GED Essay Scoring Rubric

This tool is designed to help readers score an essay.  Two readers read the GED essay, each giving a score between 1 and 4.  The average of the two is the final score for the essay portion of the test.  The score must be at least 2 to pass the test.  Remember that an essay off of the given topic receives no score.

Effective 4 Adequate 3 Marginal 2 Inadequate 1
Response to prompt Presents a clearly focused main idea that addresses the prompt Uses the writing prompt to establish a main idea Addresses the prompt, tough the focus may shift Attempts to address prompt but with little or no success in establishing a focus
Organization Establishes a clear and logical organization Uses an identifiable organizational plan Shows some evidence of an organizational plan Fails to organize ideas
Development and Details Achieves coherent development with specific and relevant details and examples Has focused but occasion-ally uneven development; incorporates some specific detail Has some development but lacks specific details; may be limited to a listing, repetitions, or generalizations Demonstrates little or no development, usually lacks details or examples or presents irrelevant information
Conventions of EAE

 (Edited American English)

Consistently controls sentence structure and the conventions of EAE Generally controls sentence structure and the conventions of EAE Demonstrates inconsistent control of sentence structure and the conventions of EAE Exhibits minimal or no control of sentence structure and the conventions of EAE
Word Choice Exhibits varied and precise word choice. Exhibits appropriate word choice Exhibits a narrow range of word choice, often including inappropriate selection Exhibits weak and/or inappropriate words

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