Changes to UNM NetID processes


The UNM auditors have required that we enforce password changes on UNM NetID accounts. In addition, since the ITEL system was discontinued, we have needed a new way to allow students to reset their own passwords in the event that they forget a password. With these two issues in mind, changes are being made to password processing and reset for UNM NetIDs

What is happening?

Beginning 8/27, all UNM NetID users (all staff, students, and retirees) will be able to set up responses to challenge questions through a new NetID page. Once created, these responses can be used to authenticate a user and allow them to reset a forgotten password.


At the same time, new password management will take effect.


The new web page will provide access to all four NetID related activities:



These four functions will be available at This will replace the current page with that URL. The new page will be available 8/27.

How is the required password format changing?

The UNM NetID password format has been amended slightly:


—The dollar sign will no longer be allowed as part of the string, to remove a conflict with Banner passwords


—Passwords will need to comply with this format:


When will passwords expire?

A password will expire six months after the last change to the password (or six months after the creation of a new account). On 8/27, we will start adding expiration dates to all existing LDAP accounts, using a batch process. The first expiration date for accounts will be 2/23/08.

Will users be notified?

Warning emails will be sent to the user’s preferred email address 30, 15, 7 and 1 day before expiration. If they reset their password at any time during this process, no further emails will be sent. The first email reminders will be sent on 1/24/08.

What other changes are happening?

There is one other significant change to the way passwords are handled. Starting 8/13, LDAP will retain a password history for all accounts. Re-use of passwords will not be allowed.

What impact does this have on HSC NetIDs?

The HSC/Hospital NetID is completely separate. These measures only relate to UNM NetIDs, stored in the central LDAP directory. These changes have no effect on the format, expiration or re-use of passwords for HSC NetIDs.