Here is a Sequence of Basic Muscle Summary Events We Have Covered Up to this Point. Please Learn and Quiz Yourself Below to see if you can put these Events in Correct Order.
1. Impulse arrives at neuromuscular junction

2. Acetylcholine (ACh) released and motor end plate depolarizes

3. Impulse travels t-tubules to sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)

4. Calciums ions (Ca2+) are released

5. Ca2+ binds with troponin

6. Tropomyosin shifts, binding sites available

7. ATPase splits ATP to ADP + Pi + Energy

8. S1 unit binds actin

9. Power Stroke

10. Impulse stops, Ca2+ pumped back into SR

11. Tropomyosin returns over binding sites
Here is a Sequence NOT IN CORRECT order. Please Print out and see if you can put in correct order. Please start with the arrival of the impulse at the neuromuscular junction. Check your work with the numbered above.
______Tropomyosin returns over binding sites

______Impulse arrives at neuromuscular junction

______Impulse stops, Ca2+ pumped back into SR

______Acetylcholine (ACh) released and motor end plate depolarizes

______Power Stroke

______Impulse travels t-tubules to sarcoplasmic reticulum

______S1 unit binds actin

______Calciums ions (Ca2+) are released

______ATPase splits ATP to ADP + Pi + Energy

______Tropomyosin shifts, binding sites available

______Ca2+ binds with troponin
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