J. Wongsathikun, L. Kravitz, and L. Greene

The purpose of this study was to compare the oxygen consumption (VO2), ventilation (VE), heart rate (HR), and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) between trained (TB) and untrained (UB) male boxers at different tempos (60, 72, 84, 96, 108, and 120 b/min). Six TB (age = 23.5±4.4 yrs, wt = 76.2±14.2 kg, ht = 173.3±7.8 cm, %BF = 12.4±2.7, VO2MAX = 45.0±5.6 ml/kg/min, and HRMAX = 199.0±12.0 b/min) and six physically active UB (age = 21.2±0.9 yrs, wt = 78.3±8.0 kg, ht = 173.0±7.2 cm, %BF = 13.1±5.3, VO2MAX = 40.4±6.6 ml/kg/min, and HRMAX=194.7±8.1 b/min) were familiarized with a commercial boxing device and testing protocol. Subjects then completed six 2-min randomized boxing work-bouts separated by a minimum three minute rest. VO2, VE, and HR were continuously monitored by open circuit spirometer and telemetry. RPE was recorded at the end of each trial. MANOVA showed no overall between group difference (p>0.05), but there was a trial effect (p<0.01). Post-hoc comparisons indicated that VE and RPE at 60 b/min were significantly lower (p<0.05) than the 108 b/min and the 120 b/min trials. Also, HR between the 60 b/min and the 120 b/min work-bouts was significantly different (p<0.05). Results revealed that there was no difference in the objective (VO2, VE, and HR) and subjective (RPE) measures regardless of training skill. In conclusion, with male subjects of comparable fitness levels, skill does not affect the physiological and subjective response to non-competitive boxing.

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