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1. Immediate responses to exercise are termed?
A. Chronic adaptations
B. Training changes
C. Acute responses
D. Component shifts
2. What does morphology best describe?
A. Neurology
B. Pulomonary physiology
C. Biology
D. Anatomy
3. What organization hosted the first Exercise Science conference?
4. The early gains in muscular strength are from?
A. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy
B. Hypertropy
C. Neural drive
D. Hyperplasia
5. This condition is a constant, unchanging internal environment at rest.
A. Steady state
B. Positive feedback
C. Homeostasis
D. Negative feedback
6. Most biological control systems in the body are termed?
A. Steady state responses
B. Positive feedback responses
C. Homeostasis responses
D. Negative feedback responses
7. The sarcolemma is where on the muscle fiber?
A. Below the epimysium
B. Above the epimysium
C. In the sarcoplasm
D. Below the endomysium
8. Substantial depoloarization conducted along the nerve cell membrane?
A. Action potential
B. Synapse
C. Nerve rececptors
D. Neurotransmitter
9. The continued actin and myosin binding is called?
A. Tetanus
B. Contraction cycling
C. Summation
D. Acto-myosin straining
10. An increase in muscle fiber number (from longitudinal splitting) is termed?
A. Hypertrophy
B. Hyperemia
C. Hyperplasia
D. Atrophy
11. Structure transporting the depolarization from sarcolemma to inside the muscle cell?
A. Sarcoplasmic reticulum
B. Transverse tubules
C. Axon
D. Motor end plane
12. Acetylcholine is released across the neuromuscular junction to what structure?
A.Transverse tubules
B. Terminal cisternae
C. Motor end plate
D. M Line
13. Hydrolysis of a molecule means the splitting is done my what?
A. An enzyme
B. A coenzyme
C. Water
D. A free radical
14. During a depolarization, the inside of the nerve cells becomes more_____?
A. Negative
B. Positive
C. Neutral
D. Resistant
15. The motor end plate on muscle is what anatomical structure (folded).
A. Endomysium
B. Epimysium
C. Perimysium
D. Sarcolemma
16. Enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP, Pi and energy.
A. Creatine kinase
B. ATPase
C. Myokinase
D. Hexokinase
17. An increase in muscle fiber size is termed.
A. Hyperplasia
B. Hypertrophy
C. Hyperemia
D. Atrophy
18. As exercise intensity increases, the recruitment order of motor units is:
A. Type I, Type IIa, Type IIx
B. Type IIx, Type I, Type IIa
C. Type IIa, Type IIx, Type I
D. Only Type I motor units are recruited during exercise
19. What primary factor dictates motor unit recruitment?
A. Tempo
B. Rest
C. Load
D. Enzymes
20. What part of the sarcomere stays the same in an eccentric and concentric action?
A. I-Band
B. H-Zone
C. Z-Lines
D. A-Band
21. How is the nucleus of muscle cells different from other cell nuclei in the body?
A. Different sizes
B. Multinucleated
C. Different shapes
D. Different elasticity
22. Something that CAUSES or PROVOKES ill health is referred to as what?
A. Sickness
B. Health Factor
C. Disease
D. Risk Factor
23. Which muscle fibers are termed fatigue resistant?
A. Type IIx
B. Type IIa
C. Type I
D. All of the above
24. The specific proprioceptor that is sensitive to tension?
A. Muscle spindle
B. Chemoreceptor
C. Golgi tendon organ
D. Thermoreceptor
25. The muscle spindle is specifically sensitive to?
A. Static changes in contractility
B. Stretch and speed of stretch
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above
1=C 2=D 3=A 4=C 5=C 6=D 7=B 8=A 9=B 10=C
11=B 12=C 13=C 14=B 15=D 16=B 17=B 18=A 19=C 20=D
21=B 22=D 23=C 24=C 25=B
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