Model Rocket Altitude Calculator

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NOTE! To run this Rocket Altitude Calculation Applet, you must be using a web browser which can run Java applets (and which has Java enabled!). If you can't run this applet, see the help instructions below.

Altitude Applet HELP

To start the applet, click this link: Rocket Altitude Applet

Note: It may take a while for your browser to download and run the applet.

What kind of Web Browser and settings do I need to run the applet?

How to calculate the altitude of a single-stage rocket.

How to calculate the altitude of a clustered rocket.

How to calculate the altitude of a multi-stage rocket.

What if I want to use a different engine or body tube than those listed?

What are the assumptions and limitations of this calculation?

Show me the equations used to calculate altitudes.

Copyright and Restrictions.

Additional questions? Email Thomas Beach <>

This applet and associated web pages were created on a Macintosh computer.

What You Need to Run the Applet

In order to run this applet from the world wide web, you will need a web browser capable of running Java applets. The newest versions of most major web browsers, such as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer, can do this -- but some browsers, such as America On-Line's browser, may not.

You must also make sure that your browser has its Java support turned on! In Netscape, for example, you can find this setting under the Options menu, Network Peferences, Languages (make sure the "Java Enabled" box is checked).

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Copyrights and Restrictions

This applet is Copyright 1998 by Thomas E. Beach, all rights reserved.

You may not redistribute or re-host this applet from any other computer without explicit written permission by Thomas E. Beach.

Disclaimer: This applet calculates model rocket altitudes based on the standard Fehskens-Malewicki method. As far as I know, it works properly, but use the results at your own risk. Be sure to read the Help section about Assumptions and Limitations of the code. Under no circumstances should you believe any unphysical results from the software; instead, report the calculation problems to me and I'll try to fix any errors in the code. By running this applet you agree that you are an honorable, non-litigious person who would never sue me, my relatives, my friends, or the National Association of Rocketry. If not, then you do not have permission to use my applet!

No animals were harmed in the production of this software (unless you count the ones I ate...but I would have eaten them anyway).

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