The Blue Whale is the biggest animal that ever lived in the world.........


"Because it eats so much!"


"Because there is a lot of food in the ocean for it to eat."

"What kind of food?"

"Blue Whales eat small shrimp-like animals called krill. Mostly they eat just one species of krill;Euphausia superba."


E. superba , is one of several shrimp-like animals that are called krill. E. superba has the fish-like habit of swimming in dense clouds or schools. During the feeding season (late November to early March in the Antarctic) if you could open up the stomach of a Blue Whale you might find 4 tons of krill (4 million shrimp), which is about one-days catch.

During summers in the Antarctic, Blue Whales eat enough krill grow to a length of 100 feet and a weight of almost 200,000 tons (The largest Blue Whale recorded was a 102-foot male. An even larger Blue Whale is possible because females grow to be larger than males).

The world's largest dinosaur could pass through the open jawbone of a Blue Whale. Even if an elephant or a dinosaur could go swimming with a Blue Whale, the Blue Whale would never try to catch or eat a dinosaur. It doesn't have any teeth.

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