This main box, the left side box for links, and the top box that holds the title graphic are all absolutely positioned relative to the browser window. This part of the layout has a static width because of that. The right box (read about it in itself) is variable width. The background graphic of this page contains the "Hungarian flag stripe" of color... it is actually a 13 x 128 pixel png graphic that is tiled to repeat in the x direction to fill the page. The background color of the page is set to be the same as the bottom color of the graphic so that you can't see where the graphic ends and the page background color continues. The margins for the page are set to zero.
This main box is for constant-width content. The text in here will not widen out too far to make the lines unreadable because this is a fixed-width box. Pardon me while I repeat myself: Main box for constant-width content. The text in here will not not widen out too far to make the lines unreadable because this is a fixed-width box. Pardon me while I repeat myself:
Main box for constant-width content. The text in here will not not widen out too far to make the lines unreadable because this is a fixed-width box. Pardon me while I repeat myself: Main box for constant-width content. The text in here will not not widen out too far to make the lines unreadable because this is a fixed-width box. Pardon me while I repeat myself:
Main box for constant-width content. The text in here will not not widen out too far to make the lines unreadable because this is a fixed-width box. Pardon me while I repeat myself: Main box for constant-width content. The text in here will not not widen out too far to make the lines unreadable because this is a fixed-width box. Pardon me while I repeat myself:
This right box is a section formatted with style #rightbox with Top Margin = 129, Left Margin = 665 (to clear the fixed-width content of the page), and a Right Margin = 10. There is a padding of 10 pixels on the top and 15 pixels on the sides. This box will change its width as the window is resized, since it has no width specified. This rightbox DOES have a min-width of 180px set so it won't get too narrow.
Right box with variable-width. The text in here will widen out as the browser window is widened. Pardon me while I put in some filler below.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus non mollis ante. Morbi hendrerit iaculis tempor? Aenean nec felis arcu, id consequat dolor. Duis sit amet magna justo, nec ultricies tortor. Aliquam ultricies cursus justo, id scelerisque neque lacinia sed. In nec turpis odio, quis lobortis felis. Nullam eget ante ac dui tempor ornare at ut lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut eget elit porta tellus vestibulum mattis. Etiam semper egestas laoreet. Phasellus blandit tristique erat at consequat. Sed ac nulla eros? Nulla eget lorem in massa facilisis suscipit vitae ut turpis. Donec eros elit, semper ac dignissim ac, pellentesque at eros. Etiam eget ornare magna. Morbi malesuada massa eu sem dapibus scelerisque. Integer orci lorem, imperdiet vel imperdiet a; malesuada id nisi. Pellentesque ut felis a enim posuere vulputate. Aliquam in lectus non felis elementum venenatis.
Aliquam eleifend faucibus elit eleifend tincidunt? Curabitur suscipit, diam non accumsan mollis, mi felis vulputate tortor, vitae varius purus est vitae nisl. Donec vehicula metus eros. Nunc fermentum semper ante, id suscipit lectus fringilla ut. Vestibulum consectetur mi eget tellus sodales ut interdum ante varius. Quisque non faucibus metus. Vivamus non enim nec risus tincidunt semper nec eget quam! Cras id augue ac lorem posuere dapibus semper eget lorem. Proin nisi dolor; ultricies vel consectetur id; hendrerit vitae dui. Nam vitae commodo arcu. Curabitur pulvinar dignissim tempus. Aliquam aliquam mattis sapien ac mollis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi diam est, euismod quis convallis et, elementum at eros.
Curabitur id augue justo. Maecenas egestas libero quis massa commodo eget suscipit leo volutpat. Nulla eleifend aliquet enim, quis dignissim eros auctor id. Integer porttitor massa sit amet nunc malesuada eu congue quam posuere. Vestibulum pulvinar massa vitae lacus auctor a ultricies ipsum adipiscing. Phasellus sit amet dui orci, sit amet consequat lacus! Cras imperdiet aliquet arcu. Sed egestas elit quis tellus sodales id tincidunt ante rhoncus. Nulla dignissim, lacus eget dictum elementum, enim augue pharetra augue, in rhoncus eros dui aliquam nisi. Cras sed libero felis, quis lacinia orci. Ut ultricies scelerisque odio sit amet vehicula. Donec at est et metus elementum viverra. Sed turpis elit, rhoncus a mollis id, interdum sit amet risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla consequat hendrerit sapien, sit amet commodo felis pulvinar ac. In vel tortor in sem aliquam consequat eget a risus. Nulla adipiscing malesuada imperdiet! Nam faucibus augue non purus congue elementum. Curabitur id augue justo. Maecenas egestas libero quis massa commodo eget suscipit leo volutpat. Nulla eleifend aliquet enim, quis dignissim eros auctor id. Integer porttitor massa sit amet nunc malesuada eu congue quam posuere. Vestibulum pulvinar massa vitae lacus auctor a ultricies ipsum adipiscing. Phasellus sit amet dui orci, sit amet consequat lacus! Cras imperdiet aliquet arcu. Sed egestas elit quis tellus sodales id tincidunt ante rhoncus.