The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Summer 2021 as of Census date: July 31, 2021
Campus: Main Campus -- College: AS-College of Arts and Sciences

  Three Year Summer Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
EPS 319L U 001 Intro Field Geology Lab *Mackey, Tyler UNM LEAR ARR . 4 14 56 14.33 23.33 57.33
EPS 491 U 001 Problems *Fawcett, Peter UNM LEAR ARR . V 4 4 3.33 25.00 3.33
EPS 551 M 001 Problems *Fawcett, Peter UNM LEAR ARR . V 1 3 0.67 25.00 2.00
EPS 552 M 002 Problems *Zhang, Jin UNM LEAR ARR . V 1 3 0.67 25.00 2.00
EPS 599 M 001 Masters Thesis *Fawcett, Peter UNM LEAR ARR . V 3 7 5.00 25.00 7.67
EPS 699 P 001 Dissertation *Fawcett, Peter UNM LEAR ARR . V 5 18 4.33 25.00 16.00
          28 91 28.33 148.33 88.33