Universities That Accept ASL In Fulfillment Of Foreign Language Requirements
Universities That Accept ASL In Fulfillment Of Foreign Language Requirements
List maintained by
Sherman Wilcox, Ph.D.
University of New Mexico
PLEASE NOTE: This list is for colleges and universities that accept ASL in fulfillment of GRADUATION requirements. It does NOT address ADMISSION requirements. See the new Notes section below for more specific information about schools and state acceptance of ASL as a foreign language, etc. If you have information about your school or state that you would like added to the Notes section, please contact me.
1.Abilene Christian University
2.American University
3.Anderson University, SC
4.Antioch College (Ohio)
5.Arcadia University
6.Arizona State University
7.Augsburg College (Minneapolis, MN)
8.Augustana University
9.Austin College
10.Baylor University (only in School of Education and the College of Health and Human Sciences)
11.Bethel College (Indiana)
12.Boston University
13.Bowling Green State University
14.Brandeis University
15.Brigham Young University
16.Brown University
17.Butler University (Indiana)
18.Cabrillo College (California)
19.California State University system: All 23 CSU campuses accept ASL in fulfillment of the foreign language graduation requirement
20.Capital University (Columbus, OH)
21.Catholic University
22.Central Connecticut State University
23.Central Washington University
24.Centralia College
25.Clark University (Worcester, MA)
26.Clemson University
27.College of St. Catherine (MN)
28.College of Southern Idaho
29.College of Staten Island
30.College of St. Rose (Albany, NY)
31.Dallas Baptist University
32.East Central Oklahoma State University
33.Eastern Illinois University
34.Eastern Washington University
35.Elms College (Chicopee MA)
36.The Evergreen College (Washington)
37.Florida A & M University
38.Florida Atlantic University
39.Florida Atlantic University Honors College (Wilkes Honors College)
40.Florida Gulf Coast University
41.Florida International University
42.Florida State University
43.Framingham State University
44.Fresno Pacific University
45.Gardner-Webb University
46.George Mason University
47.Georgetown University
48.Goshen College
49.Holy Cross College (Worcester, MA)
50.Howard University
51.Howard Payne University
52.Illinois State University
53.Indiana University
54.Kent State University
55.Lamar University
56.Linfield College
57.Loyola University
58.Lubbock Christian University
59.MacMurray College (Jacksonville IL)
60.Madonna University
61.Mary Hardin Baylor University
62.Maryville College
63.McDaniel College
64.Messiah College
65.Miami University (Oxford OH)
66.Michigan State University
67.Montclair State University
68.Neumann University (Aston, PA)
69.New College of Florida
70.New Mexico Highlands University
71.New York University (School of Education)
72.National Technical Institute for the Deaf (Rochester, NY)
73.North Greenville University (SC)
74.Northeastern University
75.Northern Arizona University
76.Northern Illinois University
77.Ohio State University
78.Ohio University
79.Oklahoma State University
80.Oregon State University
81.Pacific Lutheran University
82.Pomona College, CA
83.Portland State University
84.Purdue University
85.Radford University (Radford, VA)
86.Russell Sage College (Troy, NY)
87.Sacramento Community College
88.San Antonio College
89.San Diego State University
90.Saint Francis University
91.Scripps College (Claremont, CA)
92.Southern Connecticut State University
93.Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
94.Southern Methodist University
95.Southern Oregon University
96.Stanford University
97.SUNY Albany
98.SUNY Brockport
99.SUNY Buffalo
100.SUNY Empire State
101.SUNY Fredonia
102.SUNY Geneseo
103.SUNY Oneonta
104.SUNY Oswego
105.SUNY Plattsburgh
106.SUNY Stony Brook
107.Stephen F. Austin University
108.Tennessee Temple University
109.Texas A&M University - Central Texas
110.Texas A & M University - College Station
111.Texas A & M University - Commerce
112.Texas A & M University - Corpus Christi
113.Texas State University
114.Texas Tech University
115.Texas Wesleyan University
116.Texas Woman's University
117.Truman State University
118.Tufts University
119.Tulane University
120.University of Akron
121.University of Alaska (Fairbanks)
122.University of Arizona
123.University of Arkansas (Little Rock)
124.University of Buffalo
125.University of Calif. at Berkeley
126.University of Calif. at San Diego
127.University of Calif. at Davis
128.University of California Los Angeles
129.University of Central Florida
130.University of Chicago
131.University of Cincinnati
132.University of Colorado-Boulder
133.University of Connecticut
134.University of Findlay (Ohio)
135.University of Florida
136.University of Georgia (Athens)
137.University of Hawaii (Manoa)
138.University of Iceland
139.University of Illinois-Chicago
140.University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
141.University of Iowa
142.University of Kansas
143.University of Louisville (KY)
144.University of Maryland
145.University of Massachusetts
146.University of Maine at Machias
147.University of Miami
148.University of Michigan
149.University of Minnesota
150.University of Missouri (all campuses)
151.University of Nevada-Reno
152.University of New Hampshire (Durham)
153.University of New Hampshire (Manchester)
154.University of New Mexico
155.University of North Carolina (Asheville)
156.University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
157.University of North Carolina (Charlotte)
158.University of North Carolina (Greensboro)
159.University of North Carolina (Wilmington)
160.University of North Florida
161.University of North Texas (Denton)
162.University of Northern Colorado
163.University of Northern Iowa
164.University of Oregon
165.University of Pennsylvania
166.University of Pittsburgh
167.University of Rochester
168.University of San Francisco
169.University of Southern Florida
170.University of Tennessee
171.University of Texas - Austin
172.University of Texas - Pan American
173.University of Texas-San Antonio
174.University of Tulsa
175.University of Utah
176.University of Vermont
177.University of Virginia
178.University of Washington
179.University of West Florida
180.University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
181.University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
182.University of Wyoming
183.Utah State University
184.Utah Valley University
185.Vassar College
186.Virginia Tech
187.Washington State University
188.Weber State University
189.West Virginia University (School of Journalism majors)
190.Western Oregon University
191.Western Washington University
192.William Rainey Harper College (Palatine, IL)
193.William Woods University
194.Wright State University (Ohio)
195.Xavier University (Cincinnati)
196.Xavier University (Louisiana)
197.Yale University
List updated September 9, 2019
Please Note (Disclaimer):
Some people have asked about how information is obtained for this page, and thus whether it is exhaustive and accurate. I must point out three things about the list.
First, I have not contacted these schools. The list began almost 10 years ago when I was in contact with colleagues who were able to supply reliable information. I collected this information and made it available on request. Later, I made the list available on the web. As more and more people read this list and provide new information, it has become ever more difficult to ensure the accuracy of the information. Increasingly, the data for the list comes from people -- students, faculty, or administrators -- at these schools who have contacted me and reported that the school accepts ASL as a foreign language. When I find an institution to be incorrectly listed, I immediately remove it from the list. If readers know or suspect that a listed school does not accept ASL, please let me know so that I can remove the school from this list.
Second, the type of acceptance can vary greatly from school to school. Some institutions have formal policies accepting ASL in fulfillment of the foreign language requirement. Others accept ASL only within certain colleges, divisions, or departments. Still others may accept ASL on an ad hoc basis for certain majors. I attempt to exclude schools from the list when I can determine that the "acceptance" is on an individual or ad hoc basis. I cannot guarantee that I always catch these cases, however.
Third, because this is an informal list, it is not exhaustive. There may be schools which accept ASL as a foreign language which are not listed. If readers know of schools accepting ASL in fulfillment of the undergraduate foreign language requirements which are not listed, please contact me. It is helpful if you include the email address for a contact person at the institution. It is even better if you ask an official at the institution to contact me directly.
All 23 California State University campuses accept ASL in fulfillment of the foreign language graduation requirement
In Kentucky any state college or university that offers ASL must accept it as a modern language credit. When a high school student takes it at the high school level it can satisfy their modern language entrance requirement for any state school.
The University System of Maryland (USM) now accepts ASL as a foreign language. This statewide policy will cause Maryland universities and local school boards to adopt similar policies concerning ASL instruction. Montgomery County has been the first to do so.
Legislation mandates that ASL meets foreign language high school graduation and four-year admission requirements:
“Pursuant to any foreign language requirement established by the state board of education or a local school district, or both, for purposes of high school graduation, students who receive instruction in American Sign Language shall be considered to have satisfied the state or local school district foreign language graduation requirement. Minimum admission standards will be established for four-year institutions, including a requirement that coursework in American Sign Language shall satisfy any foreign language requirement the board or the institution may establish as a general undergraduate admissions requirement.”
Send update information to Sherman Wilcox