LOGAN: LAWS OF LEARNING (Basic Processes) January 2004 SPATIAL LEARNING: Excitation Historical Stimulus Independent Variables Contents Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Interdependent-Operation Principle SEHS>>1:00. Latent Learning SG****bCs Behavioral/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Independent-Operation SEHS>>1:01. Effect of Pre-exposure SG****ndF Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Positive/Independent-Operation SEHS>>1:10. Learning re Irrelevant Incentive SG****aCk Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Interdependent-Operation Systematic Analyses of Latent Learning SG****bCz SEHS>>2:00. Spatial Learning w/out Overt R SG****bCr Behavioral/Natural/Social/Emotionally-Neutral/Interdependent-Operation SEHS>>3:00. Vicarious (observational) Spatial Learning SG****qoH Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Positive/Interdependent-Operation SEHS>>4:00. Effect of Prefeeding on Spatial Learning SG****amg Behavioral/Unnatural/Asocial/Emotionally-Positive/Interdependent-Operation SEHS>>4:10. Direct Placement w/reinforcement SG****sar Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Interdependent-Operation SEHS>>4:20. Direct Placement re Water-Tank SG****bCw Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Negative/Independent-Operation SEHS>>4:30. Direct Placement w/punishment SG****cCp Paradigmatic/Unnatural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Interdependent-Operation SEHS>>5:00. Delayed Spatial Response SG****hrH SEHS>>6:00. Conditional Spatial Response SG****hHE SEHS>>6:10. Delayed Conditional Spatial Response SG****hHF Relevant uncoded root-abstracts Relevant(?) uonabstracted/uncoded literature Principle SEHS>>1:00. Latent Learning SG****bCs . Pre-trng w/out tangible reinforcement facil Spatial Learning RMLH Rapid decr in errors, incr in speed, w/intro of food reward Blo,HC'29- Little lrng if first run maze backward w/out reward Blo,HC'29- RMLH Rapid decr in N/Errors w/reinf after nonreinf trng - - - - Tol,EC'30+ RMLH 72-hr preexpose to 14-unit maze facil acq re errors - - - - Han,GW'31- RMLH 18-hr in maze w/out reinf-->Latent lrng w/w/out added doors Dau,CT'33- RMLH During maze explor, tend to avoid units previously entered Den,W.'34+ RML- During explor, decr tend to enter same maze unit on 2nd tr Den,W.'35- RMLH No evidence of latent lrng after non-rewarded tr B4 reward Rey,B.'45- Evidence lrng during non-reward (decr depth enter blind) Rey,B.'45- RMLH Max facil of acq w/pretrng to run from start to empty GB - Kar,HW'46+ RMLU No evidence of latent lrng re acq w/out "motiv satisfactn" Sha,ME'50+ Title: Latent lrng (Tolman) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thi,DL'50- RTLH Fail to learn locatn of distinctive GB w/nonreinf pre-trng Den,MR'51+ RTLH Prior exper w/food-reinf facil lrng, not latent lrng w/food Feh,E.'51- RMLH Fail to obtain latent lrng re rapid decr errors w/reinf - - Mee,PE'51+ Attrib decr in errors w/trng w/out reward to sec reinf Mee,PE'51+ RML- Elim cul entries w/out reinf, attrib to running vs stop - MCo,K.'51+ RT Title: Latent/reinf lrng as-f(time) - - - - - - - - - - - Gil,JC'52- RMLT Facil effect of exposure B4 lrng incr-f(N/rel cues) - - - - Kim,RC'53e RM Title: Drive cond in latent lrng - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mee,PE'53+ RMLH Latent lrng re non-reinf exposure-->decr acq w/reverse path Mue,KF'53+ RTL- Early explor exper facil later lrng location of irrel reinf Vin,R.'53- H Title: Latent lrng in humans - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pos,L.'54+ RM Title: Latent lrng - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tak,T.'55+ WML- 20-hr confinement to maze B4 trng facil acq - - - - - - - - Bha,RP'56- RMLx Latent lrng incr by acty dep B4 explore maze - - - - - - - Des,O.'56- Latent lrng decr by rotation maze after explore B4 lrng Des,O.'56- RCL- Explore 3-table reasoning sit-->Go directly to baited table Oak,WF'56- R L Acq facil by handling; interp as sec reinf - - - - - - - - Ber,L.'57- Title: R/Extn re latent lrng - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wor,EC'57- RMLH Latent lrng incr w/diff intra-maze cues - - - - - - - - - - Cli,C.'64e WTLO No latent lrng w/nonreinf pretrng w/w/out discriminanda - - Jam,JP'65+ RYLH Explor maze for 9 days B4 trng facil acq w/food reinf - - - Sha,ME'65- RMLH Latent lrng re pre-expose to maze w/blinds w/sated>hungry O Gol,LI'79- R Title: Latent lrng/inhib in maze discrm - - - - - - - - - Cha,VD'89+ SEHS>>1:01. Effect of Pre-exposure SG****ndF HMLO _Early visual inspection facil lrng maze w/invisible stops - Car,H.'21- RMLH _Preexpose to maze w/food facil acq; attrib to decr fear - - War,CJ'25- RMLH _Indiv, not group pre-expose to maze facil acq - - - - - - - Tha,L.'50- RTLH _Pre-expose to maze segments = maze re latent lrng - - - - - Har,MM'71e RVP _Title: Extra-maze pre-exposure on choice - - - - - - - - - Pat,JL'87+ SEHS>>1:10. Learning re Irrelevant Incentive SG****aCk RTP1 Thirsty rats learn water vs food in Y-maze - - - - - - - - Spe,KW'46+ Above rats choose water arm when hungry Spe,KW'46+ RTC1 Acq food/H2O in diff GB w/food/H2O dep, not w/satiation - - Ken,HH'47- RTC1 W/B/W/ arms to food/H2O, acq pref re hunger/thirst motiv - Ken,HH'47- After above, choose same arm w/changed motiv Ken,HH'47- RTP1 After trng w/H2O reinf +food in 1 GB, no pref w/test hungry Gri,GR'48- Above exper w/food in 1 GB did not facil acq w/hunger Gri,GR'48- RTC1 Fail to acq location of irrel food when trnd thirst - - - - Ken,HH'48+ RTL1 Latent lrng re irrel H2O b/food dep, not food w/H2O dep - - Mee,PE'48+ RTP1 Hold that rats perceived food in Spence/Lippitt/Kendler exp Spe,KW'48+ RYP1 Do not choose R to food w/food dep after trng w/H2O dep - - Gle,H.'50- RTP1 No evidence of lrng location of food w/thirst motiv - - - - Ken,HH'50+ RTL1 Fail to learn location of food w/thirst-H2O trng - - - - - Lit,RA'50- RTP1 Did not learn location of food/H2O after trng satiated - - Mal,IM'50- XXXX Interp lrng re irrel need re rg strength (not expectancy) Mal,IM'50- RTP1 Trng w/food vs nil w/H2O dep-->choose food side w/food dep Str,JR'50- RTL1 No latent lrng location H2O w/hunger, not-f prior dep exper Chr,R.'51- RMLH Lrng food locatn w/escape motiv incr-f(pretrng w/out hunger Ben,AW'52- RTLx Daily post-trng ECS elim latent lrng food locatn w/H2O maze Ben,AW'52+ RTP1 Learn location of irrel H2O if early exper w/food/H2O dep - Chr,R.'52- RTLH Learn food location w/thirst-H2O trng if near choice pt - - MAl,WR'52- RTL1 Irrel incentive lrng facil by prior D-discrim trng - - - - Thi,DL'52- Irrel incentive lrng facil by separation Thi,DL'52- of rel/irrel incentives Thi,DL'52- RVC1 Evidence of lrng location of food when thirsty - - - - - - Nor,FM'54+ RTP1 Trng w/both H2O/food dep w/food vs H2O reinf-->H2O w/thirst Deu,JA'58- RTP1 After above trng, fail to choose food w/hunger Deu,JA'58- RTL1 Acq food location w/thirst trng only w/handling/H20 reinf - Mey,ME'61- RTP1 W/equal H2O reinf, learn food locatn incr w/prior D-discrim Bra,JI'62+ Systematic Analyses of Latent Learning SG****bCz RTP1 Choose food arm of T-maze w/hunger after run w/social reinf Spe,KW'50e Choose H2O arm of T-maze w/thirst after run w/social rf Spe,KW'50e Derive above results from diffcond of Rg-Sg to maze arms Spe,KW'50e RTLH No evidence of latent lrng w/delay B4 test - - - - - - - - Sew,JP'52e RTCx Block path to irrel reinf decr later choice when rel - - - Deu,JA'58+ SEHS>>2:00. Spatial Learning w/out Overt R SG****bCr RMLH Acq facil by conduct O thru maze in box - - - - - - - - - - Cal,WE'51- RML- Acq w/mech guidance = T&E trng - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Has,GM'53- RML- Evidence of lrng place where sh stopped when pulled around Gle,H.'54- RMLH Evidence of lrng from being pushed thru maze w/reinf in GB Cal,WE'55+ RML- No lrng from being pushed thru maze if satiated w/empty GB Cal,WE'55+ RTL- Transport-in-basket = run maze only w/extra-maze cues - - - MNa,HJ'56e RTLH Little lrng if pull maze w/distinctive GB around O - - - - Han,C.'57+ RMLO Pre-expose w/trolley thru 8-unit water maze facil acq - - - Dod,PC'60+ RMLO Acq swim maze facil w/pre-trng on trolley thru maze - - - - Dod,PC'64- Note: Contends that lrng w/out perf not-f extra-maze cue Dod,PC'64- RNLH Brain injection of RNA from trained O-->pref w/untrained O Jac,AL'66e RMLH Acq after forward "guidance" > backward or trolley guidance Pri,D.'66+ RVLH Acq facil w/pre-expose videotape of maze w/reinf correct R Kah,E.'78+ RMLU Facil acq w/wheel thru maze w/out visual cues for 200 tr - Kah,J.'79e SEHS>>3:00. Vicarious (observational) Spatial Learning SG****qoH PSA- Subj paired w/trnd subj learned location of empty GB - - - Akh,M.'41- In above, naive subj copied pecking mvmt in empty GB Akh,M.'41- RTL- Acq imitation (follow leader) w/T&E or as incidental cue - Chu,RM'57- RTLT Train follow leader rat, add cue lite-->R re cue lite alone Chu,RM'57- M - Title: Observational lrng of position - - - - - - - - - - Rio,AJ'60- RS - Acq imitative spatial R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sti,VE'66e SEHS>>4:00. Effect of Prefeeding on Spatial Learning SG****amg RMPT Speed incr-decr-f(pre-trial reward) w/no effect on errors - Bru,RH'38- RMLH After trng maze w/hunger/no-food, pre-feeding decr errors - And,EE'41- RFLT Pre-trial H2O facil lrng, esp if in goal location - - - - - Bru,RH'43- SEHS>>4:10. Direct Placement w/reinforcement SG****sar RMLH After repeat expose to maze, GB placement w/food-->hi perf Bux,CE'40- RTPH After explore T-maze, feed in 1 endbox-->choice to that box Sew,JP'49- RTPH After trng w/out dep or food and then placed in one end box Lam,K.'60- w/food but w/out dep, correct choice w/dep by 21/28 O - Lam,K.'60- RTPH Repeat Lam,K.'60-; no pref if no dep during test tr - - - - Lam,K.'60- RTLH After explor maze, food in GB1, shock in GB2 -->latent lrng Cro,JW'71- SEHS>>4:20. Direct Placement re Water-Tank SG****bCw RWLO Prior placement on invisible platform facil H2O-maze lrng - Sut,RJ'82+ RWRO Acq H2O-maze perf w/out distal cues, incr w/prior placement Sut,RJ'84+ RWPO Place on goal B4 trng facil water-maze acq if prior exper - Kei,JR'88+ RWLO Direct placement on hidden platform facil immed perf - - - Jac,WJ'89e RWLO Fail to replicate latent spatial water-maze lrng - - - - - Jac,WJ'89e SEHS>>4:30. Direct Placement w/punishment SG****cCp RTCH After non-diff reinf, avoid R to GB where placed-shocked - Hon,CH'36+ RTPH After equal reinf in diff GB, shock in 1 GB-->avoid pun GB Tol,EC'49+ RTP- Explore maze w/diff GB--Shock in 1 box--No effect on choice Min,L.'54- RTLH After reinf-both pretrng, shock in 1 GB --> choose other - Gle,H.'62+ HEHS>>5:00. Delayed Spatial Response SG****hrH DCLH Longer delayed-R perf w/2 alternatives > 4 - - - - - - - - Wal,AC'15- CxPU Acq delayed-R re sound/lite cue w/maint gross motor orient Yar,JU'17- RVPH Jump to baited door (of 4) w/diff figure Ss decr-f(delay) - MCo,F.'39- RVPH Some evidence of larger < smaller jump stand re delayed-R - MCo,F.'39- RXOH Acq 10-min delayed R if pre-delay R sim to post-delay R - - Cow,JT'40- RVPH View delayed-R as transfer discrim, facil w/pre-delay-R Cow,JT'40- RYCH Delayed-position R re repeat forced-turn decr-f(delay) - - Cow,JT'41- Above delayed R better if no reinf on initial turn trial Cow,JT'41- NVPO Delayed-R w/Ss 60 > 5-in apart; decr perf if shift separatn Har,R.'41+ NVPO Delay-R re relative position w/Ss close; absolute if apart Har,R.'41+ OCOH Delayed-R w/wolf longer if hide meat itself vs experimenter Grz,B.'46- OCOH W/elephant, delayed-R < 1-min but can learn food location - Grz,B.'46- FVPH Fail to observe 3-sec delayed-R w/minnow - - - - - - - - - Mun,NL'58- MNPO Whole-body irradiatn incr spatial delayed-R only after 2-yr MDo,AA'59+ MVPO 10-sec spatial delay-R decr if test w/darkness during delay MDo,AA'60+ MCPO Malesmale, but males improve MDo,AA'63+ M Title: Enforced observation on delayed R - - - - - - - - - Bla,MO'66e PMCH After force 3 of 4 arms, good perf re 4th arm w/5-min delay Dal,RH'88- Interp above spatial memory re extramaze cues Dal,RH'88- OCPH W/gorilla, 24-hr retention of sites where found food - - - MDo,SE'94- SEHS>>6:00. Conditional Spatial Response SG****hHE RfPH Acq L/R re 2 prior forced turns decr distance B4 choice - - Wil,MO'34- RfPH Acq turn R2 as-f forced turn R1, w/same R > opposite R - - Wil,MO'34- Above perf decr-f(interpolated acty) re confine/shock Wil,MO'34- SEHS>>6:10. Delayed Conditional Spatial Response SG****hHF ROLH Some O acq R1 vs R2 re 10- vs 30-sec delay B4 choice - - - Cow,JT'41+ RTLH Acq L/R turn conditional on diff start only w/non-correctn Kal,D.'46- Attrib above to contrast wrong R w/correct R on later tr Kal,D.'46- RTLH Acq diff spatial R re tone B4 choice incr-f tone duration - Eni,MU'51- RTL- Acq L/R re trace of B/W in stem better w/incongruent B/W GB Dur,RA'55- Delay after S and B4 choice decr acq more than delay(rf) Dur,RA'55- RORH Diffcond L/R re prior goal event (milk/pellet) w/3-min ITI Psc,M.'72- PVCH Acq L/R R re rel duratn of 2 Ss, decr-f(absolute durations) Dre,LR'88e Relevant uncoded root-abstracts Relevant(?) uonabstracted/uncoded literature RN Title: ECS on reasoning ability - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sha,HC'46e RN Title: Post-ECS maze beh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sta,E.'48- RSC Title: Spatial delayed matching-to-sample - - - - - - - - Roi,HL'88+