LOGAN: LAWS OF LEARNING (Bazic Processes) January 2004 SPATIAL LEARNING: Inhibition Current Organism Independent Variables Contents Behavioral/Natural/Asocial/Emotionaly-Neutral/Interdependent-Operation SICO>>1:00. Comparative Inhib Proc (Species) Sl****nIs SICO>>2:00. Reversal as-f(dep) Sl****nmr SICO>>3:00. R/Extn as-f(dep) Sl****nme SICO>>4:00. Change in Motiv Sl****nms SICO>>5:00. State-Dependent Spatial Learning Sl****nCs Relevant uncoded root-abstracts Relevant(?) unabstracted/uncoded literature SICO>>1:00. Comparative Inhib Proc (Species) Sl****nIs x+LH W/rat, overtrng facil place/R reversal, not transfer - - - Bro,KH'61e W/chicken, overtrng decr reversal/transfer Bro,KH'61e after place lrng Bro,KH'61e rYRH Re-acq w/young > older subj - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ern,AJ'75e SICO>>2:00. Reversal as-f(dep) Sl****nmr RTL1 Reversal w/food reinf w/food dep = food + H2O dep - - - - - Ken,HH'50+ Reversal w/H2O reinf w/H2O dep = H2O + food dep Ken,HH'50+ Interp above re selective assn of drive stim Ken,KH'50+ RTLT Reversal w/hi > lo dep at reversal, not-f dep during acq - Buc,AM'55+ RTLH Reversal not-f(acq/reversal dep) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Arm,HL'58- RTLH No effect in acq, but reversal w/variable > constant dep - Wik,EL'60e SICO>>3:00. R/Extn as-f(dep) Sl****nme RTL1 R/Extn after reinf w/food incr-decr-f(H2O dep) - - - - - - Ken,HH'45- RTPH No effect of dep during acq on R/Extn - - - - - - - - - - - Tee,KS'52- RTCH No effect of acq/extn dep on R/Extn re error meas - - - - - Cot,JW'56- SICO>>4:00. Change in Motiv Sl****nms RMPH Temporary incr in errors w/change thirst to hunger in acq - Ell,MH'29- RMPH Lrng not=perf; after trng, perf decr w/shift to irrel reinf Bru,RH'35- RMLH Acq Maze 1 w/hunger/food --> some lrng Maze 2 sated/no-food And,EE'41- RTP1 After trng w/food dep, switch R w/H2O dep, incr-f(trng) - - Ken,HH'51+ RTC1 After hunger-food trng, same choice R =decr-f(thirst) - - - Ken,HH'52e RTP1 After trng w/food/H2O satiated, rapid acq re rel incentive Ken,HH'53+ RTL1 Reversal w/changed D Slower if that D present irrel in trng Lev,S.'53- RTP- Switch in beh w/change hunger to irrel thirst > v/versa - - Ken,HH'54e RTPx No S/Genz trng w/hunger to test w/shock, v/versa - - - - - Dee,JW'64+ SICO>>5:00. State-Dependent Spatial Learning Sl****nCs RDPO W/shock-escape motiv, no transfer sodium pent to non-drug - Ove,DA'64- Transfer drug-->non-drug or v/versa is-f(drug dose) Ove,DA'64- Relevant uncoded root-abstracts Relevant(?) unabstracted/uncoded literature MN Title: Frontal lsn on altern - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mil,MH'69- x Title: Reversal in rats/pigeons/goldfish - - - - - - - - - Mac,NJ'71+