David Phillips, Todd Vanpool, y Cristina VanPool


Kaemlein, Wilma R.
An Inventory of Southwestern American Indian Specimens in European Museums. Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson. ["Inventario de Objetos de los Indios Americanos del Suroeste en Museos Europeos." Incluye objetos del noroeste de México.] [Includes items from northwest Mexico.]

Kaska, Michael
Chemical notes on the coloring matter of Chihuahuan textiles of pre-Columbian Mexico. Apéndice en O'Neale 1948 (pp. 151–157).

Kay, Paul T.
Analysis of colorants on 3 prehistoric shells from Casas Grandes, Mexico and 2 modern Seri Indian beads from Baja, Mexico. Link

Kean, Will
Marine mollusks and aboriginal trade in the Southwest. Plateau 38(_):17–31.

Kelley, Ellen Abbott
Gualtiero Abajo: early Mesoamerican settlement on the Northwestern Frontier. En Las Fronteras de Mesoamérica, pp. 41–50. (Actas de la) XIV Mesa Redonda, Tegucigalpa. Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología, México.

Kelley, Jane H.
The Proyecto Arqueológico Chihuahua, 1989 to 2000: Final Report of the PAC submitted to INAH. Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary, Calgary. [Obra citada en Larkin 2006.]

2005 The southern, upland zone of the Chihuahua culture. Ponencia al I Coloquio Carl Lumholtz de Antropología e Historia del Norte de México, Chihuahua. [Obra citada en Ricketts 2008.]

2008 El Zurdo: A Small Prehistoric Village in West-central Chihuahua, Mexico, Part 1: Introduction and 1991 Field Studies. Maxwell Museum Technical Series No. 9. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. [Una aldea prehistórica en la cuenca de la laguna Babícora, introducción y estudios de 1991]

2008 50 years and counting: musings on changes in more than half a century of archaeology. En Celebrating Jane Holden Kelley and Her Work, Meade F. Kemrer ed. pp. 3–20. New Mexico Archeological Council Special Publication No. 5, Albuquerque. [Pp. 7–8: Chihuahua]

2008 The pithouse period in Chihuahua. Ponencia a la reunión anual de la Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver.

2009 Al margen del mundo Casas Grandes. En Dossier: La Arqueología en el Norte de México, Achim Lelgemann y M. Nicolás Caretta, editores invitados, pp. 42–49. Espaciotiempo: Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades 2(3).

2009 El Zurdo: A Small Prehistoric Village in West-central Chihuahua, Mexico, Part 2: 1992 Field Studies. Maxwell Museum Technical Series No. 9, Part 2. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. [Una aldea prehistórica en la cuenca de la laguna Babícora, estudios de 1992]

Kelley, Jane H., Karen R. Adams, Karin Burd, Richard A. Gavin, M. J. Hendrickson, Joe D. Stewart, y Monica Webster
Proyecto Arqueológico Chihuahua: informe de la temporada de 1999. Informe al Consejo de Arqueología, INAH. Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary, Calgary. [Obra citada por Kelley, Garvin, et al. 2006, Larkin 2006, y Stewart et al. 2005.]

Kelley, Jane H., y Karin Burd
A preliminary consideration of the southern polychromes. Ponencial al II Conferencia de Arqueología de la Frontera, Casas Grandes. [Obra citada por Larkin 2006.]

Kelley, Jane H., y Karin Burd-Larkin
The southern zone of the Chihuahua Culture. Archaeology Southwest 17(2):8. ["La zona sur de la cultura Chihuahua"]

Kelley, Jane H., Karin Burd-Larkin, y Mitchell Hendrickson
Ceramics as temporal and spatial indicators in Chihuahuan cultures. En Future Directions: The Archaeology of Northwest Mexico, Emiliano Gallaga M. ed., pp. 177–204. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Kelley, Jane H., Richard Garvin, Jean Michel Malliol, y José Ortega Ramirez
El uso del georadar en los valles de Santa María y Santa Clara, Chihuahua, México. Boletín (electrónico), Consejo de Arqueología, INAH, México. ["The use of ground-penetrating radar in the valleys of ..."] Link

Kelley, Jane H., y A. C. MacWilliams
The development of archaeology in northwest Mexico. En Southwest Archaeology in the Twentieth Century, Linda S. Cordell y Don D. Fowler eds., pp. 81–96. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Kelley, Jane H., Loy C. Neff, y A. C. MacWilliams
Proyecto arqueológico de Chihuahua de la temporada de 1996. Informe al Consejo de Arqueología, INAH, México. [Obra citada en MacWilliams 2001.] [Cited in MacWilliams 2001.]

Kelley, Jane H., David A. Phillips, Jr., A. C. MacWilliams, y Rafael Cruz Antillón
Land use, looting, and archaeology in Chihuahua, Mexico: a speculative history. Journal of the Southwest 53:177–224. ["El uso de la tierra, el saqueo, y la arqueología en Chihuahua, México"]

Kelley, Jane H., y Joe D. Stewart
Proyecto arqueológico de Chihuahua. Boletín del Consejo de Arqueología 1990, pp. 147–154. INAH, México.

1992 Proyecto arqueológico de Chihuahua. Boletín del Consejo de Arqueología 1991 pp. 157–161. INAH, México.

1992 Proyecto arqueológico de Chihuahua: informe de la temporada de 1990. En Actas, Tercer Congreso Internacional de Historia Regional Comparada, 1991, Ricardo León García ed., pp. 47–50. Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Ciudad Juárez.

Kelley, Jane H., Joe D. Stewart, Karen R. Adams, Karin Burd Larkin, D. Hart, y M. Webster
Proyecto Arqueológico Chihuahua: informe de la temporada de 2000. Informe al Consejo de Arqueología, INAH. Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary, Calgary. [Obra citada por Larkin 2006 y por Stewart et al. 2005.]

Kellley, Jane H., Joe D. Stewart, y Karin T. Burd
Viejo architecture in Namiquipa. Ponencia a la Tercera Reunón de la Frontera Norte de México, Casas Grandes. [Obra citada por Stewart et al. 2005.]

Kelley, Jane H. Joe D. Stewart, and A. C. MacWilliams
Proyecto Arqueológico Chihuahua: Informe de la Temporada de 1998. Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary, Calgary. [Obra citada por Larkin 2006.]

Kelley, Jane H., Joe D. Stewart, Arthur C. MacWilliams, and Karen R. Adams
Recent research in west-central Chihuahua. En Identity, Feasting, and the Archaeology of the Greater Southwest: Proceedings of the 2002 Southwest Symposium, Barbar J. Mills ed., pp. 295–310. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.

Kelley, Jane H., Joe D. Stewart, Arthur C. MacWilliams, and Loy C. Neff
A west central Chihuahuan perspective on Chihuahuan culture. En The Casas Grandes World, Curtis F. Schaafsma y Carroll L. Riley eds., pp. 63–77. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Kelley, Jane H., Joe D. Stewart, A. C. MacWilliams, Loy C. Neff, David A. Phillips, Jr., y Karen R. Adams
West Central Chihuahua. En The Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia, Susan Toby Foster y David L. Webster eds., pp. 133–135. Garland, New York.

Kelley, Jane H., and María Elisa Villalpando C.
An overview of the Mexican Northwest. En Interpreting Southwestern Diversity: Underlying Principles and Overarching Patterns, Paul Fish y J. Jefferson Reid eds., pp. 69–97. Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers No. 48, Tempe.

Kelley, Jane Holden. Ver Kelley, Jane H.

Kelley, John Charles
Archeological notes on the excavation of a pithouse near Presidio, Texas. El Palacio 46(10):221–234.

1947 Jumano and Patarabueye. Disertación doctoral, Harvard University, Cambridge. [Versión publicada: Kelley 1986a]

1949 Notes on Julimes, Chihuahua. El Palacio 56:358–361. [Restos arqueológicos del siglo XVIII] [18th Century archaeological remains]

1951 A Bravo Valley aspect component of the lower Rio Conchos Valley, Chihuahua, Mexico. American Antiquity 17:114–119. Link

1951 Plans for further archaeological reconnaissance and excavations in the drainage of the Rio Conchos, Chihuahua, Mexico during August and September 1951. Archivo Técnico de la Dirrección de Arqueología, INAH, México.

1952 Factors involved in the abandonment of certain peripheral Southwestern settlements. American Anthropologist 54:356–387.

1953 Grant No. 1470 (1952): reconnaissance and excavations in Durango and southern Chihuahua, Mexico. Yearbook of the American Philosophical Society, pp. 172–179.

1953 Some geographic and cultural factors involved in Mexican-Southwestern contacts. In Proceedings of the 29th International Congress of Americanists, Sol Tax ed., pp. 139–144. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

1956 Settlement patterns in north central Mexico. En Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the New World, Gordon R. Willey ed., pp. 128–139. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology No. 23. Wenner-Gren Fund for Anthropological Research, New York. [Incluye una discusión de la cultura Loma San Gabriel.] [Includes a discussion of the Loma San Gabriel culture.]

1959 Reseña de R. H. Lister, Archaeological Excavations in the Northern Sierra Madre Occidental, Chihuahua and Sonora, Mexico. American Antiquity 24:443–444.

1963 Northern frontier of Mesoamerica. First annual report: August 5, 1961–August 15, 1962. Carbondale. [Obra citada por Foster 1978]

1966 Mesoamerica and the southwestern United States. En Handbook of Middle American Indians, Vol. 4: Archaeological Frontiers and External Connections, G. F. Eckholm y G. R. Willey eds., pp. 95–110. University of Texas Press, Austin.

1971 Archaeology of the northern frontier: Zacatecas and Durango. En Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volume 11: Archaeology of Northern Mesoamerica, Robert Wauchope ed., pp. 768–804. University of Texas Press, Austin.

1974 Speculations on the culture history of northwestern Mexico. En The Archaeology of West Mexico, Betty Bell ed., pp. 19–39. Sociedad de Estudios Avanzados del Occidente de Mexico, A.C., Ajijic, Jalisco.

1976 Alta Vista: outpost of Mesoamerican empire on the Tropic of Cancer. En Las Fronteras de Mesoamérica, pp. 21–39. XIV Mesa Redonda, Tegucigalpa. Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología, México.

1985 A review of the architectural sequence at La Junta de los Rios. En Proceedings of the Third Jornada Mogollon Conference, Michael S. Foster y Thomas C. O'Laughlin eds., pp. 149–159. The Artifact 23(1–2). Link

1985 The chronology of the Chalchihuites culture. En The Archaeology of West and Northwest Mesoamerica, M. S. Foster y P. C. Weigand eds., pp. 269–288. Westview Press, Boulder.

1986 Jumano and Patrabueye: Relations at La Junta de los Rios. Anthropological Papers, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan No. 77. Ann Arbor. [Arqueología y etnohistoria del area de Ojinaga. Reseña: Shafer 1989] [Archaeology and ethnohistory of the Ojinaga area. Review: Shafer 1989]

1986 The mobile merchants of Molino. En Ripples in the Chichimec Sea: New Considerations of Southwestern-Mesoamerican Interactions, F. J. Mathien y R. H. McGuire eds,, pp. 81–104. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale.

1989 The río Conchos drainage: history, archaeology, significance. Ponencia al I Congreso de Historia Regional Comparada, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juúrez, Ciudad Juúz.

1990 The Rio Conchos drainage: history, archaeology, significance. Journal of Big Bend Studies 2:29–41. Link

1992 La cuenca del río Conchos: historia, arqueología y significado. En Historia General de Chihuahua I, Geología, Geografía y Arqueología, Arturo Márquez-Alameda coord., pp. 131–136. Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Ciudad Juárez.

2004 Preliminary ceramic type Descriptions from the La Junta archeological district. Apéndice IV en The Arroyo de la Presa Site: A Stratified Late Prehistoric Campsite Along the Rio Grande, Presidio County, Trans-Pecos Texas por William A. Cloud, pp. 211–214. Reports in Contract Archeology No. 9, Center for Big Bend Studies, Sul Ross State University, Alpine y Archeological Studies Program Report No. 56, Texas Department of Transportation, Environmental Affairs Division, Austin. Link

Kelley, J. Charles, y Ellen Abbott
The cultural sequence on the north-central frontier of Mesoamerica. En Arqueología de Mesoamérica, A. Guy Stresser-Pean ed., pp. 325–344. Proceedings of the 36th International Congress of Americanists, Vol. 1, Sevilla.

1971 An Introduction to the Ceramics of the Chalchihuites Culture of Zacatecas and Durango, Part I: The Decorated Wares. Mesoamerican Studies, Series 69M5A, Research Records, University Museum. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

Kelley, J. Charles, T. H. Campbell, y Donald Lehmer
The Association of Archaeological Materials with Geological Deposits in the Big Bend Region of Texas. West Texas Geological and Scientific Society Publications No. 10.

Kelley, J. Charles, and Ellen A[bbott] Kelley
An alternative hypothesis for the explanation of Anasazi culture history. En Collected Papers in Honor of Florence Hawley Ellis, Theodore Frisbie ed., pp. 178–223. Papers of the Archaeological Society of New Mexico No. 2, Albuquerque.

Kelley, J. Charles, y William J. Shackelford
Preliminary notes on the Weicker Site, Durango, Mexico. El Palacio 61(5):145–160. [Sitio excavado de la cultura Loma San Gabriel, al oeste de Durango] [An excavated Loma San Gabriel site west of Durango]

Kelley, J. Charles, y H. D. Winters
A revision of the archaeological sequence in Sinaloa, Mexico. American Antiquity 25:547–561.

Kelly, Isabel T.
West Mexico and the Hohokam. En El Norte de México y el Sur de los Estados Unidos, Tercera Reunión de Mesa Redonda sobre Problemas Antropológicos de México y Centro America, Rafael García Granados ed., pp. 206–222. Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología, México.

1945 Excavations at Culiacan, Sinaloa. Ibero-Americana No. 25. University of California Press, Berkeley.

1948 Ceramic provinces of northwestern Mexico. En El Occidente de México, pp. 55–71. Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología, México.

Kenmotsu, Nancy A.
Helping Each Other Out: A Study of the Mutualistic Relations of Small Scale Foragers and Cultivators in La Junta de Los Rios Region, Texas and Mexico. Disertación doctoral, University of Texas, Austin.

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Kent, Kate Peck
Prehistoric Textiles of the Southwest. School of American Research, Santa Fe, y University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. [Tejidos en pp. 92 y 178 probablemente son de viajes en 1936 y 1937 por C. Kearny; ver Phillips s.f.] [Textiles shown on pp. 92 and 178 are probably from 1936 1937 trips by C. Kearny; see Phillips n.d.]

Kibler, Karl W., Héctor R. Hinojosa-Prieto, M. Steven Shackley, and Héctor J. Hinojosa-García
The Selene obsidian source (formerly Sonora Unknown B) of the Upper Río Bavispe Basin, Sonora, Mexico. Kiva 80:168–192.

Kidder, Alfred V.
The pottery of the Casas Grandes district, Chihuahua. En Holmes Anniversary Volume, Anthropological Essays, pp. 253–268. Washington, D.C. [Descripción de cerámica de la cultura Casas Grandes en la colección Phillips, Peabody Museum. Reseña por Anónimo 1917.] [Description of Casas Grandes pottery in the Phillips collection, Peabody Museum. Reviewed by Anonymous 1917.]

1924 The Chihuahua Basin. En An Introduction to the Study of Southwestern Archaeology: With a Preliminary Account of the Excavations at Pecos. Papers of the Southwestern Expedition No. 1. Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.

1939 Notes on the archaeology of the Babicora District, Chihuahua. En So Live the Works of Men: Seventieth Anniversary Volume Honoring Edgar Lee Hewett, Donald D. Brand y Fred E. Harvey eds., pp. 211–230. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. [Notas de un viaje hecho por Kidder, Vaillant, y Guernsey en 1924] [Notes on trip by Kidder, Vaillant, and Guernsey in 1924]

Kidder, Alfred V., H. S. Cosgrove, y C. B. Cosgrove
The Pendleton Ruin, Hidalgo County, New Mexico. Contributions to American Anthropology and History No. 50. Carnegie Institute of Washington, Publication No. 585. Washington, D.C. [Reseña por Carey 1931] [Reviewed by Carey 1951]

King, Mary Elizabeth
Textiles and basketry; textiles. Ver Di Peso, Rinaldo, y Fenner 1974:8:76–113, 221–223.

Kirk, Matthew J.
A comparison of Cerros de Trincheras in the Southwestern United States and Northwest Mexico. Tesis de bachiller, State University of New York, Binghamton.

Kokrda, Ken
Approaching Casas Grandes. En Casas Grandes and the Ceramic Art of the Ancient Southwest, Richard F. Townsend ed., pp. 98–121. Art Institute of Chicago y Yale University Press, New Haven.

Kroeber, A. E.
Reseña de M. Amsden, Archaeological Reconnaissance in Sonora. American Anthropologist 31:513–516.

Krone, Milton F.
The Soto Ranch Site. The Artifact 16(4):24–53.

1980 The Soto Ranch Site (Addendum No. 1). The Artifact 18(2):37–39.

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