State |
Year |
Person/Firm/Comments |
Alaska |
ca. 1973–1974 |
The Arctic Company surveyed the Alaska Pipeline in the
early 1970s. |
Arizona |
1974 |
In October, Lyle Stone founds Archaeological Research Services
(ARS) |
Arizona |
1977 |
Rick Effland, Shirley Powell, and Margerie Green establish Archaeological
Consulting Services, Ltd. (in Tempe). |
Arizona |
1981 |
In October, David Phillips establishes a branch office in
Tucson for New World Research (then based in Pollock, La.).
A few weeks later, William Doelle and Linda Mayro establish
Desert Archaeology. |
California |
1962 |
Roger Desautels establishes Scientific Resource Surveys (SRS)
in Costa Mesa (?). First big job is survey at Amchitka Island
nuclear test site. |
California |
1965 |
Roberta Greenwood conducts her first fully funded salvage
project,completing a transition from volunteer-based efforts. |
Delaware |
1977 |
MAAR Associates, Inc. founded |
Georgia |
1976 |
Pat Garrow establishes a CRM program at Soil Systems, Inc.
(SSI). |
Georgia |
late 1970s |
Dean Wood establishes CRM program at Southeastern Wildlife
Services in Athens; program becomes Southeastern Archaeological
Services. |
Hawaii |
1971 |
Francis Ching establishes Archaeological Research Center
Hawaii (ARCH) to do contract archaeology. |
Idaho |
1977 |
Loralea Hudson, George Gauzza, Jr., and Gary Ayers incorporate
as Cultural Resource Consultants, Inc. |
Iowa |
ca. 1971 |
Mike Weichman (sp?) may have been
the first to incorporate as a private
CRM firm, but soon moved away. |
Iowa |
1973 |
Environmental Research Center
established in Iowa City. |
Iowa |
"early 1970s" |
David Stanley establishes Bear Creek
Archaeology, an ongoing CRM firm. |
Kentucky |
1974 |
Ohio Valley Archaeological Research
Services Associates (OVARA) does
the first private-sector CRM in the
state. Ca. 1977, OVARA became
Archaeological Services of Kentucky
(ASK). |
Louisiana |
late 1970s |
Prentice Thomas and Jan Campbell
establish New World Research in New
Orleans, later moving the firm to
Pollock in central Louisiana. |
Maryland |
ca. 1967 |
Glenn Little founds Contract
Archaeology, Inc. |
Michigan |
ca. 1973 |
Earl Prahl of Commonwealth
Associates, Inc. (for-profit A&E firm)
hires archaeologists for electric
utilities. |
New Jersey |
1960s |
Ed Rutch founds Historic Conservation
and Interpretation, Inc. |
New Jersey |
1981 |
John Hotopp founds cultural resource
program at Louis Berger and
Associates, an engineering company. |
North Carolina |
1971 |
Contract Archaeology, Inc. excavates
the North Carolina Arsenal site for the
N.C. Dept. of Transportation. |
Oklahoma |
1973 |
Annetta Cheek conducts a survey for
the Tulsa District, COE. In the same
year, she and her husband Charles then
establish Archaeological Research
Associates, Inc. as a non-profit firm. |
Pennsyl- vania |
1972 |
National Heritage Corporation of West
Chester (founded in 1968) hires its first
archaeologist, Bill Macdonald. The
company's second archaeologist was
Alex H. Townsend (1975); the third
was Dan Roberts (1976). |
South Carolina |
ca. 1974- 1976 |
Leslie Drucker and Ron Anthony
establish Carolina Archaeological
Services (CAS). |
Utah |
1976 |
Richard Hauck founds Archaeological
Environmental Research Corporation
(AERC) in Bountiful. About the same
time or slightly after, Clay Cook, Diana
Anderson, and one or two others found Utah
Archaeological Research Corporation
(UTARC). |
Utah |
1977 |
Lloyd Pearson founds K. K. Pelli in
Moab. |