Language Literacy
BIL ED 493/593
Spring 2001
Instructor: Holbrook Mahn
Times: Thurs. 4:15--6:30 pm
Credit Hours: 3
Place: Montezuma Elementary School
Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 1:00-2:00 pm, and to be arranged
Hokona 212
Phone 277-5887; home: 881-7981
Web Page:
458 558 459
Course Description
and Rationale:
This course will examine theories of language and literacy acquisition
to provide a theoretical foundation for the pedagogical approaches
to the teaching of writing and reading in the ESL classroom.
Students will have an opportunity to put these theories into
practice by tutoring and/or developing lessons to teach in ESL
1. To become familiar with recent theory and research in the
teaching of second language literacy and to use this theory and
research as the foundation for sound teaching practices.
2. To develop sensitivity to the complexities of the reading
and writing process for all students.
3. To understand the similarities and differences of literacy
acquisition for students learning English as a second language.
4. To explore the processes of bilingual readers and writers.
5. To develop the ability to respond to and assess second language
literacy learners.
Course Assignments:
On-line discussion
(20%) -- Regular participation in an on-line discussion
set up for this course which is accessible by clicking Here. This on-line discussion
allows us to ask questions, make comments, respond to questions,
raise concerns, in essence to carry on a dialogue with our peers
and the instructor.
Tutoring (20%) -- Each student will be assigned to or will find on
their own an ESL student, at any grade level, who is struggling
with literacy in English. The tutoring should last for one hour
a week for ten weeks. At the end of ten weeks students will write
a short (2 page) reflection on the tutoring experience.
Focus Paper (25%) -- This paper (5-7 pages) will give students the
opportunity to select one aspect of second language literacy
acquisition on which to focus for an in depth exploration. As
a part of exploring the chosen aspect, students should be sure
to situate their examination in a theoretical framework. A rough
draft will be due 3/22 for peer response and a final draft will
be due 4/12.
Term Project (25%) -- This project will give students the opportunity
to work on developing and aspect of second language literacy
that is of particular interest to them. It is hoped that the
product in this project will be of use in the classroom or in
research. This project will be open-ended and will allow for
considerable creativity on your part. As a part of this project,
students will make an oral presentation to the class. We will
discuss the project at greater length in class.
Graduate Credit -- a short paper (2-3) pages reviewing
two online articles about first language literacy acquisition.
This review will be factored into the 25% allocated to the focus
Required Reading:
1. Course Packet
2. Articles hyperlinked in Course Schedule
3. Teaching Reading in the Multilingual Classrooms --
Freeman & Freeman
of Articles from ERIC Digests
list of useful ESL links
on working with Diverse Student Populations
TESOL Homepage
National Clearinghouse
for Bilingual Education
National Association for Bilingual
Week One: January 18
Introduction of students, course, and instructor.
Week Two: January 25
Theme: Assumptions about Second Language Literacy & An Overview
of Second Language Reading Research
Reading Assignment: Bell & Grabe articles
Week Three: February 1
Theme: Overview of Second language Writing Research.
Reading Assignment: Raimes article "Out of the Woods: Emerging
Traditions in the Teaching of Writing"
Week Four: February 8
Theme: Pedagogical Approaches to Second Language Literacy
Reading Assignment: Hudelson, "Kan Yu Ret an Rayt en Ingles";
Peyton, et al. "Implementing Writing Workshop with ESOL
Week Five: February 15
Theme: Whole Language Approaches with ESL students
Reading Assignment: Rigg, "Whole Language in TESOL";
Terdal, "Watching Whole Language Work"; Teaching
Writing to Potentially English Proficient Students Using Whole
Language Approaches;
Supplementary Reading: The
Effect of Whole Language Instruction on the Writing Development
of Spanish-Speaking and English-Speaking Kindergarteners
Week Six: February 22
Theme: Special Education & ESL students
Reading Assignment: A
Guide to Learning Disabilities for the ESL Classroom Practitioner;
Ruiz, et al.,article "Bilingual Special Education Teachers'
Shifting Paradigms.
Week Seven: March 1
Theme: Reading & Writing in the ESL classroom -Elementary
Reading Assignment: Teaching Reading in the Multilingual Classrooms.
Intro. Chs 1 & 2
Course Packet: Hudelson,"A Tale of Two Children"; Kitagawa,
"Letting Ourselves be Taught"
Supplementary Reading:Using
Children's Literature to Promote the Language Development of
Minority Students; Reading
Recovery: An Overview
Week Eight: March 9
Theme: Reading & Writing in the ESL classroom-Secondary
Reading Assignment: Teaching Reading in the Multilingual Classrooms.
Chs. 3 & 4
Freeman & Freeman, Whole Language Approaches to Writing with
Secondary Students of English as a Second Language"
Supplementary Reading: #1.Preparing
Secondary Education Teachers to Work
with English Language Learners;
Workshop and Children acquiring English
Week Nine: March 16
Week Ten: March 23
NOTE: (You may choose which theme you
want to focus on but all students should read Teaching Reading
in the Multilingual Classrooms. Ch. 5;)
Rough Draft of Focus
Paper Due
Theme: ESL Literacy in Post-Secondary Classrooms
Reading Assignment: Zamel, "Strangers in Academia";
Hedgecock & Pucci, "Whole Language Applications to ESL
in Secondary and Higher Education.
Supplementary Reading:Children's
Literature for Adult ESL Literacy;
the Internet in University ESL/EFL Writing Classes
Theme: Bilingual
Reading Assignment: Edelsky, "Writing in a Bilingual Program;
Kalman "Strategies of a Monolingual ESL Teacher in a Bilingual
Supplementary Reading: Students' Perceptions of Biliteracy;
Writing in ESL/Bilingual Classrooms
Habla Inglés: Exploring A Bilingual Child's Literacy Learning
Opportunities in A PredominantlyEnglish-Speaking Classroom
Week Ten: March 30
Theme: Reading and Writing Connections & L1 -L2 Literacy
Reading Assignment: Teaching Reading in the Multilingual Classrooms.
Ch. 7
Zamel, "Writing One's Way into Reading"; Samway &
Taylor, "Inviting Children to Make Connections betweeen
Reading and Writing"; Transferring
Literacy Skills from L1 to L2
Supplementary Reading: The
Relationship Between First and Second Languages and Culture:
Finding a Cross-Cultural Identity
Week Eleven: April 6
Theme: Putting Writing Theory into Practice
Reading Assignment: Brisk "Approaches with Focus on Writing"
& Gibbons "The Writing Program"; The Language
Experience Approach
Week Twelve: April 13
Theme: Family Literacy & Immigrant Populations
Reading Assignment: English
Literacy in the U.S.:National Policies, Personal Consequences
Choose an article from this journal to share with class--Special
Issue of Journal on Parent Involvement
Focus Paper Due
Week Thirteen: April 20
Theme: Responding to ESL Writers & Literacy Assessment
Reading Assignment: Teaching Reading in the Multilingual Classrooms:
Ch. 6
Zamel, "Responding to Student Writing"; Urzua, "You
Stopped Too Soon"; Elbow, "Ranking, Evaluating, and
Supplementary Reading: Smolen, et al.
"Developing Student Self-Assessment Strategies"; Gottlieb,
"Nuturing Student Learning through Portfolios".
Week Fourteen: April 27
Theme: Using Journals & Native American literacy:
Reading Assignment: Reed "Dialogue Journals Make My Whole
Year Flow"; Bromley "Buddy Journals for ESL and Native-English-SPeaking
Students"; Noll article & Describing
Students' Collected Works:Understanding American Indian Children
Week Fifteen: May 4
Theme: Oral History & Publishing
Reading Assignment: Gandesberry "Ordinary Lives Illuminated";
Walker "A Window into Their Lives"; Junior
Historians:Doing Oral History with ESL & Bilingual Students;
Kirby "Publishing Student Writing"; Holmes &
Moulton "I Am Amazine to See My Write in Print."
Presentations of
Week Sixteen: May
Theme: Technology Integration
Reading Assignment: Redefining
Literacy: The Multilayered Grammars of Computers;
Gives a Boost to Those Learning English as a Second Language
E-Mail with Your Students;
Activities in the ESL Writing Class
Presentations of Projects
Final Projects Due
Week Seventeen: May 17
Course Evaluation