The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Summer 2021 as of Census date: July 31, 2021
Campus: Main Campus -- College: AS-College of Arts and Sciences

  Three Year Summer Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
SHS 500 M 001 Clinical Practice *Hartley, Mary UNM LEAR ARR . 3 10 30 8.67 25.00 26.00
SHS 500 M 002 Clinical Practice *Garcia, Renee UNM LEAR ARR . 3 7 21 7.00 25.00 21.00
SHS 500 M 004 Clinical Practice *Martinez-Fisher, An UNM LEAR ARR . 3 9 27 8.33 25.00 25.00
SHS 500 M 005 Clinical Practice *Ellis, Moira UNM LEAR ARR . 3 11 33 7.67 25.00 23.00
SHS 551 M 004 Graduate Problems *Nelson, Lori UNM LEAR ARR . V 1 1 0.67 25.00 0.67
SHS 558 M 001 Clinical Internship *Nelson, Lori UNM LEAR ARR . 8 15 120 20.33 26.67 178.00
SHS 561 M 001 Bilingual Language Acquisition *Irizarry-Perez, Car UNM LEAR ARR . 3 13 39 4.33 8.33 13.00
SHS 599 M 001 Master's Thesis *Binger, Cathy UNM LEAR ARR . V 1 1 0.33 25.00 0.33
SHS 599 M 002 Master's Thesis *Palmer, Phyllis UNM LEAR ARR . V 1 1 1.00 25.00 1.33
SHS 599 M 006 Master's Thesis *Neel, Amy UNM LEAR ARR . V 1 2 1.00 25.00 2.00
SHS 599 M 008 Master's Thesis *Richardson, Jessica UNM LEAR ARR . V 2 3 1.33 25.00 2.33
SHS 599 M 009 Master's Thesis *Gevarter, Cindy UNM LEAR ARR . V 2 4 0.67 25.00 1.33
          73 282 61.33 285.00 294.00