ICA Commission Meetings and AutoCarto Workshops
ICA Commission Meetings and AutoCarto Workshops
ICA Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies
Organizer: Michael Finn, USA
Wednesday, September 14, 9:00AM to 5:00PM
The Call for Lightning Talks (Call has ended)
The Workshop Program
ICA Commission on Map Projections
Organizer: Keith Clarke, USA
Wednesday, September 14, 9:00AM to 1:00PM
Teaching Map Projections in Cartography and GIS
New Developments in Cloud-based Mapping
Michael Peterson, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Held Saturday, September 17, UNM Department of Geography GISciences Laboratory. Cost is $15.
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are function libraries that support a system of cloud-based map distribution. Many different mapping APIs have been written for the user-driven web. While the Google Maps API remains by far the most commonly used, a variety of other APIs have been introduced. The ease of mapping with APIs has resulted in all kinds of different maps, many showing information that has never been mapped before. This workshop examines the variety of mapping APIs and alternatives for data input. Files types to be examined include KML, FusionTables, GeoJSON, and TopoJSON. The workshop will also show how to map data from a MySQL database using a server-side scripting language called PHP. During the 3.5 hour workshop, participants will create their own free cloud-based website to implement the examples.