Early Celtic Cultures, Spring 2002

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(each 10%
30% of total grade)


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Writing graph


MLA style
summary sheet

Writing tips and

To improve your research and writing skills, you will be randomly assigned three research topics during the first week of the semester. One of these research topics will be an historical Celtic figure, another will be a Celtic literary or historical text, and the third topic will be a work of Celtic art or architecture. You will write one short (3-5 pages long) research paper on each of these topics during the semester. These papers must be informative in nature and, as much as possible, should address the six questions basic to all formal research-- who, what, where, when, why and how? While you may not be able to answer all of these questions for each topic, you should be able to explain most of them and address why you cannot answer one or more in your research papers. In addition, each research paper must include a separate bibliography of the sources you consulted most when writing your paper. Your bibliography must include at least three references. While you may include web resources in your bibliography, your bibliography may not be composed exclusively of web resources.

Research Paper topics

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