What Worlds May Come:
Reimagining Possibilities for the Future
Senior Colloquium (UHON 495)/Senior Service Learning (UHON 496)
Fall 2007 - Dr. Leslie A. Donovan, Associate Professor

Project Presentation (10% of SL grade)

At the end of the semester, you will give a 10-minute public presentation describing your Legacy Project. Each presentation should include brief (about 2 minutes each) sections describing: Background and rationale for your project; Community needs addressed by your project; How you developed and implemented your project; and Your honest assessment of how successfully your project met its goals and objectives. I am looking into the possibility of having these presentations be recorded and then delivered through Podcasts or Webcasts, rather than in the usual presentation format. I will keep you informed about this as the semester progresses. If this ends up not being a viable option, we will schedule the presentations in the UHP Forum.