U.S.-China International Workshop on Energy and Environment in the Development of Sustainable Asphalt Pavements


Faculty (Asphalt Professors, Sustainability, Energy, Environment, LCA)

Dallas Little
Snead Chair Professor of Civil Engineering
Assoc. Dir.: Center for Aggregates Research
Texas A&M University
Email: d-little@tamu.edu
Phone: 979-845-9847

Hai Fang Wen
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil & Env. Engineering
Washington State University
Email: haifang_wen@wsu.edu
Phone: 509-335-2513

Hussain Bahia
University of Wisconsin, Madison
3350 Engr. Hall, 1415 Engr. Dr.,
UW-Madison, WI, 53706
608-265-4481, UWMARC.org
Email: hubahia@facstaff.wisc.edu

Imad Al-Qadi
Professor of Civil Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Email: alqadi@illinois.edu
Phone:  (217) 265-0427
Fax:  (217) 333-1924

Linbing Wang
Assoc. Professor of Civil and Env. Engineering
Associate Director of Center for Sustainable
Transportation Infrastructure, Virginia Tech
Phone: 540-231-5262
Email: wangl@vt.edu

Louay Mohammad
Professor, Dept of Civl Engineering     
Louisiana State university
Phone: 225-767-9126
Email: louaym@lsu.edu

Musharraf Zaman
David Ross Boyd Professor
Director, Oklahoma Transportation Center
Associate Dean for Research, COE 
University of Oklahoma http://faculty-staff.ou.edu/
Email: zaman@ou.edu
Phone: 405-325-2626

 Rafi Tarefder
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
University of New Mexico
Website: www.unm.edu/~civil
Email: tarefder@unm.edu
Phone: 505-277-6083
Fax: 505-277-1988

Reynaldo Roque
Professor of Civil Engineering
University of Florida
Email: rroqu@ce.ufl.edu
Tel: 352- 392-7368

Richard Kim
Professor of Civil Engineering
Transportation Systems and Materials
North Carolina State University
E-mail: kim@eos.ncsu.edu
Phone: 919-515-7758

 Zhanping You
Associate Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
1400 Townsend Drive
Michigan Technological University
Email: zyou@mtu.edu
Phone: 906-487-1059
Fax: 906-487-162

Faculty (Non-Asphalt, Sustainability, Energy, Environment, LCA)

Erol Tutumluer
Professor of Civil Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
E-mail: tutumlue@uiuc.edu
Phone: (217) 333-8637

Jane M. Lucero, AICP  
New Mexico Aviation Division, P.O. Box 9830
Albuquerque, NM 87119
Email: jane.lucero@state.nm.us
Phone: 505-244-1788 ext. 111, Cell: 505-795-5838
Fax: 505-244-1790

John Crittenden
Director, Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Georgia Tech
Email: john.crittenden@ce.gatech.edu
Tel:: 404- 894-2201, Fax: 404- 894-2278

Kerry Howe
Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
University of New Mexico
Website: www.unm.edu/~civil
Email: howe@unm.edu
Tel: 505-277-2702
Fax: 505-277-1988

Liv Haselbach
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering
Washington Satte University
Email: haselbach@wsu.edu
Tel: (509) 335-4874
Fax: (509) 335-7632

Michael D. Lepech, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Stanford University
Email mlepech@stanford.edu
Phone: 650.724.9459

Rhonda Faught   
R. Faught & Assoc., LLC
6 Spur Cross Place
Santa Fe, NM 87508
phone: 505 474-8886, cell: 505 920-6209
Email: rhonda.faught@yahoo.com

Ting-Tat Ng
Professor of Civil Engineering Department
University of New Mexico
Email: tang@unm.edu
Ph: 505-277-4844
Fax: 505-277-1988

Waheed Uddin
University of Mississippi
Director, Center for Advanced Infrastructure Technology (CAIT)
Phone: (662) 915-5363
E-mail: cvuddin@olemiss.edu
Fax: 662-915-5523

Yingwu Fang, Ph.D., P.E.
Residency Staff Engineer
VDOT Franklin Residency
904 Pretlow Street
Franklin, VA 23851
Email: ywfang99@yahoo.com

Zhongjie Zhang
Pavement & Geotechnical Research Administrator
Louisiana Transportation Research Center
4101 Gourrier Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
Ph: 225-767-9162
e-mail: doc.zhang@la.gov