Conference Co-chairs

   Scott M. Freundschuh, Geography, U of New Mexico, United States

   Scott Bell, Geography and Planning, U of Saskatchewan, Canada

Program Chairs

   Sara Fabrikant, Geography, U of Zurich, Switzerland

   Martin Raubal, Geoinformation Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Doctoral Colloquium Co-chairs

   Sarah Battersby, Geography, U of South Carolina, United States

   Amy Lobben, Geography, U of Oregon, United States

Tutorial/Workshop Co-chairs

   Michela Bertolotto, Computer Science and Informatics, U College Dublin, Ireland   

   Clare Davies, Psychology, U of Winchester, United Kingdom

Scientific Committee

Thomas Barkowsky, University of Bremen     •     John Bateman, University of Bremen

Kate Beard, University of Maine     •    Itzhak Benenson, Tel Aviv University

Brandon Bennett, University of Leeds     •    Sven Bertel, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Mehul Bhatt, The University of Bremen     •    Thomas Bittner, SUNY Buffalo

Eliseo Clementini, University of L'Aquila    •    Roberto Casati, Institut Jean Nicod

Christophe Claramunt, Naval Academy Research Institute     •     Gilberto Camara, INPE

Anthony Cohn, University of Leeds     •    Lex Comber, University of Leicester

Helen Couclelis, UC Santa Barbara     •    Kenny Coventry, University of East Anglia

Leila De Floriani, University of Genova     •    Matt Duckham, University of Melbourne

Geoffrey Edwards, Université Laval     •    Max Egenhofer, University of Maine

Andrew Frank, TU Vienna     •    Christian Freksa, University of Bremen

Mark Gahegan, University of Auckland     •    Antony Galton, University of Exeter

Nicholas Giudice, University of Maine     •    Amy Griffin, University of New South Wales-ADFA

Stephen Hirtle, University of Pittsburgh     •    Christoph Hölscher, ETH Zürich

Toru Ishikawa, University of Tokyo     •    Krzysztof Janowicz, UC Santa Barbara

Christopher Jones, Cardiff University     •    Carsten Keßler, Hunter College, CUNY

Marinos Kavouras, National Technical University of Athens     •     Peter Kiefer, ETH Zurich

Alexander Klippel, Pennsylvania State University     •     Menno-Jan Kraak, University of Twente

Christian Kray, Institute for Geoinformatics     •    Barry Kronenfeld, Eastern Illinois University

Werner Kuhn, UC Santa Barbara     •    Lars Kulik, University of Melbourne

Patrick Laube, University of Zurich     •    William Mackaness, University of Edinburgh

David Mark, SUNY Buffalo     •    Daniel R. Montello, UC Santa Barbara

Reinhard Moratz, University of Maine     •    Bernard Moulin, Laval University

Gerhard Navratil, Vienna University of Technology     •    Nora Newcombe, Temple University

Edzer Pebesma, Institut für Geoinformatik     •    Ross Purves, University of Zürich – Irchel

James Pustejovsky, Brandeis University     •    Jochen Renz, Australian National University

Kai-Florian Richter, University of Zurich     •    Andrea Rodriguez, University of Concepcion

Victor Schinazi, ETH Zurich     •    Christoph Schlieder, Universität Bamberg

Angela Schwering, University of Muenster     •    Takeshi Shirabe, Royal Institute of Technology

Barry Smith, SUNY Buffalo     •    John Stell, University of Leeds

Kathleen Stewart Hornsby, University of Iowa     •    Kristin Stock, University of Nottingham

Thora Tenbrink, Bangor University     •    Sabine Timpf, University of Augsburg

David Uttal, Northwestern. University     •    Nico Van de Weghe, Ghent University

Maria Vasardani, University of Melbourne     •    Jan Oliver Wallgrün, Penn State University

Robert Weibel, University of Zurich     •    Stephan Winter, University of Melbourne

Diedrich Wolter, University of Bamberg     •     Zena Wood, University of Exeter

Michael Worboys, University of Greenwich     •     May Yuan, University of Texas at Dallas


