LOGAN: BASIC LAWS OF LEARNING 7/1/2000 OPERANT CONDITIONING Inhibition Interdependent Current Contingency Variables Contents Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally Positive Effect Principle Oc-1:00. Operant Conditioning (Transfer) Ob****aaa Oc-1:10. Change in Stimulus Quality Ob****aac Oc-1:20. Change in Setting Operations Ob****aam Oc-2:00. Change in Schedule of Reinforcement Ob****apa Oc-2:10. Change in Amount of Reinforcement Ob****aka Oc-2:20. Change in Delay of Reinforcement Ob****aja Oc-2:30. Change in Probability of Reinforcement Ob****apu Oc-2:40. Change in Correlated Reinforcement Ob****aru Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally Neutral effect Oc-3:00. Change in Experimental Context Ob****bCa Oc-4:00. Change in Operant Response Ob****bQi Systematic Analyses of Operant Conditioning (Transfer) Ob****bza Princple Oc-5:00. Experimental Extinction (Operant) Ob****bbo Oc-6:00. R/Extn as-f(dep) Ob****bmo Systematic Analyses of Experimental Extinction (Operant) Ob****bbz Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally Negative Effect Oc-7:00. Extinction w/Punishment Ob****cbo Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally Neutral effect Oc-8:00. R/Extn as-f(Amt(Trng)) Ob****bna Oc-8:10. R/Extn as-f(Amt(Reinf)) in Acquisition Ob****bko Oc-8:20. R/Extn as-f(Delay(Reinf)) in Acquisition Ob****bjo Oc-8:30. R/Extn as-f(Secondary Reinforcement) Ob****bso Oc-9:00. R/Extn as-f(Effort) Ob****blo Oc-10:00. Effect of Extended Extinction Ob****bts Systematic Analyses of Extinction Function Ob****bzo Oc-15:00. Inhibition in Opcond Ob****CIa Oc-16:00. Disinhibition in Opcond Ob****COd Oc-16:10. Induction in Opcond Ob****CIi Oc-17:00. Post-cond Treatment effects on Extinction Ob****CJc Oc-18:00. R/Extn as-f(N/Prior Extns) Ob****bbO Oc-19:00. R/Extn of Generalized OpR Ob****bpR Principle Oc-1:00. Operant Conditioning (Transfer) Ob****aaa Repeated exposure to new operant contingencies leads to new behavior PUPH Time to reach steady-state decr-f(N/prior trng on sched) - Cum,WW'59+ PUPH Incr in Rate(OpR) w/removal punish, even after ineffective Azr,NH'60- RCPH Acq DRL w/long LH facil acq s/short LH - - - - - - - - - - Ric,EJ'70+ PIK- Change S on FI incr R early, decr R late in FI - - - - - - Wil,DM'74- Oc-1:10. Change in Stimulus Quality Ob****aac R B- Little effect of shift from water to sacc/quinine and back Bev,W.'68e RGPT W/diff flavor reinf w/diff Rs, incr/decr value incr/decr R Res,RA'90- Oc-1:20. Change in Setting Operations Ob****aam Oc-2:00. Change in Schedule of Reinforcement Ob****apa RUPH Change in sched of diff reinf of IRT-->change in IRTs - - - Mal,RW'64+ MUPH Observe aggressive (bite) beh w/incr in FR sched and w/extn Hut,RR'68e PIK- Change from RI to noncontin reinf--ultimate decr in rate - Lac,GD'71e W/above change, initial incr in rate if incr density(reinf) Above effects observed w/in session to diff key S RUPH W/shift FI2'-->FI30", rapid decr in post-reinf pause - - - Log,FA'82- Interp: Early R in FI are adjunctive, surprised by reinf W/shift FI30" back to FI2', gradual incr in long FI scallop During above, gradual decr in short FI beh w/lo intermed R Oc-2:10. Change in Amount of Reinforcement Ob****aka RUPH Pos/neg contrast in Rate(OpR) w/incr/decr sucrose concen - Col,GH'59+ RUBH Observe frustration if change size of reinf; less if altern Yos,M.'59- RUPH W/MULT sched re Mag(reinf) rapid shift Rate(OpR) w/change - Ber,JW'67+ Re above, temp neg contrast incr-f(duration prior sched) RNB- Incr in ESB reinf only temporarily incr OpR - - - - - - - - Mer,HK'76- RUPH Pos contrast w/incr from .01 to 1% concen, not w/05-->1% - Wei,L.'77- RVP- Pos/neg beh contrast incr-decr-f(component duration) - - - MSw,FK'91+ Above function sim to pigeon treadle, diff from keypeck Above diff challenges gen laws/theories for all Rs Oc-2:20. Change in Delay of Reinforcement Ob****aja Oc-2:30. Change in Probability of Reinforcement Ob****apu Dxx- Incr FR Rate(OpR) concur w/decr salivation w/change to PRF Sol,S.'69+ Oc-2:40. Change in Correlated Reinforcement Ob****aru RUPH W/change OpR force, incr-decr variability around new min - Arn,WJ'45- PIP- Change required force--Pos/neg contrast in recorded rate Chu,SH'65- Oc-3:00. Change in Experimental Context Ob****bCa Oc-4:00. Change in Operant Response Ob****bQi RUxH Transfer to mult-R sit w/CRF not-diff-f CRF/VR/VI pre-trng Ben,EE'67+ RIx- Train FI w/1 R facil acq same FI w/another R - - - - - - - Car,JG'72e S assoc w/FI w/1 R facil same FI w/another R Car,JG'72e Systematic Analyses of Operant Conditioning (Transfer) Ob****aza Princple Oc-5:00. Experimental Extinction (Operant) Ob****bbo Repeated Occurrence of OpR w/out reinf --> Decr Rate(OpR) XULX Opcond extn: Decr str of cond operant by no reinf (22) - - Ski,BF'38- S may set occasion for reinf OpR (does not elicit it) (22) RUPH R/Extn after trng w/2 reinf bars decr-f(reinf rate) - - - - Her,WT'42- RUPH Rate(OpR) in extn correl w/pre-cond operant level - - - - - Bul,DH'50- RUPH Rate(OpR) in extn incr after TO w/no effect on total R/Extn Bul,DH'51- R1PH W/Tone/Lite present during VI, no effect of T/L on R/Extn - Fer,CB'51- RUP1 After trng w/food reinf, Rate(OpR) in extn incr-f(H2O dep) Bra,CM'53- R P- Note incr in irrel R to non-reinf manipulanda during extn - Mac,I.'55- R P- R/Extn incr-f variability in R or reinf, not in drive-decr Mac,I.'55- RUP- Opcond in Box1--R/Extn in box2 incr w/pre-expose to Box2 - Bin,D.'60+ RBO- Appearance of irrel R during extn is-f acq sched - - - - - Tak,H.'60- RUPH After Mult VI-15 VI-75-sec, diff in Rate(OpR) incr w/extn - Cla,FL'61+ RCPO Little R(Extn) w/removal ESB reinf - - - - - - - - - - - - How,CI'62+ RXX- Extn of bar-press OpR facil acq of run IR - - - - - - - - - Mor,N.'63- RUPH Rate(OpR) in extn incr w/delayed test after CRF, decr w/FR5 Aik,EG'65+ RUPH R/Extn w/CRF or FR w/food reinf > w/ESB reinf - - - - - - - Cul,JL'66e PVPH W/Extn of chain FR7-FR7, decr in 1st component rate > 2nd - Cat,J.'73+ RUPH Elim OpR w/extn faster than w/omission (reinf if no OpR) - Uhl,CN'73- Above persistence after extn/omission incr-f(Amt(trng)) xUP R/Extn decr-f(Freq(Reinf) of alternative beh) - - - - - - - Lei,H.'75e RAP- Facil extn w/S (buzz) added to OpR during extn - - - - - - Hur,HM'83+ RUPH R/Extn after VI incr w/unsignaled free food, not w/signal - Bak,AG'90- Attrib above effects to context-food assn Bak,AG'90- Oc-6:00. R/Extn as-f(dep) Ob****bmo RVPH Rate(OpR) but not total N/OpR in extn incr-f(Drive) - - - - Ski,BF'36- RCPH R/Extn w/24-hr dep incr-decr-f(1/12/24/48-hr dep in acq) - Fin,JL'40- RUPH R/Extn w/24-hr dep incr-decr-(acq dep), max at 12-hr - - - Fin,JL'40+ RUP1 R/Extn after reinf w/food not-f(H2O dep during trng) - - - Ken,HH'45- RUPH R/Extn approx zero w/complete satiation of rel drive - - - Koc,S.'45+ RCPH W/trng w/23-h dep, R(Extn)/Rate(OpR) incr-f(1/2/6/12/23-h) Hor,BR'51- POPH Asymptote of OpR extn incr-f(dep), w/incr Rate w/incr dep - Jen,WO'51+ RUPH R/Extn incr-decr-f(acq/extn dep), attrib to D/inanition - - Yam,HG'51- R-P- R/Extn w/hi-D < lo-D w/large reinf, reverse w/small - - - - Rey,B.'52e R PH R/Extn not-f(dep) in acq/extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Car,JW'53- RVP- R/Extn of OpR reinf w/lite aversn not-f irrel hunger/thirst Str,JR'54- RUPx R/Extn incr by trng w/irrel + rel D - - - - - - - - - - - - Ste,TD'57+ RUPH R/Extn incr-f(extn dep) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cla,FC'59- FCOH Prefeeding decr R/Extn after FR/FI reinf - - - - - - - - - Esk,RM'60+ RUPH Rate(OpR) in extn incr-f(extn dep) - - - - - - - - - - - - Cro,CP'62- RCPH R/Extn after ESB reinf incr w/food dep - - - - - - - - - - Deu,JA'67+ Systematic Analyses of Experimental Extinction (Operant) Ob****bbz RAPH After extn w/elim food-magazine click, recond w/click alone Ski,BF'34- Interp: W/chain-R, extn beh B4 not after point of interrupt RUPH Observe cyclic variations in IRT/Amp(OpR) during extn w/CRF Ara,P.'39- RUPH Extn is-f incr no-R times, not decr Rate(OpR) when respond Hur,HM'57- RSPH After trng paired subj w/2 bars, extn-->aggression - - - - Dav,H.'67- Oc-7:00. Extinction w/Punishment Ob****cbo PUPH Punish during extn decr R/Extn, facil complete extn - - - - Azr,NH'61+ RUPS After FI trng, N/punish to elim OpR decr-f(punish inten) - Bor,G.'64e HCPO Decr R/Extn after FI reinf if OpR-->cost re decr pts - - - Wei,H.'64- RUPH Total R/Extn decr w/punish early in extn, > nonconting sh - Boe,EE'67+ Oc-8:00. R/Extn as-f(Amt(Trng)) Ob****bna RCPH R/Extn incr-f(5/10/30/90 N/reinf) 22-hr B4 extn - - - - - - Wil,SB'38- RCPH R/Extn after 40 > 10 reinf, w/sim rel spon rec - - - - - - You,RE'38- RUPH After N/reinf OpR1 > OpR2, N/OpR1 in concur extn > N/OpR2 - Hil,CJ'39+ Re above, N/OpR1 in separate extn = N/OpR1 in concur extn RUPH R/Extn incr-f(N/acq reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Yam,HG'51- hOP- R/Extn incr-f(N/candy reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sie,PS'53+ R P- OpR R/Extn after FI trng incr-f(N/reinf) - - - - - - - - - Wil,MP'54- H PO R/Extn decr-f(N/tr, %/Reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lew,DJ'58+ RUPH Rate(OpR) in extn, but not total R/Extn incr-f(Amt(trng)) - Cot,JW'61+ Oc-8:10. R/Extn as-f(Amt(Reinf)) in Acquisition Ob****bko RUPU R/Extn incr-(N/Reinf), incr-decr-f(FR) - - - - - - - - - - Oka,E.'54- HUBM R/Extn incr-f(Amt(Reinf)) and decr-f(%(Reinf)) during acq - Lew,DJ'57+ FCPH R/Extn incr-f(Amt(Reinf) in acq) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gon,RC'67+ Oc-8:20. R/Extn as-f(Delay(Reinf)) in Acquisition Ob****bjo RVPH R/Extn decr-f Delay(Reinf) in acq - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ski,BF'36- Oc-8:30. R/Extn as-f(Secondary Reinforcement) Ob****bso RAPH R/Extn incr w/click of feeding mech in extn - - - - - - - - Bug,BR'38- ROPH Re R/Extn, PRF incr sec reinf = discrim prop of S - - - - - Din,JA'52- RAxH Sound assoc w/feeding mech incr R/Extn but not food intake Mil,RC'53+ RAPH OpR extn facil by extn of click-food assn B4 OpR extn - - - Coa,WB'56- R PH R/Extn incr w/sec reinf cues present, at all levels of dep Mil,RC'56- R P Extn of approach-R to S of reinf mech facil later OpR extn Rat,SC'56- RCBT Fail to obtain "sec extn" by extn/pun of magazine S - - - - Roz,WW'57- RUPO R/Extn after lite reinf not-f tone paired w/lite during acq Bar,GW'61+ R/Extn after lite reinf decr-f(N/reinf) RARH R/Extn w/S assoc w/shock-on < w/shock-off - - - - - - - - - Eva,WO'62- Oc-9:00. R/Extn as-f(Effort) Ob****blo RUPH R/Extn decr-f(R-effort) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mow,OH'43- RUPH Acq and R/Extn decr-f(R effort) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - App,MH'51- R P- R/Extn not-f(5/40/80-gm bar weight) in acq/extn - - - - - - Maa,JL'54e RUPH After trng w/varied weights, R/Extn decr-f(extn effort) - - Cap,J.'58e xCPH W/rats/fish, R/Extn not-f(effort) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Har,JV'65e FCPH R/Extn decr-f(Effort re N/OpR) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gon,RC'67+ Oc-10:00. Effect of Extended Extinction Ob****bts RUPH Complete extn after trng elim later effects reinf on R/Extn Ber,PJ'50e Systematic Analyses of Extinction Function Ob****bzo RUPH Decr indiv diff in R/Extn w/fixed duration vs extn crit - - Hum,LG'40- Oc-15:00. Inhibition in Opcond Od****CIa R1PH Mix OpR w/S1 and S2--Extn S1--Extn S1S2=extn S2 alone - - - Ish,S.'59- Oc-16:00. Disinhibition in Opcond Od****COd RxPH After extn after FI trng, Rate(OpR) incr w/brief buzz/shock Hor,HL'40+ Oc-16:10. Induction in Opcond Od****CIi Oc-17:00. Post-cond Treatment effects on Extinction Od****CJc R1PH R/Extn of discrim operant decr w/decr S-rf or R-rf assn - - Mel,RL'80+ Oc-18:00. R/Extn as-f(N/Prior Extns) Od****bbO R P-C W/daily reacq/reextn, Rate(OpR) hi w/reinf, lo w/nonreinf - Bul,DH'53+ C Interp above as diff-cond re cues of reinf/nonreinf Bul,DH'53+ RUPHC R/Extn decr-f(N/daily CRF-->re-extn) - - - - - - - - - - - Cla,FC'60+ PUPHC W/repeated acq/extn, VI rate incr, extn rate decr-f(N/extn) Cla,FC'64- Oc-19:00. R/Extn of Generalized OpR Od****bpR RCPH Rate(OpR) in extn after FI incr-f sim trng/test illum - - - Win,WA'52- RxP- R/Extn incr-f N/acq-S present during extn - - - - - - - - - Hul,IM'60e PAPH Decr in Rate(OpR) w/extn greater for S+ than S/Genz S Law,C.'73-