LOGAN: LAWS OF LEARNING (Basic Processes) January 2004 SPATIAL LEARNING: Excitation Historic Contingency Interdependent Variables Contents Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Positive/Interdependent-Operation SEHC<>1:00. Transfer Effects re Other Learning Paradigm SD****aeT Principle SEHC<>2:00. Retention (memory) of Spatial Learning SD****ata SEHC<>2:10. Consolidation of Spatial Learning SD****atN SEHC<>2:20. Effect of Interpolated Spatial Exper SD****tts Relevant uncoded root-abstracts Relevant(?) unabstracted/uncoded literature SEHC<>1:00. Transfer Effects re Other Learning Paradigm SD****aeT RMLH Perf re time scores in maze decr w/prior shock in shuttle - Gen,E.'44- RxLH Runway acq/extn, not acq alone, facil T-maze lrng - - - - - Sha,ME'70+ Principle SEHC<>2:00. Retention (memory) of Spatial Learning SD****ata Little decrement in spatial performance as-f(time) xMPO Maze retention w/rats >humans for 3-5 wks; reverse w/longer Chi,T.'24- HxxO Retention incr-f(difficulty) w/maze = nonsense syllables - MGe,JA'29+ RMLH 70-d retention good, not-f(age) Sto,CP'29- HMLO Re relrng/transfer, maze pattern retained w/verbal imagery Sco,TC'30- RMLH Observe reminiscence: Acq facil by rest after partial lrng Mag,KM'36- RMPH Retentn not-f inactivity via sodium amytal during interval Rus,RW'37+ RMLG After part lrng w/maze, perf incr-f(0/1/5/10-d rest B4 test And,AC'40- OYPH 5-day retention not-f(hybernation vs wakeful) - - - - - - - Pol,JS'64- RWPO Re Lat(locate platform), hi 2-hr retention re previous tr - Pan,E.'85e Above w/same/diff start w/little proactive interference Pan,E.'85e OCCH Good 6-hr retention spatial location w/nutcrackers - - - - Bal,RP'88+ O Title: Spatial memory in birds (Kamil) - - - - - - - - - - Ols,DJ'89- PCPH Retain rewarded 1 of 4 locations for up to 72 hr - - - - - Wil,RJ'92- xCPX G: Both egocentric/exocentric spatial coding w/mammal/bird Ben,S.'95+ xCPH Bird species diff in spatial memory is-f(dependence on cach Bal,RP'97e SEHC<>2:10. Consolidation of Spatial Learning SD****atN RMPH Audiogenic seizure decr perf on closed, not elevated maze - Gri,WJ'42- RMPH No effect of post-trng daily audiogenic seizures on relrng Sis,HL'42- RMPH No effect of immed post-trng 24-hr hypothermia on retention Jon,MR'43- RNPH 30 daily ECS after acq decr relrng 2-choice-pt R/L maze - - Sta,E.'43- RNPH After trng, daily ECS not foot-shock decr maze retention - Dun,CP'45- RNPH After over-lrng 14-unit maze, ECS decr speed, not errors - MGi,E.'47- RTPH ECS after trng to one side then other -->revert to older R Dun,CP'48- RNLH Acq mult-T maze decr 10-20 days after 10 daily ECS - - - - Eri,CW'48e RNPH Perf decr w/ECS, esp in GB, attrib to "confusion" - - - - - Hay,KJ'48- RNLO 25 ECS-->decr in acq/retention in water maze - - - - - - - Bra,HW'49e RNLO 25 daily ECS after water maze acq-->decr in 90-d retention Bra,HW'49e RNPO W/H2O maze, daily ECS 22-h B4 trng decr acq, not reversal - Muh,GJ'49+ RNPO No effect of ECS on lrng/retentn of simple H2O alley/T-maze Rus,RW'49- RNPH After lrng 2 habits sequentially, ECS-->1st habit if simple Bra,HW'50+ RNPU ECS in maze decr perf 2-d after ECS, not 25-d later - - - - Orl,F.'50+ RMLH Immed post-trng ECS decr retention (consolidation) of maze Wor,P.'50+ Title: ECS on temporal maze - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Axe,HS'51- RMLO Indiv between-litter diff in effect of ECS on retention - - Ben,AW'51+ RMLH Acq re change in maze position decr w/post-trng ECS - - - - Fos,FR'51+ RMPH No effect of X-radiation on retention of 14-unit maze - - - Arn,WJ'52- RML- Decr effect of 25 post-trng ECS decr-f(Amt(trng)) - - - - - Bra,HW'52+ RNLH No effect of 40 ECS on lrng maze in single position - - - - Bro,WL'52+ RNL- ECS 34-d B4 acq or B4 retention test decr field perf - - - Ris,JR'53+ RMCH Post-trng audiogenic seizure incr R time but not errors - - Sha,WA'53e RNCH ECS decr maze retention, not-f(dep) - - - - - - - - - - - - Mir,AF'54e RTPH After overtrng then reversal, ECS - - >random choice beh - Fra,M.'55- RMPU No effect of 2-hr hypothermia (w/min brain acty) on retentn And,RJ'56e RNL- Water-maze lrng--retention interval--daily ECS decr relrng Sto,CP'56+ RWPO H2O-maze retention decr w/ECS > square-wave pulses - - - - Doc,RF'57- RxLW Impair water-maze lrng w/immed, not delayed ECS/sod pentoth Leu,F.'57- RMLH Post-trial picrotoxin injectn facil acq w/dull, not bright Bre,FA'61+ RMLH 1757 I.S. injections B4 trials facil acq w/dull, not bright MGa,JL'61e RNLH Post-trial ECS decr acq, esp w/in 30-min w/maze-dull O - - Tho,CW'61e RMLH Perf decr w/immed, not delayed post-trial hypothal ESB - - Mah,H.'62- RDLH Acq/retention facil w/1757 I.S. injection after each trial MGa,JL'62e SMPO After trng/reversal, 1 ECS-->some amnesia re reversed R - - Ess,WB'65- STC- No effect of daily post-trng gen ext stim, facil w/strychn Cal,WH'66- RxL Immed post-trng REM-dep decr reversal lrng and prob max - - Pea,CA'74+ Species w/out REM sleep are poorer in above lrng task Pea,CA'74+ RMPH During 4-hr ITI between 4th-5th choice in 8-arm radial maze Sha,DA'81e perf decr w/ECS 2-hr, not 15-min after 4th choice - - - Sha,DA'81e RNPH Amnesia w/ECS re delayed altern not-f(post-ECS environ S) - Mil,RR'84e RRPH ECS after 4-tr in 8-arm maze1 and 4-tr in 8-arm maze 2 --> Mak,WS'85- decr in subsequent perf in maze1 > maze 2 - - - - - - - Mak,WS'85- SEHC<>2:20. Effect of Interpolated Spatial Experience SD****tts RMLH Maze lrng facil w/prior handling, non-maze pretrng - - - - Jac,TA'32- RM Title: S sim on retro-inhib - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mon,GD'36- RMPH Retention hard water maze decr-incr-f(N/interpolated easy) Mar,MH'44- Above attrib to devel of pos transfer of easy mazes Mar,MH'44- RMLH No retroactive inhib as-f interpolated maze B4 relrng maze Wat,RH'45+ RTPH Retention spatial R decdr w/prior trng of reverse R - - - - Gle,H.'63+ RTRH Acq R1 then R2-->Retention R2 not-f(R1) (proactive inhib) - Cro,RG'67- Acq R1 then R2-->Retention R1 decr-f(R2) (retroactive) Cro,RG'67- R Title: Spatial memory: Retroact interfer - - - - - - - - - Mak,WS'79e RMP Title: Retro-interference w/long interval - - - - - - - - Bea,WW'80+ RRP Title: Retroactive inhib in spatial lrng - - - - - - - - - Rob,WA'81- Relevant uncoded root-abstracts Relevant(?) unabstracted/uncoded literature Title: Underlrng on retention - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tol,EC'23- RM Title: Motiv during lrng on retention - - - - - - - - - - MDu,MM'46- RN Title: Convulsive/subconvulsive shocks - - - - - - - - - - Bra,HW'50e RN Title: Interval between lrng and ECS - - - - - - - - - - - Wor,P.'50+ R Title: Sec reinf w/mult-unit maze - - - - - - - - - - - - Por,VF'53- R Title: Latent lrng by nonrewarded O - - - - - - - - - - - Kan,JH'54- RM Title: Amt(reinf) on acq/perf in maze - - - - - - - - - - Mah,WB'54+ RM Title: Latent extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bro,WL'57+ W Title: Ribonuclease on reten after regen - - - - - - - - - Cor,WC'61+ RM Title: Proactive interference in maze - - - - - - - - - - Col,M.'68+ RN Title: Posttrng ECS on choice perf - - - - - - - - - - - - Pfi,BE'69+ S Title: Modify memory storage proc (Honig) - - - - - - - - MGa'JL'71+ RMP Title: Cues for cue-dependent amnesia - - - - - - - - - - Lew,DJ'73+ M Title: Transformation of position and STM - - - - - - - - Fla,SF'75- R Title: Short-term retention on perf - - - - - - - - - - - Gor,WC'76e R Title: Remembrance of places past - - - - - - - - - - - - Olt,DS'76+ R Title: STM for S/R/reinf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mak,WS'77e R Title: Reactivation of interference - - - - - - - - - - - Gor,WC'78+ R Title: Char of spatial memory (Hulse) - - - - - - - - - - Olt,DS'78- R Title: Spatial memory w/hierarchical maze - - - - - - - - Rob,Wa'79- R Title: Memory for lists of spatial events - - - - - - - - Rob,WA'79+ R Title: Role of R/Reward in memory - - - - - - - - - - - - Wal,JA'79+ R Title: Spatial memory w/restrict viewing - - - - - - - - - Maz,DW'83+ P Title: Spatial memory - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ols,DI'83+ RMP Title: Item/order info in spatial memory - - - - - - - - - Mak,WS'84e R Title: Lrnd helplessness re R-reinf indep - - - - - - - - War,DA'85e R Title: Memory in spatial + visual choice - - - - - - - - - Gaf,EA'86+ RM Title: ECS on memory of places passed - - - - - - - - - - Mak,WS'86- Title: Nonassoc nature of working mem - - - - - - - - - - Mak,WS'87- Title: Mem in radial maze as-f trng proc - - - - - - - - - Str,AM'87+ XNX Title: Physical basis of memory - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wol,C.'87+ P Title: Unlrnd spatial memory (LDSmith) - - - - - - - - - - Lea,BL'91- O Title: R strategy and retention interval - - - - - - - - - Ols,DJ'93e P Title: Remember spatial location-food - - - - - - - - - - Wil,RJ'93+ B Title: Memory for spatial and local cues - - - - - - - - - Bor,DR'94- R Title: Proactive interference in radial - - - - - - - - - Coh,JS'94e O Title: Spatial memory in hummingbird - - - - - - - - - - - Hea,SD'95+ R Title: Hierarchical chunking in memory - - - - - - - - - - Mac,T.'95+ P Title: Robust spatial memory - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wil,DM'95+ R Title: Kangaroo rat mem - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bar,CL'98+ O Title: Working mem in bees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bro,WF'98e O Title: Short-term mem in honeybees - - - - - - - - - - - - Cou,PA'98e