Council for Social Foundations of Education
Education is a social process.  
Education is growth.   
Education is, not a preparation for life;   
education is life itself.   

-John Dewey  
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Introduction    Matrix     I     II     III     IV     V     VI     VII     VIII  

Standard VI
Preparation of Candidates in and Educational Specialists Degrees and Programs in Foundations of Education, Educational Studies, and Educational Policy Studies

As a minimum, three-fifths of masters and educational specialists degrees and programs in Foundations of Education, Educational Studies, or Educational Policy Studies shall be devoted to instruction in at least three of the following disciplines or areas of study: history of education, philosophy of education, sociology of education, religion and education, anthropology and education, politics of education, economics of education, comparative and international education, cultural studies in education, gender studies in education, educational studies, and educational policy studies.

Discussion of Standard VI

This standard seeks to ensure common general qualifications among candidates in masters and educational specialist programs in Foundations of Education, Educational Studies, or Educational Policy Studies to promote sufficient preparation to exercise the interpretive, normative, and critical functions.

The primary professional focus of the programs is to improve the general effectiveness of school professionals, including teachers and administrators. The programs can also prepare persons for a variety of roles in government, business, industry, voluntary agencies, and the arts, and, of course, for more advanced study in Foundations of Education, Educational Studies, or Educational Policy Studies.