LOGAN: LAWS OF LEARNING (Basic Processes) January 2004 SPATIAL LEARNING: Inhibition Current Stimulus Independent Variables Contents Paradigmatic/Natural/Asocial/Emotionally-Neutral/Independent-Operation SICS>>1:00. Change in Spatial Context Se****bCs SICS>>2:00. Spatial S/Genz Se****bea SICS>>2:10. Spatial S/Genz free/forced trials Se****bef SICS>>3:00. Add new short path Se****bRs Relevant uncoded root-abstracts Relevant(?) unabstracted/uncoded literature SICS>>1:00. Change in Spatial Context Se****bCs RM1- No effect on perf of rotating maze - - - - - - - - - - - - Gen,JA'28- RMPH Perf decr if rotate maze relative to starting cage - - - - Leu,JH'29+ RMLH After trng in absolute darkness, no effect or maze rotation Hig,GD'30- RMLH Small disturb w/rotation tunnel maze attrib to home cages - Tru,CK'32- RTLH Shock B4 choice-->R = acq L/R turn, whether long/short path Ham,JA'33+ After reversal long/short path, shock B4 choice-->orig R Ham,JA'33+ RMPH Perf decr w/rotation of maze, w/continuity to living cage - Tru,CK'34+ RVAH After trng w/cue in location, rotate field-->R to location Heb,DO'38- RMPH After orig acq and then trng on a second 2-unit R-pattern, Por,EH'43+ some regression to 1st pattern w/shock at 1st choice pt Por,EH'43+ RTL Reversal facil w/change in context cues - - - - - - - - - - Chi,DA'69+ SICS>>2:00. Spatial S/Genz Se****bea RMPH Pos transfer maze-1-->maze-2 neg correl w/retro inhib 2-->1 Web,LW'17- RMLH Evidence of both gen and R-specific maze-to-maze transfer - Jac,TA'31- RMLH W/changed directn of maze, subj did not perf re visual cues Den,W.'32- RMLH Pos transfer to run same maze backward - - - - - - - - - - Dor,MD'32- OMLU W/ants, no genz lrng same maze nest-to-food vs food-to-nest Sch,TC'34- RMLO Pos transfer to diff maze incr-decr-f delay after init trng Bun,ME'36+ RMLH Acq maze-2 incr-decr-f(N/nonreinf tr in sim maze-1) - - - - Bor,VM'37- RMLH After lrng 1 maze pattern, very slow acq of diff pattern - Car,L.'38- RMLO Pos transfer after partial lrng incr-decr-f(1-120 d delay) Bun,ME'39+ HMPO Lrng stylus maze in diff positions facil genz - - - - - - - Lan,HC'48- RMLH Relrng 3-unit maze decr-f(N/diff Rs in interpolated lrng) - Kog,LS'51- Relrng reversed Rs in 3-unit maze incr-f(nearness goal) Kog,LS'51- RMC- S/Genz of place lrng attrib to spatial relations, not place Bro,WL'55+ Title: Spatial genz in P-lrng sit - - - - - - - - - - - - MCo,PD'59- HVxO Spatial S/Genz gradient re instructed R re location of S+ - Dix,BD'61+ SICS>>2:10. Spatial S/Genz free/forced trials Se****bef RMCH Pos S/Genz trng w/T-maze to choice after forced turns - - - Gen,JA'30- RTPH Pref not-f(diff in N/reinf forced tr to both sides) - - - - Hil,WF'63e SICS>>3:00. Add new short path Se****bRs RMPH Only 4/19 O chose new short path when introduced - - - - - Val,W.'28- RMPH Observe insight re new path only w/out side walls in maze - Tol,EC'30+ RCPH Persist in taking longer path after >6 forced trials w/path Gil,HC'33- RMPH 13/23 O show insight re new path, not-f(prior blocked maze) Har,CM'37- RMPH After trng w/forced cul entry, lo P(choose more direct path Zie,L.'37- RMLH W/diffcond H2O/food, antic errors were goal orient re dep - Bro,WL'40- RMPO Many O fail to take new short path, esp w/extended trng - - Bat,MB'43- RMPH Acq run-past-closed door, return to now-open door-->food - Her,WT'46e After above 3 of 23 O turn into door now open from start Her,WT'46e RMPH 36% O choose direct (or 18) path to GB w/block in orig - - Tol,EC'46e RMCH Fail to choose new direct path to GB w/block in trng path - Gen,G.'47e Above after extended trng w/lite over GB Gen,G.'47e GMPH After trng w/lite at GB, pref path near trng path vs direct Gen,G.'48e RTPH After L/R trng, choose same turn R vs new path toward GB - Ken,HH.48+ RTPH W/homogeneous environ, take added path to wrong or right GB Wil,HE'48+ W/heterogeneous, no pref added path to wrong/right GB Wil,HE'48+ MTPH W/radial arms after trng, no pref re direct path to GB - - Ken,HH'49+ SMT- Choose new short path only after little trng on longer path Che,F.'60- DMRH After some trng w/long path to GB, subj take new short path Aiv,IM'66- Re above, begin to choose long path after extensive trng Aiv,IM'66- C+PH Ident 2 lrng meth: Use visual cue in start or at choice pt Pou,B.'85- Take new short path only if use visual cue in start Pou,B.'85- Relevant uncoded root-abstracts Relevant(?) unabstracted/uncoded literature RMP Title: Genz of R-tend in linear maze - - - - - - - - - - - Smi,FL'49- OT Title: Inter-situational transfer in ants - - - - - - - - Wei,BA'67+ RAR Title: Residual effects of Mag(Reinf) - - - - - - - - - - Spe,NE'68+ R Title: Reward depletion on spatial memory - - - - - - - - Gaf,EA'83e xOP Title: Object permanence in birds - - - - - - - - - - - - Pep,IM'90+