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What is asthma?
Asthma is a respiratory problem where air flow becomes inhibited (or restricted) at the level of the bronchioles in the bronchiole tree. Certain triggers (see below) cause the bronchiole muscles to contract and the lining to swell (inflammation), resulting in a restricted air passageway.

Triggers of asthma include house dust, animal allergens (fur), tobacco, pollen, smoke, furnace air, colds and viral infections.

Exercise-Induced Asthma or EIA
With exercise-induced asthma (EIA) there is NO inflammation (with this respiratory problem). With EIA there is just muscle contraction that restricts the air passageway in the bronchioles.

When does exercise-induced asthma usually PEAK?
In most people, EIA usually peaks about 5 to 10 minutes into recovery.

What is the theory explaining EIA?
The current theory explaining EIA is after execise a HIGH volume of dry (cold) air dehydrates the mucosa membrane of the bronchous tubes. As this dry/cool air travels past the ‘warming tissues’ it causes the bronchous to constrict—restricting air passage—this is EIA.We see EIA often in people who participate in winter sports (such as skiing or hockey).

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