LOGAN: LAWS OF LEARNING (Basic Processes) January 2004 INSTRUMENTAL CONDITIONING: Inhibition Current Contingency Interdependent Variables Contents Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Positive/Interdependent-Operation Principle IICC<>1:00. Learning (Transfer) Ib****aaa IICC<>1:10. Change in S Quality Ib****aqc IICC<>1:20. Change in Setting Operations Ib****ama IICC<>2:00. Change in Schedule of Reinforcement Ib****apa IICC<>2:10. Change in Amount of Reinforcement Ib****aka IICC<>2:11. Decr in Amt(Reinf) re R/Extn Ib****akb IICC<>2:20. Change in Delay of Reinforcement Ib****aja IICC<>2:30. Change in Probability of Reinforcement Ib****apu IICC<>2:40. Change in Correlated Reinforcement Ib****aru IICC<>2:50. Change in Quality of Reinforcement Ib****akc Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally Neutral Effect IICC<>3:00. Change in Experimental Context Ib****bCa IICC<>4:00. Change in Instrumental Response Ib****bQi Systematic Analyses of Learning (Transfer) Ib****aZa Relevant uncoded root-abstrcts Relevant(?) unabstracted/uncoded literature Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally Neutral Effect Principle IICC<>10:00. Experimental Extinction (Instrumental) Ib****bbi IICC<>10:10. Effect of GB Detention on R/Extn Ib****bbj IICC<>10:20. Effect of GB Pre-exposure on R/Extn Ib****bbp IICC<>10:30. R/Extn as-f(S-conditions) Ib****bbs IICC<>10:40. R/Extn as-f(Dep) Ib****bmi Systematic Analyses of Experimental Extinction (Instrumental) Ib****bbz Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally Negative Effect IICC<>11:00. Extinction w/punishment Ib****cbi Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally Neutral Effect IICC<>12:00. R/Extn as-f(Amt(Trng)) Ib****bna IICC<>13:00. R/Extn as-f(Amt(Reinf)) in Acquisition Ib****bki IICC<>14:00. R/Extn as-f(Delay(Reinf)) in Acquisition Ib****bji IICC<>15:00. R/Extn as-f(Secondary Reinforcement) Ib****bsi IICC<>16:00. R/Extn as-f(Effort) Ib****bli Law IICC<>17:00. Speed(IR) decr-f(N/tr w/out Reinf) Ib****bpr IICC<>17:10. Effect of Extended Extinction Ib****bts Systematic Analyses of Extinction Function Ib****bzi Relevant uncoded root-abstrcts Relevant(?) unabstracted/uncoded literature Principle IICC<>1:00. Learning (Transfer) Ib****aaa Repeated exposure to new Contingencies leads to beh mod RARH Gradual incr in Speed w/change to CRF from neg correl (202) Log,FA'60- RARH No effect prior trng w/out reinf on acq w/neg correl reinf Log,FA'62+ RAxH In same context, acq run IR re lite and press IR re tone - Mil,L.'74+ No effect of tone on run IR; lite incr rate of press IR Mil,L.'74+ No above transfer effect if train IRs in diff contexts Mil,L.'74+ RARH Pretrng on OpR w/FR sched incr Speed(IR) w/alley round-trip Eis,R.'79e Speed(IR) w/alley round-trip decr-f(Amt(Reinf)) during Eis,R.'79e pretrng w/reinf of approach-feeder R - - - - - - - - - - Eis,R.'79e IICC<>1:10. Change in S Quality Ib****aqc CxOH Lid-lift IR w/S1 facil acq w/S2/S3/etc, w/2 S > 1 - - - - - Win,CN'38e R Title: Extn w/changed S cond - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pav,WB'62e IICC<>1:20. Change in Setting Operations Ib****ama RARH PRF incr R/Extn but not perf w/satiation - - - - - - - - - Lin,HB'51+ SOOH Train to dig w/food reinf-->maint perf w/satiatn/delayed rf Ear,RW'57- Title: R as-f(reduced irrel drive) - - - - - - - - - - - - Ban,JH'59- RARH After slow-R trng, incr/decr dep-->temp incr/decr IR (182) Log,FA'60- RARH Speed(IR) incr/decr w/incr/decr dep, indep of Amt(Reinf) - Rey,WF'61+ R Title: Transfer from shock to thirst - - - - - - - - - - - Bab,H.'63- RARH Perf w/ad-lib feeding after trng w/hi > lo hunger - - - - - Tim,W.'67- RAR Title: Transfer aversive/appetitive motiv - - - - - - - - Bul,MG'68- R Title: Dep on persist of PREE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cap,ED'73+ RARH Perf w/satiation after PRF > CRF trng - - - - - - - - - - - Pen,EL'74- RAR1 Acq pattern Speed(IR) w/altern food/H2O reinf w/hunger - - Gra,DS'79e Pos transfer re above diffcond w/change to thirst Gra,DS'79e Acq pattern Speed(IR) w/altern food/H2O reinf w/thirst Gra,DS'79e Neg transfer re above diffcond w/change to hunger Gra,DS'79e RARH Speed(IR) after shift to lo dep decr below lo-dep control - Eis,R.'81e R Title: Shift in primary motiv - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bal,BW'92- R Title: Thirst/hunger in transfer - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bal,BW'94- IICC<>2:00. Change in Schedule of Reinforcement Ib****apa RARH Rapid reversion to lrnd slow IR w/extn after CRF (202) Log,FA'60- R Title: Effects of change of sched - - - - - - - - - - - - Bad,P.'65- RARH Small N/PRF or partial delay incr persist w/contin delay - Sha,ME'73+ RARH No contrast effect w/shift in N-length during PRF trng - - Wal,J.'78e RARH W/qual diff reinf re B/W, simult pos/neg contrast in start Boy,WN'80+ but only neg contrast w/goal speed - - - - - - - - - - - Boy,WN'80+ W/incr/decr Qual(Reinf), successive pos/neg contrast Boy,WN'80+ re goal but only pos contrast w/start speed Boy,WN'80+ IICC<>2:10. Change in Amount of Reinforcement Ib****aka RARH 4-fold incr/decr Amt(Reinf)-->elation/depressn re Speed(IR) Cre,LP'42- RARH Rate of incr/decr in IR speed same w/incr/decr Amt(Reinf) - Duf,RH'56+ R Title: Changes in Amt(reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kim,GA'56+ R R- Rapid change in speed w/incr/decr in Amt(reinf) (131) - - - Spe,KW'56- Overshoot w/decr, not w/incr in Amt(reinf) (131) Spe,KW'56- RML- Gradual beh change w/change Mag(Reinf), attrib to new habit Per,AC'57- RXXX Successive incentive contrast is-f(Amts(Reinf)) and N/tr - Per,AC'57- RARH After slow-R trng, incr/decr Amt-->temp incr/decr IR (179) Log,FA'60- Title: R-vigor as-f(decr in reward) - - - - - - - - - - - Soh,D.'61- RARH Pos/neg contrast w/incr/decr Amt(Reinf)) w/hi not lo drive Ehr,D.'62+ Concl: Drive and incentive non-additive interaction Ehr,D.'62+ RARH Incr Speed(IR) w/incr Mag(Reinf) incr-f(N/small reward tr) Ash,S.'64+ RARH Neg contrast w/decr Amt(Reinf) but no pos contrast w/incr - DLo,V.'64- RARH After trng w/large or small reinf, then direct GB placement Tra,MA'64+ w/large or small reinf, Speed(IR) is-f(placement reinf) Tra,MA'64+ RAR Title: Shifts in Mag(reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rob,WA'66- RDRO Speed(IR) incr w/shift ALC to dextrose, decr w/reverse - - Sch,RL'66+ RAR Title: Savings in reward mag shifts - - - - - - - - - - - Wag,AR'66+ FUOU W/goldfish, gradual incr w/incr Amt(Reinf), no decr w/decr Low,G.'67+ RARH W/1-tr/day, incr Amt(Reinf)-->incr Speed(IR) w/out contrast Sch,AM'67- R Title: Shifts in Mag(reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bla,RW'68- R Title: Shifts in Mag(Reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dun,PJ'69+ RAR Title: Successive contrast as-f(Mag(Reinf)) - - - - - - - Hua,I.'69- R Title: Changes in Mag(reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Iso,JR'69e RARH No pos contrast w/incr Amt(Reinf) after 5/10/15 tr - - - - Cam,PE'70e RARH Acq/extn w/10 tr/day w/1 > w/1/tr/day w/10 pellet reinf - - Pad,AM'70+ OARH Change Speed(IR) w/change Amt(Reinf) w/no contrast (turtle) Per,A.'70+ RARH No pos contrast w/incr Amt(Rf), neg contrast w/incr delay - Sha,ME'70+ RARH After trng w/small GB1 rf + small or large GB2 rf in double DLo,V.'71+ alley, neg contrast only in 2nd w/decr Amt(Rf) in 2nd - DLo,V.'71+ RARH Pos, not neg contrast w/incr/decr Amt(Reinf) w/neocort lsn Fra,JJ'71+ No decr/incr IR w/incr/decr Amt(Rf) w/hippocamp lsn Fra,JJ'71+ RARH No pos contrast w/incr Amt(Reinf) after 2-4 tr w/small rf - Mel,RL'71- RARH Pos, no neg incentive contrast w/no effect of preacq explor Wei,RB'71- R Title: Successive neg contrast - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cap,EJ'72- RARH Pos/neg contrast w/incr/decr Amt(Reinf) w/20-sec delayed rf Mel,RL'72- RARH Pos contrast w/incr Amt(Reinf) w/long, not short alley - - Sey,JA'72+ RARH Pos contrast w/incr Amt(Rf)+decr Delay(Rf) not either alone Sha,ME'72+ RARH W/double runway, no effect of incr Qual(Rf) in GB1 on IR2 - Woo,PE'72+ RARH Neg, not pos contrast re Speed(IR) w/diff Amt/Delay(Reinf) Che,R.'73+ Title: Preshift reinf mag on pos contrast - - - - - - - - Mel,RL'73e RARH Pos contrast w/incr Amt(CRF reinf) after PRF/CRF - - - - - Leh,R.'74- Above w/20-sec Delay(Reinf) B4/after change in Amt(Re) Leh,R.'74- R Title: Preshift reward on neg contrast - - - - - - - - - - Pet,DP'74+ RARH Neg contrast but no pos contrast w/decr/incr Amt(Reinf) - - Wil,DT'74+ OARH W/turtle, Speed(IR) incr w/incr Amt(Reinf), no decr w/decr Wol,AH'74+ R Title: PCE I: 3 reward mag shifts - - - - - - - - - - - - MCa,G.'75+ R Title: Pos contrast w/incr Amt(Reinf) - - - - - - - - - - Nat,JR'76e RARH W/repeated incr/decr Amt(Reinf), decr in pos/neg contrast - Goo,DT'81- RARH Rapid incr Speed(IR) w/incr Amt(Reinf), not-f(ITI) - - - - MHa,MA'82e Slow decr Speed(IR) w/decr Amt(Rf) w/short, not long ITI MHa,MA'82e HUUU Pos contrast re incr Amt(Reinf) w/happy > nonhappy O - - - Wei,L.'82- IICC<>2:11. Decr in Amt(Reinf) re R/Extn Ib****akb RARH FE incr-f(amt decr in reinf), w/summation after 2 decr - - Bow,GH'62- RARH Transient neg contrast w/sudden, not gradual decr Amt(Reinf Gon,RC'62e Above decr in Speed(IR) incr-f(Amt(decr in reinf)) Gon,RC'62e RARH No depressn effect re decr Amt(Reinf) w/2-mo delay B4 test Gle,H.'64+ RARH Mag neg contrast w/Speed(IR) incr-f mag decr in Amt(Reinf) DLo,V.'66+ RARH Neg contrast re Speed(IR) in goal section w/decr Mag(Reinf) Cle,EA'69e Above obtained only w/hi drive Cle,EA'69e RARH Neg contrast w/decr Amt(Reinf) decr w/cingulate lsn - - - - Gur,EM'70e RARH After diffcond re W/B alleys w/large/small rf, neg contrast Cam,EM'71+ w/decr rf only if prior daily large-small transitions - Cam,EM'71+ RARH Neg contrast w/decr Amt(Rf) w/hi not lo D; no pos contrast Ehr,D.'71- RARH Neg contrast w/immed/gradual decr in Amt(Reinf) - - - - - - Dal,HB'74- After above, both immed/gradual O acq jump ER re GB Dal,HB'74- FAR Gradual decr Speed(IR) w/decr Amt(Reinf) w/out contrast - - Gon,RC'74e OARH W/turtle, gradual decr in Speed(IR) w/decr Amt(Reinf) - - - Per,A.'74+ RARH Neg contrast w/decr (average Amt(Reinf)) re PRF/VRF/CRF - - MHo,JH'75+ RxxH Neg contrast w/decr sucrose concen in diff apparatus - - - Fla,CF'76+ RARH Neg contrast w/decr Amt(Rf) after large rf in diff alley - Cap,ED'78- RARH Decr Amt(Reinf) --> neg contrast not-f(indiv/group housing) Sha,ME'79+ rARH W/infant O, no neg contrast w/decr milk to sucking reinf - Sta,M.'80+ OART W/toad, decr Amt(Rf)-->gradual decr Speed(IR) w/no contrast Sch,NA'81e IICC<>2:20. Change in Delay of Reinforcement Ib****aja R P Title: Perf as-f(changes in Delay(Reinf)) - - - - - - - - Har,GS'51- R P- Lat(IR) incr-f(Delay(Reinf) in acq but no incr w/incr delay Sew,JP'53+ RART Speed(IR) w/15-sec < 0 Delay(Reinf), w/pos contrast w/shift Sgr,JA'63+ from delay to immed reinf and incr R/Extn - - - - - - - Sgr,JA'63+ Title: Changes in Delay(Reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MCo,DF'65- RARH R/Extn decr-f(0/10/20-sec Delay(Reinf)); decr-f(GB confine) Wik,EL'67+ Title: Neg contrast and delay of reward - - - - - - - - - Bee,RG'68- RARH R/Extn incr/decr-f(0/33/67/100% Delay(Reinf)) in acq - - - Wik,EL'68e RARH Neg contrast w/incr Delay(Reinf), no pos ontrast w/decr - - MHo,JH'72+ R Title: Effect of shift in reward delay - - - - - - - - - - Sha,ME'73e Title: Reward delay on neg contrast - - - - - - - - - - - Moo,JN'75+ RARH Neg contrast w/1st, not repeated incr Delay(Reinf) - - - - Goo,DT'79- No pos contrast w/decr Delay(Reinf) Goo,DT'79- RARH No pos/neg contrast w/shift 0-->30, 30-->0-sec Delay(Reinf) Ish,M.'80- IICC<>2:30. Change in Probability of Reinforcement Ib****apu RARH Speed(IR) incr w/shift from CRF to PRF only w/hi dep - - - Bad,P.'65- Speed(IR) incr w/shift from PRF to CRF only w/lo dep Bad,P.'65- Title: Shifts in percent reinf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Leu,CM'68+ RARH Temp neg contrast w/shift larger PRF-->small CRF - - - - - Cap,EJ'69+ Note: Above only if no nonreinf-reinf transitions in PRF Cap,EJ'69+ RAR Title: Extended trng/mult shifts: % reinf - - - - - - - - MCl,PG'73- R Title: Extended trng/mult shifts: % reinf - - - - - - - - MCa,G.'76e RARH W/50% food, disrupt perf w/shift 50% H2O to 50% nonreinf - Cap,ED'79e HUUO After trng predict A or B w/irreg 50% A or B, Wil,CD/82+ P(predict B) incr-decr-f(N/trials w/100% A) - - - - - - Wil,CD'82+ Title: Cond inhib w/reduced P(reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - Nel,KJ'87- IICC<>2:40. Change in Correlated Reinforcement Ib****aru RARH Gradual decr in Speed w/incr cutoff time w/neg correl (202) Log,FA'60- IICC<>2:50. Change in Quality of Reinforcement Ib****akc RAR- Speed(IR) incr/decr w/incr/decr sucrose concen w/satiated - You,PT'54+ RARH Gradual decr speed(IR) w/decr sucrose concen w/no depressn Hom,MJ'62+ ROOH W/lick IR, shift in sacc concen-->shift rate w/PRF, not CRF Hul,SH'62- RARH Pos/neg contrast w/incr/decr Mag(sucrose) w/large prior tr Sha,ME'76e IICC<>3:00. Change in Experimental Context Ib****bCa RxxH Diffcond buzz-on/off w/IR/OpR facil diffcond w/OpR/IR - - - Gra,FK'43- RARH After inhib IR w/shock, incr IR if change S sit - - - - - - Mil,NE'52+ Interp: S/Genz approach > avoid in conflict sit Mil,NE'52+ RAOH S/Genz of IR > ER re strength of pull w/same/diff S sit - - Mur,EJ'52+ Interp: S/Genz approach > avoid w/equal trng Mur,EJ'52+ Title: Exper sit on extn of motor R - - - - - - - - - - - Wyr,WB'52- RARO After trng bar ER re shock/buzz followed by brief lite-on, Mur,AK'65+ acq alley IR w/buzz in alley and brief lite-on in GB - - Mur,AK'65+ Re above, no sec reinf by lite if not paired w/shock-off Mur,AK'65+ RA-- After sound-inten diffcond, add lite incr S/Genz re weaker Dor,DD'66+ After sound-inten diffcond, omit lite incr S/Genz re louder Dor,DD'66+ RAR Title: Altered GB cues on PREE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pil,JW'66+ RARH Speed(IR) incr if omit customary pre-feeding - - - - - - - Kem,ED'67+ RARH After acq hi Speed(IR) to GB, do not run past food in alley Lev,D.'67+ RAR Title: S-change on self-punitive beh - - - - - - - - - - - Per,ST'81e IICC<>4:00. Change in Instrumental Response Ib****bQi hxxO Acq/extn of R1 then acq of R2; R1 reappear w/extn of R2 - - Poz,IB'35- DULU Acq IR=hand-paw + transfer to other paw w/blind < normal O Ros,IS'43- Rxx- No effect of acq run R on acq bar-press R, v/versa - - - - Lib,AM'51- After above, extn of 1 R facil extn of other R Lib,AM'51- HLOO Inhib effect of practice diff R w/other = same hand - - - - Alb,LE'56e NxO- No genz of cup-of-water-from-jug to cup-of-water-from-lake Raz,GH'61- Pavlov: Chimp has no 2nd-signal system to mediate genz Raz,GH'61- HVLO Practice w/difficult anagrams incr persist w/discrim task - Eis,R.'80+ RUPH After acq 3-R seq w/2-bars, acq new seq w/change last>1st R Rei,AK'94- Systematic Analyses of Learning (Transfer) Ib****aZa XXX- Rapid perf change w/reinf change favors motiv interp (134) Spe,KW'56- RARH View latent lrng as incr Amt(Reinf), eg rapid incr IR speed Bar,H.'57+ RARH After acq pref 100% > 50% reinf, joint extn-->PREE re speed Log,FA'68- in distinctive alleys but no reversal of pref - - - - - Log,FA'68- After acq pref large > small reinf, trng w/equal reinf --> Log,FA'68- incentive contrast re speed but no reversal of pref Log,FA'68- Concl: Rate of incr/decr in incentive motiv w/changed reinf Log,FA'68- not-f(prior cond of reinf) Log,FA'68- Interp incentive contrast re relative vs absolute reinf Sha,ME'76e XXX Title: Incentive contrast: Review - - - - - - - - - - - - Fla,CF'82- R Title: R-outcome assn thru extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - Res,RA'93- Relevant uncoded root-abstrcts Relevant(?) unabstracted/uncoded literature R Title: Acq/transfer in PRF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cap,EJ'62+ RAR Title: Simult/successive contrast - - - - - - - - - - - - Spe,NE'63+ R Title: IR as-f(shift in incentive) - - - - - - - - - - - - Pie,WA'64- RAR Title: Shifts in drive/incentive - - - - - - - - - - - - - Zar,H.'64- R Title: Sequence of delayed reward - - - - - - - - - - - - Cap,EJ'66+ RAR Title: Reinf sched and reward shifts - - - - - - - - - - - Mik,PJ'66+ RAR Title: Incentive decr on subsequent R - - - - - - - - - - MHo,JH'66- RAR Title: Incr delay + decr amt on sub R - - - - - - - - - - MHo,JH'66- RAR Title: Incentive shift as-f mag/N/reinf - - - - - - - - - Ros,AJ'66- R Title: Simult/successive contrast - - - - - - - - - - - - Spe,NE'66+ R Title: Lrng/perf as-f drive/reinf shift - - - - - - - - - Zar,HH'66- R Title: Repeated shifts in Mag(reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - Cap,EJ'67+ Title: Incentive contrast as-f(dep) - - - - - - - - - - - Dun,PJ'67- RAR Title: Shifts in drive and reward mag - - - - - - - - - - Gra,L.'67+ Title: N/tr and Amt(Reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mey,LS'68- Title: Contrast w/sucrose - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cam,WB'69- RAR Title: "Horn of plenty" vs decr reinf - - - - - - - - - - Jen,GD'69+ Title: Prelim trng on neg contrast - - - - - - - - - - - - God,RC'70- Title: N/trials on pos contrast - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mel,RL'71- Title: Pos contrast of reward qual - - - - - - - - - - - - Ben,RJ'72- HOO Title: Neg incentive contrast w/PRF/CRF - - - - - - - - - Wei,L.'72- R Title: Dep on successive neg contrast - - - - - - - - - - Fla,CF'73+ R Title: Successive neg contrast effect - - - - - - - - - - MHo,JH'73- R Title: Simult contrast in goldfish - - - - - - - - - - - - Bur,RA'74e R Title: Nonconting pos constrast effect - - - - - - - - - - Cap,ED'74+ R Title: Title: Contrast w/shift in pun - - - - - - - - - - Nat,JR'74- RAR Title: Shifts in mag immed/delayed reinf - - - - - - - - - Cox,WM'75+ R Title: Incentive shift after punishment - - - - - - - - - Ros,RA'75+ R Title: Pos contrast after reward shift - - - - - - - - - - Sha,ME'75+ R Title: Downshift in Mag/Delay(Reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - Sha,ME'75+ R Title: Delay(Reinf): Extended trng/shifts - - - - - - - - MCa,G.'76e R Title: Compare pos/neg contrast effects - - - - - - - - - MHo,JH'78+ r Title: Ontogeny successive neg contrast - - - - - - - - - Che,J.'81e Principle IICC<>10:00. Experimental Extinction (Instrumental) Ib****bbi Repeated Occurrence of IR w/out Reinf--> Decrease in IR Note: Measure Resistace to Experimental Extinction (R/Extn) RARH W/massed extn, decr in speed and incr in agitated beh - - - Mil,NE'36+ RARH R/Extn w/barrier B4 GB < empty GB, incr-f(distance from SB) Wil,SB'43+ RCPH R/Extn w/food B4 IR = no food - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nag,MO'51- RARH R/Extn incr-f nearness to goal B4 block IR - - - - - - - - Lam,WW'52+ hOO- R/Extn w/block near goal > far from goal - - - - - - - - - Lam,WW'53e nUx- Simult extn 2 diff, not sim, Rs (food/play)-->intense inhib Fin,LA'55- RARH W/1 tr/day, R/Extn not-f(N/extns) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nor,AJ'62+ RARH R/Extn after correl reinf w/in (slow) band=matched %(Reinf) Log,FA'64e RARU R/Extn not-f GB beh (turning/climbing/control) during extn Lon,LE'64- H BO R/Extn of blink IR > CR/ARi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Han,WJ'65+ R WT W/5-R homo chain, extn appears first at later links - - - - Bec,PW'66+ RCPM R/Extn after neg-correl reinf re Lat(IR) = matched PRF - - Dav,JW'70e RARH Speed(IR) decr in alley re odor after extn of other rats - Was,EA'70+ RNRH Early postnatal x-irradiation incr R/Extn after CRF not PRF Bru,RL'74e RARH Dorsomedial thalamic lsn incr R/Extn - - - - - - - - - - - Mea,LW'74e RARx Prior escond incr R/Extn of IR, esp w/compatible run Rs - - Mel,RL'76e RDRH Speed(IR) w/CRF not-f(antidepressant), but incr R/Extn - - Ega,J.'79e RARH R/Extn decr-f(N/extinctions) if diff ITI + cue lite B4 extn Pet,AM'79+ RVUU Pre-expose to short, not long inescapable shock incr R/Extn Nat,JR'81+ RDRH Haloperidol in acq incr R/Extn after CRF - - - - - - - - - Fel,J.'88e Haloperidol in extn decr R/Extn after CRF/PRF Fel,J.'88e RARH R/Extn incr w/pre-trial food in holding cage - - - - - - - Ter,WS'88- IIO C<>10:10. Effect of GB Detention on R/Extn Ib****bbj RARH R/Extn decr w/extn ITI spent in empty GB vs neutral box - - Sew,LP'49+ RARH R/Extn not-f(20-120 sec detention in GB) - - - - - - - - - Bug,BR'52e RARH E/Extn decr-f GB confinement during extn - - - - - - - - - Sta,WC'54+ RAR- No PREE but R/Extn incr w/immed removal from GB - - - - - - Sta,WC'55+ RCJH Lrng+ R/Extn jump to top of GB incr w/frustrative nonreward Ade,HM'56+ RARH Speed(IR) faster in acq, not in extn, if climb out of GB - Cot,JW'58e RARH Note effects of Amt/%(Reinf), GB confinement, on R/Extn Hul,SH'58- RARH R/Extn not-f(R in GB during extn) (confine vs jump out) - - Hag,DF'59- RARH Speed(IR) during extn decr-f(time confined in GB) - - - - - Klu,HE'61- R Title: Duration of GB confinement - - - - - - - - - - - - Blo,JM'63- RARH R/Extn incr-f(GB confinement), decr w/changed confinement - Wun,RA'63e RARH R/Extn incr w/shift from 30-sec Delay(Rf) to 15-sec in GB - Cap,EJ'64+ RARH R/Extn not-f(20-sec confine in GB vs immed jump out) - - - The,J.'64+ R Title: Nonreward confinement duration - - - - - - - - - - Cap,EJ'65+ RARH R/Extn after PRF decr w/change confinement time in empty GB Cap,EJ'66- R Title: Shifts in GB confinement - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cog,DC'66- RARH Time spent in GB (vs retrace) during extn after CRF > PRF - All,J.'67- RARH R/Extn decr w/GB detention in extn, incr w/escape from GB - Bac,WE'67- RARH R/Extn incr w/post-reinf detention in GB - - - - - - - - - Bow,J.'67- RARH R/Extn decr-f(0/33/67/100% GB confinement) in extn Wik,EL'68e Above esp w/incr/decr time-in-GB re acq Delay(Reinf) Wik,EL'68e RARH Permit retracing from GB in acq/extn incr R/Extn - - - - - All,J.'70e Above effect w/small > large Amt(Reinf) All,J.'70e IICC<>10:20. Effect of GB Pre-exposure on R/Extn Ib****bbp RARH No effect of pre-expose to empty GB on R/Extn - - - - - - - Bug,BR'52e R P- Decr IR by placement in empty GB - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hur,HM'55- RARH Speed(IR) decr w/placed in empty GB, decr w/24-hr B4 test - Rob,DE'58+ RARH Latent extn w/nonrein GB placement only w/diff extra-maze S Den,MR'59+ RARH GB exposure B4 extn decr R/Extn w/distinctive > sim GB - - Hug,D.'60e RARH Decr effect incr-f(time preexpose to empty GB B4 extn tr) - You,RK'60e Above decr greater the shorter the delay B4 extn tr You,RK'60e RARH Speed(IR) decr w/GB placement B4 extn, decr-f(N/trng tr) - Dya,JA'63- RARH Speed(IR) decr w/GB placement, not if 24-hr B4 test - - - - Dya,JA'64- Latent extn re direct GB placement not-f irrel D Dya,JA'64- RARH R/Extn after CRF incr w/50% pre-feeding in SB - - - - - - - Lon,LE'64- RARH Latent ext re direct GB placement after PRF < CRF - - - - - Dya,JA'65- RAR Title: Latent extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kim,H.'65- RARH R/Extn incr w/pre-expose to complex GB B4 each extn tr - - Hom,LW'66+ RARH After CRF trng, R/Extn after GB-placement w/50% >100% reinf Fit,RD'68+ RAR Title: Extn after nonrewarded placements - - - - - - - - - Nor,AJ'69- R J Title: Nonshock confinement on passive - - - - - - - - - - Del,DJ'70+ RARH Speed(IR) decr w/nonreinf GB placement, esp w/odor cues - - Pra,LK'70+ RARH Nonrewarded B4 rewarded GB placements incr R/Extn of IR - - Cap,ED'71- Title: Prior GB placements on PREE - - - - - - - - - - - - Gol,JA'71- RAR Title: Reinf conting re empty GB placemt - - - - - - - - - Hom,MJ'71+ RAR Title: GB exper and PRF effects - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ros,AJ'71+ RARH After 32 trng tr, 6 rewarded GB placements incr R/Extn - - Boy,WN'79e RARH Nonreinf GB placements interspersed w/CRF running trials Hov,JR.80+ incr R/Extn only if give GB placements B4 extn trials - Hov,JR'80+ IICC<>10:30. R/Extn as-f(S-conditions) Ib****bbs RARH Variable-S =constant re acq; variable-S >constant re R/Extn Bro,JS'58+ RARH Varied lrng cond (hurdles/lights) decr acq, incr R/Extn - - MNa,HJ'58+ RARH R/Extn not-f(change in size of square around foodcup) - - - Jen,GD'61+ RxRH R/Extn incr w/50% presence of irrel lite S during acq - - - Spe,SE'62- RARH R/Extn incr w/moderate S-variation during extn - - - - - - Bac,WE'65+ RARH After trng w/mult GB Ss, R/Extn w/all < w/S varied tr-to-tr Cog,DC'65+ RARH After trng w/3 alleys, R/Extn w/variable > constant alley - Lon,JB'65e RARH R/Extn not-f(width of alley in acq/extn) - - - - - - - - - Rob,D.'66- IICC<>10:40. R/Extn as-f(Dep) Ib****bmi ROOH After trng w/food dep, R/Extn incr-f(H2O dep) w/out hunger Web,WB'49- Note: Max of above perf only about 17% R/Extn w/food dep Web,WB'49- RARH Immed incr Speed(IR) w/incr D; no change w/decr D - - - - - Dee,J.'51+ RARH R/Extn not-f(dep) during acq or extn - - - - - - - - - - - Cam,BA'54+ RARH Late extn IR incr-f(current dep), not acq/early-extn dep - Bar,H.'57- RARH Extn IR incr-f(acq/extn dep) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lew,DJ'57+ RART W/bar-press in GB, R/Extn w/hi > lo dep during extn - - - - Ken,DC'58- RUxU After lrng 3 Rs, no effect of stress of pref for early R - Bar,RP'59+ RNRT R/Extn incr-f(0-4 hr delay after sc NaCl B4 test) - - - - - Way,MJ'59+ Note: No effect on need of above delay re H2O intake Way,MJ'59+ FVOH W/mouthbreeder, R/Extn w/hi > lo dep in acq and extn - - - Lon,N.'60+ R Title: Dep/incentive on extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mar,MH'63- RARH R/Extn w/lo-dep after trng w/hi-dep > lo dep - - - - - - - The,J.'63- RARH After trng w/random dep, R/Extn w/36 > 10-hr dep - - - - - Gre,AW'65+ R Title: Drive/incentive on R/Extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - Zar,HH'65- RARH Avoid tend less w/hi dep at time of shock or time of test - Bro,JS'66e RAR Title: Dep/competing R on PREE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mik,PJ'66+ RARH Hi > lo dep re decr Speed(IR) in extn w/short ITI - - - - - Bar,H.'67- Lo > hi dep re spon rec after long ITI Bar,H.'67- RARH PREE not-f(dep) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dun,WP'70+ RARH Speed(IR) in extn decr-f(body weight maint sched) - - - - - Mue,JH'70+ RAR Title: R/Extn as-f(dep/reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tra,KL'71- RAR1 R/Extn after food > H2O reinf, w/PREE only after food - - - MDo,GE'74+ Systematic Analyses of Experimental Extinction (Instrumental) Ib****bbz RARH Th: Extn/agitatn is-f fdbk facil of R to conflict/frustratn Mil,NE'36+ Title: Rel of Punish/Extn (NEMiller) - - - - - - - - - - - Bar,GT'47- RARH No correl Lat/Speed and R/Extn in 16-ft alley - - - - - - - Hal,JF'52+ RARH Interp: IR R/Extn decr-f(discrim acq/extn cond) MCL,DC'53+ RARH R/Extn is-f R to frustrative nonreward, recoil vs escape - Ade,HM'55+ R RH Hypo: IR/Extn = R/Extn of Rg =f(N/nonreinf Rg/trial) - - - Log,FA'56e R Title: Competing R interp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mar,MH'63- RARH R/Extn incr-f(N/trng tr) w/small, decr-f w/large Amt(Reinf) Iso,JR'64+ Title: Extn of R-S assns - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kim,GA'65+ Title: Frustrative factors--Extn (Amsel) - - - - - - - - - Ras,ME'66- RARH No interaction N/trng-tr w/Amt(Reinf) in R/Extn - - - - - - Hil,WF'67+ R Title: Interfering-R theory of extn - - - - - - - - - - - Mar,MH'68- R Title: Models of acq persistence (Amsel) - - - - - - - - - Scu,JW'70- R Title: Role of discrim in self-pun beh - - - - - - - - - - Tin,JB'75+ R Title: Test neo-beh theory of extn - - - - - - - - - - - - Deu,JA'80+ IICC<>11:00. Extinction w/punishment Ib****cbi RCPH R/Extn incr w/pun during acq, decr w/pun during extn - - - Kar,EG'64- RAR Title: R/Extn as-f Mag(Reinf/punish) - - - - - - - - - - - Rat,RG'69+ RARS Pair(SB,sh)-->incr self-punish IR, incr-f(trng sh inten) - Kru,BM'74- R Title: Resist punish as-f(prior punish) - - - - - - - - - Ban,RK'76- Title: Extn of self-pun beh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tin,JB'76- HVOO After diffcond w/S+ = PRF loud-noise US and no US w/S-, Ros,JE'81+ maint self-pun CR (predict US) w/US only if predict US - Ros,JE'81+ IICC<>12:00. R/Extn as-f(Amt(Trng)) Ib****bna RARH R/Extn decr-f(N/tr) w/no PREE, w/immed extn - - - - - - - - Fin,FW'42- RARH R/Extn not-f(N=8/16 tr) and no PREE w/24-hr delay B4 extn - Fin,FW'42- RxPH R/Extn incr-f(N/reinf) w/max incr-f(dep in extn) - - - - - Per,CT'42- RARH Steepness of extn curve of Speed(IR) decr-f(N/trng trials) Mot,FA'44- RARH R/Extn after 16 > after 8 CRF w/distinctive start/GB - - - Law,DH'47+ HxR- R/Extn of card-play decr-f(N/trng trials), w/money CRF=PRF Lew,DJ'56+ RARH R/Extn after hi < lo CRF, not-f diff in trng/extn alleys - Law,R.'59e RARH R/Extn after 135 reinf tr < 45; attrib to incr frustration Nor,AJ'60+ Title: Overlrng on R/Extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mur,NR'61+ R Title: R/Extn as-f(N/reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Iso,JR'62- RARH R/Extn after PRF trng for 200 < 60 trials - - - - - - - - - MCa,G.'62e RCPH R/Extn incr-f(10/90/180/360 N/acq tr) - - - - - - - - - - - Dya,JA'63+ RARH Speed(IR) in extn incr-f(8/16/32/64/128 massed trng tr) - - Hil,WF'63+ RARH R/Extn after 184 < 64 trng tr w/handling/dep controlled - - Sie,S.'63+ RARH R/Extn incr-decr-f(24/48/84/132/192 CRF trng tr) - - - - - Cli,T.'64- Above w/out latent extn tr B4 extn; incr-f w/latent extn Cli,T.'64- RARH W/100% small Amt(Reinf), R/Extn decr-f(15/45/125 acq tr) - Mad,HL'64- RARH R/Extn after 190 < 60 acq trials, w/massed/spaced extn - - Bir,D.'65- RARH R/Extn incr-f(N/PRF trng) w/large, not w/small reinf - - - Bro,CI,67+ RARH R/Extn monotonic incr-f(8-128 N/trng tr) - - - - - - - - - Hil,WF'67+ RARH Speed(IR) in extn after 20 < 50 > 100 trng tr, not-f(drive) Mue,JH'70+ RARH W/daily acq/extn, R/Extn not-f(acq N-length) - - - - - - - MHa,MA'75+ RARH R/Extn incr-f(30 or 90 trng tr) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vin,W.'77+ IICC<>13:00. R/Extn as-f(Amt(Reinf)) in Acquisition Ib****bki RARH R/Extn incr-f(Amt(Reinf)) in acq - - - - - - - - - - - - - Zea,D.'49- RAR0 R/Extn incr-f sucrose concen in trng w/out hunger/thirst - You,PT'55+ RARH Extn IR speed not-f acq Amt(Reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - Met,R.'57e RARH Run Speed(IR) in extn decr-f(1 vs 10 pellet acq Mag(Reinf)) Arm,HL'58- RARH Run Speed(IR) during extn after 10 < 1 pellet acq reinf - - Arm,HL'59- RARH R/Extn not-f(Delay(Reinf)), decr-f(Amt(Reinf)) (185) - - - Log,FA'60- RARH R/Extn after CRF w/largesmall after PRF Wag,AR'61- RARH R/Extn incr-f(Amt(Reinf in acq) + extn ITI w/no interaction Hil,WF'62+ Title: R/Extn as-f(sucrose concen) - - - - - - - - - - - - Hou,RF'63- RARH R/Extn incr-decr-f(interval between 5-pellets reinf) - - - Dav,JW'64- Note: Above correl w/maint food-cup orient Dav,JW'64- RARH R/Extn after large < small Amt(Reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - Iso,JR'64+ RAR Title: R/Extn as-f Mag(reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wil,RN'66- RARH After trng w/1 then 10 pellet, R/Extn decr-f(N/10 pellet tr Bir,D.'67+ xxxH W/goldfish, R/Extn incr-f(Amt(Reinf)) over repeated extns - Gon,RC'67e W/rat, R/Extn decr-f(Amt(Reinf) only on 1st extn Gon,RC'67e RARH R/Extn monotonic incr-f(1-8 N/pellets reinf) - - - - - - - Hil,WF'67+ RARH R/Extn decr-f(CRF Amt(Reinf), incr-f(PRF Amt(Reinf) - - - - Leo,DW'69- RCPH R/Extn incr-f(sucrose concen) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bar,W.'70+ Title: R/Extn as-f(Amt(Reinf)) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mil,JR'70- RDRH R/Extn after large < small acq reinf w/w/out amobarbital - Cap,EJ'71+ RARH R/Extn after large < small reinf w/small, not large N/acq - MCa,G.'71e RARH R/Extn decr-f(Amt(Reinf) after CRF, incr-f after PRF - - - Rat,RG'71+ RVRH After diffcond Amt(Reinf), R/Extn re small > large - - - - Mel,RL'74+ OARH W/turtle, R/Extn incr-f(Amt(Reinf)) - - - - - - - - - - - - Per,A.'74+ RART R/Extn incr-f(Amt(Reinf) after PRF, decr-f(Amt(Reinf) w/CRF Cam,PE'77e RDRH R/Extn incr-f(Amt(Reinf) after PRF trng w/w/out tranquilize Dem,J.'78+ RART R/Extn after small > large Amt(H2O reinf)) - - - - - - - - Cam,PE'79+ RARH R/Extn after 30% >3% sucrose, w/no neg contrast w/downshift Bur,RA'86e PCPH R/Extn after 1 FR-trial/day w/15 > 1 pellet reinf - - - - - Pap,MR'97+ IICC<>14:00. R/Extn as-f(Delay(Reinf)) in Acquisition Ib****bji RARH R/Extn incr w/partial-delayed reinf - - - - - - - - - - - - Cru,J.'51e RAR- Partial Delay(reinf) incr R/Extn, indep of acq/extn ITI - - Sco,ED'56+ RARH R/Extn incr by 50/75% partial delay(Reinf) - - - - - - - - Wik,EL'57+ RARH Incr R/Extn after trng w/immed reinf tr after delayed reinf Wik,EL'59e R/Extn after altern=random partial delay w/no patterning Wik,EL'59e RAR Title: R/Extn as-f Delay(reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sch,J.'62+ RARH Acq patterned Speed(IR) w/altern PRF or partial delay reinf Bur,DH'63+ R/Extn after altern partial delay > constant delay Bur,DH'63+ FOOH R/Extn not-f(Partial Delay(Reinf)) - - - - - - - - - - - - Gon,RC'63e R Title: Delay(reinf) on extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mar,MH'65e RARH R/Extn incr w/partial long delay, esp if delay B4 immed - - Cap,EJ'66+ RARH R/Extn decr w/GB delay B4/after reinf - - - - - - - - - - - Cog,DC'66- RAR Title: R/Extn as-f(Delay(Reinf)) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tom,TN'66- RARH R/Extn after altern immed/delay reinf < w/runs of delay tr Cap,EJ'67- RARH Rate decr in Speed(IR) in extn not-f acq Delay(Reinf) - - - Cli,T.'67+ RAR Title: R/Extn as-f Delay(reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sgr,JK'67e RARH R/Extn incr w/partial Delay(Reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - Hom,MJ'70e RARH R/Extn incr-f(50% partial 8/16/24/32/40/48/56-sec Delay(Rf) Kno,SB'71+ RCP Title: R/Extn as-f sucrose/Delay(Reinf) - - - - - - - - - MCl,JL'71+ IICC<>15:00. R/Extn as-f(Secondary Reinforcement) Ib****bsi DUx- During IR extn, salivation disappears B4 IR - - - - - - - - Kon,J.'32+ RARH Hi persist run IR, esp w/familiar GB - - - - - - - - - - - Mot,FA'42+ RVJH W/PRF and 1 GB during acq, decr R/Extn if change GB w/extn Bit,ME'53e Rxx- Sec reinf not-f(Amt primary reinf) re R/Extn, acq spatial R Law,R.'53- RVL- Sec reinf re R/Extn in alley not-f(Amt(Reinf)) assoc w/cue Law,R.'57- RARH R/Extn incr if empty food cup present on only 50% extn tr - Mar,MH'58- RARH After PRF trng w/diff GB cues, R/Extn decr w/pos cue in SB MNa,HJ'61+ Interp above re discrim vs motiv th of extn MNa,HJ'61+ RVRH After PRF trng w/diff GB, R/Extn w/S+ GB = S- GB - - - - - Pai,AB'63+ RVPO After diffcond S1-R1-marble vs S2-R2-nil, R/Extn R2 > R1 - Lon,LE'66- R Title: Delay/reinf as sec-reinf - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wik,EL'67e IICC<>16:00. R/Extn as-f(Effort) Ib****bli RCJH R/Extn w/trng/extn w/16" R < w/8" R - - - - - - - - - - - - Sol,RL'48- RxxH W/bar R--> run R -->reinf, R/Extn bar incr-f length of run Bow,GH'63- RARH R/Extn decr-f(effort) re inclined alley, esp if incr effort Che,F.'66- RARH R/Extn decr-f(effort) (re inclined alley) in acq/extn - - - Joh,N.'70+ RARH E/Extn decr-f(effort re length of runway in extn) - - - - - Vin,W.'77+ HOOO R/Extn shuttle IR w/PRF > CRF, hi > lo force requirement - Boy,LG'81+ Law IICC<>17:00. Speed(IR) decr-f(N/tr w/out Reinf) Ib****bpr RARH Log-Lat(IR) nec-accel incr-f(N/extn tr) - - - - - - - - - - Gra,CH'40+ Title: React-pot as-f(N/extn R) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wil,HC'50e RUOH W/delay B4 extn, decr in Lat(IR) from 1st to 2nd extn tr - Sha,AB'63- Ic-17:10. Effect of Extended Extinction Ib****bts RARH R/Extn decr w/extended trng w/same Amt(Reinf/tr) - - - - - The,J.'64+ R/Extn incr w/extended trng w/same total Amt(Reinf) The,J.'64+ R Title: Overlrng extn effect w/PRF (Amsel) - - - - - - - - Hug,JJ'69- RCPH R/Extn incr-decr-f(N/trng tr), w/no interact w/Amt(Reinf) - Bar,W.'70+ R Title: ORE in discrete-trial lever-R - - - - - - - - - - - Sen,PC'78- OVA Title: Overlrng extn effect and contrast - - - - - - - - - Cou,PA'84+ Systematic Analyses of Extinction Function Ib****bzi R Title: Drive/reinf/trng and OEE - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tra,KL'72- Relevant uncoded root-abstracts Relevant(?) unabstracted/uncoded literature RXX Title: Reactive/cond inhib - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mon,KC'51- R Title: Motiv and conflict - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Buc,AM'52- M Title: Inhib of cond motor reflexes - - - - - - - - - - - Nor,LN'52- RAR Title: Extn as-f(tube size) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mar,RL'55- R Title: IR after reward cessation - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hol,RB'56- RAR Title: Acq/extn as-f(P(Reinf)) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Koe,J.'56- Title: Diff trng on R/Extn (WABaum) - - - - - - - - - - - May,CE'57- Title: Drive S on R/Extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bro,DW'61- Title: Intra-trial reinf on R/Extn - - - - - - - - - - - - Gar,EA'62- H Title: R/Extn w/PRF and risk-taking - - - - - - - - - - - Lew,DJ'62+ R Title: Acq and incentive contrast - - - - - - - - - - - - Mar,MH'62+ Title: Intertrial reinf on R/Extn - - - - - - - - - - - - Bow,JN'63- R Title: Events in sequence on R/Extn - - - - - - - - - - - Cap,AB'63+ h Title: R/Extn as-f start box reinf - - - - - - - - - - - - MCa,G.'63e R P Title: R/Extn as-f percent/distrib reinf - - - - - - - - - Gon,RC'64+ Title: R/Extn as-f(N/acq tr) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Her,DL'64- Title: R/Extn as-f(FE) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ban,AG'65- R Title: R/Extn as-f(shift in reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - Els,PA'66- Title: Dissonance on R/Extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mon,R.'66- RAR Title: R/Extn as-f start box reinf - - - - - - - - - - - MCa,G.'66+ M Title: Extn after radiation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MDo,AA'66+ Title: Cog dissonance/countercond in extn - - - - - - - - Pen,DD'66- RAR Title: Extn and depression effect - - - - - - - - - - - - Vog,JR'66e R Title: W/in O extn effect (Amsel) - - - - - - - - - - - - Boe,JB'67- RAR Title: Small N/trials on R/Extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sur,CT'67e RAR Title: R/Extn after GB PRF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wil,RN'67- Title: R/Extn as-f N/reinf + Mag(reinf) - - - - - - - - - Wil,RN'67+ Title: Aftereffects/PRF and extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bae,JW'68- R Title: Successive acq-extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cap,EJ'68e RAR Title: Reward sched and confinement - - - - - - - - - - - Cru,CM'68- Title: Persistence of contrast - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hie,JM'68- Title: Acq/extn as-f(placements) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Min,RA'68- R Title: PREE after minimal acq - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MCa,G.'68- Title: W/in-S R/Extn w/CRF/PRF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ras,ME'68- Title: Sec reinf and PREE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gla,DH'69- Title: Unreinf-reinf sequences - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kot,RL'69- R Title: PREE after minimal acq - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MCa,G.'69- R Title: Extn after small N/GB placements - - - - - - - - - MCa,G.'69e RAR Title: Mag(reinf) on contrast/extn - - - - - - - - - - - Spe,NE'69+ Title: Transitions in w/in-S PREE - - - - - - - - - - - - Bla,D.'70- RAR Title: Initial Amt(Reinf) in R/Extn - - - - - - - - - - - Cap,ED'70- R Title: Interpretation of small-trial phen - - - - - - - - Cap,EJ'70+ Title: Satiation after PRF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Has,RB'70e Title: PREE w/discrim acq R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kas,KL'70- RN Title: Reinf ESB on passive avoid - - - - - - - - - - - - Mer,HK'70+ R Title: Factors in extn/persist - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ams,A.'71e RAR Title: Mag of PRF and Amt/trng - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cam,PE'71e H Title: Human PREE re sequential th - - - - - - - - - - - - Hal,J.'71+ Title: Sec reinf and extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joh,NA'71- RAR Title: Shifts in dep level - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mol,SO'71- RAR Title: Transfer between nonreward/delay - - - - - - - - - Sha,ME'71- RAR Title: Coerced approach to shock on extn - - - - - - - - - Won,PT'71- Title: Stress in passive avoid - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pen,WC'72- R Title: R/Extn in goldfish - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Zyc,KA'72- Title: Acoustic S and R/Extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ams,A.'73e RAR Title: Extn w/out frustration/nonreinf - - - - - - - - - - Bla,RW'73+ RAR Title: Terminal extn after CRF/PRF - - - - - - - - - - - - Bla,RW'73e RAR Title: W/in-O PREE after nondiff reinf - - - - - - - - - - Dyc,DG'73e RAR Title: Extn as-f(reward-nonreward) - - - - - - - - - - - - Eck,E.'73+ RAR Title: Differtial extn w/2 Ss in acq - - - - - - - - - - - Gal,K.'73- Title: Prolonged thwarting on R/Extn - - - - - - - - - - - Gla,H.'73e R Title: Contrast + R/Extn + forgetting - - - - - - - - - - Gon,RC'73e RAR Title: Small-tr PREE as-f(goal approach) - - - - - - - - - Hua,I.'73+ R Title: Transfer of approach - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lin,DR'73+ RAR Title: R/Extn w/spaced tr w/in-O - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mel,RL'73+ RAR Title: W/in-O PREE as-f(genz) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mel,RL'73e RAR Title: Sequenced reinf in acq/extn - - - - - - - - - - - - MHa,MA'73- R Title: Partial/consistent reward order - - - - - - - - - - Cap,EJ'74- r Title: Retention/durability of persist - - - - - - - - - - Che,J.'75+ R Title: Resist Delay(Reinf) or extn - - - - - - - - - - - - Mel,RL'75e Title: (Non)specific transfer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Had,NF'76- Title: R/Extn w/AMPH/secobarbital - - - - - - - - - - - - Sea,RJ'76- Title: Aversive to appetitive extn - - - - - - - - - - - - Wil,JD'76- R Title: Nonreward GB placements on extn - - - - - - - - - - Fra,JJ'77e r Title: Mech/limit of persistence (Amsel) - - - - - - - - - Che,J.'78- HS Title: Direct/vicarious PREE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dew,WE'78- RAR Title: Trng parameters re model of extn - - - - - - - - - Won,PT'78- R Title: N/reinf and Mag(reinf) on R/Extn - - - - - - - - - Mor,MD'79+ RAR Title: R/Extn as-f(percent reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - Sey,JA'79e R Title: Compare R/Extn w/resist satiation - - - - - - - - - Cap,ED'81e R Title: Reinf/R-specificity in transfer - - - - - - - - - - Bax,DJ'82+ R Title: Mag(reinf)/dep on R/Extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dav,TL'82e R J Title: Flooding procedures on fear extn - - - - - - - - - Mil,S.'82e O Title: PRF and R/Extn in honeybees - - - - - - - - - - - - Amm,D.'86e R Title: R/Extn + punish after shock trng - - - - - - - - - Hal,G.'87e R Title: Self-punitive beh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mat,MD'87+ Title: Handling effects on PREE/punish - - - - - - - - - - Wei,I.'87e RDR Title: Haloperidol on reacq w/priming - - - - - - - - - - Wil,JL'89e XXX Title: Self-punitive beh (Denny) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dea,SJ'91+ OV Title: Inhib lrng/memory in octupus - - - - - - - - - - - Ang,WF'92+ RAR Title: Memory for diff N-length re R/Extn - - - - - - - - Hag,SJ'93+ R Title: R-outcome assn thru extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - Res,RA'93-