David Phillips, Todd Vanpool, y Cristina VanPool
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[Nombre de un sitio Clovis en Sonora] [Name of a Clovis site in
Sánchez Carpenter o Sánchez Miranda, Guadalupe. Ver Sánchez, Guadalupe.
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1953 Historia de Sonora (Pusolana): Tiempos Prehistoricos, Tomo
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Sánchez 2008.]
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1936 Some Southwestern Pottery Types, Series V. Medallion Papers No. 21. Gila Pueblo Foundation, Globe, Az. [Deficiones de tipos cerámicos de Chihuahua] [Definitions of Chihuahuan pottery types]
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[Incluye una discusión breve de restos de la
cultura Casas Grandes.]
[Includes brief discussion of Casas Grandes culture remains.]
1899 In the Land of Cave and Cliff Dwellers. Edición revisada. Educational Publishing Co., Boston.
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Antiquity 53:752–772.
[Las fuentes de obsidiana de la región incluyen Los Vidrios,
Sonora y Antelope Wells, Nuevo México-Chihuahua.]
[The region's obisidian sources include Los Vidrios, Sonora and
Antelope Wells, New Mexico-Chihuahua.]
1995 A word about the northern Mexican region. Ver. p. 533 en "Sources of archaeological obsidian in the greater American Southwest: an update and quantitative analysis," American Antiquity 60:531–551. [Menciona estudios nuevos, todavía no reportados en detalle.] [Mentions new studies, not yet reported in detail.]
Shenk, W. E., y E. W. Gifford
1952 Archaeological sites on opposite shores of the Gulf of
California. American Antiquity 17:265.
[Comparación breve de las concentraciones de concha
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[Brief comparison of coastal shell middens of Punta Peñasco,
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Skibo, James M., Eugene B. McCluney, y William H. Walker (eds.)
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[Sitio del fase Ánimas] [Animas phase site]
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Smith-Savage, Sheron, y Robert J. Mallouf
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Somerville, Andrew D., Ben A. Nelson, y Kelly J. Knudson
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prehispánica de guacamayos en el noroeste de México.]
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[La cultura Loma San Gabriel derivado del complejo Arcáico
Los Caracoles]
[Loma San Gabriel culture derived from the Los Caracoles Archaic complex]
1978 A cultural sequence from the Sierra Madre of Durango, Mexico. En Across the Chichimec Sea: Papers in Honor of J. Charles Kelley, Carroll L. Riley y Basil C. Hedrick, pp. 165–189. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale. [Definición de las culturas cerámicas Chivas, Baole, y Madronos. Con un apéndice sobre maíz de cuevas en Durango, por Hugh C. Cutler.] [Definition of the Chivas, Baole, and Madronos ceramic cultures. With an appendix on corn from caves in Durango, by Hugh C. Cutler.]
Spoerl, Patricia M., y John C. Ravesloot
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corrections I. The Kiva 30:18–24.
Sprague, Roderick, y Aldo Signori
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[Incluye cascabeles de Chihuahua.]
[Includes bells from Chihuahua.]
Sprehn, Maria
2000 The use of Casas Grandes human effigy vessels. Ponencia a la
33a conferencia Chacmool, Calgary. [Obra citada en Sprehn
2001 Body art in the Casas Grandes world. En From Paquimé to Mata Ortiz: The Legacy of Ancient Casas Grandes, Grace Johnson ed., pp. 65–72. San Diego Museum Papers No. 40. Museum of Man, San Diego.
2003 Social Complexity and the Specialist Potters of Casas Grandes in Northern Mexico. Disertación doctoral, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. ["La complejidad social y los alfareros especialistas de Casas Grandes en el norte de México." Ramos Polícromo fue producido por especialistas.] [Ramos Polychrome was produced by specialists.]
2006 The specialist potters of Casas Grandes. En Secrets of Casas Grandes: Precolumbian Art and Archaeology of Northern Mexico, Melissa S. Powell ed., pp. 38–73. Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe.
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1971 The Trincheras Problem: Prehistoric Utilization of Vertical Space in South Central Arizona. Tesis maestría, University of Arizona, Tucson.
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1948 Tree ring investigations in northern Mexico. Southwestern
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and application of hydration rates. Archaeometry 31:193–206.
["Fechamiento de obsidiana: avances recientes en la determinacón
experimental y aplicación de la rapidez de hidratación."
Incluye la fuente Antelope Wells y el sitio Joyce Wells.] [Includes the
Antelope Wells source and the Joyce Wells site.]
Stewart, Joe D.
1984 Jornada ceramics at Casas Grandes. Pottery Southwest
2008 Working with Jane during more than 40 years. En Celebrating Jane Holden Kelley and Her Work, Meade F. Kemrer ed. pp. 21–29. New Mexico Archeological Council Special Publication No. 5, Albuquerque. [Pp. 24–25: Chihuahua]
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de radiocarbón]
[Chronology of the southern portion of the Casas Grandes culture,
based on multiple radiocarbon dates]
2005 The Viejo period in northwestern Mexico: recent excavations and radiocarbon dating. Latin American Antiquity 16:169–192.
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2002 Pájaros hablando, serpientes emplumadas y mujeres pintadas.
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Stuhr, Joanne (editora)
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