Selected Migration Profiles beneath U.S.

Fig. Migrated profile (black and white) with the observed data. The tomographic model from Schmandt and Lin (2014) are plotted as color background. The normal depth of the 410 and the 660 are marked by the cyan dashed lines.

Focus/Defocus effects raised from topography of interfaces

Fig. Synthetic sP phase computed with (red) and without (black) given topographies (top row) at two chosen frequencies. Peak-to-peak amplitude ratios between the sP signal of topographies and those of a flat interface are marked on the right side of the synthetics.

Elevation of the 410 km discontinuity

Fig. Proposed elevated topography model of the 410 km discontinuity near the slab. Note that the depth of the interface away from the slab area is at 425 km (solid line). Contoured tomography model from GAP_P4 (Fukao & Obayashi 2013; Obayashi et al. 2013) and slab position from Slab 1.0 (Hayes et al. 2012) are also ploted for reference.