LOGAN: LAWS OF LEARNING (Basic Processes) January 2004 SPATIAL LEARNING: Excitation Current Response Interdependent Variables Contents Paradigmatic/Unnatural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Interdependent-Operation SECR<>1:00. Single Alternation in Spatial Learning SQ****haH SECR<>1:10. Double Alternation in Spatial Learning SQ****hbH Relevant uncoded root-abstracts Relevant(?) unabstracted/uncoded literature SECR<>1:00. Single Alternation in Spatial Learning SQ****haH OOPH Raccoon acq altern w/long (32 min to 24 hr) w/out orient - Eld,JH'33+ RMLH Acq altern pattern w/genz to long maze, incr-f(path length) Bal,EL'34- RMLH Blind O acq rlrlrlrl altern pattern w/interchange/rotation Hun,WS'40- ROPH Acq delayed altern w/handling/turning/rotation during delay Hun,RR'41- RTOH Some O acq altern w/delay up to 2-hr B4 2nd tr - - - - - - Lad,G.'44- RMPH W/altern pattern near goal, genz altern to earlier choices Has,GM'45- RTL- After altern trng, restart tr after choice->repeat choice - Gal,EH'55- Interp above as lrng to altern place, not R Gal,EH'55- RTAH Acq alternation w/15 min ITI, genz to > 60 min ITI - - - - Pet,L.'57+ xVPH Cat > rabbit re up-to-30-sec delayed altern - - - - - - - - Liv,PJ'66+ Title: Caffeine/ITI on delayed altern - - - - - - - - - - Ter,WS'80+ RUPU Delayed altern perf incr w/pretest reminder cue - - - - - - Gor,WC'81e Title: Food priming on delayed altern - - - - - - - - - - Ter,WS'87- SECR<>1:10. Double Alternation in Spatial Learning SQ****hbH OMLH Raccoons acq temporal rrll, attrib to symbolic proc - - - - Hun,WS'28- RMLO Double-altern w/blind O disrupted w/interchange segments - Hun,WS'30- RMLH Some O acq temporal rrll after pretrng w/diff cues - - - - Hun,WS'31+ RMLH Double-altern perf elim only w/elim both vision/olfaction - Cas,B.'33- Above decr perf same as rotation/interchange maze units Cas,B.'33- RfL- Acq double-altern, pos transfer swimming to running maze - Eva,S.'36- RMLH Some evidence of double-altern lrng w/up-down choice - - - Kel,FS'37- COPH 2 cats acq RRLL, not RRLLRRLL w/temporal maze - - - - - - - Kar,HW'38- CMLH After mastery, double-altern perf cease w/neurotic beh - - Kar,HW'38- DOLH 1 of 2 dogs acq rrll w/temporal maze, w/no S/Genz - - - - - Kar,HW'39+ cXPH Acq RRLL in temporal maze, w/transfer-->larger/smaller maze Kar,HW'39+ RMLH Blind O acq double altern only w/out interchange/rotation - Hun,WS'41+ ROLH Fail to acq double altern w/transportation cues elim - - - Kar,HW'41+ RMLH Maze-bright O acq double altern in 11-unit maze, w/rotation And,RC'43+ Blind O do not acq double-altern in 11-unit rotated maze And,RC'43+ RMLH No effect of glutamic acid in diet on single/double altern Ste,E.'48+ RMLH W/linear maze, 52% subj acq double altern (AABB) R-seq - - Woo,CB'50- Fewer subj (35%/17%) acq triple/quadruple R-seq Woo,CB'50- XXXX Concl: S-trace theory for acq double altern, not transfer - Woo,CB'51- RMLH W/partial correct score, some double-altern lrng w/transfer Gal,HK'60+ OCLO Gibbons perf single, not double position altern - - - - - - Sch,R.'62+ C Title: Double altern lrng - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - War,JM'67- RVPT Acq single altern w/w/out cue; double altern w/cue > w/out Kha,KA'70- P Title: Double altern lrng - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wil,BA.76- RGPH Title: Odor-based double-altern w/drugs - - - - - - - - - Dav,SF'81e HUPH Acq single-altern re 2 levers, but little double-altern - - Tra,M.'82e Relevant uncoded root-abstracts Relevant(?) unabstracted/uncoded literature HMP Title: Symbolic rehearsal (RSRobinson) - - - - - - - - - - Sac,RS'32- RFA Title: Motiv determinant of regression - - - - - - - - - - OKe,LI'40- HM Title: Conception of true path on lrng - - - - - - - - - - Sar,AQ'40- E Title: 1st-order probability lrng - - - - - - - - - - - - And,NH'56- RML Title: Guidance in a 2-turn circular maze - - - - - - - - Che,C.'67- RMP Title: Retro-interference in radial maze - - - - - - - - - Coo,RG'85+ R Title: Prospective/retrospective info - - - - - - - - - - Coo,RG'85e R Title: Explor exper in shortcut task - - - - - - - - - - - Cha,N.'87e P Title: Foraging + spatial memory - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rob,WA'88- R Title: Blocking in the spatial domain - - - - - - - - - - Rod,T.'97e