The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Summer 2022 as of Census date: August 2, 2022
Campus: Main Campus -- College: AS-College of Arts and Sciences

  Three Year Summer Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
ANTH 1115 L 002 Intro Anthropology *Prufer, Keith; Ray, Erin UNM CANV ARR . 3 24 72 8.00 8.33 24.00
ANTH 1140 L 001 Intro Cultural Anthropology *Dehaas, Jocelyn UNM CANV ARR . 3 35 105 24.67 50.00 74.00
ANTH 1996 L 001 T: Curandero Traditional Med *Torres, Eliseo ANTHO 163 MTWRF 810A - 1240A 3 1 3 0.33 8.33 1.00
  XL: ABQ-CCS393: ABQ-CCS493: ABQ-CCS593: ABQ-UHON301: ABQ-LLS                
  CCS home 202260                
ANTH 340 U 005 T: Cmmty, Memory & Vitality *McKnight, Kathryn; Mays, Andrea UNM CANV T R 900A - 1200A HUM 428 M W F 900A - 1200A 3 4 12 1.33 1.00 4.00
  XL: ABQ-SPAN301: ABQ-LTAM400: ABQ-CCS393: ABQ-AMST310                
  SPAN home 202260                
ANTH 375 U 001 Archeo Field Session *Mattson, Hannah ARR . V 10 60 3.33 4.00 20.00
  06/06/2022 - 07/21/2022                
ANTH 399 U 001 Intro to Field & Lab Research *Wallace, Ian ARR . V 1 6 0.33 25.00 2.00
ANTH 420 U 001 T: Museum Practices *Waguespack, Christi UNM CANV ARR . 3 3 9 1.00 1.00 3.00
  XL: EA-MSST407: EA-MSST507: EA-ALBS470: EA-ARTH407: EA-ARTH5                
  MSST home 202260                
ANTH 497 U 044 Individual Study *Wills, Wirt ARR . V 1 1 0.33 25.00 0.33
ANTH 497 U 067 Individual Study *Pearson, Osbjorn ARR . V 1 1 0.33 25.00 0.33
ANTH 575 M 001 Archaeology Field Session *Mattson, Hannah ARR . V 1 6 0.33 1.00 2.00
  06/06/2022 - 07/21/2022                
ANTH 597 M 043 Problems *Schleher, Kari ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
ANTH 597 M 056 Problems *Huckell, Bruce ARR . V 1 1 0.33 25.00 0.33
ANTH 597 M 085 Problems *Graves, Michael ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
ANTH 598 M 085 Advanced Research *Graves, Michael ARR . 3 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
ANTH 697 P 087 Problems *Prufer, Keith ARR . V 1 1 0.33 25.00 0.33
ANTH 699 P 006 Dissertation *Long, Jeffrey ARR . V 1 3 0.67 25.00 2.00
ANTH 699 P 052 Dissertation *Field, Les ARR . V 2 12 0.67 25.00 4.00
          89 301 43.00 323.67 140.33