
Is there a checklist of things I need to do?
Glad you asked, please be sure to read all of this and complete everything before workshop begins.

1. You should have already emailed or called to confirm you will be an RA in the fall. If you haven't, make sure to email Wayne Sullivan at

2. You should have already chosen a meal plan as well. Below is a list of the meal plan options, in case you forgot what you've chosen.

3. Get a parking permit for the week of workshop if necessary. Again, this should have already been completed. If your plans have changed and you suddenly need or no longer need a parking permit for workshop, email Wayne at

4. Make sure you have your parking permit for fall semester as well if needed.

5. Make sure to have your social security card or birth certificate with you when you arrive so we can officially employ you. One of the first tasks you will have as an RA is to get all your paperwork done with student employment. One of the two documents is needed to complete this crucial step.

6. Read all the workshop information on this site and if you have any questions please use the forums or contact a pro staff member.

7. If you would like to get a head start on workshop you could read the RA and Programming manual or browse through our program database for ideas on programming.

When can I move in and can I move in early?
August 9 is the only day you will be able to move in. Because of conferences and summer staff, we cannot offer RAs early housing. If you have a scheduling conflict of some sort, please do not hesitate to give us a call or send an email.

I need to sign up for a meal plan, what are my options?
As an RA you are given $906 towards your meal plan. All RA staff have already selected their meal plans for the year, if you can't remember what you picked, here is a list of meal plan options. Notice the right hand column will be what you are charged for the semester.



Approximate meals per week

Your Semester Cost


Unlimited with no points




205 meals + $150 points




135 Meals + $350 points




90 Meals + $350 points




55 Meals + $513 points (Plus you are given $163 for the difference in meal plan 4)



Can I miss part of workshop because of ___________?
No. RA workshop is a very important part of your job and is your only chance to really becomre prepared for your year as an RA, even if you're a returner. Please be careful when making plans during training as most of your time will be taken up with training. Even if the schedule looks free, your supervisor may schedule additional training and development time. If you have something you absolutely must do during this week, please contact your supervisor directly to make sure it will fit in the schedule. Do not assume that a blank time in the schedule is free time.

I need a parking pass during workshop, what do I do?
You should have already made the request for a parking pass during training if you don't have a semester pass that includes this time period. If your plans have changed, and you either need a pass or no longer need a pass, please contact Wayne at

I need a parking pass for fall semester, what should I do?
Requests for semester parking passes have already passed the deadline. If you need a semsster parking pass, and you have missed the deadline, please email Garret at with your name, email address, banner ID, and lot preference ASAP to get on a wait list.

I need to contact a Pro Staff member, how do I do that?
On the navigation bar to the right there is a contact link with emails.

What is the theme this year?
This year's theme is "Cruise Ship"

I have a question that isn't answered here or on the rest of the site, what should I do?
Contact a pro staff member by email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
RA Resources
..Incident Report
..Work Orders
Programming Resources
.. Programming Manual
.. Programming Forms
.. Program Evaluation
.. Program Database
.. Programming Tips
Fall 2009 Information Center
..Important Dates
..Fall Workshop Schedule
..Frequently Asked Questions
..Staff Roster
..Staff Mailboxes (soon)
..Contact Pro Staff