8:50 AM Welcome
9:00 AM Silvana Camboim, Federal University of Paraná – UFPR, BRAZIL, Commission Chair, “Experiences on How Openness Can Help to Reduce Inequality”
9:30 AM Helena Mitasova, North Carolina State University, USA, “GRASS GIS as open source innovation platform: from dynamic visualizations to collaborative tangible modeling” (co-authors: Anna Petrasova, Vaclav Petras, and Brandan Harmon)
10:00 - 10:15 Short Break
10:15 AM Alex Sorokine, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), USA, “Open-Source Software in the Cutting Edge Geocomputaion Research at ORNL”
10:45 AM James McAndrew, Colorado State University, contractor to the US National Park Service, USA, "Keeping Map Data Current Through the Use of Volunteered Geographic Information"
11:15 AM Carl Sack, University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA, "Teaching Open Source Web Mapping" (co-author: Robert Roth)
11:45 AM - 1:15 PM Lunch
1:15 PM Peter Baumann, Jacobs University Bremen, GERMANY, “Doing Datacubes in Open-Source: the rasdaman Scalable Array Engine”
1:45 PM Somesh Soni, Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, INDIA, "Selection of site for solid waste management using GIS technology"
2:15 - 2:30 Short Break
2:30 PM Syed Monjur Murshed, European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER), GERMANY, “Development of an Open Source 3D Browser to Visualize Modeling Results" (co-authors: Jochen Wendel, Akila Sriramulu, and Alexandru Nichersu)
3:00 PM Open Discussion -- Silvana Camboim, Chair and Discussant, "Future Directions: Thinking About the Road Ahead"
4:15 PM Adjourn