The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Summer 2022 as of Census date: August 2, 2022
Campus: Main Campus -- College: ME-School of Medicine

  Three Year Summer Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
RADS 330 U 001 Patient Care *Blankley, Rebecca UNM CANV ARR . 2 4 8 4.67 8.00 9.33
RADS 331 U 001 Patient Care Lab *Trujillo, Lynnette UNM CANV ARR . 1 4 4 4.67 8.00 4.67
RADS 381 U 001 Med Lang Systems Rev *Gil-Smith, Maria UNM CANV ARR . 1 4 4 4.67 7.00 4.67
RADS 406 U 001 Cmty Engage & Service Learning *Peachey, Cheryl UNM CANV ARR . 3 9 27 8.00 20.00 24.00
RADS 411 U 002 Physics Computed Tomography II *Roberts, Kathlynn UNM CANV ARR . 3 1 3 0.67 5.00 2.00
RADS 452 U 001 MRI Physics Review *Blankley, Rebecca ARR . 1 5 5 4.33 15.00 4.33
RADS 462 U 001 MRI Clinical III *Blankley, Rebecca ARR . 2 2 4 0.67 5.00 1.33
          29 55 27.67 68.00 50.33