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1. What enzyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of creatine phosphate (CP)?
A. Hexokinase
B. Phosphorylase
C. Creatine kinase
D. Phosphofructokinase
2. How many ATP are produced if you start with glycogen?
A. 30
B. 31
C. 32
D. 36
3. What is the FINAL electon acceptor in the ETC?
A. Oxygen
C. Complex III
D. Complex IV
4. Breakdown of complex molecules to simpler ones.
A. Combustion
B. Displacement
C. Catabolism
D. Combination
5. Where in the mitochondria does the TCA cycle occur?
A. Matrix
B. Crista
C. Intermembrane space
D. Innermembrade space
6. What is a coenzyme?
A. A protein substance derived from a vitamin that activates an enzyme
B. A nonprotein derived from a vitamin; an electon carrier in metabolism
C. A carbohydrate substance derived from a vitamin that activates an enzyme
D. A fat substance derived from a vitamin that activates an enzyme
7. What is a rate-limiting or allosteric enzyme?
B. A modulator such as phosphate
C. An enzyme that can speed up or slow down reactions in a metabolic pathway
D. None of the above
8. What substrate does the brain and nervous system primarily rely as fuel?
A. Free fatty acids (Fats)
B. Amino acids (Proteins)
C. Glucose (Carbohydrates)
D. Ketones (Metabolites of fatty acids)
9. Which steps in glycolysis are one-way reactions?
A. Step 1, 5, 9
B. Step 1, 5, 10
C. Step 1, 4, 10
D. Step 1, 3, 10
10. The TCA cycle BEGINS and ENDS with what molecule?
A. Pyruvate
B. Acetyl-Coenzyme A
C. Citrate
D. Oxaloacetate (OAA)
11. What molecule in metabolism is considered metabolic waste?
A. Lactate
B. CO2
C. Lactice Acid
D. Coenzyme A
12. Molecule in TCA cycle that can accumulate and promote overweight/obesity.
A. Isocitrate
C. Citrate
D. Succinate
13. What is the main rate-limiting enzyme of glycolysis?
A. Hexokinase
B. Phosphorylase
C. Creatine kinase
14. Name describing the total of all energy transformations (reactions) in the body.
A. Entropy
B. Oxidative Phosphorylation
C. Metabolism
D. Mitochondrial respiration
15. What is another name for oxidation-reduction reactions?
A. Redox
B. Oxidative phosphorylation
C. Substrate level phosphorylation
D. Allosteric enzyme reaction
16. Splitting of a molecule with water.
A. Anabolism
B. Catabolism
C. Hydrolysis
D. Oxidation
17. Enzyme next to the ETC that produces ATP.
A. ATP Phosphatase
B. ATPase
C. Creatine Kinase
D. ATP Synthase
18. Involves bonding of smaller molecules to produce larger molecules.
A. Anabolism
B. Catabolism
C. Metabolism
D. Beta oxidation
19. What step in Glycolysis has the only REDOX reaction?
A. Step 3
B. Step 5
C. Step 6
D. Step 9
20. What is the most rapid means to regenerate ATP?
A. Glycolysis
B. Mitochondrial respiration
C. Phosphagen system
D. All of the above are equal
21. Another name for the ATP-PC energy system.
A. Glycogenolysis
B. Phosphagen
C. Gluconeogenesis
D. Glycogen synthetase
22. Transfer of phosphates from molecle to molecule
A. Phosphorylation
B. Dehydration
C. Dehydrogenase
D. Lyase
23. Name of scientist who originally presented the ETC?
A. Peter Mitchell
B. Daniel Koshland
C. Luigi Galvani
D. Bent Saltin
24. What molecule is often referred to as the common intermediate of metabolism?
A. Pyruvate
B. Lactate
C. Acetyl-Coenzyme A (ACoA)
25. The Cori Cycle involves:
A. The conversion of lactate to glucose in the liver
B. The conversion of pyruvate to ACoA in the mitochondria
C. The conversion of alanine to glucose in the liver
D. The catabolism of FFA in the beta cycle
1=C 2=B 3=A 4=C 5=A 6=B 7=C 8=C 9=D 10=D
11=B 12=C 13=D 14=C 15=A 16=C 17=D 18=A 19=C 20=C
21=B 22=A 23=A 24=C 25=A