Xuanhao He | CE 547


Assignment: One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Final Project


Layer Properties


Add symbol of water for annual pan evaporation. Symbol size is changed, ranges from 12 to 24. Classify based on quantile of data, with class of 4.

Label layer based on station name. Size of label is changed to 9. Character width is changed from 100 to 120. Halo is added to the label with a size of 2.




Map Layout


US map is downloaded. Mainland is selected and a separated layer is created. Identify the state of New Mexico. Change to Layout View. Align the two figures.


Create graph. Vertical line is selected. Choose annual as value field. Station Name is chosen as x-label field.

Then graph is created and added to the lay out.


Insert legend, north arrow, and scale bar.




