LOGAN: LAWS OF LEARNING (Basis Processes) January 2004 INSTRUMENTAL CONDITIONING: Inhibition Current Response Independent Variables Contents Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Positive/Interdependent-Operation Principle IICR>>1:00. Differential Instrumental Conditioning Ip****aaa IICR>>!:01. Diffcond re discriminability Ip****aas IICS>>1:10. Instrumental Diffcond as-f(Dep) Ip****ama IICR>>1:20. Instrumental Diffcond as-f(Pretrng) Ip****apa IICR>>2:00. Instrumental Diffcond based on Reinf Sched Ip****afu IICR>>2:10. Instrumental Diffcond w/diff Amt(Rf) Ip****aku IICR>>2:20. Instrumental Diffcond w/diff Delay(R Ip****aju IICD>>2:30. Instrumental Diffcond based on ITI Ip****ahi IICD>>3:00. Instrumental Diffcond as-f(Amt(trng)) Ip****ana IICD>>3:01. Extended Trng on Diff-Instrucond Ip****ane IICR>>3:10. Instrumental Diffcond as-f(% S+ Tr) Ip****anp IICR>>4:00. Speed(IR) to S+ as-f(Diff-Instrucond) Ip****aqv IICR>>4:10. Speed(IR) to S- as-f(Diff-Instrucond) Ip****aqw IICR>>5:00. Reversal of Instrumental Diffcond Ip****abr Systematic Analyses of Differential Instrumental Cond Ip****aza Relevant uncoded root-abstracts Relevant(?) Unabstracted/uncoded literature Principle IICR>>1:00. Differential Instrumental Conditioning Ip****aaa Diff Reinf re Context --> Diff IR re Context FAPH W/mudminnow, diffcond tones re palatable food - - - - - - - Wes,F.'22- PVLH Diffcond to approach only when all 5 of 5 forms illuminated Ber,I.'38+ DAOH Diffcond BuzzA vs BuzzB > Compound AB+ vs A- and B- > Woo,CD'43- Compound AB- vs A+ and B+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Woo,CD'43- OVPO Horses recog indiv humans re costume > face/voice - - - - - Grz,B.'48- CAPH Diff-cond R1 re tone freq w/R2-->S+ tone - - - - - - - - - Ell,DN'62e CAP- Diffcond "u" vs "i" sounds, elim w/temporal cortex ablation Dew,JH'64- RARH Alley 2 FE incr-decr during acq diffcond re B/W in alley 1 Ams,A.'65+ RARH After diffcond, persist in diff Speed(IR) after nondiff rf Ste,LJ'65- RALH S-inten diffcond w/S+ = hi < lo inten, esp w/hi intensities Sad,S.'66- W/=log inten diff, diffcond incr-f(S-inten) only w/hi=S+ Sad,S.'66- OVAH W/geese, diffcond color/size w/1 eye, transfer to other eye Kon,G.'67- W/dissim Ss, diffcond S+ w/1 eye = S- w/other eye Kon,G.'67- DAP- Diff-cond left/right paw R re location of S, not re pitch - Kon,J.'67+ Diff-cond press-no-press re pitch of S, not re location Kon,J.'67+ PxLH Diffcond re color concur w/position relevant on 1/2 trials Gon,RC'68+ RNPO Diffcond w/medial > laternal hypothal ESP reinf - - - - - - Kee,RE'69+ RAPH Rate diffcond decr-f(Delay(Reinf)) - - - - - - - - - - - - Dua,JK'70+ OVA Octopus acq shape discrim re parts (vis-a-vis S/Genz) - - - Mun,WR'70- RARH Diffcond Speed(IR) w/3 alleys w/CRF/PRF/neg-correl reinf - Ras,ME'71+ RORH Diffcond facil w/pre-trial reinf in same/diff alleys - - - Gal,K.'73- RAR Title: Punishment in diffcond (FALogan) - - - - - - - - - Tay,GT'73- CNLH Fornix lesions incr object diffcond, not simult discrim - - Moo,DT'76+ Attrib above to incr R-inhib w/fornix vs septum lesions Moo,DT'76+ P1xx Auditory (tones) not visual (colors) diff classcond HR - - Del,JD'78+ Visual (colors) not auditory (tones) diff instrucond Del,JD'78+ R1PH Diffcond w/temporal compound-->R to 1st component > 2nd - - Kos,R.'78+ Diffcond w/LT temporal compound vs TL, w/L and T nonrf Kos,R.'78+ Interp: Diff tracecond w/compound-->S trace interactn Kos,R.'78+ RAPH Diffcond re sequence S1-S2, decr-f(ISI), not-f(ITI) - - - - DFr,MP'82- R1PH Reinf compound + extn elements-->unique R-topography re S+ Hol,PC'83+ RARH Concur diffcond re N/qual diff food events - - - - - - - - Cap,EJ'89e Eg nonrf after 2 events of 1 type, after 3 of other type Cap,EJ'89e OxRH W/opossum, diffcond w/compound auditory qual/location cues Sta,M.'97+ After above, IR control only w/auditory qual cue Sta,M.'97+ Note: O acq diffcond w/only auditory location cue Sta,M.'97+ IICR>>!:01. Diffcond re discriminability Ip****aas DAOH Diffcond lid-lift R re pitch w/limit about 1/3rd of a tone Dwo,S.'35- DAPH Diffcond re temporal separation of 2 Ss - - - - - - - - - - Cze,WS'43- RVLH Acq diffcond re size = simult discrim lrng, w/pos transfer Gri,GR'48- RVRH Diffcond incr-f(diff in illumination re S+/S-) - - - - - - Rab,MW'49- RIL1 Diffcond drive states re varied place of IR - - - - - - - - Bak,RA'50- DGAH Diffcond w/size of food as cue, w/some genz to new foods - Bat,EG'62+ PAPH Diffcond re auditory duration incr-f(diff) - - - - - - - - Kin,J.'70- RORH Diffcond re prior goal event (milk/food/nonrf) w/15-min ITI Psc,M.'72- RVRH Diffcond re B/W GB on preceding tr w/4-min ITI - - - - - - Rev,S.'74- RGRH Diffcond re odor in SB of reinf/nonreinf donor O - - - - - Dav,SF'79e RGOT Diffcond 20-lick IR w/H2O reinf re 1-lick sample taste - - Swa,HS'80e DARH Diffcond re N/clicks in train w/varied ISI - - - - - - - - Var,ME'82- RARH Diffcond re odor of antic large/small reinf of donor rats - Lud,HW'85e RGP Diffcond re tastes w/45-sec delay B4 opportunity to R - - - Oli,DA'86+ IICS>>1:10. Instrumental Diffcond as-f(Dep) Ip****ama R - Diff in speed not-f(dep) w/N/trials to S+/S- equated - - - Spe,KW'59e RVLH Re diff in Lat(IR) re brightness, acq decr-f(food dep) - - Bar,SH'60- RARH Diffcond w/GB1 w/hi dep + GB2 w/lo dep-->temp pref GB1 - - Eis,R.'81e IICR>>1:20. Instrumental Diffcond as-f(Pretrng) Ip****apa RARH Acq diffcond incr-f(N/pre-diffcond CRF to both Ss) Ams,A.'65+ Acq diffcond decr-f(N/pre-diffcond PRF to both Ss) Ams,A.'65+ RVLH B/W diffcond decr-f(Amt pretrng on reverse) - - - - - - - - Edw,DC'66- R1PH Diffcond incr-f(pretrng w/cues assoc w/large/small reinf) - Fla,CF'68+ RVRH Pretrng w/CRF in B alley, diffcond re Amt(Reinf) w/B- > B+ Tra,KL'71+ RVRH B/W diffcond facil w/pretrng re pattern Speed(IR) w/PRF - - Fla,CF'72+ rVR Title: Exper w/discriminanda on discrim - - - - - - - - - Bra,SC'78- HVPO S+ preexpose decr diffcond only w/preexpose = test context Zal,N.'95+ IICR>>2:00. Instrumental Diffcond based on Reinf Sched Ip****afu DAA Diffcond RNRN sequence, w/rapid reestab w/food after extn - Bre,AN'38- RVL- Diffcond w/PRF--Reversal slower w/last daily tr reinf - - - Gro,JH'57+ RVRH Diffcond B/W start box re PRF in grey GB - - - - - - - - - Cha,RA'62+ RARH Acq pattern Speed(IR) w/altern PRF w/20-min = 15-sec ITI - Cap,EJ'63- Re above, Speed(IR) w/nonrf tr slower w/2 or 10-min ITI Cap,EJ'63- RARH Devel altern Speed(IR) w/altern PRF at 1/tr/day - - - - - - Cap,EJ'64+ RARH Pattern Speed(IR) w/1-tr/day w/120, not 30-sec GB confinemt Cap,EJ'66+ RARH Diff Speed(IR) re altern PRF w/short, not long (20-min) ITI Kat,X.'66e RARH Diffcond re PRF/CRF, start/run Speed(IR) in PRF > CRF alley Lud,HW'66- but goal-entry Speed(IR) in PRF < CRF Lud,HW'66- Above diffcond did not affect subsequent choice test Lud,HW'66- RARH Pattern Speed(IR) w/alternating PRF in automated runway - - Han,PV'69+ RARH Pattern IR re altern reinf max w/both Amt/Delay(Reinf) vary Cam,PE'70+ RARH Acq pattern Speed(IR) re incr/decr Amt/Delay(Reinf) daily - Wik,EL'70+ RARH Acq pattern Speed(IR) re altern PRF w/rapid reacq after CRF Fra,JJ'71+ RARH Serial-pattern lrng re nonreinf tr is-f element discrim - - Cap,EJ'79+ RARH W/in sets of 3 massed tr, tr-2 Speed(IR) is-f(tr-3 reinf) - Bur,RA'84+ RARH Acq serial antic of nonreinf w/14-7-3-1-0 reward sequence - Hag,SJ'85+ Above w/short>long interrun interval, elim w/incr/decr Hag,SJ'85+ RGRH Diffcond re diff sequence foods reinf re terminal nonreinf Bur,RA'88+ RORH Diffcond re 1 vs 2 consecutive qual different reinf - - - - Cap,EJ'88+ RORH Diffcond Speed(IR) re N/consecutive nonreinf - - - - - - - Cap,EJ'88e RARO Patterning w/single altern sucrose concen w/out food dep - Bur,RA'93+ IICR>>2:10. Instrumental Diffcond w/diff Amt(Rf) Ip****aku RVRH Diffcond re Amt(food-in-GB) w/same amt eaten - - - - - - - Dya,JA'60- RARH Diffcond B/W re Amt(Reinf)-->neg, not pos contrast - - - - Bow,GH'61- RVRH Acq diffcond incr-f(diff in Mag(Reinf)) - - - - - - - - - - Gol,H.'63+ RARH Observe w/in-subj PREA w/PRF to S1 and CRF to S2 - - - - - Ams,A.'65+ RARH B/W diffcond re Amt(Reinf) > amt correl w/concur discrim - Cha,RA'66+ R Title: Diffcond as-f(Mag(Reinf)) - - - - - - - - - - - - - McK,JR'67- R Title: Discrim w/diff Mag(Reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - McK,JR'67+ R Title: Mag(reinf) on diffcond - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pla,JR'68+ RARH Neg contrast re small w/put in SB, remove+feed-large B4 run Har,DR'70e RARH Diffcond w/>50% trials w/larger reinf, not w/10%/30% - - - Per,CC'70- FVPH Simult neg contrast re Lat(IR) to small-reinf S - - - - - - Gon,RC'73+ No successive neg contrast w/shift to non-diff small rf Gon,RC'73+ RARH Over 3 tr/day, Speed(IR) match incr/decr/random Amt(Reinf) Wik,EL'73+ RARH Diff-cond w/diff Amt(Reinf) not-f pre-expose to cue in SB - Dav,SF'74+ RVRH Pos/neg contrast w/diffcond Amt(Reinf) vs constant amt - - Mel,RL'74+ RARH Acq serial pattern Speed(IR) re w/in-day incr/decr Amt(Rf) Hul,SH'79+ RARH Pos transfer sequential Amt(Reinf) from GB placements to IR Ver,DR'85- IICR>>2:20. Instrumental Diffcond w/diff Delay(R Ip****aju RNPO Diffcond decr-f(delay of hypothal ESB reinf) - - - - - - - Kee,RE'64- R Simult neg contrast w/delayed reinf, not w/shift to delay - Mac,NJ'73+ IICD>>2:30. Instrumental Diffcond based on ITI Ip****ahi MO - 90% correct go-no-go diff-cond, 1.5 vs 4.5-sec S interval - Woo,H.'28- RARH Acq diffcond re ITI conditional on prior reinf/nonreinf - - Bow,J.'66+ RARH Diffcond reinf/nonrf re short/intermed/long ITI (minutes) - Mel,RL'83e After above, S/Genz re intermed ITI re S+=long/short ITI Mel,RL'83e IICD>>3:00. Instrumental Diffcond as-f(Amt(trng)) Ip****ana RVRH Diffcond w/intermix S+/S- tr > all S+ B4 all S- tr - - - - Dav,JW'68+ IICD>>3:01. Extended Trng on Diff-Instrucond Ip****ane IICR>>3:10. Instrumental Diffcond as-f(% S+ Tr) Ip****anp RAR- Diff-cond facil by higher ratio of S+ to S- tr - - - - - - Ish,S.'65- RVUU After pre-trng w/S+, diffcond facil w/more S- than S+ tr - Koe,J.'65- IICR>>4:00. Speed(IR) to S+ as-f(Diff-Instrucond) Ip****aqv RVRH IR re S+ and diff-cond incr-f(S+/S- diff in inten) - - - - Pas,GE'57- RARh Hi S+ IR speed incr-f(Amt(Reinf)); Lo S- IR speed not-f Amt Bow,GH'59+ S+ speed incr w/elim of S- trials; interp re elim of OrR Bow,GH'59+ RVRH Speed(IR) in diffcond incr-f(Mag(Reinf)) w/no contrast - - Gol,H.'63+ RARH Speed(IR) in S+ > S- w/out differential reinf - - - - - - - MHo,JH'66+ Above attrib to odor cue of other rats w/differential rf MHo,JM'66+ RARH Pos contrast re larger reinf in diffcond - - - - - - - - - MHe,ER'69e RARH Diffcond w/lite or tone S+ vs no-lite-tone S- in runway Mil,L.'71- Speed(IR) w/compound lite+tone > lite or tone alone - - Mil,L.'71- RVRH Diffcond Speed(IR) in S+ alley w/small > no reinf in S- - - MHo,JH'71e RARH Both pos/neg contrast w/diffcond w/massed trng/delayed rf - Mel,RL'72e OARH W/turtle, pos/neg simult contrast w/no successive contrast Per,A.'74+ RDRO Diffcond odors re heroin reinf--extn w/out odor--S+ incr IR MFa,K.'97+ IICR>>4:10. Speed(IR) to S- as-f(Diff-Instrucond) Ip****aqw RVOH Diffcond re B/W alleys w/Speed(IR) re S- incr-decr-f(trng) Ver,WS'42- RVRH After diffcond, neg-accel S/Genz of extn re Lat(IR) re S- - Kli,JW'52- RVRH After diffcond, Speed(IR to S-) incr w/shift to reinf - - - Don,PJ'64+ Above Speed to S- < S+, w/w/out S+ trials Don,PJ'64+ RVRH Speed(IR) in S- w/1-pellet reinf decr-f(Amt(Reinf)) in S+ - Lud,HW'66+ R LH Speed(IR) re S- maint w/foodcup in S- GB, retards diffcond Iso,JR'67+ RVRH Concl: In diffcond, neg contrast re smaller Amt(Reinf) Lud,HW'67+ max when O receives cue and attenuates over time - - - - Lud,HW'67+ RARH Neg contrast w/diffcond re Delay(Reinf) - - - - - - - - - - Gav,JR'70+ RARH Diffcond re W/B alleys w/large/small reinf --> neg simult Cam,EM'71+ contrast only if daily large-small transitions - - - - - Cam,EM'71+ RARH Discrim cues in SB facil diffcond re perf re S-, not S+ - - Dav,SF'71e R Title: S- perf as-f(average reward) - - - - - - - - - - - MHo,JH'72e RARH Speed(IR) re nonreinf S- decr-f(Amt/P(Reinf) in S+) - - - - MHo,JH'73+ RVRH W/massed, diffcond 1 vs 12 Amt(Reinf) w/simult neg contrast Hag,SJ'79- W/1-tr/day, little diffcond w/no contrast w/above Amt(Rf Hag,SJ'79- RARH Re Speed(IR), neg contrast w/decr N/regular, not sucrose rf Bur,RA'84- Note: Obtain pattern Speed(IR) w/altern N/sucrose pellet Bur,RA'84- RARHaqw Repeat decr Speed(IR) w/decr N/sucrose rf w/no neg contrast Bur,RA'84e IICR>>5:00. Reversal of Instrumental Diffcond Ip****abr RARH Diff in Speed(IR) decr-f diffcond/reversal/re-reversal - - Ber,RN'43e RARH Diffcond reversal incr-f(init trng), due to decr S+ R/Extn Bir,D.'60e RARH Rate(reversal) decr w/successive reversals - - - - - - - - Nor,AJ'62- R P Title: ORE w/discrete-trial bar-press - - - - - - - - - - Tom,TN'67- R Title: Reversal w/changed reward location - - - - - - - - Cap,ED'77e R Title: Sequential effects in reversal - - - - - - - - - - Hag,SJ'80+ Systematic Analyses of Differential Instrumental Cond Ip****aza DAPO Contends dog lrnd re inflection in voice, not w/words - - - Gil,E.'21- xVLH Attrib apparent color discrim to brightness w/dogs/cats - - Gre,FM'29e RVJH Meas discrim re Lat(R) to S+/S- w/separate presentation - - Sol,RL'43- R x- Pref for 1 vs 5 sec delay stronger than diff in speed - - - Log,FA'52- MV Title: Successive/simult S presentation - - - - - - - - - Zak,II'62- MVU- Pref for absolute vs rel S prop if successive presentation Zak,II'64- DAA- Greater R to absolute vs rel inten of S - - - - - - - - - - Zak,II'65- RVRH Interp diff-cond re neg contrast re Amt(Reinf) - - - - - - MHo,JH'70- Axxx Sensitivity to diff Delay(Reinf) w/choice > w/Speed(IR) - - Tar,RM'74+ RARH Concl: Rats automatically count reinf events re cog proc - Cap,EJ'88+ Rats use number cues re rf when confounded w/other cues Cap,EJ'88+ Relevant uncoded root-abstracts Relevant(?) Unabstracted/uncoded literature H Title: React-inhib as-f(N/resp) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sie,PS'50- h Title: Diff-cond as-f(effort) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spi,CC'59+ RB Title: Frustration S in discrim - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tyl,DW'59e Title: Effort/transfer on extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Moo,WH'62- R Title: Frustrative factors--discr (Amsel) - - - - - - - - War,JS'62- Title: PRF in mixed-phase diffcond - - - - - - - - - - - - Wei,G.'65- M Title: Dissociation of rel/absolute S - - - - - - - - - - Zak,II'66- R Title: Extn and retracing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mar,MH'67- RAR Title: Frustration in diff cond - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pec,RH'67+ R Title: Intratrial effects in diffcond - - - - - - - - - - Pla,JR'67- Title: Diffcond as-f(drive/reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - Woo,JH'68- RS Title: Patterning at 24-hour ITI - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ams,A.'69e Title: Competing R in extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bra,HW'69+ RAR Title: Rel reinf effect in diffcond - - - - - - - - - - - Mat,RT'69- R Title: Discrim contrast and chaining - - - - - - - - - - - Pla,JR'69e RVR Title: Role of nonreward in diffcond - - - - - - - - - - - MHe,ER'70+ Title: S sim and criterion in SDR - - - - - - - - - - - - Mil,JT'72e R Title: Diffcond w/infrequent S+ trials - - - - - - - - - - MHo,JH'73+ S Title: Biphasicity of time-R curve w/ECS - - - - - - - - - Rob,F.'73e Title: Serial reversal as-f(motiv) - - - - - - - - - - - - Bir,SR'74- R Title: Fear as discrim S for instru R - - - - - - - - - - Ros,RA'75+ R Title: Responding after extn w/reinf R - - - - - - - - - - Raw,RA'77e RAR Title: S- beh as-f(reward sequence) - - - - - - - - - - - Hag,SJ'80- RAR Title: Discrim as-f(sequence of PRF in S+ - - - - - - - - Hag,SJ'80- R Title: Signal-generated PREE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hag,SJ'88- Title: Diff cond of natural acts - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lou,M.'88+ A Title: Incentive contrast (Dachowski) - - - - - - - - - - Fla,CF'91-