LOGAN: BASIC LAWS OF LEARNING 7/1/2000 OPERANT CONDITIONING: Excitation Independent Current Response Variables Contents Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally Neutral Effect Principle OR-1:00. Nature of Operant Response OP****bar Systematic Analyses of the Nature of the Operant Response OP****baz OR-1:01. Baseline (Operant) Level of OpR OP****bao OR-1:10. Compare responses re conditionability OP****bax OR-1:20. Effect of OpR-effort on Opcond OP****blo Systematic Analyses of Rate(OpR) OP****baz OR-2:00. Collateral Behavior in OpCond OP****bio OR-2:10. Scheduled-Induced Polydipsia OP****bip OR-3:00. Role of R-produced Feedback in Opcond OP****bkr OR-3:10. Observing Response (ObR) in Opcond OP****bOo OR-4:00. Opcond w/Linguistic Behavior OP****bVo Principle OR-5:00. Generality of Operant Conditioning OP****bYo OR-5:10. Opcond w/Visceral/Autonomic Responses OP****bYv Systematic Analyses of Generality of Operant Conditioing OP****bYZ Behavioral/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally Neutral Effect OR-6:00. Neural Correlates of Opcond OP****nNo Principle OR-1:00. Nature of Operant Response OP****bar COPH Learn to press manipulandum w/separation from food reinf - Win,CN'36- RUPH Init decr in Amp(OpR) below lo/hi min amp for reinf - - - - Arn,WJ'45- After above, decr in Amp(OpR) above max amp for reinf RUOH Nose-poke R-variability hi w/nonreinf, decr-f(N/reinf) - - Ant,JJ'51- RCxH Pattern of Rs w/bar opposite food is-f(acq/extn) - - - - - Fri,FC'51+ R P- OpR duration decr during acq, incr during extn - - - - - - Hur,HM'54- MVPH Acq OpR that produces info-S re reinf sched - - - - - - - - Kel,RT'58- PIK- Observe aggression during postreinf pause on FI - - - - - - Ric,RW'72+ RUPH W/2-R tandem sched, Rate(OpR) after nonreinf > reinf - - - Dic,A.'75+ Attrib to decr effect of reinf vs incr effect of nonreinf PUPH R-duration constant during VI, decr-f(length of VI) - - - - Wil,JG'80+ PUPH Diffcond gape(interbeak distance) during key-peck OpR - - - Dei,JD'88e RUP1 Gape of peck OpR diff w/food/H2O AuSh reinf - - - - - - - - LMo,B.'88+ RUCT Efficiency (H2O/lick) incr-f(FR re N/dry-lick OpR) - - - - Bux,A.'90+ RUPH R-variability w/4-R seq incr w/incr min inter-R interval - Neu,A.'91- Above effect facil acq re variability, decr lrng repetition RUPH Acq sequence 4-Rs on 2-bars, facil w/signaled reinf - - - - Ree,P.'91e Maint above 4-R-unit beh after shift to VI reinf sched RUPH Topography of OpR reinf w/shaping (rearing/nosing) persists Sto,PD'91+ PUPH P(vary/repeat) 4-R seq is-f(P(Reinf vary/repeat)) - - - - - Neu,A.'92- PUPH Acq seq 4-L/R R w/CRF of seq is-f(difficulty of seq) - - - Neu,A.'93- RUPH Amt(variability in OpR) is-f(init trng), w/persistence - - Sto,PD'95- OR-1:01. Baseline (Operant) Level of OpR w/out Reinf OP****bao R xH Nonreinf operant level incr-f(dep), is-f type manipulandum Mur,EJ'53- R-P- Operant level of OpR decr-f(food/water dep) - - - - - - - - Seg,EF'59- SUPO Rate(OpR) w/out dep/reinf w/2-bars > w/1, not-f(time) - - - Ant,JJ'61+ SUP- Rate(nonreinf OpR) in small box > large - - - - - - - - - - Bar,A.'63e Rate(nonreinf OpR) in large box incr-f time in box Attrib above to beh primacy (Woodworth)--intrinsic reinf RCPH Rate(OpR) w/out reinf incr w/food dep - - - - - - - - - - - Goo,CL'65- Rate(OpR) w/out reinf w/young > senescent O OR-1:10. Compare responses re conditionability OP****bax PUPH W/30-1000-sec FI, Rate(bar > treadle OpR) w/sim pattern - - Ric,WK'79+ PUxH W/concur chain, pref same term-link R(keypeck) =diff(tread) Sta,SP'88- OR-1:20. Effect of OpR-effort on Opcond OP****blo RUPH R-variability re 2 reinf R not-f(R-effort) - - - - - - - - Mow,OH'43- PIP- Rate of recorded R decr-f force requirement on VI - - - - - Chu,SH'65- RCPH W/low crit force, Force(OpR) decr-f Amt(Rf) in acq not extn DLo,V.'65e RCPH Force(OpR) decr-f(Amt(Reinf)) toward force criterion - - - Ens,WD'65+ RUPH Rate(OpR) incr-decr-f(R force requirement) indep of FR - - Col,GH'69+ RUPH W/FR sched, Rate(OpR) incr-decr-f(R-effort) - - - - - - - - Jen,W.'70+ PUP Post-reinf pause w/FR sched incr-f(R-force requirement) - - Cro,EK'82+ RUPH Freq(short IRTs) incr-f(R-effort), esp w/FR vs CRF - - - - Arm,HL'88- RUPH N/short IRTs not-f(effort) in acq; incr-f(effort) in extn - Gin,CA'89+ RUPH Freq short IRTs is-f(effort) w/bar-press, not bar-release - Arm,HL'90- RfPH OpR IRT is-f(R-effort), indep of ext-R-prod-fdbk - - - - - Arm,HL'90+ Systematic Analyses of the Nature of the Operant Response OP****baz XXX- Molar R requires sign and environ support (eg manipulandum) Wil,KA'29- CCPH Rate(OpR) w/CRF milk reinf constant until stop (satiation) Smi,MF'39+ Eval generality of Rate(OpR) as meas of Prob(R) - - - - - - Gre,EJ'57+ PCPH Post-reinf pause, not Rate(OpR) decr-f(P(Reinf)) - - - - - Far,J.'67+ PIK- IRT distrib on VI 1-, 2-min unsystematic, not-f reinf IRT - Blo,PM'68+ RUPH Lat(OpR) decr during FR, not during VR - - - - - - - - - - Gil,RM'70- PCPH Rate(OpR) not-f(VI) if require 1-1.5-sec IRT B4 reinf - - - Nel,TD'79- Evidence of diff reinf of sequence of 2-3 IRTs B4 reinf PUPH W/30-1000-sec FI, Rate(bar > treadle OpR) w/sim pattern - - Ric,WK'79+ PUxH W/concur chain, pref same term-link R(keypeck) =diff(tread) Sta,SP'88- OR-2:00. Collateral Behavior in OpCond OP****bio RUx- Run in wheel during long, not short FI sched for bar OpR - Ski,BF'57+ XXXX Use collateral beh to infer effects of sched(reinf) - - - - Hut,RR'72+ Eg: Attack beh w/extn implies aversive effect (see Hull'34) XXX- Evidence that Op-Sched(reinf) induces other activities - - Sta,JE'77- OCxH W/gerbil, adjunctive beh w/FT food, running > drinking - - Por,JH'78+ HCOO Observe incr in grooming beh during interval between games Fal,JH'79e PCxH Devel stereotyped pattern of beh w/FT food indep of context Bla,C.'80e RCxH Fail to observe any sched-induced beh w/FT H2O sched - - - Rei,AK'85e RORH Nonreinf wheel-run acty incr B4/after reg sched run-rf hour Mel,T.'86+ RUCH Decr sched-induced polydipsia if running wheel avail - - - Wet,CL'86+ PUxH Prior opcond affects superstitious beh early in FT interval Eld,GD'88e Anal entrainment of temporal acty patterns w/interval sched Rei,AK'90+ PSOH Amt(attack beh) during FI incr-f(Amt(Reinf)) - - - - - - - Pit,RC'96+ OR-2:10. Scheduled-Induced Polydipsia OP****bip RUCH P(drink) w/VI food-reinf sched is-f(sched, nearness of H2O) Cla,FC'62- RUCH W/food-reinf OpR, DRL perf decr if polydip H2O bottle dry - Dea,SA'65+ RCPH Devel polydipsia w/VI not CRF sched of food reinf - - - - - Fal,JL'66- Above polydipsia w/free or FR H2O sched RCPH H2O polydipsia intake incr-f(FI sched of food reinf) - - - Fal,JL'66- RCCx Polydip not attrib to adaptation to feeding sched - - - - - Rey,JH'68+ RUCH Amt sched-induced polydipsia not correl w/Rate(OpR) - - - - Hym,N.'70e RUCH W/paired O, drink after eating only if made OpR - - - - - - Kee,JD'70- RUCH W/FT/FR sched, polydipsia w/small food, not w/large - - - - Lot,EC'73e RUOH Polydipsia > attack other rat during FI 1-2-min - - - - - - Knu,JF'75+ MCCH Sched-induced H2O/ALC consumption w/9-min inter-reinf sched Bar,JE'78e RCCH Length of sched-induced drink bouts w/FI > VI food reinf - Kee,JD'78+ Note: Both above shorter than average inter-reinf interval OCCH Sched-induced polydipsia w/gerbil w/3-min food FT, not less Por,JH'78+ RCC1 Polydipsia induced w/2-min FT food not-f(H2O/saline preload Por,JH'78e OCRC No sched-induced polydipsia w/1-min FT food w/S.Amer rodent Fis,RB'79+ RCCH Wild Norway rats fail to devel polydipsia w/1-min FT food - Hop,RA'79+ MVCO Fixed sched to view film of other monkey-->polydipsia - - - Hud,R.'79+ RCCH Sched-induced drinking decr-f(body weight) w/in O - - - - - Kee,JD'79- xCxH W/FT food, polydipsia w/rat, not w/guinea pig - - - - - - - Urb,C.'79e Note: W/long FT sched, guinea pig devel collateral bar-R RUCS Inescapable sh decr shuttle ER, not sched-induced polydip - Plo,M.'84e RCCH W/varied food size, adjunctive drink incr-decr-f(food size) Rei,AK'87+ RCCT Incr H2O intake B4 disrupt access w/FT, not w/FR sched - - Gaw,DJ'88e RGCH Decr FT-food-induced polydip only w/repeat Pair(Sacc,LiCl) Ril,AL'88e RUPH FI sched exper w/out H2O decr later sched-induced polydip - Tan,M.'88e OR-3:00. Role of R-produced Feedback in Opcond OP****bkr PfK- R/rate decr during lite fdbk S of R on VI - - - - - - - - - Hak,DF'69+ PfK- Diff-fdbk (too long/short) facil DRL-LH only w/changing DRL Sta,JE'69- OR-3:10. Observing Response (ObR) in Opcond OP****bOo PIK- Emit R1 to produce clock S re time since reinf on R2 FI - - Hen,DP'66+ P PH W/Mix VI30-VI120 or Mix VI30-extn, hi Freq(ObR) during VI30 Bra,MN'70- PIK- Emit R that changes S assoc w/FI during interval - - - - - Bro,TG'72+ Rate of above R incr-decr-f length of FI Bro,TG'72+ PUPH P(ObR-->cue re FR) decr-f(FR for cue) and range of food FRs All,J.'88- OR-4:00. Opcond w/Linguistic Behavior OP****bVo H L Rate(Verbal-R) re visual S incr-f Rate(Reinf) w/out aware - MNa,DM'57- HSLO Incr verbal beh w/reinf=attention, esp w/same-sex O - - - - Cie,VJ'62- HfL- Can bias slip if precede by synonym w/same initial phoneme Mot,MT'76+ HfL- Support Freud hypo: Slip is-f competing semantic influences Mot,MT'80- Principle OR-5:00. Generality of Operant Conditioning OP****bYo R OH Cond head-turn R w/reinf = iv glucose, not w/saline - - - - Cop,HW'54+ OCP- Acq w/shaping, maint w/reinf, extn of lever OpR w/octopus - Dew,PB'59- HXX- Incr originality (uncommon R) w/trng (reinf new R to old S) Mal,IM/60- RHPO Fail to incr drink-H2O as OpR w/reinf = ESB - - - - - - - - Fal,JL'61- HCGO Opcond GSR w/visual reinf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fow,RL'62+ RSOH Opcond fighting beh w/food reinf - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ulr,RE'63e HUGO Opcond electrodermal acty when immobilized w/curare - - - - Bir,I.'66e PSEH Acq/extn of attack beh, w/temporal discrim, w/FI food reinf Azr,NH'67+ D S- Opcond salivation/nonsalivation w/water reinf - - - - - - - Mil,NE'67+ MVO- Opcond eye-mvmt w/FR/DRL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ber,RJ'68- HUOO Opcond vasoconstriction w/fdbk w/out somatic mediation - - Sny,D.'68+ HUGO Incr/decr spon GSR w/reinf (nude slides) vs pun (noise) - - May,JR'69+ HUGO Opcond GSR w/reinf = white lite on > off - - - - - - - - - Cof,M.'71+ HUOO Acq OpR = contraction of single motor unit w/fdbk re R - - Llo,AJ'71+ MUO Opcond/diffcond/extn/relrng injurious head-banging R - - - Sch,HH'71- HUHO Diff physiol R concomitant w/acq of vol incr/decr HR - - - Hat,JP'79+ MVGS Operant diffcond GSR w/conting avoid/punish, w/hi retention Kim,HD'79e HfOO Opcond pos/neg brain steady potential shifts w/fdbk - - - - Abu,H.'80+ Txx1 Opcond dig/rear but not face-wash w/food reinf, is-f(dep) - Cha,S.'82+ MUOH Macaques acq yawning OpR w/food reinf - - - - - - - - - - - And,JR'89+ RUOH Rapid acq nose-poke OpR, decr w/Delay(Reinf) and decr dep - Sch,CW'93e hxxO Reinf divergent thought-->incr creativity if rf not salient Eis,R.'94+ OR-5:10. Opcond w/Visceral/Autonomic Responses OP****bYv HfH- Opcond decr HR-variability w/biofdbk, no persist w/out fdbk Hna,M.'65+ HfH- Opcond incr HR w/lite fdbk, indiv diff in tech used - - - - Eng,BJ'67+ HfH- Vol decr in HR variability if instruct re fdbk - - - - - - Lan,PJ'67e RDH- W/O under curare, diff opcond incr/decr HR w/ESB reinf - - Mil,NE'67+ HUGO Opcond Amp(GSR) w/money reinf re yoked control - - - - - - Hel,JE'68+ ROx- W/curare, opcond incr/decr intestinal contractn w/ESB reinf Mil,NE'68+ Above w/out change in HR Mil,NE'68+ W/curare, opcond incr/decr HR w/ESB reinf Mil,NE'68+ Above w/out change in intestinal contraction Mil,NE'68+ R O- W/curare, opcond incr/decr urine formation w/ESB reinf - - Mil,NE'68+ Above w/out change in BP/HR/temperature/vaso acty Mil,NE'68+ HfHO Acq incr/decr HR w/fdbk, incr HR best w/contin fdbk - - - - Gat,RJ'74- Hf - Decr EMG w/relaxation trng w/auditory, not w/visual biofdbk Ale,AB'75- No correl, EMG changes and self-report of relaxation Ale,AB'75- M1xS Observe diff-cond HR concur w/operant GSR re avoid/punish - Kim,HD'77+ AfV- Little effect of contin/noncontin fdbk on vol control of BP Sur,RS'77e HCOO Opcond incr/decr BP decr w/concur induced muscle tension - Eld,ST'78e HCOO Opcond cephalic vascular R, constriction > dilation - - - - Fis,LE'78+ HOHO Vol incr/decr HR w/w/out HR fdbk larger w/hi BP-R re cold S Lot,GG'78+ HCHO Acq incr/decr HR w/biofdbk-->incr HR discrim - - - - - - - Mar,WR'78+ HfO- Best form of relaxation/biofdbk not yet determined - - - - Tar,L.'78- HCHO Acq incr/decr HR w/immed, not delayed fdbk - - - - - - - - Wil,DA'79+ HCOO Acq vol control re incr finger temperature w/fdbk - - - - - Sto,GR'80e MVGS Opcond GSR w/MULT avoid-punish - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kim,HD'82+ HfN- Some O acq vol control of alpha/theta rhthm only w/fdbk - - Che,VN'84e HfHO Acq vol incr HR only w/fdbk, decr w/prior nonconting noises Mil,AD'91+ Systematic Analyses of Generality of Operant Conditioing OP****bYZ OR-6:00. Neural Correlates of Opcond OP****nNo