Richard Hayes's Download page

Last modified: Thursday, May 03, 2012 11:00 MDT


A limited number of things that I have written can be downloaded from this page. Some have been published in print, and others are texts of talks I have given in various settings.

If there are short writings of mine that you would be interested in seeing, please let me know by e-mail. If I am not forbidden by publishing contracts to make PDF versions of the requested item available, I'll do my best to comply with your request. Writings that I am not allowed to distribute in this way are articles from the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy and my books and articles published through Kluwer and Springer Publications.

Also on this page are Sanskrit readings that I have prepared for teaching intermediate-level Sanskrit. These readings are very much works in progress, so please be alert for errors. As you encounter them, I would appreciate being notified by e-mail.

Richard P. Hayes

Short writings now available for download

  1. A Buddha and his cousin. Published as Chapter 2 in The Psychology of Mature Spirituality: Integrity, Wisdom, Transcendence. Edited by Polly Young-Eisendrath and Melvin E. Miller. London: Routledge, 2000.
  2. A Buddhist's Reflections on Religious Conversion. A series of four lectures delivered at the Elijah School's Fourth Summer Program in Jerusalem, Israel in August, 2000.
  3. Androgyny Among Friends. Revised version of a paper delivered at a conference on Rita Gross's book Buddhism After Patriarchy in Toronto, 1994.
  4. Buddhist views on overcoming obstacles to universal friendship. Text of a talk delivered at Conference entitled Religion, Society and the Other: Hostility, Hospitality and the Hope of Human Flourishing held in Sevilla, Spain December 14--17, 2003.
  5. Can sense be made of the Buddhist theory of karma? Text of a talk given at the Department of Philosophy, Brock University, Canada in 1989.
  6. Classical Buddhist model of a healthy mind. Originally published in Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community. Edited by Kathleen H. Dockett, G. Rita Dudley-Grant and C. Peter Bankart. New York: Kluwer, 2003.
  7. Dharmakīrti on punarbhava (rebirth). Originally published in Egaku Maeda (ed), Studies in Original Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism. Kyoto: Nagata Bunshodo. Volume One, p. 111-130. (1993)
  8. Dharmakīrti on the role of causation in inference as presented in Pramāṇavārttika Svopajñavṛtti 11–38. Journal of Indian Philosophy, 36:335–404. (2008). Co-authored With Brendan S. Gillon. This file is the final proof sheets that have been authorized for distribution one the Internet. To see the official publication (DOI 10.1007/s10781-008-9034-z) with the pagination in the journal, please go to the Springer website.
  9. Did Buddhism anticipate Pragmatism? Originally published in ARC: The Journal of the Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University, 23:75-88. (1995)
  10. Dignāga's views on reasoning. Originally published in Journal of Indian Philsophy 8:219–277 (1980).
  11. Euthanasia in Early Buddhist Thought Notes for a guest lecture given in a class on religious ethics in the Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University (1994)
  12. Gotama Buddha and Religious Pluralism. Originally published in Journal of Religious Pluralism 1:65-96. (1991)
  13. Introduction to Dharmakīrti's theory of inference Written jointly with Brendan S. Gillon. Published in Journal of Indian Philosophy 19:1–73. (1991)
  14. Nāgārjuna's appeal, an article published in Journal of Indian Philosophy 22:299-378. (1994)
  15. Nāgārjuna: Master of Paradox, Mystic or Perpetrator of Fallacies? This paper was read before the Philosophy Department at Smith College in April 2003.
  16. On Being Dharma-centric Originally published as chapter one of Land of No Buddha: Reflections of a Sceptical Buddhist. Birmingham: Windhorse Publications, 1998.
  17. On the reinterpretation of Dharmakīrti's svabhāvahetu Published in Journal of Indian Philosophy 15: 319–332 (1987)
  18. Pluralistic Dharmacentricity Paper given at a conference in Montreal entitled Gurugranth400 Interfaith Conference: Interfaith Perspectives on Justice and Universality, September 19 & 20, 2004.
  19. Principled Atheism in the Buddhist Scholastic Tradition An article in Journal of Indian Philosophy 16:5-28. (1988)
  20. Reflections on September 11, 1893. Text of talk delivered on August 10, 2003 to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Battleship Mesa, Colorado.
  21. Review of Rajendra Prasad, Dharmakīrti's Theory of Inference: Revaluation and Reconstruction.. Reviewed in H-NET Buddhist Scholars Information Network (, 2005.
  22. Ritual, Self-deception and Make-believe: A Classical Buddhist Perspective Originally published in Roger T. Ames (ed), Self and Deception: A Cross-cultural Philosophical Inquiry. Albany: SUNY Press, 1996.
  23. Self: delusion, fiction, myth or prerequisite? Delivered at the South Asia Seminar at the University of Chicago, January 18, 2007. (A sound recording of this talk is also available.)
  24. Ten philosophical questions to ask about Buddhism. A series of public lectures delivered at Leiden University in the autumn of 2009, sponsored by the Bukkyo Kenkyo Kyokai and hosted by the International Institute for Asian Studies.
  25. Whose experience validates what for Dharmakīrti?. Originally published in P. Bilimoria and J.N. Mohanty (ed) Relativism, Suffering and Beyond: Essays in memory of Bimal K. Matilal. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Sanskrit readings