTA incr-f(weanling/adult/old age) - - - - - - - - - - Mis,JR'85e S-preexpose decr acq CTA, decr-f(age) correl w/neophobia Mis,JR'85e RGC- Latent inhib re Pair(taste/noise,US) > w/pre-expose to both Arc,T.'86e RGC- Taste pre-expose decr taste, incr compound odor cond aversn Hol,MD'87E RGC- Latent inhib w/pre-expose decr by expose to 2nd novel flav Kay,H.'88e Above obtains if 2nd flavpr after pre-expose or cond tr Kay,H.'88e rGE- Decr effect of S-pre-exp on cond aversion 10-d < 18-d-age - Hof,H.'89+ RGC- CTA w/compound flavor decr by compound pre-expose > element Bak,AG'90e RGC- No effect of chronic pre-exposure to saccharine on CTA - - Kau,MA'91e RGC- Preexpose elements decr later CTA w/compound flavors - - - Ram,ML'92+ RGC- Decr acq compound CTA w/preexpose elements < compound - - - Alv,R.'95+ Above w/short delay, not long delay B4 cond or B4 test Alv,R.'95+ Above w/test= rng context; element =compound w/diff test Alv,R.'95+ RGC- Preexpose AX + BX compounds--Pair(A,LiCl)-->B = cond inhib Esp,A.'95e Estab above re slow acq CTA w/B and decr CTA w/other S Esp,A.'95e RGC- Pre-expose S1 and S2 B4 Pair(S1,LiCl) decr S/Genz CTA to S2 Sym,M.'95+ Above only w/interspersed S1 and S2 during preexpose Sym,M.'95+ FEHC<>1:50. US-pre-exposure effects in Cond Aversions FD****uFS RGC- US-preexposure decr CTA w/Pair(sacc,cyclophosphamide) - - - Elk,RL'74- RGC- Cond aversion decr by prior exper w/same/diff sickness US - Bra,NS'75- Interp: Pre-ex effect not due to addictn/tolerance/assoc Bra,NS'75- RGC- CTA decr by pre-exposure to US, decr-f(time) - - - - - - - Can,DS'75e RGC- US habituation retards cond taste aversion - - - - - - - - Bro,KH'76+ RGC- Cond aversion after LiCl exposure if repeat Pair(sacc,LiCl) Ril,AL'76e RGCS CTA w/amobarbital US decr w/pre-expose w/d-amphetamine - - Vog,JR'76+ R Title: US preexposure on CTA w/drugs - - - - - - - - - - - Dom,M.'78- RGC- 1-preexpose US shortly B4 cond decr acq CTA - - - - - - - - Bes,MR'79+ Time course of above incr-f(dose), even if pair w/flavor Bes,MR'79+ RGC- Durable effect w/mult US-preexpos, less w/diff meth/context Dom,M.'80+ Transient effect w/1-preexpose, same w/diff meth/context Dom,M.'80+ Interp: Mult-preexpose has assoc effect; 1-tr = nonassoc Dom,M.'80+ RGC- LiCl pre-expose decr CTA only in pre-expose context - - - - Dac,RJ'82+ MORPH pre-expose decr CTA in home/pre-expose contexts Dac,RJ'82+ RSC- Pre-expose sick rat decr cond aversn w/Pair(taste,sick-rat) Rev,S.'82e RGC- MORPH preexpose decr later CTA, decr tolerance in context - Dom,J.'83+ RGC- Cond aversion decr by LiCl-alone B4/after cond, incr-f(USI) Sak,K.'85- RAC- Decr effect of US preexpose on CTA acq decr-f(age) - - - - Val,WA'88e R Title: Interval after exposure on CTA - - - - - - - - - - Agu,L.'94e R Title: Retention interval on US-preexpose - - - - - - - - Agu,L.'97e FEHC<>1:60. ECS effects in Cond Aversions FD****usN RGC- Pair(sacc,x-ray)--Cond aversion decr w/close-proximity ECS Rie,WH'69- RGC- Cond aversion to sour H2O decr by ECS during ISI - - - - - Kra,PA'70- RSC- Some ECS amnesia w/5-10 sec but not w/30-sec sacc drinking Nac,M.'70- RGC- Test retrograde amnesia & PI explanations of ECS: negative Kra,PA'71- RGC- Cond aversion w/30-min ISI decr by ECS, incr-f(Mag/duratn) Kra,PA'71- RGC- Pair(sacc,milk) ECS during ISI distrupts aversn learning - Ome,VV'71+ Above not f(increased permeability blood brain barrier) Ome,VV'71+ RGC- Cond sacc aversion decr by ECS, incr-f(Mag) 20/40/80-mA - - Kra,PA'72- RGC- No ECS effect when ECS delayed 5 min post cond: (Sacc,LiCl) Kra,PA'73+ RGC- ECS 4 days post-cond attenuates aversion, effect temporary Vog,JR'74- RGC- Some decr in cond aversion w/ECS up to 10-min after poison Sha,N.'86- RGC- Concludes ECS disrupts CTA by weakening gustatory engram - Sha,NA'88- FEHC<>1:70. Cond taste aversions (CTA) w/Drug as US FD****iA2 REC- Decr saccharin intake w/75-min delay of MORPH, not shock - Gar,JJ'66e REC- Sacc CTA w/mescaline or d-AMPH US - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cap,HD'71+ REC- Acq sacc CTA w/sc d-AMPH US - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Car,RJ'73- REC- Sacc CTA w/MORPH US when pretreated w/AMT - - - - - - - - - Cou,WR'73e REC- Fluid aversion w/Pair(H2O or sacc+H2O w/MORPH) =f(dose) - Jac,YF'73- REC- Cond saccharine aversion w/m-AMPH US - - - - - - - - - - - Mar,JC'73+ REC- Sacc & some non-prference place aversn w/m-AMPH US - - - - Mar,JC'74+ REC- Sacc CTA w/MORPH US, decr w/naloxone - - - - - - - - - - - LBl,AE'75+ REC- 1-trial aversion to milk S w/d-AMPH US (1-4 mg/kg) - - - - Nat,BA'75+ REC- Obtain CTA w/immed/delayed COC US, only with hi-dose - - - Gou,AJ'78e REC- CTA w/d-AMPH US, not attrib to cond adipsia, > w/cathinone Gou,AJ'85+ REC- CTA w/hi-dose caffeine; lo-dose incr acty, taste intake - - Whi,BC'85+ TEC- CTA w/Pair(sacc,nicotine injection) - - - - - - - - - - - - Ets,F.'86e REx Title: CTA w/MORPH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mil,JS'87- REx- After Pair(S,MORPH), S-->CTA + decr pain sensitivity - - - Mil,JS'90e Cond analgesic R decr w/naloxone, incr w/naltrexone Mil,JS'90e REx- CTA w/Pair(taste,MORPH) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ste,TL'90e 2nd-ord cond taste pref in place after Pair(place,MORPH) Ste,TL'90e REG- CTA w/Pair(sacc,COC) weak if ip, strong if sc cocaine - - - Fer,CM'91e FEHC<>1:71. CTA w/Alcohol as US FD****iA1 REC- Sacc CTA w/ALC US only w/intox dose - - - - - - - - - - - - Les,D.'71e REC- Sacc CTA w/ALC, chlordiazepoxide, or MORPH US - - - - - - - Cap,HD'73+ REC- Aversion w/Pair(sacc,ALC) incr-f(US-dosage) - - - - - - - - Ber,RF'74+ REC- CTA only w/immed ip ALC US - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Eck,MJ'74e REC- CTA w/oral ALC US only w/rapid intake to hi blood ALC level Eck,MJ'75- REC- CTA from 5 self-admin oral ingestions of ALC - - - - - - - Eck,MJ'75- Decr flavor pref w/repeated exper w/flavor + ALC Eck,MJ'75- Interp ALC avoid as CTA re aversive effects of drug Eck,MJ'75- TEC- CTA w/Pair(sacc,ALC), durable w/hi dose - - - - - - - - - - Dav,C.'76e REC- W/ALC/H2O/glycol contin avail, incr ALC pref after shock - Mil,KC'78+ REC- Decr ALC intake w/3 ip ALC, interp as CTA w/ALC as S/US - - Mic,D.'80e REC- CTA w/ALC US decr w/warm context w/less ALC-hypothermia - - Cun,CL'88e REC- Area postrema lesion did not affect CTA w/ALC US - - - - - Ste,RB'89e REC- CTA w/ALC US incr-f(body weight) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Can,DS'90+ REx- Devel tolerance (re hypothermia) and CTA w/Pair(taste,ALC) Cun,CL'91+ FEHC<>1:72. Comparative Drugs as US for CTA FQ****iAx REC- Cond taste aversn w/1-wk-ISI w/Pair(milk,psychoactive drug) Ber,BD'72- Drug USs: Chlorapromazine/amphetamine/lorazepan/scopolamine Ber,BD'72- REC- Sacc CTA w/d-AMPH > l-AMPH US - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Car,RJ'74+ REC- Intra-peritoneal > -ventricular AMPH US re taste aversion - Gre,AJ'83+ REC- CTA w/wine > w/spirits, incr-f(congeners) - - - - - - - - - Fra,JJ'87- REC- CTA w/ALC/MORPH US, but no rejectn taste reactivity w/MORPH Par,LA'88- FEHC<>1:73. Drug pre-exposure on CTA w/Drug as US FD****iAf REC- Aversion w/ALC US decr-f(exper), interp as tolerance Ber,RF'74+ REC- Decr CTA w/AMPH/MORPH US w/preexpose to AMPH - - - - - - - Cap,H.'75e Decr CTA w/MORPH, not w/AMPH US w/preexpose to MORPH Cap,H.'75e REC- Requires repeat pre-exposure to AMPH to decr CTA w/AMPH US Cap,HD'75+ Attrib above to tolerance because cond CTA after w/drawalCap,HD'75+ REC- Pre-expose to AMPH decr CTA w/AMPH US, attrib to tolerance Gou,AJ'75+ REC- CTA w/d-AMPH US decr-f(prior exper w/d-AMPH) - - - - - - - Gou,AJ'75e REC- Cond ALC aversion decr-f(S/US preexposure) - - - - - - - - Rev,SH'75+ REC- Preexp w/lo-dose AMPH decr CTA w/lo, not w/hi dose AMPH US Gou,AJ'76e REC- After 10-d polydipsic ALC, acq ALC CTA w/Pair(ALC,LiCl) - - Cor,PK'78+ REC- Pre-expose decr later CTA w/MORPH US in same/diff context - Ste,J.'78+ Concur w/above, analgesic tolerance was context-specific Ste,J.'78+ REC- CTA w/intubated ALC US decr-f(Amt preexposure to ALC) - - - Bar,LM'79+ REC- Pretrtmt w/d-AMPH decr later CTA w/AMPH/MORPH US - - - - - Cap,H.'79+ REC- Pretrtmt w/AMPH decr CTA w/AMPH US attrib to assoc blocking Pou,C.'79+ Above because elim effect w/nonrf exposure to drug cues Pou,C.'79+ REC- Prior Pair(ALC,LiCl) decr later CTA w/Pair(sacc,ALC) - - - Rev,S.'79e REC- Prior Pair(ALC,LiCl) decr later CTA w/ALC US - - - - - - - Rev,S.'79e REC- THC expose decr later CTA w/THC if lo-, not hi-dose in both Fis,GJ'80+ REC- Pre-expose w/MORPH decr CTA w/MORPH, not w/THC US - - - - - Swi,L.'81e Pre-expose w/THC decr CTA w/both THC/MORPH US Swi,L.'81e REC- Acq CTA w/ALC US w/ALC-dependent O - - - - - - - - - - - - Cra,D.'82+ Acq CTA w/w/drawal from chronic ALC, decr w/lo-dose ALC Cra,D.'82+ REC- Taste pre-expose decr cond aversn w/LiCl or AMPH US - - - - Wel,PJ'82- REC- No effect of Pair(ALC,LiCl) on later CTA w/ALC US - - - - - Wil,LD'82e RGC- Extensive preexpose elim 1-tr cond aversion, acq w/repetitn Ril,AL'83e REC- Lo-dose MORPH decr later CTA w/MORPH US, indep of context - Ril,AL'84e REC- Pre-expose w/lo, reinf MORPH decr later CTA w/hi dose MORPH Hun,T.'85e REC- Pre-expose w/lo, nonaversive MORPH decr later CTA w/hi dose Hun,T.'85e Lo-dose MORPH maint CTA estab w/hi dose Hun,T.'85e REC- ALC CTA decr by prior non-intox exposure to ALC - - - - - - Can,DS'87+ REC- Familiarization decr, not elim CTA w/ALC US - - - - - - - - Dav,BT'91+ REC- W/ALC-pref O, 33-d ALC (H2O avail) decr CTA w/ip ALC US - - Ste,RB'91e REC- ALC given B4, not after OpR session decr later CTA w/ALC US Gau,DV'92+ FEHC<>1:74. Genetic factors in CTA w/Drug US FD****iAo SEC- CTA w/Pair(ALC,LiCl) w/BALB, not w/ALC-pref C57 strains - - Nac,M.'71e REC- Genotype specif (DBAs not C57s) aversn to sacc, ALC US - - Hor,GP'75- SEC- W/Pair(ALC,LiCl), ALC avoid threshold w/C57 > DBA - - - - - Bel,JK'78e REC- Obtain CTA w/Pair(sweet flavor,MORPH inject), w/indiv diff Gor,JE'78e Above indiv diff correl w/init readiness to drink MORPH Gor,JE'78e REC- Require repeat Pair(sacc,MORPH) for CTA, w/large indiv diff Ril,AL'78e SEC- Long-sleep = short-sleep in acq CTA w/ALC US - - - - - - - Dud,BC'82- REC- CTA w/nicotine US less w/Roman High vs Low Avoid strains - Dur,MJ'88e Systematic Analyses of Conditioned Aversions FD****cFZ RGC Title: Sensory control of CTA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Han,WG'72- RGC- Theory of stim relevance: Diff in S associability - - - - Cap,PJ'73e Event relevance facil assn (eg taste-sick/color-shock) Cap,PJ'73e Assn of irrelevant events mediated by relevant events Cap,PJ'73e RGC- ISI effect in cond aversion is lrng curve of lrnd saftey - Kal,JW'73+ RGC- Th: Spec closed memory (eg taste) re consequences (eg sick) Bol,RC'76- RGC- Classified biblio of 403 articles re cond taste aversion - Ril,AL'76+ RGC- Exposure to LiCl produces tolerance w/decr ACTH R - - - - - Ril,AL'76e XGC- Rapid flavor-illness cond in wide range of wild animals - - Gar,J.'77e Little genz of lab prin to wild O due to genetic change Gar,J.'77e Pair(taste,nausea) makes taste aversive, not S-US assn Gar,J.'77e W/Pair(taste,pain), taste not aversive, antic defense CR Gar,J.'77e RGC- Th: Gen arousal system activated by novel S, nec for cond - Rud,JW'77e RGC- Interp CTA w/mult-trial/brief-S/weak-US as assoc cond - - - Mon,B.'79+ RGC- Contends selectivity + long-delay lrng not unique to CTA - Dom,M.'80- RGC- Genz: Food-aversn lrng is-f both lrnd satiety and classcond Has,Y.'83- XXC- Genz: Cond aversion to food attributes w/immed/delayed sick Sul,LG'84- Genz: Cond aversn to context S w/immed, not w/delay sick Sul,LG'84- Genz: Sim effects to above w/shock US Sul,LG'84- RGC- After Pair(Sacc,weak LiCl), inject strong LiCl-->incr CTA - DCo,JP'95+ Above US-inflatn effect w/immed, not long-delay init ISI DCo,JP'95+ Attrib long-delay CTA to non-assoc proc (dishabituation) DCo,JP'95+ FEHC<>2:00. Acquired Taste Preference FD****aqL OGPH Imagoes reared on scented medium pref that scent - - - - - Her,W.'67+ RGCT Pair(taste,self-ESB) --> pref for taste - - - - - - - - - - Ett,A.'79e W/repeated above pairing, pref confined to test chamber Ett,A.'79e Relevant uncoded root-abstracts Relevant(?) unabstracted/uncoded literature RGC Title: Bait shyness - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rzo,J.'53- RGC Title: Carbachol drinking on CTA - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rei,MJ'73- R Title: Aversion to cup w/delayed sick - - - - - - - - - - Rev,S.'76+ RGC Title: Consummatory beh w/CTA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rus,KW'76- RGC Title: Failure to learn a taste aversion - - - - - - - - - Ric,DC'77+ RGC Title: Flavor aversions and dep - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rev,S.'80e Title: Lrng of gastrointestinal signals - - - - - - - - - Deu,JA'86+ R Title: Odor of signal of illness - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bat,WR'90e RA Title: Proactive effect of stress - - - - - - - - - - - - DCo,JP'90+ R Title: Extn of overshadowing CS in CTA - - - - - - - - - - Sch,TR'92e RGC Title: Percept lrng in CTA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sym,M.'95- R Title: Fluid consumption and CTA - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sym,M.'98e