# jemdoc: menu{MENU}{group.html}, showsource = Group members ~~~ If you have questions about joining our our group, please contact [about.html me] at [talbash@unm.edu]. You can apply to the ECE PhD program (please choose the Computer Engineering concentration area, and the Information Systems emphasis area) via this link: [http://ece.unm.edu/graduate/apply.html http:\/\/ece.unm.edu\/graduate\/apply.html] ~~~ #~~~ ~~~ {}{img_left}{./images/pradeep_namitha.jpg}{70}{140}{Namitha Pradeep} [namithapradeep@unm.edu Namitha Pradeep] \n Email: [namithapradeep@unm.edu]\n\n I received my BS-MS degree from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research- Pune and subsequently joined UNM as a Physics graduate student in Fall 2019. My interest lies in quantum simulation algorithms and quantum speedup. My current work involves using Trotter formulas in a non-stoquastic hamiltonian simulation and also studying crosstalk errors in quantum processors. ~~~ ~~~ {}{img_left}{./images/Smith_Conor.jpg}{70}{140}{Conor Smith} [cssmith36@unm.edu Conor Smith] \n Email: [cssmith36@unm.edu]\n\n I graduated from Lewis & Clark College in 2017 and joined the ECE department at UNM as a grad student in Fall of 2020. I'm interested in what neural networks can teach us about physical systems, specifically quantum systems. Currently, I am working on training neural networks to do quantum simulation. I also work on characterizing crosstalk errors on quantum processors. ~~~ ~~~ {}{img_left}{./images/Kwok_Julia.jpeg}{70}{140}{Julia Kwok} [jkwok@unm.edu Julia Kwok] \n Email: [jkwok@unm.edu]\n\n After receiving my B.S.E.E and M.E.E from Rice University in 2016, I worked in industry for several years before joining UNM as an ECE graduate student in the fall of 2021. Broadly, my interests are quantum computation and quantum control. Currently, I work on noise mitigation and hardware characterization. ~~~