
WARNING: This is an outdated manual. The new manual will be up shortly. Programming is one of the most important jobs an RA can do to help create community. The following list is all compiled to help you with this challenging, but fun part of being an RA. Please familiarize yourself will all the information here and use this page as a resource as often as you need.

Please be patient as this page is currently under construction.

RA Manuals
RA Manual (pdf). You will need Adobe Acrobat to view this file.

2009/10 RA Manual. This is the complete RA manual and is identical to the hard copy you will be issued when you check in to workshop. This manual will have a wealth of information on nearly every detail of the RA position.

Programming Manual(pdf). You will need Adobe Acrobat to view this file.

WARNING: This is an outdated manual. The new manual will be up shortly. This is the complete programming manual and is identical to the hard copy you will be issued when you check in to workshop. This manual covers every element of programming and is an excellent resource.

Programming Forms
Program Proposal Form. You will need Adobe Acrobat to view this file.

All of your programs need to have a program proposal form completed and approved before your program can begin. Check with your supervisor how they prefer getting program proposal forms.

RHA Funding Request. You will need Adobe Acrobat to view this file.

If you plan to ask RHA for funding then you must complete this form before requesting funds from RHA. Check with RHA for other requirements, but it is a good idea to have a your Program Proposal form to share and a written description of how you plan to use the money.

RHA's interest is in serving all the residents on campus, not just your floor. If they ask a lot of questions it is for this reason. When you approach RHA you should also keep this in mind.

LaPo Food Request. You will need Adobe Acrobat to view this file.

This form is for any program where you plan to have La Posada provide your food. This is often a cheaper and easier option than buying from the store.

Cellar Package Authorization Form. You will need Adobe Acrobat to view this file.

The Cellar is available for use for large groups. Use this form to take advantage of the different package deals available to you and your floor.

Funding Authorization Form

Online Programming Evaluation
Program Evaluation Form

((Link Coming Soon!!!)When you complete your program you need to write your online evaluation within 24 hours to get credit for the program. Please be descriptive as every evaluation will help your fellow RAs come up with more programs by searching the program database.

Program Database
Program Database

(Link Coming Soon!!!)Please use this database as a tool to help you develop your programs. While you should be talking with residents about the types of programs they would like to see, this database will give you ideas on how to make your program successful, ideas on advertising, and may give you ideas you hadn't already thought of.

Programming Tips
Here are just some ideas for getting your programs off on the right foot. You will likely find much more in our forums.

1. Complete all paperwork in a timely fashion.

2. Turn in the funding request form at least one day in advance. If you want money on a Monday, be sure to turn in the form on Friday.

3. Advertise! If people don't know your're having a program no one will ever come. Find different ways to advertise and try to combine different ways to advertise together. Residents often become poster blind very quickly and won't even notice your college rule paper on the bathroom door.

4. Have fun! It's true you shouldn't program to what you want to do, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun with your program.

5. Always remember that programming is a vehicle and not a destination. You should always ask how your program is going to benefit your floor or building community.

RA Resources
..Incident Report
..Work Orders
Programming Resources
.. Programming Manual
.. Programming Forms
.. Program Evaluation
.. Program Database
.. Programming Tips
Fall 2009 Information Center
..Important Dates
..Fall Workshop Schedule
..Frequently Asked Questions
..Staff Roster
..Staff Mailboxes (soon)
..Contact Pro Staff